Top 10 Scary Messages Found In Basements

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Basements are creepy. Im pretty sure thats why they were invented - to just creep us all out. However, some basements are a LOT creepier than others. You may you THINK you know a creepy basement, but it has nothing on the ones in this video. My name is Danny Burke and this is the top 10 scary messages found in basements. Whats that? You quite like my shirt and or hat and would like to have one yourself? Thanks for asking, head over the most amazing to get your own right after this video! Coming in at number 10 we have Josh’s Rules. In 2015, a man took his brother along with him to go house hunting in Michigan when they stumbled across a dirty, wet and unfinished basement. They saw writing on the wall and when they took a closer look, they realised that a child used to live down here. One wall read -Joshs rules 1) Stop reading your walls 2) no watching Isiah through the hole 3) no writing or drawing on the walls 4) if you don't like these rules go to number 0.- other messages said -Don't climb into my room- or, and I think this one is the creepiest -stop watching me- … the man posted all these pictures to Reddit were users came up with theories of ranging from a schizophrenia to the supernatural. Very strange stuff … Next up at number 9 we have Satan. In 2015, Imgur user booshy992 posted these pictures to Imgur of the basement and attic he and his friends had moved in to. As you can see, something went down here. The symbols appear to be satanic in nature - there were pentagrams, rams, snakes and strange messages such as -For i am the earth and within me the devil burns- … many people asked them why didnt they ask to see the attic and basement before they moved in? Thats a very good point - not sure if I could sleep knowing this stuff was below me … At number 8 now we have The Tape. Reddit user Lumber Jack shared pictures of a small basement passageway he discovered in his new home. Inside it, he found a locked door which concealed an entrance to a small room. Inside that room was a briefcase and a safe. He opened that and found some money, a few watches and video tapes. The tapes had writing on the front - one of them simply read -no, no, no, no- … he handed everything over to the police for investigation. Would you have done the same, or would you have ignored the message and watched the tape? Next up at number 7 we have The Tombstone. In 2016, a student from massachusetts made a grim discovery in their university houses basement: a grave. Derek Kruk was interviewed about the tombstone next the the boiler in his home. The message says this marks the burial site of Jabez Harden, who served in the War of 1812. He died in 1879 at the age of 83. At first, the housemates were creeped out by this find but now James enjoys shocking visitors to the house by randomly announcing theres a grave in the basement. Maybe thats just his coping mechanism … At number 6 now we have Grafiti. In 2012, Reddit user Tallest Waldo shared a creepy discovery he found in his basement - this writing accompanied by some strange symbols. Another reddit user identified the symbols as being part of occult spellcasting. They suggested this basement used to be a cult members ritual work space. After meditating on the symbols for a while, it seems they had an epiphany and wrote the message we can see on the wall. I can make out something about their soul being fire and the time has come to use the gateway they have opened. What do you guys think it says? Im not even sure if I want to know … At number 5 now we have Peter Pan. In 2010, a woman in LA found something very disturbing in her basement. Wrapped in newspapers from the 1930s were the mummified remains of two newborn infants. They were wrapped up with a copy of Peter Pan and a membership card to the Peter Pan Woodland Club. Detectives identified who did this - a woman called J.M Barrie who coincidentally had the same name as the author of the book but was of no relation. What police have never figured out though is the purpose of this. What did it symbolise? Was this woman trying to convey a message about her dead newborns and the story of Peter Pans never never land? We may never know … At the number 4 spot now we have Mould. In 2005, a family who moved into a new home were decorating one of the rooms when they noticed the bookcase was a bit loose. They nudged it and it swung open to reveal a secret passageway. Inside, they found a note that read -Hello, if youre reading this, then youve found the secret room!- … the letter went on to explain how they were the previous tenant of the house but had to move out because of mold which made their children very sick. The new owners listened to the warning and moved out because of the mold too - they even sued the broken who sold them the house. Im sure theyre happy they got the warning but I would be a little bit creeped out to find a note that congratulated me for finding the secret room … At number 3 now we have The Asylum. Not much is known about the picture youre about to see or who took it - which kind of adds to the mysterious alure of it. This was the writing found on the basement wall of an abandoned mental asylum. It reads -I never knew much about people until I took one apart … just to see how it worked- … many commenters online have speculated who wrote this and if perhaps the story behind this message could lead to the reason the asylum was abandoned in the first place … Moving on to the number 2 spot now we have Drugs. Imgur user Boymuzz shared a couple of pictures from the basement of a house he moved into in 2012. The landowner told them that the previous tennants were, quote -hardcore drug users- … they didnt see any evidence of this though, that was until they went into the basement. This was the sight they were met with when they arrived. It appears to be a message written in blood. The numbers 41 and 90 are large and promenant, surrounded by a bunch of random letters and the handprints of the people who made this. Others numbers included 82, 6 and 35. What does this all mean? Is this a secret code? Whoever took the time to make this must have thought these numbers held some real significance And finally at number 1 we have The Bunker. For me, a bunker is basically a big basement with nothing above it. Its like a super basement. In 2014, an imgur user shared a story and pictures from when they visited a friend in northern germany. In the woods, they found an abandoned bunker. They followed the endless, hospital like hallways. As they ventured deeper, they found grafiti on the walls with words like DIE and Help. Eventually, they came across a huge yellow vault door that had been ripped off its hingest - a worrying site to see. A little further on they found the creepiest writing so far … a message in German that translates to -Hello Satan. I love you- … it wasnt long before they turned back, that clearly isnt a place you want to stick around in for too long … Very creepy, which one was your favourite, would you guys like a top 10 scary messages found in attics? Let me know - Im Danny Burke, thanks for watching and Ill see you all in the next video!
Channel: MostAmazingTop10
Views: 3,306,297
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Keywords: scary messages found in basements, basements, scary basements, scary basement stories, scary stories, what's in the basement, messages found in basements, basement messages, messages from beyond the grave, top 10, top ten, most amazing top 10, most amazing top ten, top 10 lists, top ten lists, lists, scary basement, scary basement videos, scary basement sounds, scary basement prank, scary basement music, scary basement scene, scary basement stairs
Id: njISjYq-GxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 58sec (478 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2017
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