15 Unsolved Human Disappearances

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Duo Fish! While sitting alone in your room and watching a video in the- darkness or camping by yourself in the wilderness have you ever felt as if someone were close behind you we call this phenomena a feeling of presence and it's something humans have innately hardwired into their brains when you do turn around you usually never see someone or something behind you but perhaps we have these feelings for a reason what if you finally ignored that paranoia and were never heard from again hundreds of thousands of people go missing every year so how unlikely is it to happen to you number 15 Brandon Swanson on his way home to see his parents 19 year old Brandon Swanson accidentally swerved off road and into a ditch just before midnight he then called home and asked his parents to come pick him up near Lind Minnesota driving exactly to where Brandon had directed them his parents were unable to find him or his vehicle frustrated by the situation brandon said he would walk to a friend's house and lind and had a lengthy conversation with his father while he walked. but abruptly at around two a.m. while Brandon was heading toward a nightclub he shouted "oh Sh-!" his last words before the call drop the next day Brandon's car was found in a ditch in porter 25 miles from where brain and said he was this would mean that branded couldn't possibly have been your nightclub so attention was instead turned to the yellow medicine river which he may have fallen into more than 500 volunteers swept the river and surrounding area and found no trace of Brandon after three years of searching. today Brandon is still missing. number 14 Henry Avery before we get into the more eerie disappearances how about we look at a captain with the title of king of the Pirates? a fish there we go! before the famous Blackbeard had even started his career Avery known as long been by his crew had already been one of the most successful pirates and history from 1694 to 1696 Avery and his crew plundered five ships but the biggest score would come in late 1695 after a long-fought battle with the movie flagship ganj isa ye Avery and his crew captured the ship which contain gold and silver worth over 600,000 pounds amounting to 52.4 million pounds today making him the richest pirate in the entire world at the time! after distributing the wealth with his crew on Bourbon island south of South of Madagascar. Avery disappeared an enormous bounty of 1,000 pounds have been placed on his head but he was never captured nor heard from again perhaps living out the rest of his life in quiet luxury number 13 brianna maitland in 2004 seventeen-year-old brianna maitland was shopping with her mother when she saw someone outside and told her mother that she would be right back after finishing shopping Brianna's mother found brianna in the parking lot and notice that she seem nervous about something but didn't ask her what was wrong Brianna left her friend Jillian a note that said she would be right back after work that evening but unfortunately Brianna never returned. she was last seen by our co-workers when she clocked out at 11:20 p.m. that night and drove home alone but something inexplicable happened during her short drive home that night this is a picture that an unaware driver took the next morning. the vehicle in the picture is Briana's. her personal belongings such as her wallet and paycheck were found in the front seat of a vehicle with no obvious signs of struggle left behind it's been over 10 years since Brianna was last seen. number 12 Andrew Gosdin Andrew was a bright young mathematician and lived a relatively well-off life with his family and Doncaster, united kingdom as far as anyone knows Andrew didn't suffer from depression and hadn't complained about problems in his life but on September, 14 2007 the fourteen-year-old seem to have decided to disappear. that Friday morning his parents watched him leave the house bound for school but Andrew instead walk to the park and waited for his parents to leave for work he then walked back home changed out of a school uniform and threw his clothes into the family's washing machine before taking his PSP without its charger and left he then withdrew 200 pounds from his bank account and paid for a one-way ticket to London this footage shows that he did arrive in London but this would be the last time he was heard from Andrew would have turned 22 this July. Number 11 The Children who went up in smoke. nearly 70 years ago a house fire consumed a large families home amidst unusual circumstances on Christmas Day 1945 near fayetteville West Virginia george and jinney solder had just finished celebrating Christmas Eve and had their nine children open their presents before heading to bed the entire story is quite long and full of "odd" coincidences but that night the house suddenly caught fire and george and jinney along with just four of their children made it outside before the House burn down the weirdest part the five missing children were never found dead or alive no signs of their bodies were found in the charred remains of the home and a few