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hello there YouTube we have all had that dream of possessing superpowers whether it's the ability to teleport go invisible or have unbelievable strength we all at one point in life and wish to have extraordinary abilities then more than likely you're still wishing for it right at this moment as we sit back and wonder what life would be like with them some human beings possess them naturally forget Batman spider-man Thor the x-men forget all of them today we share the top 10 real human superheroes in the world and before we start that tap that subscribe button and activate notifications with a Bell icon we don't want you to miss out on anything because we actually produce a lot of content here number 10 Stephan Wiltshire or shudder and number 10 we have Stephan Wiltshire the superhuman with a powerful mind he has the most incredible photographic memories in the world and is able to recreate what he sees into amazing pieces of art 7 was born in 1974 on April 24th in London he unfortunately experienced delays in learning which was caused by autism a condition his parents found out about later interestingly enough the very first words he ever spoke were pencil and paper it's as if he knew what he would do later on in life even before he could talk when he turned 5 his parents sent into a school in West London where his passion for drawing was noticed he continued with his amazing gift for the coming years until 2006 when he was officially honored with the title of a member of the Order of the British Empire for his outstanding contribution to art today people refer to him as the human camera as he can capture landscapes with his eyes and later recreate the exact images and drawings on paper one of his incredible pictures of the Singapore panorama which he drew with no reference at all in just a stored image in his brain I mean how cool is that I was like we can get on his bad side he'd do something embarrassing in front of him he can recreate it perfectly number 9 Miroslava Gullah also known as magnetics the first time I watched Miroslaw Macola I was convinced whatever he was doing was a magic trick it's hard to believe anyone can stick metallic things on their skin with no gimmicks magnets or glue and have them stay there for minutes without falling well mr. McCullough is capable of what most people think is impossible he is the true definition of a magnetic man he was born and goes out what Kapowski in Poland in the year 1958 as the youngest of three children he was passionate about politics and often shared his opinions growing up later on in life in the year 1992 he travelled the world we developed an interest in unlocking secrets of the mind and psychokinesis from there he learned how to use his mind to create a magnetic field which could attract metallic objects to his body he still says he's not using his brain to anything near its full potential I wonder what happened if he did we might have a mutant uprising on our hands with magneto number 8 Dean comas Azure marathon man marathons are usually 26.2 miles long Dean Karnazes runs up to seven marathons every day and this is just for practice he does this every morning before breakfast then has another speed workout in the evening he has broken world records by running a hundred and thirty-five miles across Death Valley in the middle of summer which is amongst the hottest places on earth and a tough that he also ran another marathon in the North Pole which is the coldest place on earth at temperatures of below 45 degrees he once ran 50 marathons in 50 US states in 50 days before discovering his passion and stretching out the possible limits Dean comas was a miserable man as his wife explains he had enough money a great family a beautiful home but he wasn't happy or satisfied with any of those numbers 7 Liam Hofstra or hercule get ready to be impressed amazed but mostly shocked with this story I had a glance you would probably think oh wow that's a great display of photoshop skills just because Liam Hawks sure doesn't look real and the things he's capable of don't either you probably haven't ever seen a baby with biceps our view well Liam struck the road with his skeletal structure and muscle mass born in Michigan Liam possessed incredible abilities at a very young age at 5 months and yes I said 5 months he could easily win an Iron Cross competition at that point by the age of 3 his body muscle ratio was at 40% he was taking the doctors and after running some tests they concluded he had a very rare condition where his body compounds restrict fat production and encourage muscle creation it isn't a Superman that I don't know who is number six Daniel Tammet or brain wave Daniel Tammet was born in a blue Wednesday on January 31st 1979 he says it was a blue day because that's how his birth date appears in his brain and so do all other numbers numbers are his best friends he describes numbers as shapes figures and colors as a child he struggle with epileptic seizures which got better with treatment when he turned 25 he was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome despite all his illnesses he has tremendous memory and can use his brain to do mathematical calculations at a superhuman level people describe him as a prodigious savant due to his abilities Egon count twenty two thousand five hundred and fourteen digits of pi lists all the prime numbers between one and ninety thousand I make Q multiplications like 72 by 72 by 72 with his head he is a walking and talking calculator number five slavi Zappa cheek or currants and again I'm sorry if I butchered your name their ever watch storm and wanted to be like hair well guess what there is a human being just like her although we can produce electric bus of a famous superhero Candide possesses