Top 10 Scariest Toys Ever Made

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Children toys are supposed to be fun, educational and amusing. However, there have been a ton of toy manufactures that throw all of those rules out of the window. Instead, they have created some of the most terryfing things that I have ever seen. How’s it going YouTube? I’m your host Landon Dowlatsingh and welcome back to another most amazing video. If you guys are loving all of our scary content don’t forget to give this video a thumbs up and comment below what your favourite toy was growing up. Alright, let’s get right to our list of the top 10 scariest toys ever made. Starting us off in at number 10 we have Hugo, the Man of one thousand faces. Here is a scary vintage doll that should never have been made. No seriously, who was the diabolical person that invented this toy? Hugo was launched in 1975 and he is a puppet stuffed with cotton and terror. If you pull on the string, he will flap his arms around but the main feature of this toy is that you have the ability to change his face anyway you want. Hugo comes fully stocked with a ton of body parts such as noses, eyes, hair and other creepy accessories. But when Hugo is o’naturel, he looks like he came straight out of my worst nightmare. I swear this toy was marketed towards serial killers who enjoy putting dismembered body parts on Hugo’s face. Jack in the box pops into this list in at number 9 I never really understood why people would actually waste their money on a jack in the box. They are actually so terrifying when they pop out at you and they have some pretty creepy looking dolls inside. Jack in the box should be renamed to anxiety in a box. And we should all throw them away in a huge ditch and cover them up with concrete and dirt. Mexican Jumping Beans hop into number 8. When I was younger, Mexican jumping beans were very popular. As kids, we all thought that these beans were magical but we didn’t know any better. As it turns out, the magic was actually from the larva of a moth that would jump when they got over heated because they were trying to move to a cooler environment. So basically, as kids we were told to heat up these magic beans so that we could see them jump but really, we were torturing this moth larva that was stuck inside of this seed pod. Sounds like a great toy for a child. Skinny Bones takes us into number 7. Whoa! No thanks. What kind of person in their right mind would buy this super creepy looking doll? Mr. Skinny bones was released in 1970 and apparently, he is just one member of the bone’s family. You can also purchase Ginny Bones, Trom Bones the horse and Ham Bones the dog. But I don’t see why you would. These toys look like decapitated heads that are being held up by a weird contraption. And they look like they could murder you in your sleep. Jolly Chimp bangs his cymbals in at number 6. The only thing Jolly about this toy is the feeling when you finally had the courage to throw this thing in the trash. What’s up with his eyes? Why do they look like they belong to a pissed off demon? This toy has been featured in several horror movies because it looks so evil. I think the person who designed this toy is no longer working for a toy company. I literally don’t see the appeal to Jolly Chimp. First, he looks like he is possessed by a demon. Secondly, he is loud and obnoxious and third, he has creepy chattering teeth. I’d rather buy Hugo than have this thing in the back of my closet waiting for his moment to kill me. Face Bank brings us to number 5. Piggy banks are a good way to entice kids to save their money. There are literally hundreds of piggy banks out there in the world but for some reason, a toy company came up with this concept. g Nope, there is no way in hell that I am trusting this creepy thing with my money. If anything, this toy will teach kids to be frugal because what kind of kid would be brave enough to get their quarters out of this scary looking device. But wait guys…it gets a lot worse…wait till you see it move. Shave the baby takes us to number 4. This is definitely one of the most disturbing toys that I have ever seen. There are just so many questions. Why is the baby so hairy? Why do we need to shave it? Why does he have so much hair on his calves? And most importantly, why does this toy even exist? I hope he is no longer in circulation and I hope that the kids who were forced to play with this doll aren’t too traumatized from their childhood. Creepy baby crawler makes an appearance in at number 3. Is this real life right now? Why is this thing so hideous? Even if you disinfected this toy and managed to rub off all of the dirt and stains, it would still be terrifying. I also don’t think that babies would like this toy. Its hard, ugly and not even colourful. It doesn’t look like it would bring much joy. And I wonder what sounds it makes when you hit those buttons. Luckily for us, we will never find out. Antique French swimming dolls swim into number 2. Good luck sleeping tonight. If you thought that was bad, take a look at this toy when it is positioned on her back. She literally looks like the spawn of the exorcist girl. How could anyone think that a child would love this toy? I think that it should be considered abuse if you are caught giving your child this creepy looking thing. Number 1 we are talking about Furbies. These toys were released back in 1998 but I don’t think we fully understood how creepy they actually are. Once you open the box, your furby will only speak in a secret language called Furbish but it has the ability to interact with other furbies and learn your language and behaviours. Furbies were actually banned by the National security agency because they were scared that they would listen in on classified conversations. The toy was rebooted in 2012 so I guess that just goes to show you that we haven’t learned our lesson. Well there you guys have it…
Channel: MostAmazingTop10
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Keywords: top 10, most amazing top 10, top 10 list, mostamazingtop10, most amazing top ten, top ten, most amazing, scary, top 10 scary, most amazing top 10 scary, top 10 scariest toys ever made, top 10 scariest toys, scariest toys ever made, scary toys, top 10 scary toys ever made, toys that are scary, scariest toys in the world, scariest toys, scariest toys ever, scariest toys caught on camera, scariest toys on earth, scariest toys in history, scary toy, scary toy malfunctions
Id: nGOgIguoEWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 49sec (469 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 04 2019
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