Dune: Part 2 - Movie Review

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Dune part two it's here that which we did not know if we were going to get after part one has happened prayers were sent out prayers were received prayers answered review embargo lifted so now let's talk about Dune part [Music] two so Dune part two is well it's exactly what it sounds like to be honest I feel like I don't need to explain it but I guess I will it's part two of Dune picking up right where part one left off essentially this is the coming of age chapter for PA trades he and his mother lady Jessica they're hanging out with the fan and he will become fman he will become M everything we've heard about and seen in other media all the while the har conans are like this mad character is causing problems we just need to we need to wipe out some fman and I will say the first hour of this movie I was kind of worried about it as I was going into it you know cuz it was a love story nothing wrong with that in fact I I think Hollywood has this weird phobia of love stories but when I was seeing the trailers and the TV spots I was like oh is this going to feel like some ya novel young adult novel that are we bringing that back oh god bellet of song birds and snakes just came out oh my it needs to stay dead I was pleasantly surprised that the first hour of this movie is my favorite hour of the movie I was rooting for them with their young love growing I was cheering paulat trates on as he went through his trials you're proud with him and his accomplishments this coming of age story really clicked with me the story of this young man whose entire world was just burned to the ground through his sold down to his bones which were thrown down onto this desert planet in which he will rebuild himself better to fulfill his Destiny I was behind all of it man this movie gripped me this does benefit from the fact that this is part two introduction was done in part one now we're seeing where they go from there so answer the very obvious question if it somehow crosses anyone's mind yes you need to watch part one before before you watch part two however you do have new characters that would be Austin Butler as thade no surprise that he was cast in this movie when this movie is being cast there was a lot of chatter about him in the Elvis movie so it's kind yeah he's kind of a shoeing we need someone to play a psychopath you already got the smolder as we saw in the Elvis movie how about this don't look all charming and while you're doing the smolder yeah stoneface smolder there you go true haran psychopath I still say harkonen I know they say Harkin in here I will always say Conan it's my programming at this point sting in the 1984 Dune was having more fun being a psychopath Austin Butler thade is like yeah that guy will kill you if he's just bored but I thought he was great as thade even though sometimes it sounded like he was doing EST Stell and Skarsgard impersonation what do you want me to do about Iraq it's my Baron I was like oh that's not the baron talking that's that was weird Christopher walin was shocking casting unlike Austin Butler I was like what was the conversation that got him the movie there was no conversation it was it was a casting that I feel like Denny Ville new was like that's so crazy it just might work he doesn't have a large role this movie is so enormous there's so much going on that a lot of characters don't have a lot of screen time I mean to be honest it's Timothy Shel and Zena have the most screen time I mean it should be that way the entire story does revolve around them but it's not even close this is Timothy Shalom Zena other folks so Christopher Walkin doesn't even have a lot of screen talk I feel like even stellen Skarsgard as Vladimir har Conan got pushed to the back he kind of a bummer I like his character it was sad to see less of him but you know you just want to hear the emperor be like who is this m may I ask it's worth it just for that and I appreciate that you feel the scope and scale most of the movie takes place on araus it' be easy to lose the galactic scope of things but it is still there you feel the scope of the scheming that has led us to this point the Benny jeser scheming the har Conan scheming we're not just dealing with spatial scope we are dealing with time cuz this is all a long time coming a lot of planning it's also felt in these surprising religious tones in here deals with religion spirituality belief the differences in those Concepts how they can be used to control people there some solid heavy themes they're dealing with here and Javier bardam is the main vessel bringing that to the Forefront he's the believer and he is unexpectedly funny about it not in that forced humor kind of way you see a lot in movies no just in a very real way the funny thing comes from just how real he's being about it I just monologued about certain examples I feel like we're bordering on spoilers so they're gone now power of editing I will say there were certain scenes in this movie that felt fast-tracked or cut short like you feel like yeah that's something that's probably on The Cutting Room floor which is an interesting way of just saying yeah this 2hour 45-minute movie probably could have been 3 hours 15 minutes but here we are it felt that way I don't know what to say there are some more more moments and we'll say the Final Act definitely dealing with spoilers there so just going to say yeah they're in the Final Act was some moments that I felt should have been more impactful just kind of happened Timothy Shalom and Zinda I thought were great together I will say Timothy Shalom gets to a point in this movie where I have to buy him as more of a leader than I did before and at that point that's when I'm like I don't see that as much he's great as this boy royalty Paul a trades he's great in this coming of age Arc with him in the fman but there comes a point as you saw in the trailer where he's all silence he's more he's become a man a leader now and I was like but but has he if you're a book Pierce this movie might irritate you I just know when I got out of the theater you know bunch of critics talking to each other as we're all walk into our cars all the conversations around me wrapped into the ambience of the parking lot was well in the book they did why did they do this in the movie movie did this but the book so if you're a book purist you might have some problems with the movie movie shocker I know it's not the case in every adaptation ever said no one ever folks it's like this if you liked or loved Dune part one you will like or love Dune part two there's even a part of me that's like if you didn't like part one like if your gripe about part one was yeah it feels like half a movie I would argue that you can check out part two because now you have the whole story I mean granted it's in 5 hours but you do have it but if you didn't like part one because you don't like the world or the lore you're probably not going to like part two it's very dun World oriented and lower heavy but I enjoyed that I was surprised that I enjoyed learning about the culture of the fman as much as I did and same epic gorgeous visuals wanted to save this for lives I wanted to leave on this note cinematographer Greg Frasier is so good at the job cinematographer for Dune part one Dune part two the Batman the Creator his movies just looks so gorgeous and all of them when people are like hey what' you like most about the movie I'm like that's hard to pinpoint but the visuals just speak to me they draw me into the world it's its own language don't know how else to explain it he's so good at the job I feel like he should be a big buold name on the poster the trailer you know when it's really trying to sell you was like oh from this person who directed this movie I legit feel like from cinematographer Greg Frasier should be a thing it should be his name should be a selling point all that is to say the movie looks beautiful I love Dune part one I love Dune part two Dune part two is worth watching and worth buying on Blu-ray it'll sit on my shelf next to Dune part one cuz my fellow copy Paris you know what that's all about I'm curious to see how Dune part two is watching it as intended as part two coming right off of part one Dune part one it ends you pop in Dune part two you watch that have the whole 5 hour plus experience I watched Dune part one recently enough a couple weeks ago but that's still it's a bit removed I imagine that would be a pretty epic cinematic experience but for my money for right now I thought Doom part two was great all right so Doom part two have you seen it what did you think about it or what's your favorite iteration your favorite version of Dune on screen you know you got the movie from the 80s you have the miniseries now you have the Denville new movies what's your favorite whatever it is whatever you think comment below let me know and as always if you like what you've seen here and you want to see more click right here to see [Music] more
Channel: Jeremy Jahns
Views: 566,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dune, dune part 2, Denis Villeneuve, review, movie review
Id: yvuSl6rLleU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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