Top 10 Quarterbacks of the 80's

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what's the first thing that pops into my own mind when I think of the 80s this is like a vh1 segment I mean we all had mullets we all had you know stupid shirts and tight shorts my prom sucked sorry Rochelle Oh Bella ah the 80s when greed was good we did the wave for Members Only jackets and had wacky haircuts look at my hair do you think I could have ever gone flock of seagulls at any point in my life the 80s for the most part was embarrassing for beginning in today some products of the 80s are a little dated but some will always look good I just think about balls in the air throwing the football in the 80s the passing game was the choice of a new generation a top 10 quarterback of the 80s must have talent stats rings intangibles or some combination of the four the catch were only considering one happened in the 80s sorry John wait till you get a load of our list these are our top 10 quarterbacks of the 1980s [Music] the numbers and quarterback of the ad McMahon Jim McMahon is is a top-10 guy for ATS quarterbacks for so many obvious reasons I mean the guy had his own fashion sense Jim McMahon was a consummate Punk I mean he was everything that you don't really see in a quarterback he totally totally was this anti-establishment guy and loved every minute of it I'm gonna do what I want to do and I'm also gonna market myself that way saying screw it to the establishment and cashing in market wise McMahon absolutely did that the whole bears team to death outrageousness rages nothing more than a way to wake people up especially yourself [Music] he walked in to hella saw the day after he was drafted she went tobacco pair of sunglasses and a beer in his hand sat down next to George L's George hell's scratches at golf is this the guy the guy number 10 on our list was a breath of fresh air in the Windy City in the mid-80s Jim McMahon won 22 straight games a record that stood until Peyton Manning broke it in 2009 the way McMahon did it made him a leader he was one tough sob and it was almost like he should be playing defense he wanted to have that defensive mentality his teammates loved him and he had this kind of crazy attitude Reeves head-butting everybody the ol lineman bought into the fact that they had an O lineman behind the defense bought into the fact that that was a defender really at quarterback he was the head of a gang he thought he was a linebacker and he would get his little butt tore to pieces ba all he had to do was the baseball slide but he said I want to get that couple extra yards I think it was his passion his competitiveness that we'd up beat his downfall puter stayed healthy we do want two more Super Bowls unfortunately the injury bug took a big bite out of Big Macs game leaving some of our experts to ask where's the beef there's too many times when he couldn't answer the bell for me to read him as one of the top quarterbacks one of the real things that people forget about Jim McMahon it wasn't any good and and that's that seems like that should be probably something that people would remember about but they don't they remember putting the headband on he brought leadership and all those sorts of things which is basically madney and if the ball off Walter paid a lot the better list would have been the top ten quarterbacks that would not have won a Super Bowl with the 1985 bears David Archer Mike peggled but I'm going down the list here I can't think of many others maybe Joey Harrington but you know he was like four years old come on he does not need to be on this list Jim McMahon would have been healthy he would not be tucked on that was he be easy be in the top three along with a guy like Joe Montana wasn't that fun coming up you know he looked like an ostrich running in quicksand at times he almost looked a little bit gangly and awkward in his own body really a bizarre looking quarterback which a tease ugly duckling was a beautiful swan to his home fans the answer is next [Music] before we get back to our list here are some quarterbacks that didn't crack the top ten the team before Oh Randall Cunningham has to be on the list he's the guy that started that dual threat type of quarterback is just terrible that you do not have Randall Cunningham on there the ultimate weapon but Randall threw for fewer yards in the decade that Mark Wilson and Richard Todd and he wasn't even the best Eagles quarterback of the 80 then there's Ron Jaworski's division rival with over 21,000 yards and a hundred and fifty touchdowns Danny white had the great misfortune of following Roger Staubach and Danny white was very very good for quite a few years but he could never get over the hump are they Danny white probably belongs on the list and that's a tough one for me I don't know why Danny white isn't on our list white didn't make the list but a brown did a brown like white lost three conference title games hello I'm Bernie Kosar and I'm honored to be the people's choice for this year's Gillette NFL MVP award you look back on that decade if you don't talk about Kosar as being the mix of one of the greatest then you just you're not top of our real list a quarterback threw for a lot of yards three AFC championship games in four seasons awesome perm he absolutely needs to be on this list just to be in the conversation and to be part of that group I considered a heck of a compliment Kosar was not a specimen of any type you could you look like you'd go in a bar in Lakewood and pluck him