Top 30 Most Unforgettable Movie Cameos

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welcome to watch Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the most entertaining memorable and surprising film cameos this list focuses on quick comedic moments rather than extended scenes or roles so Christopher Walkin and Pulp Fiction for instance won't be considered hello little man boy I sure heard a bunch of by you number 30 Matt Damon Euro trip the start of this movie follows recent high school graduate Scotty Thomas as he discovers the reason his girlfriend broke up with him it just so happens that her new boyfriend is played by Matt demon [Music] Scot the shock of seeing this a-lister show up in a movie like this is enough to make anybody laugh but to top things off Damon takes the stage to sing a song about his character's Affair The Surreal Cameo really underscores how embarrassed Scotty is about the Revelation sporting a shaved head the Jason born star gives this scene all the gravitas and Reckless abandon an audience could want it's that same kind of dedication that draws similar laughs in Thor Ragnarok tell my story build a statue for me we will build a big statue for you with my helmet on with a big bendy horns number 29 Tom Cruz and Company Austin Powers in Gold Member it's Britney [Music] Spears in this sequel the filmmakers decide to have some fun with a whole slew of choice cameos the beginning looks like a big budget adventure and features the star power of Tom Cruz Gwen of paltro and Danny DeVito The Amazing cast doesn't hesitate in playing their parts to the fullest they Powers you better watch your fraking self because this is one Doctor Who does make house calls to make things even better Steven Spielberg also shows up as a parody of himself to direct the whole sequence movie fans will be grinning from ear to ear as they get to see so many incredible artists together plus the fact that they get to say Austin Powers dialogue makes it even more entertaining well miss normous shall we shag now or shag later oh Austin behave number 28 Liam niss Ted 2 in this sequel the main character receives an unlikely visitor at a grocery store Liam niss plays a customer that's anxious about buying trick cereal I'd uh like to ask a few questions about this breakfast cereal I yeah yeah box of Tricks that's right I've been led to understand that tricks are exclusively for children with all the intensity of a taken film niss interrogates Ted about the tagline of the serial he even explicitly asks whether there will be trouble if he an adult buys the product so if I purchase these tricks there'll be no trouble no no you you should be fine you do understand that I myself am not a child I I was able to sniff that out yeah well unfortunately it seems that there does end up being trouble niss returns after the credits apparently having had quite the rough day and Returns the Cal it's an absurd and hilarious way to utilize the prestigious talents of this acting Legend hey I won't forget what you've done for me here today I would prefer that you do number 27 Charlton hon Wayne's World 2 sometimes casting can completely change a movie for the better this moment moment from Wayne's World 2 perfectly illustrates that point allowing for a last minute swap to elevate the scene Gordon Street Gordon Street Gord Street oh yeah Gordon Street uh I once knew a girl who lived on Gordon Street but that was a long time ago the hero has Charlton hust tag in to play a gas station attendant who loves to talk the real magic comes from his performance as he recites his lines like they're from an Oscar winning script I once knew a girl who lived on Jordan Street long time ago when I was a young man not a day passes I don't think of her with Wayne even tearing up at the end the whole speech becomes a funny play on the typical Hollywood monologue it's both a major highlight from an underrated Sequel and a Showcase of Hon's talents that one Perfect Day on Gordon Street that's uh five blocks up two over number 26 kareim Abdul Jabar airplane this land Mark comedy wouldn't be complete without a number of great casting choices for one of the pilots the filmmakers decided to cast NBA legend Kareem Abdul Jabar flight 20 ner to Denver radio climbing to cruise at 42,000 will report again over Lincoln over and out his appearance alone gets laughs but the script lets the All-Star have a few awesome lines the athlete Fields questions about his skills before dishing out a hilarious takedown listen kid I've been hearing that ever since I was at UCLA I'm out there busting my buns every night tell your old man to drag Walton the near up and down the court for 48 minutes and he does it all while trying to keep his cover as co-pilot Roger Murdoch oh what we wouldn't give to hear him take down the kid's father in a movie full of unexpected cameos