Traveling with 2 RV's | Both rigs BROKEN on First Trip!

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so this is our inaugural trip with one two rigs we are on the side of the road right now because we have a flat yeah yeah and not just a little flat straight up flat yeah so on the fifth wheel not the not the seat class seat not the new one and I just uh drove by a branch so as I'm trying to find a place to take this beast and pull over I find a side road I pull over Pam calls me and says hey I just hit a branch laughs this is her first time driving a Class C and she hits a branch [Music] we have a leak here that's where the bucket's for you're gonna leak up in there we got the auto leveling not working at all now and we got a leak in the back I almost got hit five o'clock at night and we're just all so tired two days on the road oh my gosh what else can go wrong so did you fix it absolutely not no guess what it is broken right there [Music] what do you mean oh the whole thing is correct from the factory [Music] we just pulled over to loves to fill up and Pam went in the back and I just heard a bunch of shouting so I'm gonna find out what she's talking about looks like we forgot to close the fridge door all my stuff is on the floor the milk no way another dent in the fridge or we were lucky that not more fell out so I'm gonna have to figure out so what happened was it just because of the freezer that is an epic truth I'm walking right in and here we are classy driving class A driving and fifth wheel driving are completely different ways of our being we are just now learning this [Music] [Music] is [Music] gluten-free sandwiches roadside repair service yes built in we are headed out ready to go all right I'm pretty sure everyone on the channel just blew you a kiss back [Laughter] so best part of having a TST tire pressure monitor system is the fact that I just got alerted that my back right tire is 27 PSI so I have no idea what's wrong but I also can't stop any anywhere here so I'm on a major highway with no turn offs or anything so I'm going slow flasher's on but TST to the rescue 27 PSI and the AFT back right tire I have no idea what's going on with it but we're gonna find a place to pull over travel days this is just not this is just not going well no so right now we got to look at this tire and we got to find out exactly what's wrong with it because we can't go anywhere it's flat we got to fix it we got to figure out what's going on so classic example you never know what's going to happen yeah word of advice from traveling the entire United States for over three years know your tires be ready to fix your tires have everything Tire related ready at your disposal grab your gloves grab your flashlight and just tackle it and don't hit three branches has nothing to do with tires It's All About Tires everyone on the channel knows not to hit branches except Pam you've got to be kidding all right so gloves let's find out what's going on with this thing did you see anything no it's just flat I don't see any nails sticking out okay that's one perspective yeah yeah he Nails nothing obvious so go in the back again and this time actually look at it oh no way yep so now we get to plug a tire brand new tires those are your brand new tires from Ishpeming so they're not new new but they're well they have beautiful Treads you know what's funny what's funny is that those are our Michigan tires and on the bad axle which is now a new axle those have been with us since day one those right there have been with us since day one and nothing's ever happened to them so this is this is just the uh bad luck axle me oh that's all you girl well at least it's not our first nail we had one and what Sacramento yes no yeah was it Sacramento yeah all right one in California Lodi one in Florida yes that was when we were in Lodi yep all right now I gotta hop up we're good that you found a side road I know right except the trees looks up for the fact that you're not very good at side roads only interstates for Pam [Music] oh my there's some debris on that box oh my God looks like our oh my hair got a little mildew that's oh well we were in Florida so yeah oh man uh I guess you can't leave it outside anymore that's never done it in three years it's never done that before wow I guess the humidity in Florida is real as long as it works all right tire repair kit you got pliers to pull out the nail if I didn't it wouldn't be a very good time repair so you gotta make it worse before you can make it better is that what it is you got to make it worse before you make it better [Music] and here comes the pluggy stuff put some back into that if anybody says this is easy they're wrong do you need me to help you all right well all right step one you need a sandwich step two is identify the problem step three is fix the problem so I have fixed the problem but now I have to air up the tire okay so before you fix the problem where did you put the screw so that we don't drive into it again that's a great idea I don't know I think you just put it on the ground wouldn't that be something all right so that's what these are for little diagonal cutters all right let me see what you're doing there well at least it's working so keeping your fire pump in the back of your truck is not the greatest thing in the world see that nothing but corrosion and that wasn't a sealed plastic container steel plastic container and in a bag so myself I've never seen that happen no it works so I guess that's uh customer feedback yeah they uh by your team this thing is corroded and still works so thank you all right so the last tool in Your Arsenal is one of these you got to make sure you have one not only can you let the air out but you can also measure it anytime on the road so I put this in my door right there in the side pocket and just leave it there so it's perfect for right now we can hear the fire pump pushing air into it the creaking and squeaking of the rig as it starts to lift back up but once it gets to a certain point I'm going to shut it off and then