Top 10 Scariest Objects Found In Attics

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Whats scarier, basements or attics? I did a video about creepy things discovered in basements and it did really well it got millions of views which tells me you guys like that kind of thing - so, I thought wed try Attics right now. I wasnt sure if scary attic stories could beat basements, then I started going through the stories - and yeah, I think attics are much more terrifying. This video is going to really make you think about whats right above the ceiling. My name is Danny Burke and this is the Top 10 Scariest Objects Found in Attics. Starting off at number 10 we have The Dark[a]. This one was posted to Reddit by AceFlores X who said they found what youre about see in the attic of their vacation home. Here it is - a polaroid of darkness with the qustion -Do You See Him- written underneath … what. How creepy is that. Why is it all scratched up - it looks like they kept scratching away at the darkness, or perhaps the person that they could see. Maybe they went mad because nobody else could see the person in the picture. To be honest, I don't want to see anybody in the picture - Im really hoping it isnt one of those pictures where someone will appear if you stare long enough, perhaps its time to move on … Moving on to number 9 we have Voodoo[b]. This one was posted to the No Sleep Subreddit. The person who posted it has since deleted their account but this is what they said -Okay, so I was clearing out my family member's attic, in their very old home and I find this (wedged) inside the wall. It looks obviously hand-made and it's eyes and mouth are the creepiest. It also has a small pin needle sticking into it's back. I can't make out any writing or tags on the doll but it does have a small wooden stand underneath, with some odd engravings. The hair also appears to be real ... ugh. Check these pictures out: What do you think? Any idea on what this could be and how old?- ahhhhhhh what is that. What is that. Is that real hair for its beard? I don't wanna know- I think its a Voodoo doll right? It looks quite realistic and it has a pin coming out of its back. I don't know much about Voodoo but I do know if theres a pin sticking out of a dolls back, run a mile … Moving on to number 8 we have The Murder.[c] This one comes from Reddit user gobo in outer space. They said -While cleaning out an attic crawl space, I found some 30+ year old letters written to my dad from his mother. She had died twenty or so years before. I read the letters and realized they were written to him while he was in prison. I asked my mom about the letters and she admitted to me that my dad had been in prison for murder. My dad still doesn't know I know- … OK, talk about family secrets. How would you feel if you found out one of your parents was a convicted murderer? Thats a lot to deal with. Would you confront them about it? Or would you just try and forget and carry on like nothing happened? Its going to be intense either way … Coming in at number 7 now we have Back Bone[d]. This one comes from Reddit user Haplessru. They said -A girl I know went into the basement of the old house that she was renting and found a spine in the ceiling (it was an unfinished ceiling). She called the landlord and he quickly said it was a dog spine, took it and left. Later she went to check out a noise in the attic and when she opened the attic door a ton of crayons showered down on top of her- … OK, so lets ignore the crayons bit - I think thats beside the point. They found a spine in the attic. Whos the first person youd call if you found a spine in the attic of a house you were renting? I think most people would say the police. Youd be very suspicious of your landlord. Instead, this person calls the landlord who swings by the collect it and tells them its a dog spine before quickly leaving. OK. And youre just going to take their word for it? It might just be a dog spine, which is still weird, but if it’s not - they may have just helped a murderer get away with a murder - and it might be their spine next. I dunno. Next up at number 6 we have The Attic[e]. Yes, this one is called the attic because its not what they found in the attic thats scary, its the attic itself. It was posted to Reddit by user NukeStorm. They said -Theres a fucked up room in the attic where I just moved into, pretty sure nothing good happened here- … well, as you can see from the first few pictures, it looks normal at first but soon, we enter a room. The room looked like a cell for containing a person, keeping them captive. There was a small cot, a shelf and a tiny window - and that was it. The door had a metal grate on the inside and outside of the door and the ceiling was a little over 4ft. What do you think the room was used for? Its quite concerning to think about that … Moving on to number 5 we have Baby. In 2012, Reddit user solebiscuits made a post titled -Mysterious picture of a creepy baby we found in our attic- … heres the picture. Yes, I think I can confirm that thats creepy. Creepy confirmed. Another Redditor called Andeverybreath posted some helpful context to the picture. He said it was from the Victorian era and added that back then -A child gets very sick, and it's obvious that s/he will die shortly. Before calling friends and family or funeral directors, the family would rush to find a photographer. Sometimes the child would be photographed alive and extremely ill - these are disturbing, but mostly sad. That being said, the photographer didn't always get there in time, and thus we have pictures of dead children- … well, I hoped an explanation would make me feel better about that picture, but it actually makes it even more disturbing if Im honest. Next up at number 4 we have One Eye Shut[f]. This one comes from The General 123. They said -I'm a contractor. Went on a walk through of an estate sale property with a customer and his real estate agent to inspect the house and plan renos. I climbed into the attic and came face to face with a giant glass eye doll. You know the ones, when you lay them back the eyes close. Damn thing was 4 feet tall, laying on its side, and right in my face,with one eye open and one half freaking shut. I was a little weirded out. I told the customer to take a look. He climbed up and was a little freaked out. The real estate agent climbed up, and jumped back down screaming. I still chuckle over that one.