Top 10 Funniest Disney Insults & Comebacks

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Wow look at these wrinkles what is holding this woman together ouch what a burn welcome to Ms mojo and today we'll be counting down our picks for the top ten insults and comebacks in Disney movies get your feet down this is fresh lacquer seriously were you raised in a barn before we begin we publish new content every day so be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos for this list we'll be choosing the funniest and/or most biting remarks from any feature-length Disney animated film as we'll be talking about some key plot points a spoiler warning is in effect from this point on number 10 you are a sad strange little man Toy Story Pixar's Toy Story is a beloved part of the company's canon as is this classic put-down in the world of Toy Story toys are sentient beings that come to life whenever our backs are turned they have conversations adventures friendships and sometimes rivalries with one another just like humans do we're all very impressed with Andy's new toy toy Oh what oh excuse me I think the word you're searching for is Space Ranger the word I'm searching for I can't say because there's preschool toys present when vintage cowboy toy woody becomes paranoid that his owner Andy has swapped him for astronaut toy Buzz Lightyear his jealousy causes him to lash out at the space hero and later becomes clear that buzz also doesn't know the truth about what he is but what he's revelation falls on a death dome you are a sad strange little man then you have my pity number nine Gaston you are positively primeval Beauty and the Beast it's not right for a woman to read soon she starts getting ideas she's a lonely bookworm sick of her provincial life and he's a cocky muscle man sick of being rejected Gaston clearly thought that he was supposed to be Belle's love interest in Beauty and the Beast but through her rolling eyes all we could see was a French meathead who was far too in love with himself to love anyone else this is the day your dreams come true what do you know about my dreams Gaston plenty despite her clear distaste for him Gaston is relentless in his pursuit of Belle at the start of the movie putting on a full-on charm offensive to try and turn her around but to no avail luckily for his massive ego Belle snide comments are far too intellectual for him to appreciate Gaston you are positively primeval thank you though number eight the only frozen heart around here is yours frozen poor Princess Anna had a rough time to begin with and frozen first both her parents died at sea than her super-powered sister Elsa shut herself away in their castle things started looking up for Anna when Elsa ascended to the throne but once the Queen's ice powers became public knowledge she fled into the tundra leaving Anna alone again thank goodness honest still had her new beau Prince Hans especially when a stray blast of Elsa's magic left on his heart threatening to freeze over she froze my heart and only an act of true love can save me sadly for Anna it was soon after this that Hans showed his villainous side if only there was someone out there who loved you thanks to the power of sisterhood though on a powered through to scold her traitorous ex with this burn you need some ice for that burn Hans but she froze your heart the only frozen heart around here is yours [Music] number seven rather dangerous to use ones entire vocabulary in a single sentence Oliver and company you know Rita I can't figure out why you'd rather hang around a dump like this when you could be living uptown with the class act loosely based on the classic Dickens novel Oliver Twist Oliver and company swapped streetwise humans for canine strays and the streets of Victorian London for the streets of modern-day New York Oliver is an orphaned kitty in a dog's world to survive he joins Fagin Street gang of wayward pooches Fagin is a desperate thief with a good heart who owes a considerable debt to the slimy loan shark Sikes sexist Dobermans Roscoe and de Soto are far and less loveable than Fagin's ragtag gang but they're much more formidable what they have in viciousness though they lack in wits it's all too easy for intellectual bulldog Francis to verbally bite back when they get too close rather dangerous to use one's entire vocabulary in a single sentence number six it's not every day that you see a horse with two rear ends Aladdin Aladdin might have to steal to live but Disney doesn't want you to think he's a bad person early on in the film we see him give a hunk of bread he worked hard to swipe to a pair of starving homeless kids here go on take it Oh Aladdin dreams of one day having the finer things in life and is frustrated that people who are morally inferior to him seem to have it all like Princess Jasmine snooty suitor if I were as Ritchie's do I could afford some manners after helping those kids again Aladdin can't let the root prince go without delivering this stinging blow it's not every day you see a horse with two rear ends you can take the diamond out of the rough but you can't get