out and take put him on the field if Red Grange was the galloping ghosts Bernie Kosar was the galloping goat more like a duck I mean Bernie was he was geriatric before his tide we pity the fool that emulated Bernie Kosar smack Eric's party cows are at the most unorthodox throwing motion of any quarterback in history the Bernie got the ball there he had great touched I always remember him at the quarterback challenge where he's throwing the ball right through the tire every single time Kosar was so accurate and that's that that's what no one could believe it wasn't always pretty but Bernie got the job done the Cleveland Browns won 62 percent of the games Kosar started in the 80s for being a so called ugly quarterback but beauty is definitely in the eyes of the beholder people often talked about how he was slow afoot and how his delivery took so long but what you learn watching Bernie Kosar excel and achieve was he was a quick mind to quarterback and quick minded is better than quick-footed he used to go until Lindy and Bonnie and Murray shot timer what needed to be done and how the offense should be run Bernie had the latitude to make changes in the plays that were being called yourself it became very apparent that he had the ability to do that and so we afforded him that opportunity he could read a defense as well if not better than any quarterback in the National Football League it's time to move forward from here now we still haven't accomplished our goal yet now our number nine quarterback turned the Browns into winners but his nightmare was on Elway Street you talk about playoff disappointment nobody added more than Bernie if it hadn't been for John Elway what could Bernie Kosar of accomplished to me he's Charlie Brown the football always gets pulled away by Lucy just as he's about to kick he doesn't get the Elway in he gets the Bernie Kosar ending I have a lot of empathy for guys who come in seconds right give us a chance to win yeah I did but do we come up short yeah did it kill me at the time absolutely I don't think Bernie will be remembered for his failures because in the eyes of a lot of Browns fans they didn't lose because of Bernie Kosar for a quarterback of the 80s right never heard of him the day of Craig playing out of NFL was that the world league Craig and Jim McMahon we missing it in here broke Randall Cunningham was better than those guys did Craig maybe within 90th best quarterback not the top tech was he in the other thing surreal never gave Craig had the kind of career that kind of just blends into the scenery I would challenge you give me one highlight moment from Dave Brett's career I can't remember any I would challenge Don banks to tell me if he's ever been to see how a lot of people don't really look at David Craig because he played in Seattle and I think Seattle is just west of the Hawaiian island 8485 ground chuck all they do is run Dave Craig throws 474 hundred yards in those two seasons and 59 touchdowns pretty good for a ground based offense check his career statistics they're better than most of the players quarterbacks are in the Hall of Fame he was short and he played on a team that only went to the playoffs a couple of times but statistically he was one of the finest passers ever start disrupt only for Craig goes with the pass of the SS Dave Craig is kind of a compiler he has a lot of good stats but I don't know if he belongs on your list when you really look at his numbers and when you look at what he did for the Seattle organization I think he has every right to be on this list creig kind of turned that franchise around and he was a good player I think he's still fumbled more than anybody else didn't he when our number eight quarterback left the game no quarterback had been sacked more and no quarterback had fumbled more I remember Dave Craig being the best quarterback in the NFL to sack good quarterback good arm the problem is small hands equals lots of fumbles I think it's because I got hit a lot I think it's because if you get hit hard enough you're gonna fumble the ball it's all a it has nothing to do with small hands what you're talking about Willis Dave Craig is just one of 10 quarterbacks to throw for over 20,000 yards in the 80s and his 169 touchdown passes ranks fourth in the decade a matador he met a Milton college in Wisconsin to college that doesn't even exist today that's not the thing got rid of their football program they got rid of the whole College well Craig currently is the second highest rated passer in the AFC and he's done Milton proud Craig never said no Moss the poster boy for perseverance ended up in three Pro Bowls the very first one in 1984 and I got bored into that thing with Marino myself I'm like Dan Marino and Dave Craig from Milton College I'm going to the Pro Bowl Dave just had an ability to make place he could see things on the field that nobody else could see Dave found a way to pull a rabbit out of his hat again and again again [Music] here's a guy that was maybe six foot tall and not particularly fast I didn't have a particularly strong arm I think they should be really proud of the career they had up next big tall strapping blond bomber Madonna wasn't the only blonde ambition on tour in the eighties icebreakers news [Music] before we resume our list here are some cubies who didn't crack the 80 francs little surprised warren moon did not make the list look we didn't use revitalize that franchise but his best years came in the 90s and moon isn't the only storm left off our list Ken