Top 10 Reasons Why Dune (1984) is Hated

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it is perhaps better that you die in the innards form welcome to watch mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 reasons why dune 1984 is hated no one ever dreamed there were as so many i want you to squeeze and squeeze and swing we'll salvage what we can but i can tell you dear god for this list we're looking at why many fans loathe the 1984 film adaptation of frank herbert's dune do you like the 1984 version of doom let us know in the comments below number 10 the lack of fidelity to the source material david lynch is arguably one of the most creative and unique filmmakers to ever pick up a camera his body of work speaks for itself but a massive fan of dune he was not his lack of interest in the source material and arguably blockbuster sci-fi in general shows through in the adaptation i did not say this i am not here i understand for starters he aged the main character politraitis making our protagonist's journey a fundamentally different one for him not being a teenager i know thufer i'm sitting with my back to the door i heard you dr yui and gurney coming down the hall other characters are introduced only to have their storylines unceremoniously abandoned certain creative choices which will be discussed in greater detail later in the video actually go against the fundamental message of herbert's novel don't try your powers on me try looking into that place where you dare not look you will find me there staring back at you number nine it tries to condense way too much material denis villeneuve's updated adaptation of dune will only cover the first half of the novel the future i can see it while this might seem like a marketing ploy to set up the sequel it is for the best dune like the lord of the rings simply can't be condensed into a single film at least not in a satisfying shall way pass we learned this the hard way watching the 1984 attempt the universe of dune is so complex and nuanced that the film has no choice but to give these massive exposition dumps they're off-putting and actually make the whole thing somehow feel less accessible in an attempt to meet a reasonable run time huge chunks of this sprawling narrative were left on the cutting room floor the resulting story feels disjointed and half baked damn sloppy really damn sloppy number eight the internal monologues spice pure unrefined spice despite the source material's density universal pictures demanded a film with a standard running time producers rafaela delaurentis and her father dino delaurentis stepped in to deliver in order to cut the film down seams were trimmed or excised and the blanks were filled in with voiceovers father i promise one day the sleeper will awaken and i will avenge your death i will not stop until i destroy the emperor and the parent there is a time and a place to use narration as a window into the mind of a character this is a crash course in how not to do it characters serve as mouthpieces for exposition dumps but more often than not the results are entirely unhelpful house atreides took control of arrakis 63 standard days into the year 10 0191 it was known that the harkonnens the former rulers of iraqis would leave many suicide troops behind these internal monologues are delivered in a creepy whisper that's jarring and distracts from the scene jessica had successfully transmuted the poisonous water of life every man who has tried has died most damning it can be unclear whose thoughts we're hearing number seven it lacks action if this was intended as producer dino de laurentiis answer to star wars he really missed the mark our beloved galaxy far far away boasts incredible world building and unique characters but it's also thrilling the star wars films succeed largely by making the audience feel like they're part of a grand adventure the 1984 version of dune by contrast feels like an advanced poly psy course for an alien civilization taught by someone in their second or third language it is by the juice of saffoo that thoughts acquire speed the lips require stains stains become a warning it is by will alone i set my mind in motion for a film that tries to cram in way too much there's remarkably little in the way of action when something exciting does happen the scene is usually short poorly choreographed and lacking in relatable stakes it's what have killed me number six the many many cheesy moments if you're planning on revisiting this film anytime soon skip the popcorn and break open a bag of nachos instead because this film has got cheese to spare i would not have permitted you to harm my tribe from my dreams so beautiful when working within the sci-fi genre there's a fine line between self-seriousness and parody i want you to squeeze and squeeze and squeeze give me spice sadly more often than not the combination of overacting and absurdly pretentious dialogue tips the scales in favor of the latter when reading dune there's a real gravitas to the characters and events the film reduces most of the book's most powerful players to their my eccentricities not until you tell them both who i really am add the flamboyant costuming questionable wording throughout and what we can only assume was a mandate to crank the intensity to 11 at every opportunity and you get a film that feels like an snl sketch i see it i can see it you see that one number five the hair makeup and costumes there are some people out there who consider the aforementioned design choices to be the only thing that david lynch got right with this adaptation there's no denying that the filmmaker tried to create a richly themed and immersive