- … well Im glad they can chuckle because that sounds more than a little scary. A 4ft doll is massive, I think just seeing that in the dark would have scared me - but the eyes, that would have seen me scuttling back down the attic ladder. Both eyes shut is fine, both eyes open is scary, but one of each - thats terrifying. Don't wink at me big creepy doll. Close your eyes. Moving on to number 3 now we have Monkey Business[g]. This one was posted to the creepy subreddit by mostly grapes. It doesnt need much of an introduction - lets just take a look at the picture. Wow. Look at the teeth. Look the eyes. Look at the weird bit of monkey skull stuff coming through his exposed head. Look at the creepy nail polished fingers. Look at the dislocated monkey paws. Its pure horror. Classic horror. I don't even know what do add other than to tell you that the top comment simply says -If it starts clapping, someone is gonna die- … I think thats a fair assessment. My gut reaction is to say it should be destroyed - but if it is cursed, I think that curse would just get passed on to you. I guess thats why this monkey continues to exist … Moving on to number 2 we have The Uncle. THis one comes from 40 year old creeper. They said -I lived in a beautiful victoria house that was so spooky. It had been in my boyfriends family's for many generations. In the attic was tons of old clothes from his grandparents. Just all boxed up and untouched for a long time. I guess the grandpa fell over and died in the living room and then a few days later the grandma died in the dining room both of unknown causes. I found a handwritten journal in the attic which was all stories of his uncles adventures. His uncle would explore and chart jungles. There was an entry where he found dead cut up bodies of a tribe he thought might be hunting and eating another tribe. When I found a photo of the uncle I was so freaked out. He looked exactly like my boyfriend. They named him after his uncle as well. He always hated that. The family didn't like to talk about the uncle, he went missing in the jungle and they never found a body. We also found an old Victorian photo album of his relatives. If you've ever seen them they're so spooky. Some of the photos had babies in them that where perfectly crisp, and their eyes looked glassed over. Since then I learned it was most likely because the babies where dead when the photos where taken. That house always freaked me out.- I already thought the whole cannibalistic tribe thing was creepy in this story, and then it just throws in dead babies in there right at the end. That will always raise a scary story by one point. And finally at number 1 we have Separation[h]. This is a short but horrifying one from Colonrody on Reddit. Theyre a realtor who said one day they did a property inspection and in their words, it -Property inspection turned up a dead body in the attic, it was a suicide, someone hung them self. Home owner thought her husband had left her years ago… I guess he did- … yeah, I mean, I guess he did. Thats horrifying though. Its one of those things were you think - how did she not know? Would you know if there was a dead body in the attic? I don't want to go into the grizzly details about how youd know but surely youd know, right? Or maybe its not as easy to detect as people thing - perhaps there are a lot of dead bodies sitting in attics that we don't even know about … Alright guys, thanks all Ive got for you in this video, lets take a look at some comments really quickly. Ive taken these from our Top 10 Scary British Mysteries video. Mlg trek 334 said -cough brexit- … ahhh I see what youre saying, that Brexit is a mystery? Well, in my experience, Brexit is a very divisive topic. All Im going to say is. OK. Hopefully thats neutral enough and I’m not going to get scalded by anyone for that. Next up Lee Tatum said -Brilliant video Danny.!! I loved this one and the new series this was a wonderful idea. I love how you guys are always working to make the channel as interesting and as fresh as possible, you have done a great job in my opinion and I know that this new series will be as excellent and rewarding as the ones past. You are a truly amazing host and I'm looking forward to seeing all the new videos. Thanks to all of the team at Most Amazing for the outstanding work you do, you all are greatly appreciated.!!!- … thank you Lee for that lovely message. We always appreciate the kind words from you guys but this one seemed particularly heartfelt so I thought Id highlight it here to say thank you. And thank you to everyone for watching, if you want to see your comment appear in this segment then comment on this video. Thanks again for watching guys, my name is Danny Burke and Ill see you all in the next video!
Channel: MostAmazingTop10
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Keywords: top 10, most amazing top 10, top 10 list, mostamazingtop10, most amazing top ten, top ten, most amazing, scary, top 10 scary, most amazing top 10 scary, scariest objects, scariest objects found in attics, objects found in attics, objects found in attics that are scary, top 10 scariest objects found in attics, scary objects found in attics, scary objects found in the attic, scary attics, top 10 scary attics, scariest, true scary stories, scary stories, creepy, horror stories
Id: YlECNpzvIQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 27 2018
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