Anderson won an MVP and took his team to a Super Bowl and Jim Plunkett's eight and two playoff record was second best in the decade how do you have a guy when two Super Bowls in a 10-year period not make the list of quarterbacks for Jim Plunkett not to be on the list it is kind of crazy maybe they're thinking he should be on the list of the 70s Plunkett didn't make it but the guy he beat in Super Bowl 18 did [Music] I'm sure Joe would quibble with seven I'm sure it's number one for Joe in a city of ha down number seven quarterback of the ATS point the loudest and loved Hamming for the camera with the 81 it's easy to shoot like a pro the incomparable Canon 81 everybody knows Joe Theismann was a moth you know the TV lights were honest he was there Joe Theismann could be in a room talking and talking and talking they look at the Reds can you say my gosh they've changed over 32 players in the last two years they're under a new coaching staff they've got this kid that talks too much as a quarterback sometimes and no one had to be in that room I mean Joe could have a conversation with John I was perceived as a cocky egotistical little pain in the ass you know it's amazing verges the smallest kind of ball club he's the only guy sitting down what's in the game I wasn't a popular guy I guess you could say sighs men's mouths wrote a lot of checks but in one respect by proving his body could cash them he's wearing the single bar facemask he wasn't afraid to get in there and mix it up and throw a block on a sweep he was a tough quarterback I have to go to the dentist now Jack for that one blitz they came from the right side not my two front teeth out you want to zoom in on a camera there goes his TV career let's go spread right low:11 hitch Joe Gibbs really helped Joe Theismann for three or four years Joe Theismann was really really good in 1982 Theismann was great the number seven quarterback on our list led the Redskins to Super Bowl 17:4 tchen Utley even great leaders in Washington have term limits in 1985 Theismann's leg suffered America's worst break since David Lee Roth split up with Van Halen good quarterback to launch Tanner broke his leg when I was beautiful did you see that we've seen a lot of Theismann since then the injury forced him in front of the camera for good shouldn't be this on the list classic case of we remember him as a lot better of a quarterback because of his broadcasting career we see every weekend we see every Sunday or Monday night we think you're a lot better than you were there may be some Theismann fatigue some would say a little bit of Joe goes a long way there's a little animosity towards him sometime he was a better player in a lot of people gave him credit for so he probably should be a little higher on that list it's hard to move him up much higher than seven given that he only played four and a half years of that decade Joe had a stretch where he played as well as anybody but it wasn't a ten-year stretch and that's probably where he's gonna get ranked down so I'm flattered and honored and it's funny that it's the number seven it's the number I Ward to be at seven I guess is appropriate curious to see who the six are ahead of me Esiason top ten quarterbacks to the 80s boomer sizes number six well you shouldn't be even in top ten you never won a Super Bowl boomer never won a Super Bowl you got him ranked above Joey T I don't think Joey's gonna like that at all I don't know what Boomer Esiason is ranked ahead of me the shame that everybody attaches a Super Bowl victory to coach a success or in my case a quarterback success no rings to speak of but a lot of victories a lot of yards touchdowns one of the top guys during the 1980s [Applause] he came into the league with a chip on his shoulder a second round draft pick he thought he was gonna be a top-10 pick I was very upset that I was not a first-round draft pick and when I think back to that time I think partly was my personality was the blame Paul is that it is like a gave up on it the sharp tongue lefty from Maryland actually benefited from his draft day slip it paired him with Bengals head coach Sam whoosh Nutty Professor meets freewheeling quarterback they worked well together because boomer could come over to Sam and he could say you're an idiot that's not gonna work surpassed it once he finally got me refined and the way he wanted me I think the proof is in the performance our number six quarterback threw for over 18,000 yards in the decade piloting an offense the likes the NFL had never seen Boomer Esiason ran the NFL's first true hurry up no huddle offense it was genius and it was fun to watch it was fast-break football he excelled because he was very quick on his feet the more experience he got in the league the more able he was to read defenses on the fly this guy thinks the hit he's always anticipating what's coming next he's one of those photographic memory type guys who knew the game so well Boomer Esiason had football IQ that was second to none he was Mensa he had the brain and the arm he also had a mouth as big as pac-man wilmer sinuses ego was as big as the outdoor you know I think quarterbacks have to have that about themselves they have to say I'm the best guy one of the best ever at running the play fake boomer won MVP honors in 1988 it was the only hardware he took home that year obviously boomer that close to winning it all [Applause] I think it's big one Super Bowl 23 he probably would be a little bit higher but boomer being number six is good he shouldn't be