10 Shocking Declassified Secrets
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Channel: Alltime10s
Views: 4,850,672
Rating: 4.7184134 out of 5
Keywords: Alltime10s, 10s, facts, video, list, top 10, top 10 lists, alltime 10s, alltime conspiracies, alltime facts, shocking declassified secrets, government secrets, mk ultra, government cover ups, alltime conspiracies declassified, alltime conspiracy, the geipan files, operation northwoods, government conspiracies, scandals, the sverdlovsk leak, war plan red, operation gladio, the ninos rabados, kaytn massacre, the plutonium files, unit 731, obama conspiracy, declassified
Id: lpGimggOo2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 07 2016
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I'm annoyed he still said Frank Olsen jumped when the CIA just admitted he was thrown after decades of crusading for answers by his family