Top 10 Saturday Night Live Sketches That Went Wrong

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when things are live anything can happen welcome to for this list we're taking a look at mistakes gaffes character breaks and other things that went wrong during SNL live sketches however will only be including sketches so Ashlee Simpsons infamous lip-syncing debacle will not be included number 10 chance the rapper and Cecily strong are unsteady love at first sight chance the rapper's time as SNL host and musical guest wasn't all smooth sailing as evidenced by this wirework fail thanks to his characters confident demeanor we're initially led to believe that he will successfully sweep Cecily strong Jennifer off her feet despite the bartender warning there's no room to dance hey buddy we don't really have room for dancing here well we are going to dance and sure enough he's right after the dance partners are awkwardly and artificially raised into the air they end up a little too close to the bartender in the other patrons dangerously knocking over wine glasses and bumping into furniture [Music] while it's clearly not completely their fault what is clear is the worried expressions of the other actors who are trying not to break character while simultaneously avoiding being harmed [Music] number 980 Bryant's bungled costume change inside-the-beltway good morning and welcome to inside the beltway where we look at what's happening up in Washington when done correctly a costume change can be a useful tool in a live broadcast transporting characters across time and space by swapping out one or more articles of clothing however when done poorly it can lead to embarrassment character breaks and Saturday Night Live infamy such is the case during this season 45 sketch featuring Aidy Bryant Cecily strong Kenan Thompson and host Woody Harrelson I mean remember what happened five months ago let's take a look the plan was to have the cast switch clothing between clips to give the impression of a news flash back but an overzealous aide comes onstage and attempts to take ad Bryan's coat while the cameras are still rolling the flub is obvious to viewers as well as the studio audience and it causes all four actors to break character [Applause] number eight uncooperative dogs dog court actor and comedian WC Fields once said never work with animals or children possibly because both are unpredictable don't take justice into your own hands take them to doc court with me judge Connie Schaumburg well weed out the writers at SNL had ever heard this quote before how else can you explain their decision to use multiple dogs in the 2019 sketch dog Court things actually get off to a pretty good start despite the number of dogs present however things quickly go off the rails when Cecily strong attempts to deliver a verdict while holding a pug the pooch thrashes around violently in her arms knocking around her glasses and generally being an adorable nuisance the lesson dogs and live TV don't mix okay tell me what's what make it snappy number seven unsuppressed smiles the Californians Stewart has cancer cigarettes it can t be driver to Simpson say and then make a left and got four or five north from there just get off from all Harlan totally like the Californians is one of the most popular recurring segments in recent Saturday Night Live history thanks in part to its continuously star-studded roster and the countless character breaks it's caused sure ym Sola a school shooter took Beverly over to Santa Monica took that all the way up [Music] I just came over to fix the speakers or the outside speakers on the patio they sound pretty good few would argue that the first iteration of the sketch was the funniest and those same people would likely agree that it was also the most out of control Kristen Wiig and Fred Armisen can barely make it through a sentence in their ridiculous Californian accents stifling laughter at every turn however the worst offender is Bill Hader who all but gives up on staying in character the moment Fred Armisen opens his mouth we believe you can safely file this one away in these so bad it's good category number six the cast losing it Debbie Downer Disneyworld debbie downer is one of the funniest characters that SNL is produced in its long history in your body for years before ravages your brain she made her debut in 2004 flanked by host Lindsay Lohan and a handful of comedy legends however no amount of talent could have saved this sketch from devolving into one giant character break juxtaposing Debbie's depressing facts and anecdotes with the innocence and happiness of a place like Disneyworld is pure comedic genius any chance Lohan and company had of making it through the sketch in one piece disappeared the moment Rachel Dratch broke during a slow zoom on her face from that point on the question wasn't if everyone would break but when number five Ryan Gosling's giggles close encounter you know you've penned an a-plus sketch when you get an Academy Award nominee like Ryan Gosling to break Wow what for were you guys on I woke up in a dirty metal dome and 40 little grey aliens watch me