in the top five because it goes right to his head coming up which beast of the NFC East makes our list the most magical place on earth go to Disneyland [Music] before we get back to our countdown let's recap our list 80s style you're trying for $10,000 good luck here's your first subject go number 10 warhead band Super Bowl shuffle Jim McMahon through funny lost al way Bernie Kosar platens yeah chibs or no pass single bar facemask LT broke his leg at a Monday night Joe Theismann lefty blah boomer size' yes see I'm a quarterback sacked a lot Oh Dave gray you got it the quarterback is the leader of the offense he's the one that calls the signals assists to play in motion in the eighties Phil Simms wasn't comfortable in front of the camera but Phil right at home in the pocket during the decade he was one of only 10 quarterbacks to throw for over 4,000 yards in the season people have the wrong impression about Phil Simms that it was all running the football all day today I think Phil Simms should be much higher Phil Simms was not a babysitter quarterback like the Trent Dilfer or Brad Johnson he made a lot of he plays for the year Football Giants I think he's ranked about right I really do he was incredible in an unbelievably windy environment [Applause] what people don't realize is how difficult it is to put up numbers in that Stadium when you watch Sims and some of those really windy playoff games the Giants played he was very accurate and had a very tight spiral so why is Sims only number five on our list he arrived in New York with Luke Skywalker hair but wasn't exactly a Jedi Master [Music] that's automatically putting him on the griddle who is this guy forget about Moorhead state never heard of that place boy did he stink up the joint to start though Sims had several down seasons in the eighties I mean New York didn't even really embrace him Phil selves Phil that's ridiculous hey everybody's fixing that on one game sim survive New York and thrived in Super Bowl 21 he went 22 for 25 with three touchdown passes the performance worthy of an 80 sports movie montage [Music] to have that kind of efficiency in a championship moment is really special for whatever reason it doesn't get recognized the way it should but Phil Simms is a hall-of-famer come on Eileen do we have Simms ranked right at number five or should he be as high as two Raul right there is no way that this guy is the fifth best quarterback are they people don't understand how good phil simms was he was a winner he kept winning it's just it's a shame I don't understand why fence behind a couple of those guys he should absolutely be a head of Simms I think Theismann's body of work was superior he's a better quarterback than Phil Simms I think I could justifiably be at five but of course you would expect that from they wouldn't yet we can say oh well you can't count the Super Bowl wins does that happened in the 90s but my brains not gonna let me do that I know I know he won the Super Bowls later on I know it it makes all the that he did in the eighties much more impressive well we can only consider the stuff John Elway did in the 80s he used his arm and legs to climb to number four on our list got out way there's one of the first quarterbacks to bring athleticism to the position and make it as important as the ability to throw the football nobody could do on the field as much as John Elway you had a gut of it on that thing was another Blue garter that was a rich guy fastball right down the heart a play he could hooked with his legs as well that's where John Elway is always awesome I'm wondering who's number three and two black +62 option left shooting on 101 hurry up you always think of John Wayne negate tells you that he's the quarterback that he's in charge 22:13 in favor of Cleveland 98-yard right down the field in Cleveland he was the scariest presence in those last minutes of any quarterback at that time you just knew he was gonna beat you touchdown Mark Jackson I hate John Elway I think you can make a pretty strong argument that he was the best player at that of that decade so why is Elway only fourth on our list of ATS quarterbacks well you can't make great comebacks without first falling behind 1980s John Elway ran around too much he overthrew receivers 1980s John Elway he's right about on par with Phil Simms John Elway fit perfectly at a time when ESPN was becoming popular in the 80s John Elway was a highlight quarterback Elway would make these great individual plays but he was not a consistent quarterback through the Aged Elway and the Broncos were consistently bad in Super Bowls going over three in the 80s considering who's on the list I think four is pretty fair you're making all these comebacks a lot of great runs but at the end of the day you're not winning the big game there were 21 other guys who were crapping the bed the same time he was okay defenses no running games and who were starting wide receivers the three amigos Vance Johnson ringing a teal Mark Jackson got those Broncos teams to those early Super Bowls if it hadn't been for him they would not have gotten here our number-4 quarterback of the eighties was hugeinjapan but we'll our experts put Elway in his place John Elway there's an agony made he could be number one or number two gone away the best quarterback never played the game of football this is not audible this is not up for debate I thought he was a great quarterback in the ad was he the best none anybody argues that don't even put him on please remain seated the top