start taking measurements and then from there I'll fill the rest of the air so get ready for the road and head on out so hey Lessons Learned for us all right 80 on the money look at that is good so now trick now that's filled up go make a sandwich yes by the time you make a sandwich eat it and come back and recheck it see if it's leaking again so oh yeah that's a good idea yeah tip of the day but you know what these things happen all the time to everybody hopefully by watching us day one of our trip with a brand new rig uh Entourage Across America starts off with a flat tire yeah you know what welcome to RV at least we have all the tools we need a sunny day it's not raining so hey bring it on we don't need plans [Music] we got no care for the way people stare at the dust in the dirt on our clothes [Music] where we stand to stretch those driving muscles my arms are sore from trying to not get sucked into uh 18 wheelers and stuff good thing you have that j-ride suspension I know you know how it would be if you I did I mean it's like Hey look there's two rigs this is our first rest area with with two rigs and we don't have to open up if it's fantastic [Music] so we're down here looking at the issue we had this morning but basically we had some wood underneath tires to level it out because the place we were at was just here on a hill well when I backed up the board pitched up and as I'm backing when a board pitched up it rammed itself into the poop pipe and kind of broke it it's separated from the poop pipe to the macerator is completely dislodged it and I'm hoping it didn't crack the poop pipe so that happened it seems to be rubber in the front so I think we'll be fine we're just lucky that it didn't take off the stabilizer the board hit the stabilizer too and it was so dark this morning I was looking in the bag I didn't see that the board was pitching I just heard a really loud boom it's like oh no yep what did we do now it was really too dark to film anything this morning so we're looking at it now that there's daylight and well I can't use the outflow of the black tank in Gray tanks until I fixed this because it'll just come shooting straight out that is an ultimate poopsie note note yeah it's just completely separated so yeah inaugural Drive here at the rest area after we've already replaced the tire or patched the tire plugged it up back on the road it's not leaking yet so we're doing pretty good there this is just this is RV 101 right here I haven't had this much fun in a long time [Music] Miss [Music] [Music] I don't think I ever wanna go come closer next to me I'm trying to find another way to say this but I think I think we were meant to be we just pulled over to loves to fill up and Pam went in the back and I just heard a bunch of shouting so I'm gonna find out what she's talking about looks like we forgot to close the fridge door all my stuff is on the floor the milk no way another dent in the fridge oh we were lucky that not more fell out so I'm gonna have to figure out so what happened was it just because of the freezer I don't know if it's because our lock is not working very well so I don't know if that's what happened or oh my gosh I guess getting used to driving two rigs well nothing broke so that's pretty amazing the floor is nice and cold all right now it's on perfect everything is working nothing thankfully no glass shelves fell out we got really lucky but it was just a freezer that opened up well there is nothing better than a couple of dents in your fridge oh what to do oh what a day all right good to go you know it's dented again is it dead in here yeah we took some of the countertop off I guess oh well it is what it is damn this these are all battle wounds well every every little Nick has a story to tell you know Pam's right these are things that just happen every time you go somewhere every time you have a travel day yesterday we hit the road we have a flat tire today we just hit the road probably on an hour we said you know let's go ahead and fill up before we get into the major cities uh mobile outside of Pensacola going on I-10 we pull over just randomly put some death in get some fuel what do we find the entire fridge opened up spilled on the floor dents in the fridge you're just like that's day number two so embrace it these are the things that happen you can't avoid it just smile make a sandwich and hit the road and that's what we're gonna do now it's sandwich time delicious gluten-free sandwiches here's your sandwich cereal gluten all right [Music] I think it's pretty awesome that we're about to cross over into Alabama and we're coming from Florida going on I-10 West so we're about to hit Alabama and this is the first state that Gabby gets to cross over into which is actually my home state how fitting is that it's pretty Epic on the road make it full circles [Music] guess what we're coming up on Mississippi yep you know I used to be stationed there yeah a long time ago for the Air Force did you hit that pothole like I did not know it threw a poop bag out of the truck what first off first off I had no idea there's a boot bag in the back of my truck you threw a poop bag in the back of the truck this morning I hit a pothole and just shy of Louisiana that is hilarious [Music] all right so the whole calling back and forth is exhausting there are much better ways it takes forever to get connection you got to grab the phone or just do you know Bluetooth wireless but it's still exhausting plus if you don't have any signal it takes quite a bit of time to get the connection so I'm thinking we need to change this we're probably going to go to walkie-talkies probably try that out tomorrow but I need to put in the trucks I need to put in a radio so a Micro mobile radio is what I'm thinking in both vehicles that way we can grab the handheld mic start talking to each other and that way it's instantaneous instead of trying to do the whole connection thing because I know when we go out west We're not gonna have any connection so note to self we're gonna have to throw in some radios