pee in a steel ball the Canadian actor was unable to maintain his composure in the face of cape MacKinnon's hilarious retelling of an alien abduction MacKinnon's graphic story actually makes everyone on stage break at one point or another and it's clear that she relishes her ability to make her peers crack up Gosling was once again the victim of MacKinnon superior comedic talent when he appeared in another close encounter two years later however this time it was MacKinnon's handsy approach that had him in stitches [Applause] number four bill haters mad manoeuvres girlfriends game night Bill Hader hosted SNL for a second time in 2018 and while he had a number of hilarious sketches nothing tops girlfriends game night though not for the reason you'd expect hi hi sorry we're late it's been a chaotic hater played Horace a wheelchair-bound senior citizen dating a much younger woman the to attend a game night together but Horace is inability to control his electric wheelchair nearly causes him to flip the table leader in the sketch he puts it in reverse and nearly runs over Melissa Villasenor set breaks and character breaks ensue and through it all Bill Hader looks like he's having the time of his life yourselves number three John Belushi's wild swing samurai stockbroker few SNL sketches illustrate just how far life television has come quite like this one the scene in question involved John Belushi playing one of his most popular recurring characters a modern-day samurai every appearance of the character saw him in a different profession from samurai tailor - samurai psychiatrist however the one we're here to talk about is the samurais stockbroker episode in it Belushi sporting his trademark samurai look which includes a katana at one point he starts to attack a wall with the blade but in his fever accidentally hits buck Henry in the head you can clearly see Henry stumble backwards and for the rest of the episode he had a bandaid on his head so yeah live TV and swords do not mix number two atom drivers bird mishap career day the bird incident guaranteed this sketch immortality but it was pretty amazing even before that point driver plays a curmudgeon Lee oil baron attending career day at his son's high school he ruthlessly attacks his son for his lack of strength berating him in front of the entire class fights to the weakest in your class and we shall ruin this spirit as I ruin the spirits of HR picking so long ago while we could point to Pete Davidson breaking character and honestly who could blame him things truly go off the rails when driver produces a fake bird from a burlap sack and smashes it into the ground he then slams his cane into the bird by accident skewering it with a fury typically reserved for a bloody historical drama we've said it before and we will say it again Abraham H Parnassus deserves his own film okay some of these went wrong but for like the Debbie Downer sketch didn't it end up being funnier than it might have been because it went wrong think about that I would actually put our number one into that same category so let's take a look at some honorable mentions and then we'll see our top time and SNL sketch went wrong Kate McKinnon breaks character Weekend Update smoker II farms [Laughter] Peter Sarsgaard and Rachel Dratch can't get it together hotel room TV Jimmy Fallon thrown off by the teleprompter Weekend Update here are tonight's top stories Kristen Wiig almost running Maya Rudolph over super showcase before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one Stefan at all times various arguably Bill hader's most memorable Saturday Night Live character Stefan never failed to bring the laughs during his visits to The Weekend Update news desk his knees look like biscuits [Applause] the character was the brainchild of hater and then SNL writer John Mulaney and he became a hit thanks to his off-the-wall New York City party recommendations and sassy attitude however Bill Hader simply could not make it through a Stephane appearance without breaking character he constantly cover his mouth to hide his laughter something that was often due to him not seeing the jokes for the first time until he was on the air while haters brakes may have constituted a sketch gone wrong when Stefan first debuted nowadays they're considered part of the act and we would not have it any other way this place has everything asbestos lupus the magazines of Supercuts dan Croce do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from WatchMojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos you
Views: 2,723,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Times Saturday Night Live Sketches Went Wrong, Times SNL Sketches Went Wrong, SNL Mistakes, SNL Bloopers, SNL Character Breaks, Breaking Character in SNL, SNL Incidents, Shocking SNL Moments, SNL Crackups, SNL Stefon, SNL Adam Driver, SNL John Belushi, SNL Bill Hader, SNL Ryan Gosling, SNL Cast Breaking, Saturday Night Live, SNL, TV, Comedy, Sitcom, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
Id: 9Z6XcvrnMlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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