Top 10 Differences Between Dune 1984 and Dune 2021

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bless the maker and his water bless the coming and going of him may his passage cleanse the world and keep the world for his people welcome to watchmojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 differences between dune 1984 and dune 2021 father father the sleeper has awakened a squeeze rabbit squeeze hard yes uncle and the ferment kill them all for this list we're looking at how denis villeneuve's adaptation of frank herbert's 1965 novel differs from david lynch's cult film keep in mind that there will be spoilers for both movies but a person needs new experiences they draw something deep inside allowing you to grow which version of dune do you prefer let us know in the comments number 10 we get to see more of kaladan i'll miss the sea since the title is dune it makes sense that both of these films would primarily take place on the desert planet arrakis however the first act of vilnav's version dedicates more time to the atreides homeworld kaladan we are house of tradies there is no call we do not answer there is no faith that we betray while we get to see glimpses of the oceanic planet in lynch's film most of the time on caledon is spent indoors while the exterior shots are largely shrouded in darkness kaladan has more of a presence in villeneuve's film with foggy blue skies and green mountaintops [Music] vilnev shot these scenes in stotland norway taking us to a locale that's familiar yet otherworldly the time spent on caledon creates a greater contrast when house of treaties ventures from their peaceful ocean environment to the unforgiving desert [Music] number nine less voice over exposition where are my feelings i feel for no one the second moon to squeeze more of herbert's text into the 137 minute run time lynch relied heavily on narration the 1984 film opens with princess ireland talking directly into the camera explaining what the spice is and where to find it a beginning is a very delicate time know then that it is the year 10191 the 2021 film commences with a similar monologue although zendaya's channel takes ireland's place my planet arrakis is so beautiful when the sun is low [Music] rolling over the sands you can see spice in the air beyond the opening narration vilnev delivers exposition in a more organic fashion instead of constantly whispering inner monologues information is naturally woven into conversations whenever the film starts to get exposition heavy villenev matches the dialogue with something visually interesting helping the audience to follow the story vilnev shows rather than tells which makes for more effective world building number eight sand worms russell has called a big one again it is the legend arrakis's giant sand worms are perhaps the most iconic figures in the dune franchise relying on practical effects lynch's film featured 15 rather phallic puppets that were filmed inside miniature sets the largest was 22 feet long they were designed by italian special effects artist carlo rambaldi who had also worked on alien and e.t the extraterrestrial in contrast vilnev's sandworms are cgi but his team spent a year getting quote every little detail of the creatures down trying to make them as realistic as possible they ditched the triangular lobes and inner lips added by rambaldi in favor of a mouth that now more resembles a lampreys the worms teeth are also much longer making them appear more fearsome than ever number seven a more triumphant exit for duncan duncan oh i was just on my way to say goodbye to you in both films swordmaster duncan idaho meets his end defending house of treaties yet duncan's death plays out differently in each picture in lynch's film duncan gets shot in the head during the initial house of treaties attack [Music] the moment flies by quickly though and it's hard to even recognize duncan behind his bizarrely designed defense shield vilnev has duncan go out in a blaze of glory meeting up with paul and lady jessica shortly after their escape duncan decides to sacrifice himself to save them [Music] sealing the door shut duncan takes down several enemies before eventually being outnumbered duncan's death here not only feels closer to the source material it's also a far more fitting exit for an actor like jason momoa number six the tahati challenge [Music] you should welcome my blade towards the 2021 film's conclusion paul proves himself to the fremen people by beating jamas in a ritual duel to the death while paul's battle against james was supposed to be in lynch's film the scene can only be seen in the special tv edition he surprised me it was an accident in both interpretations jamas invokes amtal rule and paul receives a chris knife from johnny lady jessica also confronts freman leader stilgar in each version although vilnev works in more fight choreography while the battle didn't make it into the theatrical cut of lynch's film it serves as vilnav's big climax it also marks a significant turning point as paula treatise takes a step closer to becoming paul muadeeb [Music] number five more diverse casting there was a notable lack of diversity in the 1984 film which seemed to imagine the future of the human race as strangely homogeneous where there was war muadeeb would now bring peace where there was hatred muadhi would bring love granted the books don't delve that deep into skin color although it is mentioned that later atreides has an olive skin tone the 2021 film reflects hollywood's changing landscape with a more diverse cast this is especially apparent among the fremen featuring talents like zendaya javier bardem and babsaloos and mokum of course house atreides isn't without diversity either enlisting