10 Horrifying Things that Happened at Funerals

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- Funerals are supposed to be a place of final rest and grieving but sometimes grieving is just the beginning. Here are 10 horrifying things that happened at funerals. Number 10 is a body theft. On August 8th, 2015 25 year old Julie Mott of San Antonio, Texas lost her battle with cystic fibrosis. Soon after, her family made arrangements for her funeral and on August 15th her funeral was held at Mission Park North Funeral Chapel. However, before the woman could be cremated, as her family requested, her body vanished from her coffin. Funeral home employees notified the family the following morning and the police were quickly brought in. An investigation was launched which brought forward a suspect whose name was never released. He was the last to leave the home the day of Julie's funeral and family said he had been totally obsessed with her, texting her excessively in the days leading up to her death. Unfortunately, no evidence of Julie's body was ever found, though a 60 person search party wound up finding a body in a nearby woods. However, it was not Julie's. To this day, Julie Mott's remains have not been found. Number nine are moans and groans. We would all like to have just one more conversation with those that have passed that we love but what do you do when those that have passed begin making noise? On several occasions, the dead have been known to make vocal noises such as moaning, wheezing, or even sighing loudly. This is mostly due to air being trapped inside the lungs and the many gasses that are created as tissues break down during decomposition. The moaning and groaning that people occasionally hear usually happen when the body is being moved such as when being transported to the morgue or to the funeral home. However, it has also been heard when pallbearers are carrying the casket to its final resting place. In many instances, loved ones have panicked at the sheer thought of their friend or relative still being alive in the casket and even believed that they're hearing simple words in the small amount of air that's escaping. Think about that the next time you visit an open casket. Number eight is a shooting. Funerals can bring people together which can prove unfortunate for some people who are being targeted by killers. An unfortunately large number of people have, believe it or not, lost their lives to shooters while attending memorial services for friends or family. In some cases, such as the March 15th 2017 shooting that took place at a funeral in Memphis, Tennessee, the reason behind the shots being fired was a disagreement between rival families over the lifestyle choices of the deceased woman who had taken her own life. Luckily in that instance no one was seriously injured, however that wasn't the case on March 30th 2012 when 14 people were shot at a funeral for 21 year old Morvan Andre, a gang member from Miami, Florida. After someone from one gang touched the corpse in a disrespectful way, members of another gang grabbed their guns from their cars and opened fire killing two and injuring 12 others including a five year old girl. Number seven is a dead assault. In early November of 2007, mourners were gathered at the funeral of an unidentified individual at Harvest Baptist Church in Orlando, Florida unaware that they were about to see their loved one viciously attacked in their own coffin. Timothy Cleary was walking by the church when he decided to enter and attend the service. However, not only did Cleary not understand he wasn't invited, he obviously had something wrong with himself as he ran up to the open casket and, to everyone's shock, began punching the corpse. Ignoring the pleas and cries from the deceased's friends and family, Clearly was eventually stopped when mourners attacked him, though he continued to fight until the police arrived and subdued him. Released on bail, Cleary was ordered to undergo a full psychiatric evaluation to get an explanation as to why he assaulted the dead body but the reasoning is still unknown. Number six is the ghost at a funeral. On the list of types of buildings most likely to be haunted right after hospitals and the insane asylums rests the funeral home. With all of the bodies and mourning happening within the walls of these places, it's no wonder people often claim to get eerie feelings or experience cold spots while inside them. Many have claimed to witness a passed away loved one standing near their coffin or beside their spouse or family for a moment just before they disappear, but the truly brave are the morticians who have to deal with these apparent ghosts daily. One morning some time in 1999, an unnamed mortician was working to prepare for a funeral that was scheduled for later that same morning. While in the men's room, the mortician saw a man in a blue suit walk by the bathroom door only to disappear once he was around the corner. Unable to find him, the mortician went back to work only to find that the body he was preparing was the same man in the blue suit. Number five is back to life. It's pretty hard to find something more shocking than having a dead loved one come back to life at their own funeral. That is until you hear of the story of Swapna and Mekela Srinivas who actually witnessed the unbelievable resurrection of their own baby who died just a couple days earlier. The couple's newborn came into the world on July 1st 2017, a whole month too early and severely underweight. After giving birth at a private hospital, they were transferred to Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital in India where, the next morning, doctors informed the parents that their infant daughter had died due to her being too weak. Heartbroken, the couple quickly made funeral arrangements for the following day. However, upon receiving her last rites, the baby suddenly began moving. Alarmed, they rushed back to the hospital where police stopped them from attacking the doctors in rage. Was this a miracle or something more sinister at work? A simple medical mistake or something more? Number four are two bodies. When a family elects to have a closed casket ceremony for their deceased loved one, it's usually out of respect for the departed's privacy. It's then up to the mortician to ensure that respect is given. However, in the case of funeral home director Mark Villella, that privacy was more than just invaded. After having a fight with his 28 year old wife, Exelee, at their Florida home on August 5th 1999, 29 year old Villella stabbed her to death while she slept. Then, on August 9th, as people mourned the loss of an 89 year old woman with a closed casket ceremony, he stuffed Exelee's body alongside hers. Friends and family of the woman had no idea that they were attending not one burial but two. After coworkers became suspicious when Exelee failed to show up to work and Mark stopped calling in to check on her, they notified the police. The body was exhumed and the funeral home director was arrested immediately. A twisted end to not one but two lives. Number three is cheering up mommy. There are few things more upsetting than the loss of a child but when that child sends a message from beyond the grave, things get much worse. A video filmed in Mexico at the funeral of an unnamed boy shows the child's mother in tears, understandably unable to handle the loss that she just incurred, but then suddenly something very unsettling occurs. A white helium filled balloon that was tied to the boy's coffin came loose and began floating, not up into the ceiling as should have been the case, but almost straight along horizontally until it reached the grieving mother. It then began to circle her before she realized it was there. While some have offered explanations as to how this could have occurred, the mother and several others believe that it was the dead child's spirit. Number two is the missing head. Being a mortician is an incredibly stressful and creepy job, especially when you realize they spend more time with the dead during a regular day than they do with the living but on July 26th 1986 that creepy job became a whole lot more startling for an employee of a funeral home in Mount Vernon, New York. That morning, they were preparing the body of Anthony Parese, a local grocery store co-founder who'd passed away days before of natural causes. However, when they opened the casket lid they found that the body was missing his head. Police were called in, but disturbingly they found no evidence of a break in and nothing else in the funeral home appeared to be missing or even moved in any way. It was concluded that a hidden individual must have used a scalpel or even a razor to remove the head, though to this day the case is a mystery that remains unsolved. And number one is a poisoning. On January 10th 2015, friends and loved ones were gathered at a wake in a province in northwest Mozambique, Africa. The group was mourning the tragic loss of a couple's newborn baby and enjoying a beer which the infant's mother had brewed herself. However, some time between visiting the cemetery to bury the baby's body and returning to the wake's location an unknown person poisoned the beer using bile from a crocodile's liver. 196 people flooded nearby hospitals with various symptoms that brought them near death. Sadly, 69 of the mourners of the funeral did, in fact, lose their lives to the poison including the baby's mother and the person or persons responsible were never apprehended. To this day, the case is still ongoing. It's bad enough that these people had to bury their newborn baby but to then lose so many loved ones at once is simply unreal. But that's all for today's episode. Thank you guys for watching. On the right, you'll find two of my most recent videos that you can press or click on your screen right now if you'd like to watch some more. And other than that, I will see you in the next video. Sweet dreams.
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Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 22 2017
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