Top 10 Scary WARNINGS From The Past

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Hello and welcome back to the Most Amazing Channel on the internet. I am your host, Rebecca Felgate and today I am talking about the Top 10 Scary Warnings from the past. *What would you say to your future self. 10 - World War Three A lot of mystics have predicted a third world war, including perhaps the most infamous of them all; Nostradamus. Nostradarmus was a 16th Century French apothecary and seer. He is best known for his book, Les Propheties. This chap is thought to have predicted the Great Fire of London, the rise of Hitler, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the moon landing and 9/11. It is also said he predicted both world wars…and…wait for it…a third. The Frenchman warned that – I quote - the big war will start in France and all Europe will be attacked, it will be long and terrifying for everyone and then finally there will be peace but only a few will enjoy it. He says world war three will last 27 years. When will it start? 2018, apparently. Great. Oh, he also warned there would be a horrible earthquake and volcano eruption this year. We’ll get back to that one later. Both more tangianle and practical than Nostradarmus’s warning, we have the out a well meaning warning from ancient Japanese people that has been largely ignored…. Coming in to number 9, we have Tsunami Stones Somethings aren’t written in stone, but these ancient warnings were. Still, some people chose to ignore them, leading to thousands of deaths. Japan is amid four tectonic plates, making it extremely vulnerable to natural disaster. Japan has a huge coastline, and when earth quakes happen in the ocean, they generate Tsunamis. Hundreds of Tsunami Stones dot the coast of Japan dating back over centuries. These stones warn future generations where not to build in case of a disaster. One stone reads: High dwellings are the peace and harmony of our descendants. Remember the calamity of the great tsunamis. Do not build any homes below this point. While some of Japans historic disasters may have gone on documented, these stones speak volumes as to the devastation they must have caused. Residents of Aneyoshi heeded their ancestors warnings and never built below the stones. Sadly, a lot of developers ignored the ancient warning, especially during the social boom years following World War Two. Thinking sea walls and modern tech was enough to save them, many built below the stones. None of those settlements survived the 2011 Tsunami, wherein it is estimated that over 20,000 people died. Next up, we have a warning from the past and present that will one day very much effect our future 8 - Eruption of Yellowstone Remember what Nostradarmus said… well…The Yellowstone volcano is a super volcano waiting to blow. Th information isn’t anything new, scientists have warned for years. The last time the volcano erupted was 640,000 years ago, roughly 640,000 years after its previous explosion. Notice a pattern? Honey is due. If and when this supervolcano blows, it will be devastating for almost the entirety of the united states and parts of Canada. The ash would fall as far as Washington DC and Toronto in Canada. Salt Lake City, Denver and Casper are gonners. Things wouldn’t be looking great in Albuquerque, Kansas City or San Francisco, either. The Volcanic ash would be the main issue…choking people, devastating agriculture and polluting water supplies. While we know about the volcano, for some reason cities keep being developed within the immediate destruction zone. The same thing goes for Italy – remember Pompeii….well…. romans still build round versuvius. Nostradamus had a few terse words about that, too. 7 - Climate Warning from 1847 George Perkins Marsh, a Vermont Congressman and America’s first environmentalist, predicted the horrors of climate change. In mid 19th Century language that is slightly turgid to our modern ears, Marsh warned that if we kept burning fuels and messing with natural environments with actions like swamp draining and deforestation, we would screw ourselves over in the future. In a speech delivered to the Agricultural Society of Rutland County, Marsh acknowledged the effect human actions was having on the climate across the world. This was back then in 1847…. 171 years ago….things have only accelerated over the past nearly two centuries, with humans burning more fuel, farming more animals and cutting down more trees than ever. Marsh, a revered scholar and writer who studied his whole life and spoke over 20 languages, was largely ignored in his life time. Although more and more people are awakening to the perils of climate change, his warning is still not heeded today and 15,000 scientists have agreed we are already past the point of no return. 6 - Cockpit Catastrophe A lot of these warnings, or predictions, as you may consider them to be, came decades or more before the disasters they could avert… but this eerie warning came just two months before 150 people were murdered in March 2015. Dutch Pilot, Jan Crocheret, a captain for Emirates airline wrote an article for a specialist flight magazine, Pilot and Plane, two months before co-pilot, Andreas Lubitz plunged German Wings Flight 9525 into the French Alps. Jan wrote of the perils of the internal locking cockpit, which were installed as a safety measure following 9/11. The doors are bullet proof and work so that nobody can storm a cockpit and hijack a plane ever again. However, in his article, Crocheret speculated that this could be abused by a corrupt co pilot. Mr Crocheret wrote how you never know truly who you are sitting next to and that he feared that one day he could go to the toilet and his co-pilot could lock him out of the cockpit. He wrote then there is little choice but to go to the passengers sit and wait to see what the future brings. This is exactly what happened on the German Wings Flight when Lubitz locked Captain Patrick Sondenheimer out after convincing him to use the toilet. 