Top 10 Savage Stewie Griffin Insults

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this baby throws all the shade welcome to I work since the day I escaped from your wretched womb for this list we'll be going over the most amusing and or cutting insults delivered by family guys Stewie Griffin let's get at it number 10 fashion advice Brian's birthday besides consisting of some incredibly bizarre gifts also leaves the dog thinking about his own mortality and his legacy nothing it's just that I don't know my birthday is just it's kind of a reminder that I'm now one year closer to death with nothing to show for my time here can I get a minion cake for my next birthday well c8p back help out his friend Stewie offers help and varieties biography citing his previous experience helping Cleveland with his wardrobe as proof of his qualification maybe I can lend you a hand Brian I'll help you write your biography really you do that yes after all I hoped Cleveland with his wardrobe a cutaway reveals that Stewie makes a remark to the Griffin family friend about the skinny jeans he's wearing not being for him despite Stewie's love for him this is soon followed up by Stewie's immediately shooting down their neighbor Joe's attempt to pull off a vest with no shirt hey Cleveland you know I love you but those jeans they ain't for you I knew it I think I just needed to hear it Thank You Peters baby uh uh copy that can we really believe Stewie's a fashion expert he wears one outfit all the time number nine lies an attempt by Lois to wean Stewie off breast milk naturally leads to disastrous results Stewie finds milk from a bottle disgusting compared to the real thing anywhere then take off your shirt no honey no no tonight we're gonna have formula instead that's more disgusting than when Peter went through that daisy dukes phase he gets so desperate that while at the park he uses a swing to launch himself at a breastfeeding woman knocking her child out of the way to take their place although Stewie is quickly pulled off her he throws a parting insult at the woman telling her that her implants are not boobs at all there lies by the way you call those cheap implants boobs those aren't boobs they're lies when an infant can tell the difference you know you haven't gotten your money's worth number eight accept it a trip to Canada for Peter and the boys leads to a plane crash after Peters antics go too far oh my god Joe there's a man on the wing Peter there's no man on the wing there is I saw him Peter stop being ridiculous I'm telling you lift up the shade there's a man on the wing fine it's me I'm the man under wing after being separated from quagmire and Joe Peter must survive in the wild for months leading to him becoming feral and wild yes that's the television kids I think he recognizes the TV we're all thinking it Andy just does it after returning home Peter goes through the family's garbage bins like a raccoon and Lois chases him away from them only to wonder aloud who threw her sequin top in the trash Stewie then shouts from off screen that she should accept that she's 43 years old with the obvious implication being that she can no longer pull off dressing like a younger woman my sequin top you're 43 accept it number seven you albino gorilla Stewie's older brother Chris isn't exactly the sharpest bulb in the box with only Peter on a bad day coming close to his level of doe penis well look who it is Chris Griffin oh boy hey fat-ass your boobs are bigger than your sisters oh yeah well you would have a sister as well so when Chris finds himself outwitted by bullies Stewie takes an interest the baby offers Chris to teach him how to deliver better insults hey Chris I wanted to talk about what happened at school it is that a dead gerbil in there that's our firm fish it's a weird species you put him in there and they swim like hell for like 30 seconds and then they go to sleep even so Chris's hypothetical jab at Stewie prompts a lightning-fast barb in response in which Stewie calls Chris and albino gorilla and tells them to have another doughnut you really got to stand up for yourself Stewie it's not so easy would you say if I said hey there shorty I'd say have another doughnut you albino gorilla even when it's conjectural Stewie doesn't hold anything back number six how to eat healthy and this year's James Woods high homecoming king is Chris Griffin holy crap I don't believe it Chris one far from the most popular kid at school Chris somehow manages to become homecoming king however unbeknownst to him his victory was only because his classmates voted for him out of pity or for a laugh they just see him walking around with his hands down his pants all day and he's just so fat and weird so we feel bad despite Stewie and Brian trying to keep it a secret to spare Chris's feelings his arrogant attitude gets on their nerves immediately after Chris declares he'll be taking things from Stewie's room Stewie calls out that there's a book and how to eat healthy that he can take while also calling him a fat [ __ ] it's a burn with a side of concern a concern burn if you will now if you'll excuse me I shall select three things from Stewie's room that I wish to be mine there's a book in there on how to eat healthy number five white trash hen everyone's the hero of their own story at least they should be a short entitled point of Stu follows a day in the life of Stewie with the camera acting as his point of view and right from the moment he wakes up the baby is delivering burns when his mother changes his diaper and finds a dime Stewie response to her scolding by telling her to wipe it off and put it in her purse like the white-trash hen she is he then follows us up by pulling her hair and whispering that when he grows up you will never visit her and that should be nothing to him real but dark roots are ridiculous I'm gonna grab your hair because I like grabbing stuff okay when I grow up I'm never gonna call you I'm gonna be busy with my job and my family you would be nothing number four McConaughey family guy has not been kind actor Matthew McConaughey and his cutaway gag of Stewie insulting him is especially cutting and funny lot of effort for nothing like trying to tell Matthew McConaughey how much he sucks stewey repeatedly insults and berate s' McConaughey for being a terrible actor you know Matthew I I may not ever get another chance to say this so I just want to get this off my chest you are just awful you're one of the worst actors in the history of film while Stewie's Barb's that the actor is just the worst and his wish that McConaughey would get a heart attack or hilarious even funnier is the fact that McConaughey's famously chilled demeanor remains throughout and even he agrees with Stewie that his movies are terrible after that everything else was awful contact they did they didn't even need you in that movie they're kind of a home movie without you I know I said the same thing but they were just like oh we need a good-looking guy with a great ass and some tight abs to just provide some down-home enthusiasm