Top 10 Mysterious People In History - Part 3

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hello and welcome back to the most amazing channel on the Internet I am your host Jay Rockefeller gate and today we're talking about the top 10 mysterious people in history part 3 as this series goes on the people who have made it to this list just keep getting more and more interesting who are they who were they I've been at times we simply don't know before we came to this video why don't you let me know who you think should be in part 4 do you know anyone implicitly mysterious that we need to include let me know all of your thoughts in the comment section down below and also please do leave a like on this video if you want to check out the links in our description box we've got links to our sources and everyone who went into making this video stick around to the end coming in at number 10 we have Spring Heeled Jack who I say who was Spring Heeled Jack the name Spring Heeled Jack popped up in British news publications in 1837 amid a spate of weird attacks around clapping common in London anyone Mary Stevens was walking to lavender hill through the park when a figure left out at her rather oddly the chap or beast kind of kissed her and ripped off her clothes with his claws which is pretty awkward and Gore as I say it again I really would not like to be set upon and neither did Mary she claimed that his kiss was cold and clammy she screamed on attack and rightly so which spooked the man or creature he kind of sprang away the next day a man fitting the attackers description was seen jumping in front of a carriage causing a crash he then reportedly escaped by jumping over a nine-foot wall whilst laughing manically this odd behavior earned him the nickname Spring Heeled Jack who's also called the terror of London in the media not a real person I hear you cry you're wrong the light-footed devil was actually officially recognised by the Lord Mayor of London on the 9th of January 1838 following that further sightings did crop up in newspapers including a much publicized attack on two women in February 1838 one described the figure as vomiting blue and white flames while its eyes resembled red balls of fire my favorite is this 1867 illustration of the devil he seems to have moved from London up to the northwest of England and he was last spotted in Liverpool in 1904 so who or what we're spring-heeled Jack coming in at number nine we have the green children of st. Martins Lane if you visit the village of Woolpit in Suffolk England really not too far from where my parents live locals will tell you about a mystery that befell a historic place in the 12th century two children turned up out of seemingly nowhere they spoke a different language and their skin was an off shade of greenish the pair were taken in by kindly village folk who tried to care for them only to find that they would only eat raw broad beans eventually the children's green skin began to fade into a normal color and they were baptized by villagers sadly the boy died but the girl adjusted to her new life learning English when she was actually able to speak she explained that her and her brother had come from a place called Saint Martin's land a world underground inhabited by green people she said her and her brother were feeding their father's flock when they heard a loud sound and which somehow transported in to an aboveground field speaking of the whole life underground thing this is how the girl was reported to have explained it the Sun does not rise upon our countrymen our land is little cheered by its beams we are contented with that Twilight which among you precedes the sunrise or follow sunset moreover a certain luminous country has seen not far distant from ours and divided by it by a very considerable River is this a hint a parallel universe or do you think the children were faking it if so why were they green why did they say green for so long and you know where did they come from oh this is such a mystery coming in to number 8 we have Selam this is actually quite a recent story which makes it even scarier ELISA Lam is a true enigma in 2013 the Canadian student went missing after stay at the Cecil Hotel in Los Angeles hotel itself has seen many dramas over the years but this one has video evidence and it's really bizarre their video was posted off her from an elevator security camera by police and this was the last time she was seen alive in the video she's acting exceptionally strangely very very very erratically from the footage it clearly looks like Alyssa is talking to someone who just wasn't there she presses a number of buttons and the elevator then the doors fail to close she is seen peering out of the elevator and then trying to hide in the corner she Lin exits the elevator and seems to be pleading with someone invisible outside of the door now the footage does end with her walking out of shot and the left door opening and closing a number of times which seems to be a bizarre mechanical fault ELISA was traveling on her own and at first she was in a shared room but was moved because their behavior appeared to be very odd now ELISA was known to have bipolar and depression she went missing at the end of January and her body was found on the 19th of February another grisly discovery was made by hotel maintenance workers who had come to investigate issues with the water pressure