witnesses even said that they saw the children the next morning in town 20 years after the fire Jesse sought and received an envelope in the mail with a single picture of a young man with the name Lewis solder transcribed on the back who looked remarkably like her ten-year-old son who had disappeared number 10 "northern Ireland's disappeared." in the late 1960s tensions between political groups in Northern Ireland cumulated in a time called "the troubles" simplifying greatly it was basically Irish Republicans versus loyalists arguing about independence from the UK but it wasn't the same as usual political spats in Western countries radical people in both groups actually became violent since the nineteen seventies 18 prominent political figures the majority being loyalists have all disappeared under peculiar circumstances including abductions and vanishings 13 of the 18 abductive figures were found dead years ahead of their disappearances with five still unaccounted for. many other less prominent individuals disappeared during the Troubles as well but it is impossible to know who was abducted or simply chose to go into hiding as a choice. Number 9 evanna pho deck evanna had just recently graduated high school and was enjoying your summer in Poland attending parties with her friends while she was walking the three point seven mile journey home by the beach from where she was clubbing with her friends evanna seemed to just vanish she talked with a friend a tree on the way but within a mile from her home her cell phone battery ran out any vota wasn't heard from again a CCTV camera caught footage of her walk home and nothing seemed out of the ordinary save for a single unidentified man who police are convinced was not the suspect additional information and theories on our case can be found in the description below number eight William Tyrell. just a little over 1 year ago on sep tember 12 2014 a three year old william Tyrell and his family were spending time at his grandparents home in kindle australia at around 10:30 a.m. that morning William and his family were sitting just outside of the house in the backyard before Williams father left to find better reception for a business call William was dressed in a spider-man costume and was pretending to be a tiger while playing in the backyard while his mother and grandmother were talking William ran around the house within earshot and was still growling like a tiger however the growling suddenly stopped which led to his mother getting up to check on him he was nowhere to be found so it is suspected that he was abducted number seven DB cooper. this disappearance is actually quite an amazing story of Dan Cooper a well-known successful hijacking in 1972. 30 minutes into a flight from Portland organ to seattle on thanksgiving eve Cooper told a flight attendant that he had a bomb after showing her the bomb he demanded two hundred thousand dollars in unmarked bills and four parachutes to be delivered to him upon landing he was described as a calm and suave man in his forties and was very polite during the hijacking his demands were met and he let the passengers off the plane which was bound next for mexico city while still in Washington Cooper chose to jump out of the plane during a storm and is said to have landed south of Mount st. Helens after this neither cooper or the money he took was ever seen again save for three bundles of bills which were found near the Columbia River number six Eve Ho, Kevin Lim, and Jackie Li. on august fourteenth 2006 seventeen-year-old Eve and 18 year olds Kevin and Jackie all disappeared on the same day and we're never heard from again the weird part they were all friends with Phillips it whose remains were found five days before they went missing none of the three teenagers had any income, vehicles with which to drive, or even passports to escape the country on the day that they disappeared honor still is the fact that police had not announced the discovery of Philips remains until the twenty-fifth of august so if the three teenagers had decided to disappear themselves due to Phillips recovery how could they have known that his remains had been discovered? not one of their cell phones or bank accounts have been touched since they vanished making this a rather unsettling case Number 5 Cameron rumor 29 year old Cameron was a man who was hoping to extend his medical marijuana business in California and decided to take a trip to San Francisco on September 29th 2011 after drinking heavily one night Cameron checked his bags into the hotel and said that he would return to get them later camera did indeed returned but it was three days later and he was in a miserable state I witnesses state that he was wearing two separate shoes and was rambling before leaving the hotel once again leaving both of his bags. that was the last time that anyone saw him but there have been reports of Cameron being seen walking around as a homeless vagrant but what was in his bags 60 files of medical marijuana and thirty thousand dollars number four Brandon Lawson. after getting into an argument with his longtime girlfriend on august 8 2013 brain and left his home in San Angelo