5 Scary Things Caught On Camera By Dash Cam

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[Music] the top five scary things caught on camera dashcam edition car dash cams are commonly used for the purpose of preventing insurance fraud and generally just capturing people who are terrible drivers but sometimes the cameras capture things that are either very unexpected shocking or downright creepy in this countdown we're gonna explore some of the scary videos caught on car dash cams plain sight policemen catch a lot of strange and sometimes scary things on their patrol car dash cams but some events are a bit more bizarre than others police deputies in Clearwater Florida are out on a routine call when one of the officers spots something strange that had right toward him [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] luckily the small plane misses all cars and pedestrians on the ground and crashes into a wooden fence nearby the pilot and his passenger also managed to walk away from the crash with no injuries they said that the plane had experienced engine failure which forced the crash landing one YouTube viewer thought that the crazy caught on camera footage looked a bit like a familiar video game he commented quote DTA five players 10 seconds after getting into an airplane Pinery bushfire Pinery bushfire was a massively destructive wildfire that burned for seven days through Southwest Australia in this clip from the dashcam of a firetruck we see firefighters drive into the heart of the fire in an attempt to stop the blaze unbeknownst to them fire has changed direction and is now moving toward them at a shocking rate of speed what follows as a chaotic and scary scene caught on camera from inside a burning wildfire in the dashcam footage one of the firefighters can be heard telling the others that they're going into quote burn over this is a procedure where the truck windows are blocked with thermal curtains and the firefighters then attempt to wait out the fire from inside their trucks but the other driver panics throws this truck in reverse and slams into the front of the other fire truck you can see flames as the fire literally burns over the fire trucks amazingly not a single one of the firefighters were hurt in the incident the teleporter now this next clip from Japan might not count as a scary thing caught on camera so much is just a strange thing caught on camera or some might argue a very fake thing but I'll leave that for you to decide [Music] [Music] in this clip watch the side of the approaching black van this video was posted with the claim that it showed someone teleporting caught on video now some viewers have argued that the man in the clip jumps from the bridge above some argue that he jumps out of the car window and some just say that the whole thing has been visually manipulated after all it wouldn't be the first time that a fake teleportation video from Asia has shown up on the Internet but what's your analysis is this teleportation caught on video or is it just a hoax real or fake let me know your opinion down in the comments when trees attack if you're a regular viewer of this channel you might have seen this clip for my video scary things caught on camera in the woods well turns out that's not the only time some scary footage of a tree that's been caught on video this man and his wife we're driving through the woods on a back road in Victoria Australia as a frequent storm rolls through it almost takes out the whole forest right in front of them this car dashcam and Russia captures another random scary encounter with a tree woman manages to sidestep just in time but sometimes you just can't be that lucky in Centerville Iowa officer jeremy Veatch has pulled over a driver for not having headlights on as his partner waits in the car the police dashcam records the stop synodal 1:28 I need officers to respond [Music] astonishingly officer Veatch only suffered minor injuries to his left leg otherwise he was unscathed with a little help from his partner he was able to get up and walk away after the incident [Music] Senate bill 128 I need officers to respond the plague a man driving to Dagestan Russia spots what looks like a death storm on the horizon but as he gets closer he discovers that it's something much more bizarre [Music] man is actually driving through a swarm of hungry locusts so thick that almost box help the sky his car - Kim captures the whole strange a bit now most ancient religious texts refer to plagues of locusts as being a curse on the land and for good reason this infestation of locusts in Russia covers an area of over 270,000 square miles locusts eat their own weight in food every day stripping the land of crops and vegetation and leading to famine and complete devastation locusts swarm of this size can eat the same amount in a day as thousands of people leaving nothing behind but barren land if you enjoyed this video and want to see more like it please hit the subscribe button and be sure to click the little bell icon so that you're always notified when a new video is posted because apparently when you don't click the bow like on YouTube just doesn't send any kind of notification and no one knows why anyway as always thanks for watching and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Nuke's Top 5
Views: 5,771,217
Rating: 4.8126817 out of 5
Keywords: scary things, caught on camera, dash cam, car dash cam, caught on, top 5, scary videos, caught on video, dash cams, dashcam, dashcams, scary, scariest things, scary things caught on camera, interesting, top 5 list, caught on tape, analysis, car cam, in real life, investigate, supernatural, cctv, mysterious videos, unexplained mysteries, unexplained, mysterious, teleportation, strange, strange things, creepy, bizarre, scary footage, strange thing, top 10, top 15, nukestop5, nuke's top 5
Id: QiwtLBQrjG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 29 2018
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