system it seems that she was dead in the water tank she was naked and her clothes and possessions were found floating next to her it isn't possible for her to have climbed in on her own it seems that her death shares some very very disturbing similarities with the 2005 movie dark water so what happened to ELISA Lam and who was she talking to outside the elevator we just don't know coming in to number 7 we have the count of st. Germain the count of st. Germain was a European adventurer who was dubbed the Wonder Man by Volta their French national was a member of high society and he was hailed as a great philosopher the only thing is that nobody actually knew his origins where he came from or what his upbringing was like in order to deflect questions about his upbringing he'd say crazy things like he was 500 years old he was wealthy and highly educated and at times claimed to be the son of a so there these were unfounded it seems that at one point he may have been arrested in London on suspicion of espionage but was released lady Jemima York once wrote a letter referring to him she said he is an odd creature and the more I see him the more hearing as I am to know something about Tim he died in what historians think were his late 80s which is actually really really old for the time that he was alive nobody was any of the wiser as to who he actually was which is again super strange coming in to number 6 we have the POE toaster who are they Edgar Allan Poe died in 18-49 and just when we thought that the Raven had quaffed its last a hundred years after the American poets death a mysterious figure started appearing at the graveside of Poe's final resting place on the anniversary of his birthday so that's January the 19th for those who want to pop along to Baltimore and try and solve this mystery the gravesite figure is always clad in a black cloak and wielding a silver tipped cane ostentatious I love it the visitor brings with them three red roses and half a bottle of cognac they raise a toast to the poet drink it up and then leave the whiskey in flowers graveside while people go along and try and spot the mystery toaster nobody's ever tried to uncloak or disturb the figure which actually I'm really glad for some things I think should remain a mystery coming into number five we have a madame helena petrovna pulaski autumn alpha did Madame Helena have real spiritual truth and paranormal powers or or she a charlatan by the way I think I like her her narrative is debated today she features in Lionel and Patricia fanthorpe's book the world's most mysterious people and it's easy to see why hello was born in 1831 to a wealthy Russian family and from childhood possessed unusual psychic powers she ran away from her husband and escaped Russia aged 18 and went on a madcap adventure through the Americas India and the oriental East some critics claim that this never happened and that she made it all up but whatever happened she did return to Europe spiritually enlightened she met a man Mahatma Morya that she claimed she had seen in her psycho-spiritual dreams since she was small the woman created her own called theosophy and she changed her name to HP b and actually many people worshiped her as a guru while some were vehemently opposed to her she spoke Russian Georgian English French Italian Arabic and Sanskrit let's also remember that this was the 1800s a horrible time for sassy bold women but she was doing her thing the mystery surrounding her probably comes from a society who simply could not believe that she was such a formidable force coming in to number four we have Berenger Sonya bérenger saunière was born in 1852 and died in 1917 aged 64 his life and death sparked much intrigue at the time and beyond ever since he moved to the French village of rennes-le-chateau stories about the village and the priests consists of many many theories some of which involved the mysterious Knights Templar the Merovingians the Cathars the Holy Grail Mary Magdalene and the remains of Jesus Christ oddly the priest handled a lot of money documents from the 1890s suggest that he spent around 660 thousand francs when he only had a salary of 90 francs a year some say that he found treasure buried under the land of rennes-le-chateau others say that he found evidence that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married and produced offspring that eventually became the Merovingian dynasty some think he was being bribed by a higher force we know that the priests was fired effectively in 1909 but he refused to leave the village of rennes-le-chateau for some reason something or perhaps someone was keeping him there history has inspired many mystery and crime novels including The Da Vinci Code coming in to number three we have Caspar Xhosa Kasbah who seemed to appear from nowhere on the streets of Nuremberg in Germany he carried a letter with him that was addressed to a local military man that's a claim that he was the son of a dead cavalry man and was to be taken in he was taken to a police station and he wrote his name down as Caspar he claimed that actually he was raised in a dark dungeon and at the first human that he'd ever met was a mysterious man who visited him not long before his release he always hid his and Kasper said it was he who taught him to read and writes some people thought that perhaps Kasper was an illegitimate member of the bharden royalty the mystery