this one might just be the greatest I'm sorry son but you must have me confused with someone else my name is Roger Murdoch I'm the co-pilot number 25 David Hasselhoff the SpongeBob SquarePants movie who are you I'm David Hasselhoff ho confusing children and adults alike David Hasselhoff arrives in the SpongeBob SquarePants movie to give SpongeBob and Patrick a much needed ride across the sea it doesn't make a lot of sense but it's hilariously campy so we'll let it slide I it easy back there fellas Hasselhoff really sells his ability to sail across the water like a high speed boat all the while he gives The Surreal sequence of humor and Charisma that can't be beaten but we'll never be able to float down in time who said anything about floating initiating launch sequence the actor even launches the characters out of his pecs in a moment that will have viewers of all ages laughing number 24 Bob Barker Happy Gilmore you know what's driving me crazy you not getting the ball in the hole don't push me Bob now's not the time when the titular golfer finds himself in a celebrity tournament he Partners up with Bob Barker the Price's right host can only take Happy Gilmore for so long before picking a fight well in all fairness it's Gilmore who throws the first punch and what a blow it is all right let's go oh you like that old man you want a piece of me I don't want a piece of you I want the whole thing it's crazy and unexpected but the sight of these to duking it out on the golf course is nothing short of hysterical we never imagined we'd get to see Bob Barker punching Adam Sandler so many times in quick succession but we're glad such a scene exists I think you've had enough number 23 John Hurt Space Balls BR some water water my ass bring this guy some Pismo in his sendup of sci-fi films director Mel Brooks fills a diner with a sorted misfits this includes one Patron that looks a lot like Kane from Alien in yet another space movie John herd's character has a stomach churning encounter with an extraterrestrial this version ends in a much more hilarious way as the creature starts to sing and dance hello my baby hello my honey hello my R send me a kiss by baby my heart on hurt leans into the moment more than willing to poke fun at his former role the claimed actor could have easily turned down this Cameo but we're glad he instead decided to die by aliens once more in this authentic parity oh no not again number 22 Chris Evans free guy think he's going to hit you he punches so hard but yet his hands are so soft be strong as Ryan Reynolds character plays with all sorts of iconic items he conjures up one famous Shield In the Heat of battle this just so happens to catch the eye of the real Chris Evans the quick cutaway does half the work but we also couldn't have asked for a more perfect reaction from the Avenger at a time when MCU fans were really starting to miss Captain America this Cameo served as a fantastic pickme up what the it's also emblematic of the fun energy employed throughout all of freey not to mention one of the movies many winning pop culture jokes hold on is that a yes that's a lightsaber dude number 21 Billy Idol The Wedding Singer seeing a celebrity on a plane is especially exciting if it's Billy Idol in the 1980s The Wedding Singer puts its finale in the skies with this Rockstar included Glenn doesn't deserve her well he cares about possessions fancy cars CD players even women are possessions to him the musician makes a terrific impression by helping Adam Sandler's Robbie woo Drew Barrymore's Julia Idol does it all with an effortless charm even offering the hero a chance to realize his musical dreams hey Robbie that wasn't a bad song you know I'm going to tell this record company guys about you mind if I give her a kiss first oh yeah do what you got to do it's ultimately a heartwarming and supportive Cameo that helps set up a memorable ending if you didn't know or love the White Wedding Singer before you probably will after seeing him save the day how you doing sir chicken or fish you better get out of my way Billy you're going to get hurt oh yeah don't you talk to Billy idle that way number 20 Hugh Jackman X-Men first Class excuse me I'm Eric lent Xavier an X-Men movie apparently cannot be produced without an appearance from Wolverine no matter how short it may be since the launch of the first movie Hugh Jack has made many physical appearances as Logan and this one in case the other fell off while Xmen apocalypse went for an extended and violent action sequence Wolverine's best Cameo lasted less than half a minute and featured no claw whatsoever during X-Men first Class Xavier and Magneto are looking for able mutants to join their cause which leads them to a dingy bar in the middle of nowhere sadly it was a wasted Journey number 19 aie Osborne Little Nikki what what's that what's with the [Music] ball Deus exmachina Black Sabbath style as the son of Satan the kind and sweet little Nikki is a bitter disappointment Sandler's demon is on a quest to prevent his brothers from plunging the world into a never-ending Darkness although he does need a bit of help to get the job done after smashing a mysterious orb given to him by his Angelic mother the the Prince of Darkness shows up to take a bite out of Nikki's brother metal fans have known this for decades but aie is a gift from God you can do it aie fight his freaking head off no number 18 Danny McBride Observe and Report get your hands off him what you heard me that's my son considering they created comedy gold with Eastbound and Down it's no surprise that Danny McBride appeared in jod Hills obser and Report Seth Rogan's Ronnie is an arrogant m cop driven by a desire for justice who apprehends a prepubescent drug Peddler during his free time unfortunately the child's father shows up with his goons and sticks a gun in Ronnie's face area luckily for the mall cop this Gang has a few screws loose sticking to what he's known for McBride delivers a funny and foulmouthed performance number 17 everyone Muppets Most Wanted oh where [Music] yes may I help you uh uh the uh the wine please from the days of Steve Martin and Richard prior The Muppets have turned celebrity cameos into an art form their 2014 outing boasts over 20 famous faces ensuring that every single viewer will recognize at least one of them let's give it a go with Hollywood stars ler Cameo we're doing picking the best of the bunch is practically impossible as nearly all of them deliver the goods who didn't laugh when Kristoff Walt showed up to literally do the waltz or Tom Heston Hamming it up as the great es scapo for the prisoner talent show honestly the entire movie is one big Cameo number 16 Christopher Lloyd A Million Ways to Die in the West hello this film showed if not anything else that Seth McFarland knows how to write cameos despite being the director's worst reviewed movie to date a Million Ways to Die in the West features a few Hilarious Moments including an outof thee blue Cameo by Doc Brown himself McFarland's Albert Stark randomly discovers Christopher Lloyd in a barn as the scientist tries to Kickstart the DeLorean what's that nothing weather experiment oh CR SC considering Back to the Future Part three takes place in the west this Cameo actually kind of makes sense number 15 Johnny Depp 21 Jump Street let's let's just relax and we can all leave here as friends yeah let's do that this film wasn't just funny it also ingeniously brought the franchise full circle oh my God we're going to die as Schmidt and jenko find themselves cornered by bad guys two other undercover cops reveal themselves one of the cops is played by Peter D Lise who you might know and the the other is played by Johnny Depp who you definitely know little dweebs just ru a 5-year investigation reprising their roles from the original TV series the partners reminisce about their Jump Street days before getting shot Depp himself requested that his character be killed off and the filmmakers gave him a truly uproarious send off that was a gun somebody definitely got shot number 14 Hulk Hogan Gremlins 2 the new batch we have Gremlins in the protections could Gremlins 2 Works in so much metah humor that it practically destroys the fourth wall this is worse than the first one we just show these movies Madam we don't make them at one point the mischievous Gremlins actually take over the projection booth stalling the film but don't worry folks Hulk Hogan is in the audience in true Macho fashion the professional wrestler threatens to get physical if the little miscreant above don't resume playing Gremlins 2 okay you guys listen up people paid good money to see this movie when they go out to a theater they want cold sodas hot popcorn and no monsters in the projection booth it turns out the Gremlins actually have two weaknesses sunlight and the hulkster hilarious and surreal the scene makes us wish every movie theater had Hulk Hogan on standby sorry folks it won't happen again number 13 Robert Patrick Wayne's World Terminator 2 Judgment Day took the World by storm in 1991 prompting Robert Patrick to revive the character for a brief cameo in Mike Myers Wayne's World dressed up in his now iconic Beat cop uniform the T1000 pulls Over Wayne to ask whether he recently saw John Conor running around yes officers there's something wrong have you seen this [Music] boy Myers reacts exactly how any any one would in this situation he screams and hightails it out of there by the way the T1000 was actually meant to be portrayed by Billy Idol before he was ruled out due to an unfortunate motorcycle accident number 12 Michael Jackson Men in Black 2 how to go Z the drocks are gone and the treaty is signed good work during the later years