world with unique visuals but for all the bold decisions that were made the end result is still underwhelming my duke how i failed you this thoroughly mid-80s idea of how a futuristic society would look felt almost immediately dated for every character design that was appropriately weird there were two others that felt cartoonishly over the top and deeply uncool sting in that cod piece is seared into our eyes forever then there were group outfits that seemed like complete afterthoughts the harkonnen and atreides uniforms feel like leftover costumes from other films i remember the first step in avoiding a trap is knowing of its existence i know number four weirding became guns we get that weirding is somewhat vaguely defined in the books but surely there were more elegant ways to portray it on screen precise control heck we would have settled for anything that didn't directly contradict herbert's world one of the more interesting pieces of world building in dune is that personal shields have rendered projectile weapons largely obsolete as such hand-to-hand combat and blade weapons are the norm the weirding way is an advanced style of movement that allows for incredibly effective combat but lynch reportedly said that he didn't want to see quote kung fu on sand dunes so in the film it becomes a gun that's right instead of something resembling martial arts we got the weirding module which can only be described as a poorly designed laser gun this is part of the weirding way that we will teach you number three the rain as refreshing as it might have looked on paper in practice the climactic rainfall on arrakis stung badly at the heart of the original novel is the idea that polytraitis is being made into a god by those who see him as the messiah muadhib had become the hand of god fulfilling the fremen prophecy where there was war muadeeb would now bring peace while he does possess powers of precognition his status as a deity isn't supported by actual miracles but rather through the fervent belief of others this worries him immensely as he's afraid of unleashing a bloody holy war having him make it rain really misses the point [Music] it's also not clear how he does it just powers we guess doesn't this make the secret fremen water stores redundant plus all that moisture would destroy the sandworms and spice bringing down galactic civilization number two it lacks a clear message building on our previous entry it's important to understand what frank herbert's dune means to people yes it's a decadently dense universe with a rich mythology but it's equally elaborate in its use of allegory caracas dune desert planet moving moving the 1984 film adaptation is a bold and ambitious attempt to recreate the world of dune on the big screen but it takes the style and leaves behind the substance because the film makes paul into a super powered messiah the story is reduced to another run-of-the-mill tale about a chosen one father the sleeper has awakened it doesn't really offer commentary on what that narrative means we fremen have a saying god created arachus to train the faithful one cannot go against the word of god by making paul a literal god the 1984 film adaptation robs dune of its greatest insight and offers nothing to say in its place before we unveil our top pick here are some honorable mentions david lynch wasn't given creative freedom the director famously disowned the film because of studio intervention but when you don't have final cut total creative freedom you stand to die the death die the death and died i did the treatment of female characters rather than being powerful and feared as in the books they seem to live to serve men hurry all i see is darkness i will love you forever duncan idaho's in glorious end beloved characters should get more screen time and a worthy death why haven't we heard from you my lord i suspect so much key characters look silly and are underdeveloped pompous speeches from emotionally detached characters with unclear motivations before we continue be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one massive plot holes when you're aiming for world building on a scale this large and fail your plot holes exist on a comparable scale even with a run time of 136 minutes or 186 for the tv version the film has to skip over key details backstory and explanations thanks to your teachings it's changing my consciousness and these aren't just missing subplots that'll frustrate fans of the book we're talking about glaring plot holes that break the reality of the film where pray tell does paula tradies get all those weirding modules with which he arms the fremen hmm weren't they destroyed in the earlier attack wearing modules destroyed this is arguably the biggest and most glaring plot hole in the film but it's not the only one and the narration is often just a crude band-aid trying to cover them up do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from watchmojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos you
Views: 693,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: why fans hate dune 1984, the problem with the dune movie, the problem with dune, dune movie 1984, dune 1984, dune david lynch, david lynch, dune movie, dune, frank herbert's dune, frank herbert, dune book, dune series, dune books, dune novel, dune Denis Villeneuve, fremen, dune 2020, is dune good, dune explained, Film, Movies, Sci Fi, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo, Why is dune so weird?, Is Dune overrated?, dune film, dune 1984 cast, sci-fi movie, dune review
Id: QVzI6Yvyxso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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