oscar isaac jason mamoa and stephen mckinley henderson i plan bear's fruit but it will take time yes it will take time we didn't even mention dave bautista sharon duncan brewster and chung chen while the protagonist is once again played by a white actor nobody can deny that timothy chalamet embodies the role leading an all-around progressive ensemble my road leads into the desert number four the barons portrayal actors kenneth mcmillan and stellen skarsgard both portray baron vladimir harkonnen as grotesque and villainous but take very different approaches he who controls the spice controls the universe and what pider did not tell you is we have control of someone who is very close very close to duke leo while macmillan's over-the-top performance can be fun it's hard to take him that seriously like he looks like a cross between freak show from harold and kumar and inspector kluso's quasimodo disguise meanwhile skarsgard's baron has echoes of marlon brando's kurtz and apocalypse now or an unmasked darth vader did they tell you he's frail and overweight but still intimidating dignified and calculating skarsgard's baron possesses a booming voice but he gets just as much across with his deep eyes even his anti-gravity devices which came off as pretty silly in lynch's film have a chilling effect here my desert my iraqis i do vilnev sought to give the baron quote a bit more dimension and we think he succeeded number three stronger female characters from virginia matson to linda hunt to sean young lynch's dune certainly had some capable actresses tell me of your homeworld the film didn't always give its female characters much to do however vilnev told co-writer eric roth that he wanted to focus more on the women finding lady jessica especially quote fascinating played by rebecca ferguson here jessica is practically a co-lead and even gets to partake in physical combat this time around i must warn you whatever you're hiding it won't be enough dr kinds was male in the book and portrayed by max von sidow in the 1984 film according to sharon duncan brewster vilnev quote wanted to write the role for a woman casting her i serve only one master his name is we imagine shawnee will be more prominent if a sequel moves forward but even during her limited screen time zendaya leaves a powerful impression it's made from a tooth of shayhalud the great sand worm this will be a great honor for you to die holding it number two the weirding modules yell at it lynch made a lot of odd additions to his adaptation although the weirding modules are perhaps the most eyebrow raising these sonic beam devices essentially turn sound into a weapon this is part of the weirding way that we will teach you although weirding modules were not in the book they derive from the weirding way a form of beni jesuit martial arts so why did lynch make this change apparently because he wasn't interested in seeing quote kung fu on sand dunes more deep filner wisely ditches the sound guns putting the focus back on close range combat paul spends much of the film learning about the weirding way and assuming that a sequel gets the green light we expect he'll pass everything he knows onto the fremen before we unveil our number one pick here are some honorable mentions gurney's ballast at gone are we the only ones that wanted josh brolin to get a solo give us a song instead no pugs allowed and where is the cat milking for that matter by milking this this smooth little cat's body you receive your antidote padasha emperor shaddam iv and princess ireland neither appear in dune 2021 and shadam's master plan isn't revealed right at the start then at an appointed time baron har conan will return to a raucous and launch a sneak attack on house of tradies i have promised the baron five legions of my sadhukar terror troops fade ralpha the treacherous nephew has yet to be introduced in vilnev's adaptation paul's vision as in the book timothy chalamet's paul has a vision of a bloody interplanetary war before we continue be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one it's only half of the first book desert [Music] this is only the beginning if lynch proved anything with dune it's that the source material can't be covered in just over two hours you either need an epic runtime or a sequel paul's sister alia matured at a frightening rate her small body harbored tremendous powers paul and shani's love grew [Music] vilnev knew this when he signed on stating quote i would not agree to make this adaptation of the book with one single movie while a sequel hasn't been officially greenlit yet the filmmakers approached dune part 1 with dune part 2 in mind philniv's movie ends as paul and jessica ally with the fremen while that happened more than halfway into lynch's film this leaves more room for a potential sequel to explore paul's relationship with the fremen and his destiny if you can see it if you'll have us we will come and since there are more books in herbert saga this may indeed only be the beginning do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from watchmojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Views: 967,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Action, Film, Movies, best action movies, best movies, david lynch, denis villeneuve, differences between dune 1984 and dune 2021, dune, dune 1984, dune 2021, dune author, dune books, dune differences, dune easter eggs, dune ending, dune facts, dune franchise, dune novels, dune reboot, dune references, dune remake, dune sequel, dune trailer, facts, frank herbert, list, mojo, sci-fi, sci-fi movies, science fiction, top 10, watch mojo, watchmojo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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