of his life Michael Jackson was the target of numerous gags with everyone making fun of his physical appearance and questionable Behavior if this Cameo for men and Black 2 proved anything however it's that Jackson could laugh at himself Z what about that position you promised me in Men In Black conversing via video phone Jackson is revealed to be an ally of Zed and possibly an alien still working on the alien affirmative action program I'll keep you posted wait a minute that's not what you promised me you're you're breaking up can't hear you hello I'll call you back Jackson wants nothing more than to be an official MIB agent although Zed isn't too keen on the idea Michael sadly never becomes Agent M but he'll always be the King of Pop there hello number 11 Emma Watson This is the End Emma Emma oh my God you guys are alive this is the end is yet another comedy that packs in countless cameos although it was pretty awesome to see the Backstreet Boys reunited it was even more jarring seeing herane Granger make an appearance I hid in a drain pipe for days like three or four I didn't even know how many and then I stopped hearing people and I started hearing growling noises out there surviving the apocalypse Emma Watson finds Refuge at James Franco's house but as the guys start sending the wrong kind of Vibes Watson decides that she's probably safer outside give me everything you have to drink put it in the bag there are six of us you cannot Rob us before leaving though the Hogwarts alumnist bashes in Seth Rogan's face and steals their supplies whether she's wielding a wand or an axe Watson is one celebrity we'd want on our side when all hell breaks loose get the Milky Way away you can put the axe down sh her face Sho her number 10 Eminem and Ray Romano funny people I don't think you should have took that medicine why not I don't know personally I think you should have just let yourself die funny people centers on Adam Sandler as a struggling comedian who suddenly contracts a fatal disease and has to revalue his entire life as with most of Jud aba's work funny people Blends hilarious hij Jinks with many heartfelt moments including the awesome scene featuring Eminem and Ray Romano after the rapper gives Sandler a pep talk about the celebrity lifestyle Eminem loses it after realizing that the Everybody Loves Raymond comedian is staring at him apparently everybody does not include Eminem Ray Romano's bothering here who Ray Ray who Ray Romano the guy from Everybody Loves Raymond what show he's on off I this mother up hey Ray hello Marshall problem here buddy thought every everybody loved you number nine Mike Tyson The Hangover when a wild night becomes a day of retracing drunken steps one nagging mystery in particular remains a head scratcher where' the tiger come from reality is stranger than any Theory you can dream up cuz the boys stole it from as sleeping Mike Tyson got to say though Mike seems pretty friendly especially when he wants to sing with the gang but turns out it's all part of his interrogation technique number eight Martin Sheen Hot Shots part D we get up at at first I thought they'd handed me the wrong dossier I couldn't believe they wanted this man dead third generation West Point top of his class Korea Airborne about a thousand decorations the Hotshot sequel parody's many serious war movies so obviously they had to include a reference to Francis Ford koba's 1979 epic a badass retired Navy soldier who found inner peace after discovering Buddhism Charlie Sheen's topper Harley is pulled back in for one final mission while rambing his way through Iraq he comes across Martin Sheen's character from Apocalypse Now who might have taken a wrong turn on his way to Vietnam as the father and son cross paths they share a few words of encouragement I love you in Wall Street number seven Neil Patrick Harris Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle this legendary Cameo comes from an actor who first got famous for his role as TV's kid Dr Doogie in a slightly less than wholesome role however NPH turns up during the titular Duo journey to this Burger Haven Neil you don't understand we've been craving these Burgers all night yeah I've been craving Burgers too fur burgers come on dudes let's pick up some trim at a strip club the doy line always works on strippers lab dance the complete opposite of what anyone expected this washed up and creepy celeb turned hitchhiker punctuates the title Stoners Quest for burgers in ways they couldn't possibly imagine what happened in my car I made some love stains in the back seat number six Eminem the interview I feel like when I rap like people twist my words Marshall Ms also known as Eminem has made multiple epic cameos in Seth Rogan comedies we've seen that he's not a very big fan of Ray Romano then in the interview Eminem gave us a revelation no one was expecting