5 SCARY Ghost Videos You'll SEE In Your NIGHTMARES

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[Music] now five ghosts caught on camera the curse of hell's bar damn the hell's bar damn located on the tennessee river in Helltown tennessee was built in 1913 on former Native American land that is supposedly cursed the dam is often called the most haunted dam in the world and it has a very dark history during the construction of the hell's bar dam hundreds of workers lost their lives than workplace accidents then soon after the dams completion it began to spring leaks on a weekly basis under the dam there was a narrow tunnel used by local children to get across the river to school one fateful day a sudden massive leak caused the tunnel to flood trapping many of the school children inside records of the event are sketchy but it is believed that at least two of the children lost their lives in the flood eventually it was found that the ground the dam was built on was unstable so a new dam was built further downstream and the old hells bar dam was abandoned in a two-part investigation YouTube ghost hunter Franco TV explores the cursed grounds of the haunted dam as he walks through the abandoned and underground tunnel things start to get a little strange [Music] I'm not afraid to say this but I am honestly afraid right now I really big weird always haven't heard it yet already here all right later as a heavy storm rolls in Frank continues his exploration in a different part of the Hales bar damn Frank sets up a spirit box in a decaying room but he catches something on camera that he never expected is it okay that I could record in this room yeah sure I don't know if that's what it said you guys correct me it almost looks like the shape of a face is peeking in the window Franco TV later finds out that he caught another unexpected surprise on camera while he's exploring Frank leaves a night-vision camera recording the large entryway of the Damned [Music] did you see it on the upper floor a mysterious dark figure walks from left to right along the walkway and then just seems to disappear into thin air [Music] to see more Franco TVs paranormal investigation of the Hales bar damn check out his two-part video series over on his YouTube channel with spurs on the wind youtubers syntax 77 is a backpacker an outdoorsman who posts accounts of his adventures while hiking deep in the secluded woods and mountains in his videos he gives camping and hiking advice and also tests out gear as he camps out overnight in the middle of nowhere none of his videos are about anything related to the paranormal however in one video uploaded on June 2nd 2019 YouTube viewers noticed something truly bizarre after a long hike alone on the Kahana trail in Pennsylvania syntax 77 sets up camp right next to the ruins of what was once an old farmhouse as he starts eating his dinner for the night this happens man is good a little bit of a gravy in there I'm happy it's calm peaceful little breeze through the treetops but nothing too bad yet YouTube commenters believe that a voice can be heard saying be quiet stay silent I'll boost the audio listen again I'm happy it's calm peaceful little breeze through the treetops but nothing too bad yet syntax 77 spends the night in a hammock right beside the creepy farmhouse ruins the next morning he packs his things and starts to head back and it seems that something is very eager to see him go that's the trees we had the setup on this is the other foundation here a little spot sure but uh time to move on you can see I don't know if you can't see but right as syntex 77 walks by the ruins of the old farmhouse a bizarre voice can be heard whispering get out but uh time to move on you can see I don't know if you can't see but so is this the ghost of the former farm house owner demanding that he leave or is it all just an elaborate hoax to this day syntax 77 has not responded to any comments regarding the EVPs he still actively posts hiking and camping videos to his YouTube channel but nothing supernatural the road to ruin these next to scary videos were captured on a secluded forest road near Mexico City named the desierto de las Leona's or in English the lines desert road the local townspeople tell ghost stories of strange dark figures running across the road late at night causing motorists to swerve off the road and crash these unexplained incidents are said to be especially common around the 31 kilometres on the road the uninhabited buildings along the roadside are also said to be haunted by these roaming spirits or entities on the Mexican YouTube channel terror al extremo a team of urban explorers traveled to the allegedly haunted road to see if the stories are true poco del recorrido repeat hola gente de jakke separation fantasmas easily Sabine tahna los vehículos I hope we got all we something seems to hit their truck but when they check there's nothing there so they continue driving