Top 10 Things We Didn't Know on Day 1 | RV Newbie

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hi and welcome to the channel after traveling for three and a half years and visiting 47 States we're going to be rewinding the clock back to day one when we bought this rig right here and we're going to be talking about all the things that we had no idea about this is going to be a fun one so let's get started yep [Music] so not too long ago Pam and I went out and we purchased one of the biggest trucks and biggest RVs on the market a couple of RV newbies going out never camped before never stayed in an RV before never even rented one no to go try it out to see if we even like it we just said you know what we want to change and the RV spirit filled us up we want to travel yep we don't care how let's just get on the road no matter what the road is calling so this video we're going to rewind all the way back because we've traveled over three years full time with two small children so we're going to take you guys back to day one when we purchased our rig for the first time and what we didn't know we're gonna share our version of the story and because let me tell you we all start somewhere exactly and it's so easy to forget and we know for all of you veteran rvers out there this will just be fun for you to watch because these are common sense I know what might bring back memories of when you first started too but for RV newbies it's absolutely not common sense so number one on our list we talked about was toilets oh my gosh yes that was so daunting like how much chemical do you use and how to dilute it and then you have to pull a lever to finish yes like I have to actually open something up so it all goes away we're mad scientists we have some chemicals here and put this in with a certain amount of water and make it around and the entire process for anyone that's never done this before you're like is there a recipe that I need to follow for the you go to the aisle in the camping store and there's so much so many different ones put in your tank and you're like what do I put in it exactly it's just poop exactly and you watch all these YouTube channels I mean like everybody's telling you something different you're like oh my gosh this is going to be so hard what are we going to do like you're making notes Okay so we've got to put wood in first and and then the yeah yeah exactly so so from pushing the lever down and looking down the hole of Despair to trying trying to figure out which chemical to buy so you're so your black tank doesn't blow up yeah all of that we had no idea about and it really took a little while for us to get comfortable with the the knowledge and and the confidence to just dump it down there yeah exactly now it's super easy now we're like oh well as long as it smells like lavender I guess that's good that's the trick as long it smells like lavender you're doing it right so the next one we want to talk about is using a small space efficiently before you go camping trust me you'll be just like us you're excited you've got a pen and paper maybe you're using the notes on your phone or an Excel spread or an Excel spreadsheet that guy it was exhausting it was I mean forever I might have had 400 line items on this spreadsheet we have to have itemized prices priority prioritized about exactly what we need to buy on day one all of it and we didn't really fully understand that a small space doesn't take 400 line items of things to put in it and nor do you need them nor do you need them and that's what we had to learn because in our mind it was a lot bigger than when we got in and we said do we have any more space where's the pantry the walk-in pantry is this a toy hauler it's not is it what is a toy hauler what's two thousand pounds for everything so using a small space efficiently we we actually did an organic evolution of of changing the way we live in our small space and I think that was the takeaway you're going to start with something yeah it's not going to be what you end with you're going to go through these phases where you just get mad one day and you start throwing stuff it's just too much stuff you're like every three months we go through this absolutely and we still do just rearrange them we still do you're like that's a bad idea I saw it on Pinterest it does not work yeah it's out exactly and if you have our biggest rule list if you haven't used it in like three months yeah we'll get rid of it it's gone I've been trying to do that with least tools but no don't let me no yeah quality not quantity remember that that's the catch right there all right the next thing is slides and awnings yes how scary are those yes more slides than awnings yes more slides what are we going to do if it doesn't close the day that we want to Hitch up and leave because that actually happened to us yeah quick backstory our first toe from the dealership to the campsite the bedroom slide didn't work so in our minds as an RV newbie in a huge purchase day one we're like oh my God everything's going to be amazing and your bedroom slide doesn't come out and the guy that's dropping off has no idea what's wrong with it yeah have a nice day and so I guess from day one it just you know shakes you to say what happens if they don't come out yes or don't go in or don't go in at least you can still leave if it won't come out so here's a tip if you don't know how to put your your slide in without any power where you you go to