Top 20 Worst Things That Happened to Stewie Griffin

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stupid street hockey I wish we never went to that dump welcome to watch Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 20 worst things that happened to Stewie Griffin I don't know Mom and Dad just uh stuck a book on my head and and left for this list we're looking at the most physically mentally and emotionally painful things to ever happen to this fan favorite character keep in mind there will be some mild spoilers what do you think is the worst of the worst to ever happen to Stewie let us know in the comments number 20 tormented by Brian Brian and Stewie have always had a very odd friendship hey Brian care the place of wager tomorrow night on Fox's celebrity boxing I've got Carol Channing beating Mike Tyson in three rounds they obviously share a deep love but they also commit horribly cruel acts upon each other here Brian spends the whole episode exacting mental torture on Stewie ah this is gonna be fun although we can't say Stewie doesn't deserve at this particular time he did beat Brian with a golf club push him down the stairs shoot him in both kneecaps and light him on fire when Brian didn't have the money to pay him back it might sound like Stewie gets off easy but Brian mentally messes with him so badly that Stewie literally begs for Brian's revenge when's the beating gonna come Brian just tell me when it's gonna come just do something anything look look I'll do it I'll do it first look and just when Stewie thinks the torment is over Brian shoves him in front of a bus for good measure number 19. being baptized in tainted holy water the Griffins aren't a particularly religious family but when Peter's father Francis comes for a visit he criticizes them so much about it that Peter agrees to baptize Stewie to please him if we get Stewie baptized you and all other old people have to acknowledge and be aware that this crap in the corners of your mouth I'll think about it Francis is so obsessed with this mission that he ignores the priest when he says that the holy water is Tainted and baptizes Stewie himself there's no such thing as tainted holy water come on we'll do it ourselves Stewie Griffin I baptize you in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost we're pretty sure that's not how it works of course do we become sick and needs to be quarantined as if that isn't bad enough Brian relentlessly placed pranks on him while he's stuck inside a bubble sometimes Stewie deserves what he gets but this time he doesn't deserve it oh you think you're so funny well as soon as I figure out where I am you did Brian number 18 getting eaten by a dingo the short version of this story is that Peter suddenly discovers that he has a vestigial twin named chip kids remember how when you were little you always wanted a neck Uncle no you got one though they initially are the best of friends they eventually get detached and the family likes chip better than Peter so Peter decides he doesn't like him anymore well what are you gonna do I don't know yet but I'll come up with something after all I'm the guy who invented Choose Your Own Adventure or have pie in bed naturally the only way Peter sees to settle this problem is to have chip eaten by a dingo unfortunately for Stewie the dingo decides he'd rather eat him instead poor Stewie gets munched and dragged out of the house by the dingo hey um it's 3 P.M should I give up on breakfast yeah Brian browser history clear it Peter doesn't seem to care and it's not even mentioned again number 17 getting vaporized by his past self throughout the show's lengthy run Stewie experiences Many Adventures through space and time and clearly he was always destined for it enough is enough is enough I want him out I want him out that door now when he meets his future self stew Stewie returns to the future with him to see how awesome his life has become you can't just leave me I must know my future sorry it's against the rules goodbye Stewie surprise however he finds his life not to be quite what he expected in an effort to change his future Stewie returns to the moment that changed his life forever and saves his past self from an accident at the pool at which point past Stewie promptly vaporizes his future self with a raygun they ever find a successful vehicle for Ellen Cleghorn oh that's so funny I asked that very same question and never got an answer well then you're as disposable as she is such ingratitude although to be fair future Stewie kinda had to die in order to tie up all the time travel Loose Ends number 16 falling in toxic waste due to Peter's paranoia or maybe his stupidity the Griffins are seemingly the only family in the town of Quahog to escape the devastating effects of Y2K hey Lois you remember when I was the third Hardy Boy Peter there was no third Hardy Boy oh really just like there was no apocalypse he shoots he scores Quagmire in Cleveland end up fused together somehow and Joe ends up stuck to his driveway unable to move while the rest of his family escapes any similar Fates Stewie is dropped in toxic waste and grows octopus tentacles the SE guy just can't catch a break his condition goes so far that he eventually lays a