continued often Kasper would appear wounded and he would say that a mystery cloaked figure had come to cut him in 1833 years before his death he was involved in a pistol accident again it was all very suspicious in 1833 he claims he was lured into a courtyard and stabbed in the stomach by a stranger who claimed to have been watching him eventually Kasper did die of his wounds his grave can be found in Anne's back where his headstone reads in Latin here lies kaspar hauser enigma of his time mysterious as death so what was going on was he making it all up was he actually a illegitimate member of the royal family again we don't know coming in to number 2 we have Marie Laveau Marie Laveau is one of the most famous mystical women in history and often referred to as the voodoo queen of New Orleans I kind of like that name she was born a free creole woman in louisiana in 1801 details of her life are pretty sketchy but she managed to charm those who encountered her legend has it that Marie was beautiful wise and witchy she practiced magic medicine and was able to heal people it is also said that she was indeed a voodoo priestess and was able to read and control people's minds she could summon spirits and raise the dead it seems that she held a ceremony in her 70s that was attended by 12,000 people they were oddly drawn to her she died aged 80 and people still visit her grave today leaving offerings in exchange for a quest and wishes finally coming into the number one spot we have a Rasputin rara Rasputin lover of the Russian Queen honestly I think that song is an absolute banger and it makes me dance all the time and so too was the mysterious Rasputin a banger if you know what I mean Rasputin was a renegade monk a mystic healer a sexual deviant and a political up Rooter he's also the man who would not die Rasputin allegedly stopped the bleeding of the haemophiliac Prince son of Czar Nicholas and was rumored to be a lover to the wife the sorry hence the song two and a half years before his death in December 1916 Rasputin survives a murder attempt by a beggar woman he was stabbed in the gut and lost a lot of blood but miraculously he survived a wound that would usually kill then on that fateful day in December he proved very very hard to off indeed it is said that he ate a meal heavily laced with poison but he lived then the men conspiring to kill him decided to shoot him with a barrage of bullets but he still wouldn't die they tossed his body into an ice cold river to drown and I probably don't need to tell anyone how cold Russia is in December right some further reports suggest that he was rescued from a river by passers-by and that he's still drew shaky breath some say his penis was cut off and obtained smuggled and now reportedly rests in a jar in the Museum of erotica in st. Petersburg looks like it's said to be a foot long I would show you a picture but this video would be demonetised in a heartbeat but you know have fingertips will Google not I'm encouraging it well though I mean maybe I am so that's butan what was the deal you tell me mystery okay before I go I want to read some comments from part two you guys had a lot to say what clip bit bookie great name said I swear I've seen Emilia at every single skate park I've been to good great boost keyword said there is another theory about the man in the iron mask some suspect he was the illegitimate son of the king who hid him away to prevent it becoming known honestly I think that's a pretty good theory angelic Romeo 88 said I my most favorite hostess with the mostess I believe that Emilia got far enough away and lived out her days in solace also Rebecca for prayers I honestly do hope she got away and thank you for being so kind but honestly I've got to pass up the presidency it seems like a lot of work and half the population would just hate you I would however settle for empress or queen or just like I don't know I'd like to lounge on a big cushion while people bring me wine that kind of sounds like the ideal future great goods thank you guys for watching this video don't forget to let me know who you think should be in part 4 is there anyone mysterious out there that's flown under my radar so far if you want to read more about these mysterious people then there are loads of links in our description box as well as links to the people that went into making this video if you're not a subscriber we're poised to hit 6 million by the end of the year so go ahead and subscribe and join the massive family now like this video show me some love why not stick around we've got a whole playlist of creepy videos I'm your host Rebecca Fergie and I'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: MostAmazingTop10
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Keywords: top 10, most amazing top 10, top 10 list, mostamazingtop10, most amazing top ten, top ten, most amazing, mysterious, mystery, top 10 mysterious people, top 10 mysterious people in history, mysterious people, mysterious people in history, mysterious people whose identities are still unknown, people with no past, mysterious people with no past, mysterious individuals, unsolved mysteries, unsolved mystery, top 10 unsolved mysteries, mysterious people with no identity
Id: j2qAuq8BzIQ
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Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2019
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