down the creepy road safely no good you Frizzle again something hits the truck but they can't find the source they decide to take a short break on the side of the road without even knowing it at the time they capture something on camera but it's downright chilling not been teased sis interasante rocky did you see it as they're sitting in their truck a strange figure seems to run towards the empty part building at the top of the hill now there are no other cars around so that leaves the question just who or what was this mysterious figure and why were they running around in the woods in the middle of the night the urban explorers continued down the road and find one of the allegedly haunted buildings again they don't seem to be alone I mean thought to lose I've seen the commissariat of school see yesterday mijo I'm going to put the sir please okay but it gets even weirder as they search the area around the building things take a chilling turn come over she dries up this does mean fish c-prime not NOS i till the market they look at the Pago [Music] they just decide to leave but as they do they have one last bizarre encounter a [Music] dark figure runs across the road right in front of their truck what makes their experiences even more bizarre is that another YouTube channel has witnessed and captured similar activity at the exact same building YouTube paranormal researcher alberto del arco was investigating the Lyons desert road marker he didn't find much in his investigation but his cameraman accidentally catches something very creepy watch closely they were it was credit Camino I'll quote you now minty [Music] give it some see give way [Music] mr. Lewis time we're not joining every day if you don't go no telling pretend there isn't any come on yeah now Alberto and his cameraman didn't notice it at the time but a dark shape can be seen moving in the left window of the same empty stone house where the other team saw the same figure so did YouTube channels tear Alex Trammell and alberto del arco capture evidence of the lines desert road being haunted by sinister spirits you decide check out their channels to see more shocking footage that they captured during their investigations meanwhile on tic-tock tic-tock user Josiah Worley isn't shy when it comes to his drinking habits he often gets extremely intoxicated and uploads multiple videos - tick tock now the subject of his videos has caught a lot of viewers attention Josiah bleah is that his house might be haunted and records the almost daily paranormal activity my trip is the by trippy do you see that oh oh okay [Music] do not do that please yeah I'm leaving here in my hands did you see that did you can see that here my feet not moving here my hands on my feet love no no no way as you can see I put it back on this thing I'm about to go lay back down and I'm gonna hope to god that nothing being doesn't mean weird because I feel like there's a wait right there but at the same time it could be friendly oh god now look at me I'm starting to sound like a weirdo you got wheels like that I'm gonna take another shot hold on okay move that you see that what if I don't know what to do I'm also scared to show you guys my face because I look pretty ugly but here you go yo Yolo was good bro bro bro are you good bro you good bro do you see any strings did you guys hit me and just two days later it happens again so for like a whole day nothing has been going down and then this can happens okay there's nothing I even brought over somebody's there and I don't know why the [ __ ] is fast asleep I've been drinking a little bit maybe it's only when I get drunk but regardless dude that's really tough not gonna be doing that you shouldn't be doing that you should not you should not be doing that please stop doing that okay okay stay there be chill stop for a minute I'm gonna leave sorry but I'm gonna leave really sorry for that that light [ __ ] off there's a switch right there it got switched off turning off this light it so I ended up taking a trip to Walmart cuz really handle can't really handle what's happening Josiah decides to take a trip to a department store to get a break from the constant strange activity but when he returns it only seems to get worse I've been cleaning up since I woke up okay and I've been hearing a lot of weird about for some reason whenever I pull my camera out it stops but that didn't stop did it what was it what was it I was leaning been watching something we got this turned off and I went to go grab a drink it for some are you joking keep please done do you see it's time to get more sketched out actually - because of you I think I'm going to get more scared like as we go along the bizarre occurrences are even witnessed by his friends I really wish I recorded it that thing fell over twice two times not once twice and this mother I just picked it up there's mother over years acting like nothing ever happened well we're about to leave