superb abilities every year close to a hundred thousand people are treated for electrocution most of them with severe burns every year in the u.s. sixty people died from electrocution for this reason slow visa prajak is no ordinary human as he can withstand voltage as high as 20,000 while the average man will be hurt by fifty volts he had a very normal childhood was born and raised in a middle-class home and paz vara county in Serbia and again I'm pretty sure I yeah butchered that at the age of seventeen who discovered his unique ability since then he has set two Guinness records in 2003 and 1983 in addition to his remarkable powers he can also store electricity in his body he discovered this when he said an alcohol soaked cloth on fire with his skin scientists have tried to explain how he can do what he does and none of them has found a concrete theory to base it on number four Tori Allen or monkey girl Tori Owen is a real-life Spider Woman she can climb on a cliff in no time and make it appear as though she is taking a comfortable stroll by the park Tori was born in savaii Berlin where she grew up with many animals and had experiences the average kids dumped she also had a pet monkey called Georgie Georgie was her best friend for five years and she followed him all over learning how to climb from her friend by the age of 11 she became a professional rock climber today she has won every rock climbing competition she has participated in and she has a way of making it look so easy today Tory travels the world advising kids to stay in school try sports and stay away from drugs she advises them to get high from games other than alcohol and drugs number three is salma chi or Ronan Esau is a samurai superhuman he has sensory powers beyond the average human being and he can use a sword in a way that no one has ever been able to in the past he is also a double Guinness world record holder and in one of his amazing shows he was able to cut through a BB gun pellet that was moving at 200 meters per hour most of us can't even hit a baseball thrown by a human being at 10 miles per hour after watching him perform dr. Ramani Durvasula said this about him this is on a whole different level of sensory processing as he is not using his vision it appears as though he is using something so fluid something so procedural and easy for him some say his expertise as a result of his training and dedication to sharpening his skills however when you look closely his abilities go beyond the average skilled man we can only classify him as a Superman or Samurai Jack that's even cooler number two Scott flans Berg's calculator scotf Landsberg is a human calculator he was born in Herkimer New York in 1963 on December 28th Scott is more than just a natural genius as he has incredible mental calculator abilities at a young age he was able to solve complex mathematical calculations without having to write it down or even use a calculator when he became a year he realized numbers and angle shapes correlated which contributed to his refusal of counting from one to ten and said he would list numbers from 0 to 9 his ability to compute and grass mathematics is so incredible such that he can calculate and give mathematical equation answers faster than a calculator in addition to this he can tell you the exact date any previous day fell on without even taking time to think it's as if numbers equations and days of the week throughout history float in his brain we saved the best for last alright I saved the best for last but first I had a quick that only takes 5 seconds to complete so if you can leave a like and subscribe within the next 5 seconds you'll get 10 years of amazing luck just give it a try it really works number 1 Stig Severinsen alias unknown Stig Severinsen was born in 1973 in the city of Alibaug and Denmark he is known as Gil from his home town and this is because of his ability to hold his breath underwater longer than any human being he has a PhD in medicine has several awards an underwater rugby events two records from Guinness and four free diving World Records his impressive record is holding his breath underwater for 22 minutes the average man would be dead if they stayed underwater with no air supply for more than 10 minutes however Stig is no ordinary man he can hold his breath for 22 minutes underwater he is quite the Superman as no man has come close to challenging his record and after testing it was discovered that he can store red blood cells in his spleen which a diamond is impossible ability much like how dolphins operate he says he is able to do this as he dedicated his whole life to hold against breath and by doing this constantly his body was able to adapt through training and strict discipline he was able to push his body into the realm of superhumans and that was our video for today everybody I hope you enjoyed it if you loved it don't forget to hit the like button and share with friends family everybody subscribe to our channel if you haven't yet and got the bail notification icon for more updates on the highly entertaining videos have a great day everybody
Channel: Top 5 Best
Views: 2,781,198
Rating: 4.8856702 out of 5
Keywords: story, animation, stories, true stories, pictures, child, life stories, tv, family friendly, boy, girl, love, #youtubeblack, entertainment, talk show, reality tv, funny, hire, react, talk, show, money, invest, business, ecommerce, shopify, sales, investing 101, gold, leads, investing, marketing, stock, trading, rich, cash, facebook ads, ecom, dropshipping, full episodes, tv show, new, 2019, woman, for kids, pg, kid friendly, kids, motivation, success, challenge, family, vlog, baby, lifestyle, top 5
Id: VelT-l08m3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 15 2019
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