push the button and it does not come in how do you put your slide in ask yourself that yeah and if you don't know that's the book pause the video yes and go do it and then come back find the sequence how to undo whatever is wrong with your slide our neighbor had a beautiful Class A and he comes knocking on the door right the day he was leaving and said Haley can you guys come help us we have a problem yeah his entire slide didn't come in and we opened the door and we look his motor is sheared in half broken yeah so we take a ratcheting breaker bar and a couple of deep well sockets and we ratchet his slide back closed just so he can get on the road you never know what's going to happen so your slides and your awnings you really need to know yeah how to have a quick fix yes exactly so for RV newbies definitely that very daunting very scary when they work great when they don't yes yeah and as for awnings are you kidding me when are you ever able to use them it's always windy especially when you're out west it's like oh such a sunny day I would love to sit at my picnic table but it's pretty baking hot there are two things we never use the oven yes and the awning yes and it's because it's always windy and when you watch this big awning start flapping up you're just like Pull It in yeah Pull It in pull it in and it's like it so beautiful when it's out and I love it so much but you don't want it to break so so for RV newbies you're not the only one out there that is a awning nervous yes about when every single time the wind is Whispering past it and it starts to shimmy a little bit and you're like oh put it in Pull It in yeah it's hilarious we do the same thing yes so the next big topic that we had as RV newbies no clue what we're doing just go out in the world with a big rig and conquer the the highways and interstates and campgrounds of America the first time we pulled in and actually it wasn't very far because if you watch our first time Towing fail we went from one side of the park to the next side of the park and you can see in that video and we'll put the uh link above you can see in that video that when we were there we were scared to death of pushing auto level yes well and it's not just the olive but they're all retract yes that is my the scariest button on the whole entire system because what do you mean all right no the whole rig is going to go planting those down into the ground yes and then auto level the thing is moving up and backwards and four it twists around and you're just like oh my gosh it was so scary I hope it knows what it's doing because we have no idea what you're doing this thing is just moving and dancing and it's just you're just like I just want to get into it you're like what are you doing yeah it was scary and all these things again for every seasoned RV are out there you guys are probably watching us like what is wrong with YouTube we say the same thing we have no idea what's wrong with this we go out and we're looking at this thing and it's doing all kinds of stuff and we're just like no I I hope I hope it works that was so scary yeah so the next thing we want to talk about is appliances appliances when you get into a rig it has all kinds of features it has big screen televisions if you have bigger rigs so they have all these appliances that we're just not used to one of the first ones was a convection microwave yes never cooked with a convection oven before who uses our own one and especially not a microwave with convection yeah it was so scary because you know you're thinking about baking a cake in a convection oven but it's also microwaved so what about the aluminum in a pan is it going to make a lightning storm this nuclear exactly like how do you use it and what function and it was just so overwhelming I mean we didn't use it for a whole year yeah we did we're like that's taboo I guess can I put my bamboo Bowl in the convection oven I don't know let's try it out you can't yes yeah Sophia made a taco out of a plastic plate yeah oh my gosh so convection oven was absolutely something that was foreign to us because in mainstream life before you get into rving before you downsize into something mobile something Transit um these things are just I don't know yeah you just don't not not part of every or our everyday life yeah and we've traveled the world exactly we lived in Dubai we've lived in Europe we've lived all over the place yes and a convection microwave was the Achilles heel for us and then after yeah I was like you know what let's just try it and now it's so easy we just make pizzas and everything in there we love it I know don't don't let us fool you it is fantastic it is now that we know that foreign and you know what moving on to the next appliance that we had no clue about was the furnace oh yes I'm so easy you're like okay it's just a furnace it comes on when it's cold yeah but what about the rest of the heating appliances yes so what's the difference between the air pump or the heat pump and the furnace we had no clue you have a fireplace that has heat you have a furnace that gives off heat and you have the heat pumps that are above you so you have three ways to heat guess what an RV newbie says to himself I don't know which one to turn on exactly which one which one do I need what's the recipe what's the balance do I put on the the one under you know the the fireplace do I put the fireplace on first and then the heat pump yeah should I use the heat pump instead of