in these trucks I've already got one I got one for Maximus but I gotta I gotta buy another one for the new rig so these are Lessons Learned on the road so you made me see that nothing to lose [Music] all right so we're going to 42 and 43. I tell you what the staff here is fantastic we're after hours and they walk in the office set us up so we are on our way this whole park is back ends so I'll be back in both of them [Applause] so those are the spots right there so what we're gonna have to do is I'm gonna put the big rig in the first one because I'm so long it's open and then I'll put you in the one next to it so yeah put your flashes on [Music] [Music] please remember enjoy the show let's get happy before we get home [Music] this is your first time doing all the level I guess not so I'm trying to turn on the auto level but it's not turning on what does that mean power is on right nothing so the auto level isn't working no that's not even power to it like it's not even connected or hooked up so maybe we should look behind it and see if they even collected the wires oh we gotta go potty we gotta we got a peepee dance out there we got priorities in it again Yeah so basically we don't have we have a leak here that's where the bucket's for you're gonna leak up in there we got the auto leveling not working at all now and we got a leak in the back two days on the road oh my gosh what else can go wrong well I guess we gotta drop the other rig now all right everyone Pile in to that one so I'm down here looking and that hot water line is actually looks to be a pretty simple fix because it's threaded on but there's no Teflon tape so hopefully I'm just going to put some Teflon tape on it seal it back up and we'll see what happens so important tip your Shakedown uh inaugural trip or your Shakedown first camping trip this is when you're going to put water on the rig for the first time and actually have pressure what they did at the dealership is they actually showed us the pump works from the tank to bring water you know through the faucets but what they don't do is put 50 psi of pressure onto the lines throughout the rig so that's one of the reasons we found multiple leaks right now it seems to be pretty straightforward just put some thread tape over the uh over the threads screw it back on and we'll see what happens so fingers crossed [Music] goodbye Emily so while we're down here I'm going to go ahead and do the other line so I don't have problems in the future so tackle them both put tape on them both seal it up and then go hit the other issue in the back so we got the threads on we got the cap on now we're just gonna compression tighten this and then we will see what happens all right there we go that is compression tightened all right so it's actually coming from that nope that is what troubleshooting is all about so yeah so after I'm done with that it will be everything here that's threaded is taped up so let's get started so we're wrong again it's not the threaded portion I'll show you say it right there that is completely cracked and broken and that is straight from the factory this way yep so that's straight from the factory broken um until we fix it this sink's just gonna leak so um we're down a sink in the bedroom I'm gonna see if I can fix it first it's it's pretty cracked um and we'll go from there so the threaded tape definitely a hit make sure you go through your rig any of the plumbing and pipes and and connectors and whatever step one step two I don't think that your rig is going to be like hours where it's cracked from the factory on day one first road trip but you never know so hopefully these insights will help you guys but there it is so it could be worse you know at least we have water we are going out west we have water and we're gonna go from there so did you fix it absolutely not no no guess what it is broken right there [Music] oh what do you mean oh the whole thing is broken crack from the factory you know what I'm saying we do the walkthrough for oh we did the walkthrough and got the 99 now you're after the one say it say it right there it's cracked oh my gosh so as of right now y'all can wash your hands in the kitchen sink that's ridiculous no no wow you know what just take it as it comes brand new but challenge acceptance yes what to do all right so important tip grab you a pair of channel locks with the rubber tips on it so you don't damage anything because for a case like this I can just grab it twist without scoring and scraping the entire Bowl so just those little rubber tips invaluable because now I can get this off I think so do you go to like a Home Depot or Lowe's to replace it or do you have to go to an RV store with a brand new rig you take it right back to the dealership and say hey um this is broken the problem is honestly all they're going to do is process for warranty and try to see if they can fix it but if they don't have the part they have to order it so knowing that and we're just going to go ahead and find out ourselves just get it done that's what I'm thinking we're not making a U-turn heading back to Florida no for that so and maybe we can upgrade it and just do a a real one there's your piece and I see a part number oh awesome Amazon nice [Music] slow down you're hitting you're completely on the ground he is so hitting oh that is not right but he said it was okay I guess the casters work they're still on and not fence [Music] like
Views: 23,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RV Life, RV Living, RV Tour, RVing, RV, Travel Trailer, 5th Wheel, Jayco, Jayco RV, Motorhome, 377RLBH, Midbunk, adventure, How to RV, RV America, Travel Vlog, RV Newbies, RVing with Kids, RV Homeschool, NorthPoint, water leaks, rv repairs, rv water leak repair, orlando, florida, rv travel, flat tire, flat tire repair, rv fail, rv broken, broken rv, radio, vacation, top rv parks
Id: DagdlnIOx_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 43sec (1963 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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