with the most dead pan casual delivery he could muster when I say things about gay people that people think that my lyrics are homophobic you know it's because I'm gay in fact the best part of the whole scene is probably the rapper's commitment to keeping a straight phase em let's just back it up a moment you just said that you were gay um and I'm just curious what you meant by that exactly I mean I'm gay he does it so well especially when some horrendous lyrics are read out to him just as funny is everyone's shocked reactions as they try to Fathom Eminem's quick coming out Eminem just said he was gay four times number five Michael Sarah this is the end I'm s i i sorry who wants to see sip time this is the end asks how celebrities would react to an end of days scenario while the main actors mostly play it straight Sarah is allowed to run wild for his brief Cameo the Arrested Development actor drops his typically goody two shoes persona as he indulges in some party favors engages in a threesome and harasses Rihanna also this is the end Show's Channing Tatum in a suit you have to see it to believe it number four David Bowie Zoolander all right who's going to call this sucker if nobody has any objections I believe I might be of service Zoolander has celebrity cameos left and right with the most memorable of the bunch being the late great day David Bowie making a triumphant entrance complete with a title card Bowie declares himself the judge of Derrick and hansel's walk-off now this be a straight walkoff old school rules first model walks second model duplicates then elaborates okay boys this got to work as Bowie keeps score on his hand Hansel takes the lead by miraculously removing his underwear while somehow keeping his pants on even jarth the Goblin King couldn't perform such dark magic Derek tries to top his rivals but he isn't quite as successful thus Bowie disqualifies him like a boss disqualified number three Bill Murray Zombie Land Bill Murray you're a zombie in a flick about the end of mankind the last person anyone expects to see is zombified Bill Murray but fear not he's just playing dress up to keep up with the Joneses once Murray drops the ruse Woody harelson gives the appropriate and some would say mandatory fan level freakout too bad Bill takes his pranks too far trying to get a laugh from a scared kid with a shotgun no no it's okay number two Luke Wilson Tim Robbins and Ben Stiller Anchorman in a completely random and hilarious opportunity for cameos the channel 4 news team is caught off guard by all of their Rivals while taking a shortcut through town no we don't just mean Vince spawn and his aggressive Evening News team we're talking about Luke Wilson's Channel 2 Team Tim Robin's public news team and Ben Stiller's Spanish language news team and their epic and frankly bizarre Cameo Laden Brawl Of course the stakes were raised in the Anchor Man sequel when Sasha Baron Cohen Tina Fay Jim Carrey John C Riley and a bunch of others showed up to Duke it out for journalistic dominance Jeff Bullington ESPN all sports tonight's player today is me extract in your spine from your dead body before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one Stan Lee the Marvel Cinematic Universe this influential Legend captured the imaginations of comic book readers everywhere for decades and he had a habit of popping up on the big screen as well you know I guess one person can make a difference his cameos were in fact so numerous that he has his own watch Mojo list devoted to the topic I I had a girl probably the same as yours she always complained that I spent too much time with my own Comics he's shown up as a tuned out librarian a romance expert and as replacements for Hugh Hefner and Larry King to name a few unsurprisingly most of his screen time was in MCU movies but blink and you might miss some of them after all these Cameo appearances you'd think Stan wouldn't have had any trouble getting on the guest list uh invitation sir um I should be on that list name stanlee yeah uh nice try buddy nice no really I'm Stanley did you enjoy this video check out these other clips from watch Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Views: 274,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anchorman, best movie cameos, best movie cameos ever, bill murray, billy idol, cameos, celebrity cameos, chris evans, david bowie, eminem, emma watson, free guy chris evans, hugh jackman, johnny depp, list, mcu, michael jackson, mojo, movie cameos, muppets, muppets most wanted, neil patrick harris, ozzy osbourne, spongebob, stan lee, stan lee cameos, top 10, watch mojo, watchMojo, wolverine, x-men, xmen, zombieland, zoolander
Id: exMoC5PVg3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 39sec (1659 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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