Scary Tooth Fairy Urban Legends
Hello and welcome back to the Most Amazing Channel on the internet. I am your host, Rebecca Felgate and today
I am talking about the Top 10 Scary Tooth Fairy Urban Legends…. I am actually pretty stressed about hosting
this video because…a little dental urban legend of my own – I feel like every time
I host a video about teeth, something bad happens to mine! Please tooth goods…please ms tooth fairy! Keep them safe this time! Before we jump into this video, why don’t
you guys let me know if you like going to the dentist, or if you have any dental horror
stories… honestly living in Canada is a dental horror story….it is so expensive! Like share etc 10 - Burn Them
Good old Middle Ages Europe…so up for burning stuff! So it seems that back in Ye Olde times Europeans
believed that a witch could curse someone if they got a hold of their tooth. Teeth, therefore, were pretty important and
couldn’t be left lying around. To stop a witch cursing you – teeth were
either swallowed or buried, but these still held some risk, so a lot of teeth were burned. There was also a belief that feeding a baby
tooth to a rodent would encourage the development of strong adult teeth. It was a weird time! 9 - The Afterlife
In England, a bit like in central Europe, baby teeth were burned. This was less out of a fear of witches, but
more out of a fear of eternal damnation….which is never ideal! It seems that the English were convinced that
if baby teeth weren’t burned – when people died they would spend their entire afterlife
searching for them – which sounds horrifying but like… maybe we will worry about that
when we’re dead? Oh…I forgot to mention – it also means
that your adult life would be cursed and filled with hardship. 8 - The Witch of the Green Teeth Pond
This legend comes from good old England in the county of Lancashire! Passed on by word of mouth, there is said
to be a witch called Jenny Greeteeth who has… you guessed it – green teeth. Not only that, the witch is said to hide in
skum filled ponds and captured children with bad, rotting teeth in order to make them her
companions. Couldn’t have a friend with pearly whites,
could you? That would just make her jealous! It is thought the dental connection came from
the pond scum which I guess is kind of plaquey? I guess this is another legend to encourage
kids to clean their teeth. 7 - The Little Mouse
In 17th Century France – a place I would most like to time travel to despite the upheaval,
the tooth fairy legends seem to begin with a mouse – La Bonne Petite Souris – which
means the good little mouse. The Good Little Mouse is a French Fairytale
about a mouse who helps a good queen defeat an evil king. Cheers mouse! But…wait… a nice mouse that helps a queen
isn’t scary? Is it? WELL… how did the mouse help, you may wonder? He crawled under the kings pillow and waited
until he was sleeping then knocked out his teeth one by one until all that was left were
gums. That is pretty sinister….right? No seriously though!! 6 - The Changelings
In old Irish folklore a lot of people were very scared of changelings – changelings
are children that have been stolen away by fairies and demons and swapped with one of
their own. Why would a fairy steal a human child? Well because human children are pretty and
docile in comparison. Many Irish people believed that old, dying
fairies would be swapped with babies. How would parents know if they had a changeling
– well the concept was developed partly as an explaination In some Irish cultures,
placing a tooth near the bed of a child would protect them from harm and of course protect
them from being stolen and swapped with a changeling. 5 - The Control of the Teeth Bearers
I suppose this is somewhat related to the witch issue – while some believed that witches
may take teeth and use them to curse people, others believed that if teeth weren’t hidden
or destroyed then a person could control another if they had their teeth. This idea was later explored in Terry Prachet’s
Discworld series as the Tooth Fairy’s collection of teeth is seized ,allowing Mr Teatime – a
ruthless schemer, to size control over everyone who has a tooth in the tooth fairies castle. It is also worth mentioning – to Pratchet,
the tooth fairy was more like a bogeyman – or collection of boogey men – who collected
teeth in order to protect them from mind control magic. 4 - Gain a Baby, Lose a Tooth
So the saying goes! It seems babies and teeth are weirdly linked
in folklore! It is an old superstition that women pay the
price for a child by losing a tooth…which is kind of worrying, right? Back when this legend originated, it was said
that the tooth loss was some can of natural balance in order to keep mother nature…who
in this case I guess we could consider the tooth fairy, happy. This all came about when many pregnant women
noticed they were losing teeth or suffering dental issues. There is some actual science behind this urban
legend, though! It seems that pregnancy interferes with calcium
absorption and further to that a lot of women crave sweet or acidic food while they are
carrying. In modern days, pregnant women are less likely
to visit the dentist. So…maybe it is less the tooth fairy collecting
payment for a blessing…than it is variable dental hygiene. Tooth superstition up next! 3 - Bite the Wood
In Filipino culture, spirits visit people in their sleep and people often think that
their dreams are visions and warnings. It is thought that if a person dreams that
their teeth are falling out they are being warned. I am pretty interested right now as I CONSTANTLY
have teeth falling out dreams. Like….constantly. I thought it was an anxiety dream but it turns
out, in Filipino culture, anyway, that someone around you will die soon. In order to counteract this, you must appease
spirits by biting a piece of wood. 2 - 1000 teeth in a wall… I am sorry but this is terrifying. WHY are there. Check out this image and tell me what you
would do if you were working construction and found this horrible haul. As workers were taking down a wall on the
second floor of the Converse Building in downtown Valdosta, Georgia. After an initial scare, some research was
done on the building and it was discovered that the building used to be home to a dentist. It seems that the dentist at the time, Dr
Youmans, used to place extracted teeth inside of a wall instead of disposing of them properly. These days this would be a biohazard risk
as rotten teeth are considered to contain infectious material. So…why were they in the wall? Possibly because he was a superstitious man
and burying teeth in walls was an old religious tradition. OH I am all about a tooth troll! Meet Hammaspeikko at number 1
So Hammaspeikko is a legend from Finland about a troll that rots teeth. The urban legend surfaced in 1949 when a children’s
book was written by Thorbjorn Egner about dental health. It seems that eating candy and junk food lures
in tooth trolls, the Hammaspeikko, who in turn drill holes into teeth where they will
stay unless they are scared away. How do you scare a candy loving tooth troll? With a tooth brush, that is how! While it seems that the urban legend of Hammaspeikko
is used to scare young children today, historically in old Finnish religion it was believed that
small malevolent spirits caused tooth ache. It is a pretty terrifying visual isn’t it
….tiny trolls living in your teeth…hammering at them causing them to rot! That was the Top 10 Scary Tooth Fairy Urban
Legends, which scared you the most? Urrrgh I feel like I am so having teeth dreams
tonight…. Please no! Comments from scary dentist stories part 2
Kerry Ann --- who I notice commenting on loads of our videos said: Ohhh jeeez. I hate the dentist after a botched impacted
wisdom tooth job. This has made me even more fearful of the
dreaded dentist....!! Lol love this channel.? Demonpniff wrote: Only Rebecca Felgate can
make ugly, scary dentist stories sound cheery. And only Ms. Felgate would respond to a dentist
taking revenge on her ex by removing all his teeth with "That is not acceptable." Love your videos, and your voice, Ms. Felgate!? Terry Kimball wrote: To answer your question
about number 10, yes cyanide teeth are real? – WHAT! Finally we had one of our channel members
Laura Anderson leave a comment – thanks Laura – she said: I never had any scary
dentist experiences please do scary Washington state urban legends?