three are on the way he was great two decades I think he can put him in either one what two decades star was good enough to beat out Elway the answer is a head the Canadian Football League is back the 1980s produced some all-time quarterbacks but the numbers produced pale when compared to today in 2009 10 quarterback stop four thousand yards passing only ten reached the milestone in the entire decade of the 80s and they include names like Lynne Dickey Neal Lomax Don Makowski Jay Schrader and Bill Kenney quarterbacks it threw for 300 yards in game more than often than not in those days were on the losing side because they were passing at the end of the game trying to get back in the game and picking up some cheap yards at number three on our list the founding number of the decades four thousand yard long when you talk about the statistical measurement of a quarterback who was better than this guy for such a long run in the eighth kept up under pressure trying to joiner [Music] that's a tough call Dan Fouts ahead of John Elway Elway was dragging a corpse of a franchise around during the 80s and gets them to three Super Bowls vows brings his squads to zero bounce is on this list he's a top four guy but always got to be ahead of him Elway was the better 1980s quarterback oh quit your bitching if it's for the career absolutely not if it's for the decade yeah Dan Fouts belongs the head of John Elway no question though and when I think back to Dan Fouts playing with a bloodied nose and get all over Jersey and a torn groin he was a tough quarterback in an era of top quarterback for a quarterback to show toughness it is important because it shows the other guys hey if he can do it we can do bounce was as tough as rubik's cube he was also tough on his teammates he expected you know perfection from everybody and when you didn't do those things he would tell you tippy-toe liked them I will and you're out of here you're out of here Dan Fouts wore a hat all week long MF I see been charged and he was definitely bad he didn't have what you would say a classic quarterbacks body and he didn't move around like we see quarterbacks nowadays but he did have a look you could just picture him in Montana or Wyoming just throwing the football and a bear trying to knock the bear down he probably could he could deliver the pass on the money even though the rush was completely encircling them and the curtain was about to be dropped on him the knock on our number three quarterback is that he was a product of a unique system that was loaded with superstars Pat's was blessed with great receivers the weapons he had with Winslow and Joyner and Chandler Jefferson it just went on and on and on before right fifty belly on he was the perfect driver for the perfect vehicle here [Applause] a lot of talented people but Dan pulled it all together he was the straw that stirs the drink but the charges were not going to be Air Koryo without Dan Fouts when we look at the quarterbacking position I think at the end of the day we'll always get back to passing the Arnage and touchdowns and sort of the eye candy that we view bouts was the pop locks of eye candy his twenty eight thousand passing yards was the second most of the decade and after the first two years of the 80s he had recorded the two top passing seasons in NFL history but he threw four thousand yards that was huge it couldn't believe a quarterback to throw for 4,000 yards Dan Foust changed the history of the National Football League and how teams had to learn to play defense he was ahead of his time I think he was the first of that generation he made it happen and I think there's been a lot of quarterbacks that have followed that style since then coming up who could it be now which two of these men at work top our list these questions what's up smart oh just boom [Music] if you talk quarterbacks of the eighties it's hard to ignore the 1983 draft quarterback John Elway of Stanford quarterback Tony Eason quarterback Jim Kelly ken O'Brien of california-davis Blackledge Penn State the Chiefs did not find their franchise quarterback in the 83 draft Todd Blackledge won just 15 games over a seven-year span others fared better Tony Eason took the Patriots to a Super Bowl ken O'Brien led the NFL in passer rating in 1985 and Jim Kelly had three 3,000 yard passing seasons in four years Jim Kelly started in 86 in Buffalo and he didn't really become great until the 90s at number two on our lists the valedictorian of the class of 83 dan Marino Crockett and Tubbs kind of put us on the map in a lot of ways and then here comes Dan [Applause] [Music] I think the average fan might say that Moreno is too high on the list at number two but Dan Marino had one of the greatest arms football's ever seen the time his brain told him he was gonna throw the football ball was released quicker than anybody Butte ever seen he never really started to hear about it quick release among quarterbacks until Moreno came along Danny always had big ones and they were made of brass he had confidence in the arm what you see on that field is what dam Rena was about he's blue-collar he's Italian he's a hugger he's a crier he's emotional he brought that to every huddle let's go let's go play with some urgency now to every sideline where they played the Orange Bowl or they played in whatever the college or Robbie Stadium nowadays Dan Marino brought it he's real he deserves to be number two he's one of the best of all time [Music] though our number-two quarterback of the 80s look more