Top 10 Reasons Why Lois Griffin Should Divorce Peter

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divorce is no joke which is probably why lois is still with peter welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 reasons why lois griffin should divorce peter before we begin we publish new content every day so be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos for this list we're looking at the worst things peter has done to lois their children or just in general that would prompt any real world woman to make a call to a divorce lawyer happiness isn't about buying expensive things it's about being together number 10 his drinking problem has made her codependent one of peter's most dominant traits is his drinking [Applause] he hangs out at the drunken clan with his friends all the time and he works at a brewery peter has a very intimate relationship with alcohol he frequently gets too drunk to function and lois has to take care of him the very first episode of the show is based on peter getting too drunk at a stag party after promising lois he won't drink promise me peter lois honey i promise not a drop of alcohol is gonna touch these lips tonight he even engages in the ever so clever drinking game drink the beer you win all right what do i win another beer oh i'm going for the high score peter never shows any serious signs of getting help for his drinking or even just cutting back on it all right i'm going to work somebody's got to put food on this table number nine he turned his family into drug dealers these days everyone needs a side hustle but perhaps turning your family into drug dealers when your farming gig doesn't work out is not the best option when crime rises in quahog peter uproots his entire family with no warning and moves them to a farm to live the rural life here we are everyone the griffin family farm but life on the farm is not as easy as it seems they discover a meth lab in the basement of the farm and peter convinces them to start dealing to earn money i don't know lois we've always given our family whatever it needs well right now our family needs us to sell illegal drugs to the tank top community of course eventually the griffins give up the drug life and move back to quahog but things get a lot worse before they get better lois should have run and taken the kids with her what about this farm and this house and the lab inside the house which is currently producing an incredibly volatile and explosive batch of thermo-reactive number eight he compared her body to aging broken down equipment peter puts lois down all the time but this time it seemed way more insensitive than his usual comments what will once two firm impressive mountain peaks have become a barren strip mined muddy landslide that droops ever downward first of all it was her birthday secondly it was during a surprise party in front of all her friends and third it was a time when she was already feeling insecure about getting older uh somebody have a birthday coming up this week oh it's nice of you to remember brian but frankly i'd rather let this one slip by i don't need to be reminded how old i'm getting way to kick her while she's down peter lois insults peter all the time too but when he refers to her as a plow horse whose only use is menial labor and sex can you really blame her lois you may not be the young filly you were when i met you but you're still my reliable old plow horse who's there each day to pull the plow to help around the barn and let the husband horse slap a bat chatter now and then this speech center on a midlife crisis as far as we're concerned it should have sent her running for the hills geez what the hell's her problem peter she was already feeling insecure about her age and then you went and gave her that horrible speech number seven he accidentally threw hot grease at her face peter has gotten away with a lot of bad behavior due to his stupidity but when he's deemed mentally challenged he takes this to a whole other level oh my god i can get away with anything he takes full advantage of the situation by starting a bible fight in church barging into women's bathrooms and causing trouble wherever he goes while blaming it all on being mentally challenged done peter what i don't know any better his worst offense is when he jumps behind the counter at a fast food restaurant and accidentally pours hot grease all over lois nearly killing her i am so taking this and this isn't even the only time peter has almost killed lois but more on that later oh god what have i done i'm the worst husband ever number six he brought plagues on his family one of peter's most ridiculous offenses against his family happened quite early on in the show in a season two episode peter claims that chris is deathly sick in order to get his favorite tv show back on the air and then claims that he miraculously cured him chris is all better i cured him you cured him that's right i have divine powers as if that weren't selfish enough when his neighbors start praising him like a god after the supposed miracle peter revels in the attention this leads to the plagues descending on his family as brian puts it god is pissed god there's got to be an explanation for all this you want an explanation god is pissed despite everyone demanding you tell the truth peter refuses to until chris almost dies this probably should have