Texas to visit his father's home 45 minutes later the 26 year old called 911 and through very incoherent talking said that he had run out of gas near brunt and needed the police "(???) Ran out of gas ------- into the woods. Please hurry" Brandon's brother and the police arrived to find his truck but no sign of Brandon or his keys Brandon's brother called him to ask him where he was it was only able to hear that he was ten miles up the road and bleeding before his cell phone cut off many have tried translating the 911 call which can be found here with the general consensus being that someone had chased Brandon into the woods apparently the assailant caught him during the 911 call as someone else could be heard saying yes to the operators question of an ambulance were needed before brandon said he needed the cops in cease talking New York Operator: "Do you need an Ambulance? " no I need the cops." Number 3! flanning lighthouse mystery. 115 years ago on December if team of 1900 ducat Marshall and MacArthur were in charge of keeping the lighthouse on Flannan Isles working that December but vanished before Christmas upon inspection of the lighthouse a half eaten meal was found inside along with two of the three coats missing from inside the lighthouse the clocks inside had also stopped the lighthouse log books last entries may have been added after the trio disappeared but stated the following "December 12th" "Gail, North by Northwest. Sea lashed by fury stone bound 9pm. never seen such a storm." everything shipshape. Ducat irritable. 12pm: storm is still raging." wind steady. stormbound cannot go out. ship passed sound of foghorn. Could see light of cabins. Ducat quiet." quiet MacArthur crying December 13 storm continued through tonight wind shifted west by north you get quiet as possible Frank 12 noon grade a light me you can look on prey december 15 1pm storm ended c-calm God is overall there was no storm in the area at the time but a ship did pass the lighthouse noting that its lights were off on December 15 number two Jacob Wetterling. st. Joseph, Minnesota october twenty second 1989 Jacob his brother and their friend were bicycling back home after visiting a convenience store after running tom thumb while riding back home a Caucasian man wielding either a small shotgun or a handgun stop the trio and told them to line a ditch while he threw their bikes away from them he asked all three of the boys to tell him their ages after which he told jacob younger brother to run toward the woods without looking back or he would be shot you think closely looked at jacobs face and his friends face before telling jacobs friend to run to the woods without looking back as well Jacob was last seen being carried by the man into the wooded area that morning NUMBER 1 Joan gay croft. on (april, 9th 1947) one of the 10 most destructive f5 tornadoes of all time swept through towns in Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas killing 185 people and injuring over 700. joan was four years old at the time and her hometown of Woodward was hit by a tornado as well killing her mother and critically injuring her stepfather Joan and her eight-year-old stepsister Jerry replace into the basement of the local hospital due to their minor injuries later that night two men dressed in army khakis into the hospital and ask for Joan by name indicating that they knew her. once finding her one of the two men picked up Joan and assured her that they would come back for Jerry later no one in the small town hospital recognized either of the two men yet they were able to walk out of the hospital with Joan who was never seen again til next video zai Jian Make sure to subscribe and leave a like!
Channel: Duo Fish
Views: 3,325,703
Rating: 4.6226544 out of 5
Keywords: Unsolved disappearances, Unexplained disappearances, Mysterious disappearances, Creepy disappearances, Top 10, Top 15, Brandon Swanson, Henry Avery, Brianna Maitland, Andrew Gosden, Iwona Wieczorek, William Tyrrell, D.B. Cooper, Eve Ho, Kevin Lim, Jackie Li, Cameron Remmer, Brandon Lawson, Flannon Lighthouse, Jacob Wetterling, Joan Gay Croft, Duo Fish 15s
Id: McLMOf1n-AY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2015
Reddit Comments

I don't know the details of the case but the asian kids... Really seems like maybe they killed their homie and bailed.

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/JustiniusXIII 📅︎︎ Jan 15 2016 🗫︎ replies

I think the scariest thing about all these is that with a lot of them, the people responsible for the disappearances are likely still out there. Although some of these stories it sounds like, for one reason or another, the people in question wanted to disappear, like the pirate and plane bomber. They likely just took off with the money, and made a new life for themselves.

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/cutezombiedoll 📅︎︎ Jan 14 2016 🗫︎ replies

RemindMe! 15 hours

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/HowieGaming 📅︎︎ Jan 15 2016 🗫︎ replies

RemindMe! 10 hours

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Bobson567 📅︎︎ Jan 15 2016 🗫︎ replies
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