the rough off the diamond number five you fight almost as well as a man The Hunchback of Notre Dom out of all of Disney's heroines none are quite as unconventional as as Murrell de the dancer gimmes as good as she gets in a Hunchback of Notre Dom even in the face of widespread prejudice against her people in the film's historic Parisian setting at the festival of fools she attracts the attention of Judge Frollo a religious extremist who can't decide if he wants her at his side or burned at the stake [Music] while sheltering from frollo's guards in the cathedral Esmerelda bumps into one of them inside are you always this charming are mi just lucky Phoebus is charmed by her and her fighting skills but she was quick with a comeback for his backhanded compliment towards her you fight almost as well as a man funny I was going to say the same thing about sitting a little below the belt don't you think number four living proof the dinosaurs once roamed the earth the Emperor's New Groove most of the time we root for a Disney protagonist even when they're delivering a crushing smackdown Emperor Kuzco though not so much the young South American ruler is selfish rude and just a real jerk [Music] now you drew off my groove I'm sorry but you've thrown off the interest groove he has no problem with demolishing a poor farmers village or telling a lineup of female suitors exactly what he thinks of them let's take a look-see hate your hair not likely yikes yikes yikes and let me guess you have a great personality is this really the best you do and although we know that his most senior advisor yzma harbors a barely concealed plot to snatch the throne Cusco certainly doesn't when he introduces her to us as this is yzma the Emperor's advisor living proof that dinosaurs once roamed the earth oof don't worry he's maquettes her own back while Cusco gets taught a valuable lesson about respect that sharp tongue never loses its edge though number three dishonor on you dishonor on your cow Mulan a cricket that may or may not be lucky the horse a cross-dressing young woman and a tiny talking red dragon I'm travel-size for your convenience if I was my real size your cow here would die afraid down Bessie what could possibly go wrong for this ragtag group in Mulan well a lot but things could have been a little easier if Mu Shu had been able to keep his mouth shut for a hot minute Mulan barely spends five minutes in captain shanks camp before her so-called Guardian roused up the short-tempered soldier Yao even on their first meeting Mu Shu clashes with Mulan who is skeptical of how much help he can be to her this leads to this hilarious rant our pick for this entry which is made all the funnier by his confusion between horses and cows on your whole family make a note of this this hello you dishonor on your cow number two it looks awful that's because it's on you dear Sleeping Beauty after Princess Aurora is cursed as a child by the evil Maleficent her parents agreed to hide their daughter away in the woods to be raised by her three flora fauna and Merryweather unbeknownst to Aurora or briar roses she's renamed her trio of Guardians are really the three good fairies they give up their identities and magic to protect the princess but they still can't stop bickering just like typical siblings when flora and Merryweather butt heads over a dress they're making for briar roses birthday they're sowing frustrations end up getting taken out on each other it looks awful because it's on you dear even after Aurora gets her happy ending they're arguing does not before we unveil our top pick here are a few honorable mentions a ludicrous parcel of driveling dilutes ma'am there you go poetry ladies do not start first but they can finish them number one I'm surrounded by idiots The Lion King scar might not be the true king of the pride lands but he'll always be the king of sass to us oh yes my curtsy the fauces brother has it made as part of the lion royal family but he still longs for more the problem is you just can't get any respect from anyone even his little nephew Simba it's so weird you have no idea or his pack of loyal hyena followers Oh scars just you afraid it was somebody important for scar the strain of being the smartest person he knows is just too much to bear which is how this classic insult was born I'm surrounded by media the line is greatly enhanced by the characters major I role and English thespian Jeremy Irons his deadpan delivery making it one of Disney's most memorable quotes do you agree with our picks check out these other great clips from ms mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos you [Music]
Channel: MsMojo
Views: 501,995
Rating: 4.9099364 out of 5
Keywords: disney, disney insults, disney comebacks, disney movies, disney films, animation, comebacks, disneyland, MsMojo, Watchmojo, Viral, Countdown, lists, listicles, top 10s, top 5s, facts, youtube, disney memes, msmojo disney, disney roasts, funny disney movies, Disney animation
Id: I79p5-urIx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 29 2018
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