but didn't the Paranormal Activity in his home just becomes a little too extreme for Josiah I I don't know if I'm even recording I don't know if I'm okay with being here I'm gonna end up leaving I'm not a [ __ ] at least I didn't think I was but I'm starting to progressively become more scared it's like God you just can't really handle that that's not real life is it oh I need to take another shot now of course this could just be a huge tick-tock hoax but in that last video Josiah certainly seemed pretty upset but what do you think to follow his continuing story head over to Josiah Worley tik-tok page ticked on user Kelsey Flynn says that a friend took her picture while she was trying on a bridesmaid's dress in a local shop when she looks back at the picture things get truly bizarre I went bridesmaid shopping yesterday and I had on this dress and my sister is gonna wear this one so I took this picture and I just sent it to her this morning and she responds saying oh my god that picture is possessed this is the whole photo look at my face here this is not a serious smile but look at my face here and now look at my reflection in the back I'm sorry what what look is that I'm freaking out freaking out that's possessed that is the truth or dare smile that where my teeth that's not even the same that is not the same smile is that I can't now there's a digital camera effect called rolling shutter that can make different parts of a picture appear altered if they happen within just a fraction of a second like for example spinning helicopter blades are a quick blink of the eyes Luke Mandell submitted this photo to Boing Boing his camera scans left to right and in this instance managed to capture a blink eyes closed when the scan began and then open in the reflection scanned a fraction of a second later but for Kelsey's entire face and expression to change from this to this it seems like it would take longer than just the blink of an eye but what do you think is this just a digital glitch or did Kelsey Flynn catch something paranormal in her photo the doors strike back now if you're a regular viewer of this channel you might know adventure ala as the original door kicking saudi ghost hunter but in this video things go very differently for allah and his foot to door technique seems to backfire on him so adventure allah is on another live stream ghost hunt checking out an abandoned building that is said to be haunted by a jinn or evil spirit whoever or whatever is in the building with Allah it seems to have malicious intent when Allah starts his investigation he prays which seems to immediately trigger some strange activity when I hate throwing I became an enemy loving myself what's the awkward see you ask you a lot [Music] well I would ever have the Hama Muhammad Ali you love him Smila [Music] movies Mila bismillah must be Allah when I'm in lucky something that Allah can't see seems to be moving through the building a door shuts on its own however this doesn't deter Allah and he continues his hunt [Music] it's not mother whatever it is seems to be toying around with Allah by shouting nearby doors but nevertheless he continues on my Ahana has been in have you a blush look if that is helic of Lunada has to be alone I'm in Turkey but some of me I'll be mean a little diet hell I could hide I know one check even sent a loud sound startles that bencher Allah and he almost falls through the week railing to the concrete floor two stories below now he decides it's time to leave but it might be too late lucemon la misma la la la la la la la you know who the wholesaler to know what I know now my visa my watch your mouth loud bismillah Oh some melaka ha ha [Music] hundreds tomorrow we don't have well you love him well honey love him well what do you love him all eventually managed to escape the terrifying experience unharmed but was it real or just a very elaborate hoax you decide check out more of allah's creepy ghost hunts over on this YouTube channel adventure Allah thanks for watching by all means suggest videos that you think should be in the top five at nukes top five at gmail.com and if you want to hear some random blathering you can follow me on Twitter at nukes top five
Channel: Nuke's Top 5
Views: 4,375,911
Rating: 4.9021211 out of 5
Keywords: ghost, nuke's top 5, nukes top 5, nukes tops 5, nukestop5, scary video, scary videos, scary, scary things, scariest videos, caught on camera, top 5, top 10, paranormal, poltergeist, paranormal investigation, top 15, creepy, ghosts, paranormal activity, ghost caught on camera, real ghost, haunting, parnormal, ghost hunters, poltergeist activity, haunted house, ghost hunter, haunted, haunted places, adventure alaa, investigation, real ghosts, ghost hunting, ghost stories, unexplained
Id: UkobsSZ0lLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 56sec (1556 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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