5 - Ice Sheet Collapse 50 years ago there was a lot going on in the world. The US and the USSR were embroiled in the Cold War as well as the space race, keeping the headlines occupied. However, in 1968, American Glaciologist, John Mercer was studying the ice sheet in Antarctica. He wrote a paper calling the West Antarctic Ice Sheet vulnerable and unstable, warning that it was melting and as a result sea levels were rising. Ignoring this warning for decades until new studies did indeed conclude the same thing. The ice sheet holds enough water to raise global sea levels by 3 metres, which …when you think how much water there already is on earth….is a lot. Mercer discussed the rate at which the ice was melting, which has now more than doubled…so the ice is melting faster and faster. As we keep burning fossil fuels and prioritizing beef production, the temperature of the world rises. We would be in trouble if the West Antarctic Sheet melted, but if all the ice caps melted….this is what the United States would look like. Here is Europe. Here is Asia and Australia. This warning was one of the reasons the Paris Agreement of 2015 was drawn up, which commits the world to limiting warming by just 1.5 – 2 degrees. Unfortunately, President Trump wants to withdraw from this agreement. I don’t know about you, but losing the worlds most famous cities to the ocean is a pretty scary thought. 4 - Asbestos and the death of Millions. What is Asbestos? It is a naturally occurring fibrous mineral that is known for its strength and resistance to fire. Sadly, as good as it seemed for insulation, inhalation of its fibers causes cancer. Asbestos began being used in homes and businesses in the 20th century, becoming wildly popular. Concern about Asbesdos emerged in the 1930s, but a 1938 report that proved death by the product was airborne was ignored then buried. Despite health warnings, it was continually used in insulation up until it was banned in the 1980s. Even now, around 125 million people in the world are exposed to Asbestos in the work place. Up until recently, the only places to fully ban the killer substance were Japan and Europe. Canada only banned it in 2018 and it is still in use in the USA. It is thought the substance kills between 12 thousand to 15 thousand Americans each year. 3 - Europe the Wasteland – America the Broken. We can’t do a list about scary messages from the past and not include the biggest super creep of them all – Baba Vanga, and this isn’t the last you’ll hear of her on this list. Baba conked int in 1996 but is still freaking people out with some of her scary warnings as they start to come true. Firstly, she predicted the breakup of the soviet union, the Chernobyl disaster the 9/11 attacks and that the 44th president of the United States would be black. Rightio. This is what she had to say about Europe and America. Don’t Baba V predicted the rise of Vladimir She predicted that a nuclear war will break out and Europe will be the hardest hit. She said that most people will abandon Europe and nuclear fall-out will give most inhabitants skin cancer. She also predicted that by 2043 a Muslim Caliphate would be established in Rome following years of war. Regarding the states, she said that the 45th President would be the last ever united states pres…so…things aren’t looking great for Trump. She said that he would divide the north and the south and ultimately bring the country down. Thanks for that, Babs…always a ray of sunshine. One of the biggest historical warnings of all time – Nazis - 2 The rise of the Adolph Hitler, his manipulation of the National Socialist German Workers Party and his establishment of the dictator lead of the third reich is one of the most historically interesting and devastating things to ever happen to humanity. The way Hitler managed to harbour social disquiet as political fuel, brain wash a nation and enact ethnic cleansing was disgustingly artful and should serve as the biggest warning in social history that evil doesn’t arrive to you dressed as the devil, but often as a confident figure offering a better future. The rise of Adolph Hitler should have taught us to pay very close attention when a human both charms, cheats and bullies their way to the top, manipulates the media, and singles out a race or religion for persecution. Did we learn our lesson from Hitler’s Anschluss of Austria, if so…Shouldn’t Vladimir Putins annexation of Crimea be a red light? Should China’s one party state worry us? Should we worry about Trump inviting only preferred news publications to press conferences? Should we be worried about being asked to present our social media passwords to customs officials at boarders? Should we be worried about Kim Jong Un? It isn’t necessarily the Nazis years that should be the warning – it is the years of discontent leading up the Third Reich that are of particular concern – an individual managed to abuse social discontent and economic downturn to win favour, then use carefully crafted propaganda to keep it. In 1997 a BBC documentary film series called The Nazis: A Warning from History was released…and honestly, it is a good watch. Nazis and world war two destroyed a lot – but imagine what a modern day Hitler could do with Nukes. Warning. Warning. We of course need to end this list with some classic Baba Vags – some of her warnings have come true, some haven’t….. with that in mind… The End of The Earth will come in 2341. Mate, according to Babs’ warnings – it is all to come! So from 2033-2045 the polar ice caps melt, but then cloning happens and disease is cured. Then the US fight the Muslims in Rome using freeze rays, then in 2072 Communism will be back. In 2256 Mars will demand independence and something terrible will be found in the galaxy as we search for further alien life. We will master time travel in 2304, buuuuut sadly a series of man made disasters will destroy the earth once and for all in 2341. Vanga warns that humanity will escape to another solar system but resources are scarce which leads to more war. She then predicts another dark age in 3815, which ends in 3878 wherein a new religion will lead us out of the dark. By 4674 humans and aliens have started breeding, with a universal population of 340 billion. Sadly, though, the universe party is over in the year 5079. Or so she warns. Bit of a buzz kill, isn’t it. Dinosaurs walked the earth for 165 million years, but humans have what, 23 thousand years on earth, then two thousand more in space then its all over? Can these warnings and predictions be changed if we play nice? So, that was the Top 10 Scary Warnings from the past…what did you think to this list?
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Keywords: scary, scary warnings, top 10 scary, scary warnings from the past, top 10 scary warnings from the past, scary warnings from, scary warning, scary warning signs, scary warning signs from the future, scary warning message, scary warning message from the past, scary warning broadcast, scary warning broadcast from the past, warning sign, most amazing top 10, top 10, mostamazingtop10, amazing top 10, top ten, most amazing top 10 scary, top 10 amazing, warnings from the past
Id: w2rNRRGJ_nU
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Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 13 2018
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