in this picture the kicker is that Stewie's last and most outlandish claim causes McConaughey to assert that nobody can prove it we certainly wouldn't want any video evidence truth of the matter is I don't like my movies either but man they just keep offering me money and I do it and then I get to go around the world I mean juicy Sahara I tell you what that movie gave me was an opportunity to take an Airstream all across the country and sell that picture of one person at a time you'll suck donkey ass now you can't prove that number three Felix Unger ish from the moment you gave birth to me I had to trust you I had no choice I needed you to protect me from the world to to be my guide to help me navigate the difficult confusing and vulnerable journey to becoming a person you have done none of those things the biggest target of ridicule on the show is easily the eldest Griffon child meg and Stewie does not abstain from the tidal wave of mockery delivered at his sister after Peter is revealed to be mentally challenged meg worries that this revelation will ruin her prospects for popularity at school I can't believe this is happening to me I can never go back to school again however Stewie shoots this down as a possibility sarcastically citing her numerous failings including comparing the way she clears her sinuses to Felix Ungar from The Odd Couple he rounds it out by claiming you might kill her later oh yes Meg yes yes yes everything was going swimmingly for you until this yes yes this is the thing that will ruin your reputation not all years of grotesque appearance or awkward social graces or that Felix which way you clear your sinuses no it's this do you hear yourself talk I might kill you tonight sarcasm and death threats quite the summation of Stewie's character now number two Brian's novel this is easily one of the most famous Stewie insults and it's not hard to see why believe you're gonna be on The Bachelorette yeah I thought you said those shows were stupid they are stupid but I figure I got a few days of free booze and free food before they kick me off I could use a vacation during an episode where Brian appears on TV show The Bachelor Stewie asks him several questions about a novel Brian has been working on for years sarcastically prodding him about his lack of progress while bringing down the structure of most stories as his voice gets higher and higher over time oh yes cuz you've got such a heavy workload around here mmm how you were are you coming on that novel you're working on yeah got a big big stack of people's there good I got a nice little nice little story you're working on man a big good novel you've been working on for three years although the gag does run a bit long this undeniably helps it be so memorable and we would argue helps make it funnier I said narrative beginning middle and end some friends become enemies some enemies become friends yeah at the end your main character is a richer for the experience yeah no no you you deserve some time off Stewie hasn't loaded so many burns over the years we couldn't release an encyclopedia however this is a top ten list not top one million so here are some honorable mentions hatless ha I got your hat take that headless now go back to the quad and resume your hacky sack Tony I'm not gonna lie down for some frat boy bastard with his damn Tila sandals and his skilled bandits and his Abercrombie & Fitch longsleeved open stitch crewneck henley smoking his sticky buds out of a soda can while watching his favorite downloaded simpsons episodes every night yes we all love mr. plow oh you've got the song memorized do you so does everyone else that is exactly the kind of idiot you see a Taco Bell at 1:00 in the morning the guy who just whipped his way down the boss gank ladder path to dinner everyone I just read Tricia Takanawa book and it was really it's Aaron she says that when you declare your house you declutter your mind and clear a path to true happiness about a clear path to dinner [ __ ] Gavin Gavin that's a stupid name and nobody likes you at school I tried to stick up for you but I can't because everybody hates you you're gonna be ugly when you grow up and everything in your house is cheap and it smells in here oh hey Brian bye game over do you hear that Meg guys can marry other guys now so um this is awkward but I mean if they can do that that's pretty much it for you isn't it I mean you might as well pack it in game over ray liotta oh yeah I'll tell you what you're into being ugly Stewie you're being mean no if I was being mean when you open the door I would have said oh hey Ray Liotta is Olivia home oh wait you're Olivia you see I thought you were Ray Liotta because your skin has the texture of a decorative autumn squash before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one like a knife close your purse I can see your tampons and why do you need six what happens to you Stewie's insults about Brian's creative efforts are some of the show's best and this is one of the funniest and the most cutting after Brian writes a play that proves a local hit the success naturally goes to his head the American play was dying have we brought it back to life here I can't say that but it has a pulse you're such an amazing writer Bryant how do you do it what's your process Oh God Allison how do I even answer that I mean what's a rainbow's process however when Stewie asks him to read his own play brian is dismayed to learn that it's much better than his after going so far as to bury the play in the backyard Stewie confronts him lambasted Brian and his play for being mediocre and full of tired cliches and bad jokes I knew my play was good just like I knew your play was a mediocre patchwork of hackneyed ideas and tired cliches you have no idea how hard it was to sit in that theater with all those hyenas couldn't you tell something was up when Chris and the fat man could follow the plot I mean it took Peter a year to figure out Stuart little he then drives it home by suggesting that every person who laughs at Brian's terrible play should pierce his heart like a knife ouch you'll play pandas to the lowest common denominator Brian and Andy doesn't even do that well shut up may every person that laughs at your sophomoric effort be a reminder of your eternal mediocrity and pierce your heart like a knife do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from WatchMojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Views: 422,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Funniest Stewie Insults, Funniest Stewie Griffin Insults, Savage Stewie Insults, Hilarious Stewie Insults, Funniest Insults, Best Stewie Insults, Stewie Griffin Moments, Stewie Griffin Quotes, Stewie Griffin One-Liners, Stewie Brian’s Novel, Stewie Mathew McConaughey, Stewie White Trash Hen, Stewie You Albino Gorilla, Stewie Insults, Stewie, Stewie Griffin, Family Guy, TV, Cartoon, Animated, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
Id: 8VMBJ4CcrzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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