the Furnace the whole process for an RV newbie I think we can actually make an overwhelming video on how how to do the combination because you learn out of experience but you have the sensors of the the heater is only in the living room so if you turn on your fireplace first this is all through learning going through the process and it warms up the living room then it won't the furnace won't pop on and your bedroom will be cold so it's a whole site it is literally science all I know is she's in there saying the cold the the floors are cold yes that's what I hear yes that is a big thing you don't realize that it makes totally sense but you don't realize how cold the floors get in the winter if you're in the cold yeah if you're in the cold weather climate in your rig ice and at that point they all come on yeah you pull you turn everything on you're like it's freezing outside and I'm I'm staying roasty toasty so whoever designed it there are three individual ways to heat your rig yes if if you have a rig like ours use them all that's what that's what we just use them all turn them all on I like it and the last appliance that just our favorite one I have no words if you watch our Channel it will not be long before you hit a video where we are tinkering with our water heater and then a couple more videos later guess what we're back to the water heater it the water heater is the number one fail yeah of all time yeah there there is nothing on the rig that will fail more than a water heater at least hours maybe you're just fantastic yeah Alice we're just having your state of the art yeah ours no no I think they dug ours out of the dumpster and said hey I found one yeah and that was it's horrible and then we tried to make it better and we make it worse we actually so we want to we want to confess full stop just we're gonna tell the whole world we have no idea what we're doing when we do plumbing none in fact we took a perfectly good aluminum tank and it had plastic fittings all over it and those plastic fittings cracked and we said okay we're gonna make it better by introducing to similar metals to it consistently we put it on the back we put it on the front we put it everywhere it's a ticking Time Bomb is what it is yeah we have we are the worst plumbers in America yeah so I'm just going to come out and say it my failures are Epic my Plumbing skills are zero I have no idea why this thing is leaking but it is absolutely leaking so we just want to come clean and say that we have no idea what we're doing when it comes to our water here you we figured out that we're the worst plumbers actually actually we didn't know we were doing it wrong until you told us you're doing it wrong what are you doing we said what are you thinking oh my goodness yeah yeah thank you yeah everyone that contributed in the comments to let us know that you can't do that and you know what you're right you can't do that so we have to go now find a new way to fix so being a newbie don't go to the camping stores and expect them to give you their best knowledge yeah because we bought these brass fittings at the camping store them knowing what type of water heater we had and they said this is what you can use this is perfect no worries yep we gave them the model number we gave them the part number we gave them the vinyl number and they said no problem and they handed you a brass fitting yeah and you're like okay okay it's five dollars and we're thinking well this is a lot more solid than plastic so what can go wrong RV newbie to the rescue so don't worry you're not alone we're we're here to show you the way we're just glad if we can help somebody by not making the same mistake don't make those mistakes leave your water heater alone it's perfect the way it is don't try to make it digging or not just use it yes so the next thing we want to talk about is sealants and solvents I'm going to be completely honest There is almost a 99.9 chance that everyone watching this right here is saying the same thing yes I agree sealants and solvents I have no idea how to do it yeah it's a real thing you're not alone when it comes to sealants and solvents we have no idea which ones to put on there were ceilings I'm just gonna tell you a little story I went to Home Depot for our first sealant on our back of our rig I said hey there's a gap I'm gonna solve that I'm gonna go to the box store I went to Home Depot and I got some silicone and i s i smathered it on there and a neighbor came by and said well hello neighbor what are you doing and I showed them and he just laughed at me and I said look I'm a professional here let's just say RB Newby struck us pretty hard because I'm out there after it dries trying to scrape this stuff back off so there is a process for it there are certain sealants that you should use and shouldn't use we will do an entire video on that because it would take an entire video to show all the different solvents sealants all the different ways to apply where preventative maintenance so important it's exhausting and it's overwhelming but that's what YouTube is for that's what the the people with the knowledge sharing that with all of us yeah that's what they're there for because there's no way that anyone that just went out and bought a rig would have a clue what you're talking about yeah you just go to the camping store you go to the aisle and you're like I'll take the white one and the clear one the black one the gray one and I'm in the car and he