been a massive red flag for lois thank god i mean thank me ah kidding yeah it's a joke it was a joke number five he's constantly committing crimes peter turning his family into drug dealers was pretty bad but lois probably didn't even find it that surprising considering breaking the law is kind of his thing all right everybody this is it hey where the hell is everybody crimes peter has committed range from minor offenses of robbery and breaking and entering to straight-up murder then there was the time he committed treason by creating his own country and going to war against the u.s dad i tried to go to school but this guy won't let me oh yeah him and what army the u.s army oh that's a good army there was the murder of a completely innocent hook-handed war hero and the manslaughter of his mom's best friend although in peter's defense that last one was an accident it looks like somebody's mom died or something i don't know you you this you'll take care of this right number four he forced her to gain so much weight that she had a heart attack you might think that peter of all people would be understanding when lois started to gain weight but you would be wrong oh hold on a sec all right bring her through he ruthlessly insults her at least until he discovers the wonders of fat sex then he encourages her to gain weight which if you can imagine is even worse than him putting her down he insists she gets fatter and literally stuffs her face with cake i want you bigger i want you fatter it will please me she gains so much weight that she has a heart attack and almost dies but that does not stop peter from having sex with her no no peter i'm really having a heart attack um oh my god you're serious oh we should get you to the hospital all right hold on a sec all right i'm almost done almost done okay now almost done almost done almost done almost done okay let's go and this is still only one of several times lois has almost died by peter's hand what did you do with my mom's fat oh it's right here in this storage closet number three he's an abusive and neglectful father if the way peter treats lois isn't enough to have her pack in her bags the way he treats their children probably should we get it a big part of the show's humor is how the ridiculous and dysfunctional griffins interact with one another but the way peter treats his children is just appalling she at home but dad trust me chris sometimes it's better not to fit in he frequently makes chris feel insecure about himself he got stewie hooked on steroids that one time well if there's anyone i can trust it's a stranger at the gym holding a dirty needle here stewie try this yeah what the hell are you do whoa oh my and of course that was the time you threw an unconscious severely injured stewie underneath the wheels of lois's car so she would think that she was the one who injured him oh my god stewie and he hits meg with a baseball bat can you please say more i heard a noise is somebody downstairs oh god meg you startled me i'm sorry number two he tried to shoot her after finding out that lois is jewish peter tries to shoot her so he's not only guilty of attempted murder of his own wife but also an anti-semitic hate crime if i don't rid the house of this jewish curse this family is gonna go to hell and i won't let that happen now that's a loving husband right as lois is walking out to the mailbox to get the mail peter watches her through the scope of a rifle and takes a shot at her lois freaks out as you might expect but peter is so nonchalant about the whole thing seriously how many times does peter have to try to kill lois before she calls it quits relax lois i was aiming for the mailbox i'm just trying to make a point before we unveil our number one pick here are some honorable or in this case dishonorable mentions peter what the hell joe joe get inside the blazers are still spinning i just hate being around the kids what six five sorry i just thought i'd be honest since we're gonna die number one he tried to drown her that's right yet another near murder maybe lois should take solace in the fact that peter was trying to connect more with stewie when they almost killed her it's time that you take an interest in your son starting today i want you to spend more time with stewie after realizing that the only thing they have in common is that they find lois's pain funny peter and stewie go on a rampage abusing her they smash a jar of pickles on her head assault her with a spraying garden hose and trap her in the trunk of the car and sink her in a lake you know just some good old-fashioned father-son bonding hey drippy you're back what's for dinner peter when i said bond with stewie this is not what i had in mind do you agree with our picks check out these other great clips from watchmojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos you
Views: 1,315,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: peter griffin, lois griffin, family guy, lois griffin divorce peter griffin, stewie griffin, brian griffin, worst peter griffin moments, worst things peter griffin has done, seth mcfarlane, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, watchmojo family guy, mojo, Lois Griffin Should Divorce Peter, worst things Peter has done
Id: 2sWRlQzL5aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 28 2018
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