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top 15 things most humans can't do ah the human body it's just so interesting and equally discussing with all the organs in it however despite the gross squishy stuff inside of us it can do some interesting things it can curve concave stretch and bend although most people can easily touch their toes do a flip or do the splits there are some things most people can't even imagine doing few people around the world can do these weird unthinkable things and that's why today on top 5 best we're going over the top 15 things most people can't do let's begin shall we we are currently giving away an iPhone 7 plus in 30 google play cards and 30 iTune cards now if you want to be entered into this giveaway make sure you subscribe right now leave a like on this video and comment down below your favorite part of the video if you are not subscribed guys you cannot be entered so press that subscribe button right now it's Marshall icon this video also gods make sure you turn on notifications right now that little Bell next to the subscribe button if you do you'll be entered into our giveaway and it will give you a huge chance of winning number 15 raise one eyebrow in order to get a point across to another person most people use facial expressions some people use their fists but most people use facial expressions in fact please use your facial expressions these facial expressions range from smiling assembly raising ones eyebrows although this may sound simple most people can't raise one eyebrow by itself now you may be thinking to yourself yes I can but as some of you may be trying now you can't people call the raising of the UN eyebrow the eyebrow [ __ ] the raising of one eyebrow is the universal symbol of skepticism it's like some saying oh really although you're watching this video right now you're still trying to raise your one eyebrow aren't you there is a way to learn how to raise one brow you simply start by keeping one eyebrow down with one hand and holding one up with the other keep practicing this in the mirror so you can check the correct muscle movement to obtain one eyebrow up number 14 leaking although this next ability may sound disgusting there's only a few people who can actually delete leaking is also known as Bleeding org licking is like spitting but it is not quite exactly like spitting this during leaking means projecting saliva from the sub m'angil ur gland upon compression of the tongue basically the saliva simply shoots a from underneath the tongue with the help of the salivary glands just think of it as being able to control how much your mouth produces and releases saliva the majority of the time leaking is involuntary but there is a way to learn how to Gleek with just a little research man you become like a saliva version of it'll office or from Jurassic Park number 13 lick your elbow many people can easily bend their arm or elbow most people can also stick their tongue out but most people can't do them together that's why the next up on our list of weird funky things most people can't do is lick their elbow although this may sound easy that is not the case it's just about impossible for most people to lick their elbows try it now make sure you're alone though or you may look like a complete idiot that's because this is a rare ability that only a few people spread throughout the world can actually do it's obviously not so impossible for some people supposedly Guinness World Records gets about five claims a day from people who think that they're special just because they can lick their elbows number 12 twitch your nose for this next weird ability we heads back up into the face area smack dab in the middle right to the nose nose twitching became noticeable was when bewitched star Samantha Stephens began to twitch her nose during filming her nose which became a sort of trademark for bewitched nose twitching can also be involuntary and can be symptoms of a serious medical condition some people have trouble flaring their nostrils for the same reason however as with several items on this list it's something that can be learned we're doing - as it's a pretty endearing little trick maybe people will compare you a cute little rabbit or some other creature number 11 wiggling your ears when most people think of wiggling a body part they think toes or fingers and even your butt well you wouldn't ever think of wiggling your ears now would you your cats can do it and soak in the hippo and Jeff Goldblum but only a few other people in the world can wiggle their ears although you can train yourself to wiggle your ears by simply isolating your ear wiggling muscle you maybe even have wiggle your ears but it won't be that impressive you have to raise your eyebrows or look awfully surprised every time you may not be able to move your ears without moving your scalp but you should be able to learn to move without moving your eyebrows practice wiggling your ears without moving any other parts of your face it's a lot harder than it seems number 10 sneeze with your eyes open when you sneeze you immediately clench your eyes shut and cover your nose and mouth well what if that's not the case or everybody some people when sneezing can keep their eyes wide open now most of you are thinking if you did for us open your eyes with your eyeballs pop out when you sneeze well the answer is no your eyes are actually quite secure and your eye sockets aren't connected to your nose at all so although it sneeze can erupt from your nose in an explosive 200 miles per hour it can't transfer this pressure into your eye sardars to the throne your eyeballs so yes there are a few people who can do this so if you are one of those people let's hope your eyes stay in their socket number nine putting your fist in your mouth when people think of things going in their mouth they think food but definitely not your fist the majority of the population can only get half or barely a quarter of their fizz in to their mouths seriously they've done Studies on this stuff successfully fitting your entire fist in your mouth usually requires build a large mouth and small hands although the steps we're putting you're fizzing your mouths are easy enough number one make a fist to insert into mouth most people can't do it majority of the people who can do this are women and the other few men who are able to do it either have small hands or big mouths or maybe even both number eight