comes to the car with this arm full of stuff I'm like what is that for honey it was on sale I'll be building a house yeah I thought we're rving yeah so just let you know sealants yeah it's a whole different animal but yeah we're still confused yeah another big one that is very hmm confusing and overwhelming is Rig Power oh yeah okay so you're used to in your house you plug in anything it doesn't matter what the wattage is you just plug it in and it works right look at that wow when you live in an RV and you have a 50 amp or a 30 amp that doesn't work if you have your convection oven and your instant pot and your two ACs on something might not go right put it this way you're an RV newbie you go out and buy this big thing whatever it is Big Rig you're happy the first thing someone tells you is don't burn it up you're like what yeah what are you talking about don't forget your surge protection yeah that's another one surge protection you have to have the right one not the wrong one you need an electrical management system EMS you don't need just a basic one don't let dirty power ruin your rig it gets so overwhelming and they say well what are you 30 amp are you 50 amp and you're like I don't know I don't even know what you're talking about this is a real thing and that that Rush of information and and fear that you have about burning up everything you just put on a loan that you're still that you're still paying on and you say to yourself I hope I don't burn it up so you take this big cord and you go to the box and you look out and you say well this one's this way so I'm just going to put it right there yeah and then click and hope for the best we say it like that because it's true the first time for an RV newbie when you go out and you hook up Rig Power you might have a little confidence but it's not a lot yeah you're like you you do one of those I hope it honey did it work and it's not until later on that you get that confidence that you know after you troubleshot a little bit after you kind of after things break on you or you you plug it in about a hundred times and it works and you're like huh I got this that's not that bad I'm the man so Rig Power it is a real thing surge protection all of it it gets a little complicated sometimes especially when you have to start troubleshooting your own appliances when they break and it just a lot of this just gets a little overwhelming so we want to share that with you that you're not alone yeah we all started we all know but you know what it's pretty simple the industry has pretty much made it Universal so it's just getting that confidence it takes a minute so here we are are the best for last hitching and towing oh yeah hitching and towing for any RV newbie let's just say that that hitching and towing is the one thing that will last a long time yeah you won't get out of our RV newbie phase because of hitching and towing yes that is the one that lasts years and it doesn't matter how many times you watch it on YouTube you have to go through it yourself it takes I don't know how many how many moves I think five times until we started about 10 years 10 years we're almost there right yeah how about it but yeah that's always one of those nail biters anytime you hitch and tow it doesn't matter how many times you do it you can be a you can be a hundred and fifty RV parks like us three and a three years of traveling America 47 States hitching and towing will still break you you're you're like did I get this right did I get that right follow your checklist important tip follow your checklist yeah never not have a checklist because you can watch most of our videos most yeah and you will see we make mistakes all the time and it's itching and towing our tailgates will drop and dig the Grand Canyon out of the front of our our front compartment their flat tires Galore Brent bent axles there's always something in Hitching and towing that's a first time and you're like where did this come from I didn't know this was a thing oh the fifth wheel lock keeps snapping shot on you yeah yeah if you have a fifth wheel and you go to Hitch up the Kingpin for the first time yeah there is an emotional event waiting for you yeah because you you will second guess everything is it locked are you sure it's locked yeah I I think I locked it I didn't lock it at all they're so it's like a roller coaster remote and the noises [Music] the banging yes the dragging oh my gosh yes the screaming the screaming stop yeah hitching and towing definitely but you know what we had a lot of fun we wanted to come clean on all the things that we had no idea about when we first started as RV newbies and you know what we're still in the Harvey newbie stage so so I guess this this video is for all the people just think oh my gosh am I alone in this through it and you know what we had fun and we'll see you guys next time [Music]
Views: 24,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RV Life, RV Living, RV Tour, RVing, RV, Travel Trailer, 5th Wheel, Jayco, Jayco RV, Motorhome, 377RLBH, Midbunk, adventure, How to RV, RV America, Travel Vlog, RV Newbies, RVing with Kids, RV Homeschool, NorthPoint, top 10 things we didn't know, no clue, things we didn't know, rv newbie, rv fail, rv towing, hitching and towing, rv power, rv toilet, rv water heater, water heater, leaking, rv furnace, convection oven
Id: ChvBmZB8EgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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