mountain of eggs well that wasn't so bad I don't know what these women are always complaining about and like usual his family does not seem to care one little bit number 15 getting fused with Rupert this is without a doubt one of the most terrifying things to ever happen to Stewie I don't understand why I have to babysit Stewie I mean what's he really gonna do if we leave him by himself while experimenting with his new invention teleportation pods Stewie makes a life-altering mistake when he accidentally leaves Rupert in the Pod with him the result is a Stewie Rupert hybrid which is just as horrifying as it sounds on the plus side the pods work I'm a monster let's just be happy this nightmare only exists in one of Family Guy's Infamous cutaways and isn't Canon anyone who watched the fly the reference for this joke knows how badly this could have turned out for Stewie look at your face something happened when you went through Seth you've got to get some help number 14 eating the yellow snow a big part of Stewie and Brian's friendship is based on the Epic and elaborate pranks they pull on each other but sometimes the simple Classics are the best or from Stewie's point of view the worst hey check it out lemon snow what yeah that stuff's delicious with all of his genius it's easy to forget sometimes that Stewie is just a baby but here Brian capitalizes on his Youth and innocence when he persuades Stewie to eat some lemon snow what is it like Italian ice yeah exactly like a sorbet of course we all know what's really going on but poor Stewie does not know any better and gobbles it all up gross you bastard I was having fun playing in the snow and now you've ruined it like a pizza place ruins a salad number 13 being kept in Peter's pants it's a major part of the show that Stewie's family can't understand him or perhaps they just ignore him like can the family understand the baby or or what what's the deal with that well we bet Stewie wishes he would ignore him just a little bit more when Peter decides to store Stewie in his pants as a way of overcompensating in an area where he feels lacking Lois doesn't even notice Stewie is missing until she sees him moving around in there let me out of this stinkfield corduroy dungeon is that better or worse than the time Peter put Stewie in his stomach and again no one even realizes until they catch Stewie moving around inside Stewie we're entering a dog show where's Stewie he ate me I ate him number 12. getting sunburned anyone who's been sunburned before knows just how painful it can be but it probably wasn't worse than what happened to Stewie hey Stewie nice sunburn God you horses us when Stewie forgets to put on sunscreen he experiences getting a tan for the first time and immediately becomes obsessed with it wow look at me I'm a young Eartha Kitt President Johnson bring our boys home from Southeast Asia it's an unwinnable War he becomes so addicted that he starts tanning every day in his very own tanning bed but when he accidentally falls asleep during one of his sessions he wakes up terribly sunburned ugh uh hey buddy I was just coming to tell you it's time to get out I've been in it entire body is red it's so bad he even has a skin cancer scare write down my final thoughts oh come on I don't have much time ah oh squiggly line in my eye fluid number 11. getting a concussion playing football Stewie gets upset when a woman at the grocery store mistakes him for a girl excuse me ma'am your little girl dropped her teddy bear what little girl yeah she hates it when she drops that so naturally he begins overcompensating and decides to join a football team what's up dudes Stewie what the hell is all this uh only the most manly thing ever a little something called American football is that a Michael Sam jersey yup two boy names doubly masculine Stewie is noticeably smaller than the other kids but insists on being put in the game despite the coach's warnings that he will get destroyed out there Brian's cheering and jeering from the sidelines probably doesn't help things much come on Stewie give your dog something to post on Facebook so I'm gonna post on Facebook let's go during his first play in the game Stewie gets terribly concussed and Brian and Chris try to cover it up all right and nobody's blocking God Stewie are you okay back off he may have a concussion a concussion you do me an honor Lieutenant but my dance card is full you'd think they'd have known better after the last time the Griffins tried to cover up one of Stewie's injuries but more on that later number 10. losing an ear getting extremely sunburned or concussed may seem pretty bad and Stewie pretty much brought those incidents on himself but this one is all Brian's fault Brian gets out of hand running a club and drunkenly loses Stewie on the road Brian there you are do you have any idea what time it is Stewie was supposed to be in bed two hours ago oh yeah he uh he's um he's he was right here right next to me like four hours ago Stewie does manage to make it home on his own but not without losing an ear to a hungry deer hey Brian remember me I'm the guy you left standing at the counter at McDonald's with a bag full of burgers you know it's funny I tried to walk home and um a lot of hungry