Top 10 Mysterious Locked Doors That Can Never Be Opened

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Around the world, there are so many mysterious doors that are hidden in monuments, mountains and temples that no one has been able to open. Some of these doors are said to carry a curse while other doors just simply can’t be opened even with modern technology and tools. Does this peak your interest? How’s it going YouTube? I’m your host Landon Dowlatsingh and welcome back to another most amazing video. Did you guys get a chance to check out our newest channel, Beyond the screen? We will be doing top 10 lists on your favourite movies, tv shows and everything in between. So I’ll put a link in the description below. Alright, enough of all of that let’s jump into this list with the top 10 mysterious locked doors that can never be opened. Starting us off in at number 10 with Mysterious temple door. India’s most sacred and popular temple is known as the Padmanabhaswamy Temple. It is by far the most visited temple in the country however, inside of its heavily guarded gates is a locked room with hidden treasure and potentially a deadly curse. The temple has six enormous secret vaults that contains priceless treasure. These vaults are known as Chambers A through F. A seven person committee was only able to open five of these vaults but they were all exceptionally difficult to open, even with modern technology. Chamber B is the only door that they were unable to open. No one knows what is locked behind its gates. Some conspiracy theorists think that Chamber B is extremely holy or that is has many valuable items with unknown origins. Some even say that it may contain the largest undiscovered treasure in the entire world. In at number 9 is The sealed Mausoleum. A sealed mausoleum located in Brompton Cemetery in London might be a fully functioning Victorian time machine. Well that’s what people are claiming at least. For 150 years this tomb has been sealed and, on the outside, it is covered with ancient Egyptian gods and hieroglyphs. Some people believe that the ancient Egyptians had discovered the secrets to time travel, eternal youth and eternal life. But the answers are located forever behind the heavy doors of this mausoleum because no one is able to open this bronze door. Next in at number 8 we have the Sphinx’s Hall of Records. The Great Sphinx of Giza is a limestone statue of a mythical creature that has the body of a lion and a head of a human. But this world famous statue has a lot more mysteries than meets the eye. Under the left foot of the Sphinx there is a camber that people are calling the Hall of Records. Apparently this hall contains documents about our ancient civilization and some information regarding Atalantis. The only problem is this chamber is behind a door that no one can open. The Egyptian government is blocking people from accessing this top secret room. But why? I’m really curious to know what’s exactly in this room and I feel like we are entitled to know what’s sealed behind those doors. Sealed chambers in ancient Aztec site in Mexico City takes us into number 7. Archeologists in Mexico have discovered a passageway that leads to two sealed chambers. These chambers were found in one of the largest temples of the ancient Aztec capital. Does this mean that there will be a major excavation in the near future. Well, not exactly. The tunnel that leads us to the chambers measures in at 18in wide and 5 ft high. There are also extremely heavy boulders that are blocking our access to these chambers. But they were able to remove one three ton rock away from the mouth of the tunnel and they discovered a large box in a hollow space beneath it. This box contained gold ornaments. Stone knives and the bones of children and eagles. Children and eagles? What the heck is going on? Do we really want to find out what’s in that sealed chamber? And now in at number 6 we have a Mysterious rock with ancient door. Take a look at this rock. This is probably one of the coolest things that I have ever seen. This mysterious rock was found in a mountain region in Southern Peru near Lake Titicaca. It is located in an area that is known as a Valley of the spirits or stone forest and that’s because there are a bunch of strange rock formations that resemble people, buildings, animals, dinosaurs and other structures. The door is known as the Gate of the gods and it measures in at exactly seven meters in height by seven meters in width. According to the local legend, heroes would pass through this gate so that they could have immortality but of course this is a local legend and the gate is now sealed. Svalbard Global Seed Vault brings us to number 5. This seed vault is built in an abandoned Arctic coal mine, deep inside of a mountain. It was designed to preserve the world’s crops and plants in the event of a global disaster. It contains about a million packets of seeds from almost every country in the world. It was built underneath the permafrost so that it could stand the test of time. But apparently the architects and engineers who built this thing didn’t take global warming into consideration because the permafrost is melting, and the water has a high chance of flooding the vault. So, in this case, the door can be opened but no one should open it because all the seeds will be ruined. Area 51 floats onto this list in at number 4. For years Area 51 has been the centre of many conspiracy theories about extra-terrestrial life and UFO sightings. It is a highly classified remote area located in Nevada and its purpose is actually unknown. Well not too long ago google earth found a mysterious crater shaped hole in the ground near Area 51 that is unlike anything I’ve ever seen. Once this image circulated around the internet, conspiracy theorists from around the world started to speculate that this crater is an entrance to an underground military base. If you look close enough, you can also see that is has a large, thin object poking out of the middle of it. It kind of looks like a man-made tower. This obviously isn’t a natural phenomenon so what exactly is happening here at Area 51? Sadly, I don’t think that we will ever find out. The First Emperor’s Tomb climbs onto this list in at number 3. There are hundreds of pyramids found in China and most of them have been covered by nature and left unexplored. However, the First Emperor’s tomb has technically been explored but only around the edges where the Terra-Cotta army was found. Chinese Archeologists know exactly where the entrance is, but they are refusing to go in. They are speculating that the tomb is laced with booby traps or an ancient curse. It is also believed that the emperor sealed all of the workers that created the tomb inside so that they can never reveal to others what’s actually inside of this temple. I’m betting that there are priceless artifacts and a huge pile of treasure inside but I would be too scared to go in too. Banff Springs Hotel Room 873 creeps into number 2. If you are planning a trip to Banff, Alberta, Canada and you want to stay at the beautiful Banff Springs Hotel, you should probably stay away from room 873. This is known as the missing room and according to the story, family was brutally killed in this room decades ago. After a very long investigation, the room was refurbished and booked out to travelers. But soon after, people kept reporting creepy disturbances. Apparently, guests would fall asleep in the room but then they would wake up to a blood curdling scream. All of the lights would turn on and they would find bloody handprints on the mirrors. But by the time the staff made it up to the room, everything would be back to normal. Because of this, the hotel got a really bad reputation so they decided it would be best to seal off this horrific room. So, The door was removed and the opening was covered with drywall and the hotel staff are forbidden to talk about room 873. Sealed doors in the Taj Mahal tops this list in at number 1. The Taj Mahal is considered as the symbol of eternal love and it is listed as one of the Seven Wonders Of The World. It’s a beautiful piece of architecture but there are a lot of secrets located within its walls. So, let’s explore. The Taj Mahal has hundreds of rooms that have been sealed off to the general public. These rooms are supposedly kept closed since the time of Shah Jahan and they have been sealed with brick and lime. If you’ve ever visited the Taj Mahal, you know that the two staircases leading to the first floor are kept locked and barred. But why? These rooms are making me super curious and I say we bust all of these doors open. Well there you guys have it…
Channel: MostAmazingTop10
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Keywords: top 10, most amazing top 10, top 10 list, mostamazingtop10, most amazing top ten, most amazing, top 10 mysterious locked doors, top 10 locked doors, top 10 mysterious locked doors that can never be opened, mysterious locked doors, mysterious locked doors that can never be opened, locked doors, doors, locked doors that can never be opened, doors that can never be opened, scary, mysterious, mysterious things, sealed doors, sealed doors that can never be opened, doors that are locked
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2019
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