spreading and number six while moving your foot clockwise okay even I have to admit this one is definitely a weird entry the first thing most people were taught when learning multitasking is pat your head and rub your stomach at the same time making the multitasking a patting your head and rubbing your stomach even harder was to do each part in opposite directions nowadays when people do fun little multitasking actions they are completely more complex the multitasking that people are doing today is writing a six and moving your leg clockwise at the same time it sounds simple but will completely trick your mind while trying to do this it might take a while but you are able to learn how to do this after some practice number seven touch your nose with your tongue most people can't touch the tip of their nose with their tongue and medicine the ability to touch the tip of your nose but your tongue is known as a gorl in sign approximately 10% of the population can actually perform this act the ability to do this is actually a genetic trait although there has been a few cases of people actually learning to touch their nose with their tongue the only reason the small 10% of people can actually do this is due to the extreme lengths of their tongues their long tongues give them the ability to reach their nose number-6 touching your chin with your tongue I know the tongue thing when someone licks their tongue out they usually do it to tease someone or maybe it's a game but some special people can actually touch their chin with their tongue just like the previous weird body ability this ability to touch your chin with your tongue also requires a lengthy tongue the zach became infamous from gene Simmons from kiss at his concerts the celebrity would stick out his tongue and go completely wild with it making it a huge trend back in the day you had a lengthy talk maybe you could touch your chin or your nose with your tongue who knows yeah yeah okay I'll go away number-5 tongue tricks my god there's a lot of tongue stuff in this while we're still on the subject of tongues there are a few tricks that most people can't do can you split or roll your tongue perform a reverse T flip your tongue 180 degrees or make shaves like a spaceship or a cloverleaf between 65 and 81 percent of people on earth have this strange and seemingly arbitrary Talent dumb tricks are debated on being genetic but arguably others don't think so although a really pointless skill to have it does make for some great party tricks number 4 double-jointed double joint in this also known as hyper mobility is when the joint stretched out further than normal some hypermobile people can bend their thumb backwards of their wrists bend their knee joints backwards put their legs behind their head and perform other contortionist tricks double jointness is actually more common than you may think around 10 to 25% of the population is double-jointed although many may be double-jointed some people who are double-jointed can't do all the bending and twisting of certain body parts that others may be able to do it can be even something so little as being able to move something as farther than regular people number 3 eating a spoonful of cinnamon originally known as the cinnamon challenge this next trick sounds simple but can get pretty spicy it's simply adding a spoonful of cinnamon ground cinnamon maybe a tasty baking addition but it's impossible to eat on its own for most people we don't suggest trying this at home when eating cinnamon the cinnamon can coat and dry the mouth and throat resulting in coughing gagging vomiting and inhaling cinnamon itself can lead to throw irritation breathing difficulties and risk of pneumonia or a collapsed lung although this is dangerous many people are successful in eating a full spoon of cinnamon it's weird disease a strange and dangerous thing lead to what used to be such a massive and popular trend on the Internet number two tickling yourself we all have ticklish spots that friends and loved ones love to zero in on being tickled makes us laugh squirm and sometimes even more and if you're anything like normal people it makes you reflexively punching kick anyone Within Reach on paper it might sound easy to do when in practice its near impossible to genuinely tickle yourself to the point of laughter this is because you will always brace for the touch the mind immediately goes into defense mode your body doesn't react the same way as if someone else was actually in genuinely tickling you unless there is a disconnect between you and your subconscious mind your touch will always be anticipated number one putting your foot behind your head finally and lastly are a list of weird things the human body can do is the ability to place your feet behind your head in order to put your foot behind your head it requires extreme flexibility simply placing both legs behind one set may come and sound easy to some gymnasts or Tichina estévez from Jimmy Neutron but to an average Joe this task would be completely impossible even if you were to practice and stretch every single day this is not guarantee that you will be able to do this because it really all depends on the body type well that's our video for today can you do any of these weird and wonky things well that is our video for today can you do any of these weird and wonky things do you have any suggestions that didn't make the list well make sure to let us know in the comments down below and like and subscribe for more great content if you enjoyed the video press the bell icon to say updated with all future videos and thanks again for watching I am signing off for today and I'm going to go try to put my foot behind my head wish me luck and hope I don't break my legs [Music]
Channel: Top 5 Best
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Keywords: story, animation, stories, true stories, pictures, child, life stories, tv, family friendly, boy, girl, love, #youtubeblack, entertainment, talk show, reality tv, funny, hire, react, talk, show, money, invest, business, ecommerce, shopify, sales, investing 101, gold, leads, investing, marketing, stock, trading, rich, cash, facebook ads, ecom, dropshipping, full episodes, tv show, new, 2019, woman, for kids, pg, kid friendly, kids, motivation, success, challenge, family, vlog, baby, lifestyle, top 5
Id: 71cMlkfn1AM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2017
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