deer walking around at this hour of the night and um oh here's where the story gets fun uh you may have noticed I'm missing an ear losing an appendage is bad enough but nothing adds insult to injury like knowing it happened as a result of your best friend's negligence and what's even worse than that is that the family doesn't seem to care about Stewie he's missing ear or even notice for that matter yeah don't worry I don't need to go to the hospital or anything I'll just use this Mr Potato Head peas number nine getting herpes Brian dropped the ball with the whole Stewie's ear thing but this time he knew what he was doing feeling that they're drifting apart Stewie wants to deepen his bond with Brian I think we should hold hands more often there you go we're Blood Brothers now you happy so they cut their hands and swap blood however things go horribly wrong when Stewie wakes up the next morning to discover that Brian has given him herpes you son of a you gave me herpes what what are you talking about naturally Stewie is furious it's a wondrous Stewie didn't resort to his old murderous ways when he discovered that Brian knew he had herpes before they swapped blood oh hey Brian and who is your date wow you must be such a good person to knowingly go out with a herpes riddle dirt bag ew sorry Brian I've gotta go number eight getting killed after Brian sells him out speaking of Brian inflicting intentional harm on Stewie this time he gets Stewie killed when Stewie teleports them to Vegas he ends up duplicating them leaving one pair of them nothing but good luck and the other nothing but bad luck oh it's beautiful everything's just so beautiful here ugh this is miserable three hour delay and a completely full flight don't look at us you pig take your juicy sweatpants and your dirty pillow from home and your bucket of coke and get the hell out of my sight the bad luck versions burn all their cash so they borrow money from a loan shark and can't pay it back the loan shark mistakenly goes after the good versions and when they can't pay him either he offers them a choice as to who will die first and Brian wastes no time whatsoever selling Stewie out he tells the loan shark to shoot Stewie first and he obliges all right enough of this you dog pick which one of you two is gonna die what you can't ask me to decide something like that the life of every being is sacred just like the lifeline I'll kill you no no kill him he's a baby he won't even remember he was alive thankfully there was another Stewie available so no harm no fell right hey hey number seven being mistreated at daycare that's right it's Brian yet again while picking up Stewie from his daycare center Brian sees just how terrible it is the children are left alone the place is filthy and there are dangerous objects everywhere what did I tell you Brian it's a nightmare in here oh my God Brian is appalled and demands to speak to the daycare teacher like any good Guardian would but when he meets miss Emily Brian completely changes his tune when he sees how attractive she is excuse me are you miss Emily yeah hi who are you uh Brian Steele I was just dropping Stewie off oh yeah oh yeah everyone's doing I guess that's fine bro where's the abuse he also contributes to it just so he can get with Miss Emily Stewie Stewie seen Brian do some pretty terrible things in pursuit of a lady but this example is definitely up there as one of the worst oh hi Brian I thought you had a busy day at your legal practice uh uh hey Emily yeah I had some time between cases I thought I'd see how you were doing that's so nice of you these bags away and throw some Saltines in the yard for the kids number six becoming a child star Peter and Lois pretty much blow Stewie's college fund today though please let there be money in our bank account amen amen damn it it didn't work and that's only the lead up to this entry in order to make more money Peter and Lois entered Stewie in a contest to land a gig as the spokesperson for Scooter's peanut butter when he does Peter and Lois go way overboard to turn him into a child star you know Stewie actually got a call for another commercial tomorrow who knows this could be the beginning of a nice career for him they make him train day and night they even force feed him let's call it a mixed drink designed to keep him awake and high on energy as well as other things Stewie could have been damaged for life and eventually Brian has to step in to make Peter and Lois realize what they're doing to him someone needs to call social services on them already oh hey you caught me pigging out I'm dipping this celery stalk into some lemon water but don't freak out I'm just gonna smell it and then throw it in the trash number five getting no love as Brian's manager okay what is this dude's deal does he even like Stewie when Brian finally finally writes that bestseller he's been bragging about for years years Stewie becomes his manager yeah we're walking in now make sure Tom Tucker knows he has 20 minutes and he is to only talk about the book no personal questions all right are you okay you good you need anything all right all right we're inside and there is nobody here to greet us Stewie does everything for Brian yet is Matt with nothing but ingratitude the more Fame Brian gets the worse and worse he treats Stewie he even leaves Stewie alone on the street once to get back to their hotel by himself all because he thinks he should be just as famous as Renee Zellweger get over here is everything okay no everything is not okay can you figure out what the problem is I I didn't I I honestly have no oh God how do you think I feel walking out of the back room of a restaurant and seeing Renee Zellweger eating in the front room Stewie has to endure Brian's verbal abuse and even being ruthlessly fired poor Stewie I am so sorry I am done with you do you hear me done get out of here now Brian please you're fired number four being breastfed by Peter though the women in Peter's life might be glad he finally attended some sensitivity training Stewie would argue that it did much more harm than good ah now that you've felt a woman's pain the learning can begin the training ignites some extreme motherly feelings in Peter and he goes a little crazy trying to um nurture everyone he even goes so far as to try to breastfeed Stewie of course it doesn't work and Stewie is traumatized by the experience the look on Stewie's face when he realizes what is happening really says it all and when he pulls that hair out of his mouth yeah oh number three losing his best friend Stewie and Brian do some truly cruel things to each other but it cannot be denied that they share a true and deep love for each other I love you as one loves another person whom one simply cannot do without while playing in the street Brian Is tragically hit and killed by a car usually on this show when something like this happens there's some sort of last minute save but this time Stewie had just before destroyed his only means of doing so his time machine this time machine has almost killed us a hundred times Brian and yesterday was just too close a call so I've decided to get rid of it before something irreparable happens Stewie is understandably distraught at the brutal loss of his best friend and it's heartbreaking to watch as he has to accept there's nothing he can do everyone in this family is so damn thrilled with you they've forgotten all about Brian well I'm not thrilled I'll never forget Brian he was my best friend this isn't only one of the worst things to happen to Stewie it's one of the most devastating things the show has ever done period number two being driven to Madness by an album cover oh my God I haven't seen this one in Forever look at this Queen News of the World check it out whoa what's the matter what the hell is that a killer robot monster Stewie is so intelligent sometimes it's easy to forget that after all these years he's still just a baby while looking through Peter's old album collection Stewie comes across the queen album News of the World which absolutely terrifies him does it eat little boys I don't know maybe if it's hungry in Stewie's defense a giant killer robot is pretty scary Stewie is so terrified by the queen album cover that he is driven literally insane it probably isn't helpful that Brian finds the whole thing absolutely hysterical and constantly taunts him with the image oh good morning Rupert please tell me you set the timer on the coffee maker because I completely forgot you a son of a Brian's torture is so relentless it drives Stewie to kill Rupert and try to take his own life just to escape it Rupert we won't give that evil robot the satisfaction of killing us we'll go together on our own turns see you on the other side before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one falling down the stairs while Meg and Chris are fighting they end up knocking Stewie down the stairs rendering him unconscious and giving him a huge gash in his head well I'm off to buy imaginary groceries [Music] do you think he's okay though that first part is an accident the rest is not it's understandable at first that Chris and Meg panic but at some point you'd think that they'd get their baby brother some real help but they decide the best course of action is to cover up his injury literally they put a hat on him and hope nobody notices look at my little cowboy come on Stewie up in your high chair boy he must be starving eventually Peter finds out and his response is to throw Stewie under Lois's car to blame the whole thing on her well at least Stewie was unconscious for the whole thing cartoon logic am I right hey I just found out it's November happened did you enjoy this video check out these other clips from WatchMojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Views: 207,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animated, Cartoon, Streaming, TV, animation, best family guy episodes, best family guy moments, best stewie griffin moments, best stewie griffin moments on family guy, comedy, family guy, funniest family guy episodes, funniest family guy moments, funny, list, mila kunis, mojo, peter griffin, pop culture, series, seth macfarlane, sitcom, stewie, stewie griffin, television, top 10, watch mojo, watchmojo, watchmojo family guy
Id: PG6jlUaXSpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 23sec (1283 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2023
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