like Michael Knight than the Six Million Dollar Man the way he plays represented a quantum leap forward in the game especially in Miami remember this is a dolphin team had won a Super Ball defense Anka and Morris this was a whole new style of football north of Reno you're a big play coach you want to danda have the opportunity to make the big plays that he could bank [Applause] in 1984 Marino said NFL records by throwing for over 5,000 yards and forty eight touchdowns and despite not playing until 1983 his 220 touchdown passes were tops and the decade the pinball numbers through arena football numbers their XFL numbers if Marino's not one he's damn close he's going deep got a man down [Applause] while marina was a tough gun they only appeared in one Super Bowl during the decade and lost it does that mean we're Mavericks for putting him so high on our list dan has all the numbers he just never one for young Dan Marino his mercy he has all the numbers but he never won I could say like the mantra over and over again dan didn't win and there's no way to act like anything else he did could make up for that if bad with a 1-1 super bowl he would be the number one claw the back I think you could make a case for him being lower but absolutely not higher I think Phil Simms should be much higher he won a Super Bowl it's natural to say that Dan Marino was great but it Phil Simms stepped up when he needed to and let his team to a Super Bowl for those people who believe that great quarterbacking is solely defined by winning Super Bowls they will never viewed an Marino as truly elite Marino he prob throwing deep Dan Marino belongs at the top of any list when you talk about great quarterbacks in the 1980s the crowd is getting restless who's number one on the list be cool we're getting to the top dog talk about that decade he's got to be number one and he's not talking about Eric Hipple number one is coming up [Music] some people think also before we phone home number one let's recap our list six five four sir what the hell happened to ten pretty co-star Jim Plunkett I know we played in Seattle how about despre show me one bow Joe Theismann [Music] Phil sounds ooh Ellie Johnny why do we have our way at number four maybe Dan Fouts Air Koryo show me pops I'll say Dan Marino [Music] [Applause] quarterback is no surprise oh there's evidence I'm gonna be Joe Montana unless I'm missing something of the 80s oh yeah considering in the 80s he was a part of but four Super Bowl team Fouts was none Elway was none Marino was none none it was a common theme for the other guys at the dawn of the decade there was little reason to think Joe Montana would ultimately top the list of ATS quarterbacks Joe Montana was not viewed as a prototype NFL quarterback Steve Bartowski was 64 230 pounds stood in the pocket rocket arm my guess is Joe Montana was not on very many people's draft boards before the fifth or sixth round he wasn't great for more than just by passing through town a third-round pick in 1979 Montana led the decade in passing yards completions Pro Bowls and playoff wins you'd leave a game and you feel like he never landed a punch but you lost you know it's like hitting you with pillows he was the artist out there Joe was a technician not the biggest arm not the strongest arm not the fastest guy but he was an absolute perfectionist and a technician when it came to playing the position a quarterback looking toward the end zone throwing under pressure throws it past [Music] [Applause] nobody did it with the ease and the calmness of one Joe Montana Montana throwing for the endzone Joe Montana made it look easy it's not that easy [Music] Joe Montana played in four Super Bowls he was MVP three times in those four games he threw 11 touchdowns with zero interceptions Joe Montana when he got to the ultimate game was literally perfect there is no one it's Joe Montana and everybody else the Niners were happy to be stuck with Joe his 86 wins or 21 more than his nearest 80s peer it's hard to argue against Montana but if you separate the numbers and you look at the greatest pure passer I don't think there's any way you can argue anybody against a Marino the debate down here was always Moreno versus Montana and it was you know statistics versus rings and Moreno could never win that argument I would call it a tie at one point Dan Marino held all the important records in passing period I'm running for sheriff I'm just the 49er looking for a little gold Joe Montana had a great defense Joe Montana had great running backs had a great offense why he had a great coach simply shot the ball away Montana was great but if young puts up the same win-loss record over his career as Niner maybe it's more about the supporting cast I recalled Dan Fouts having a lot of weapons in the 80s on those charger teams I recalled Dan Marino having a lot of weapons but yet where those guys failed Joe Montana was still able to complete that task so I don't think that should be a strike against Joe and he had great players around them let's face it you wouldn't know that many Super Bowls you can't do it without a Hall of Fame legend floor bag and this guy was the best if it wasn't the A's to me the eighties would be defined by the one guy that's true Montana now I think these rankings are a bunch of crap I mean who's making the rankings what does it matter you know sir seriously how you pickin Joe Montana over John Elway under Dan Fouts as opposed to Warren Moon or Terry Bradshaw or I mean you know what I'm saying [Music]
Channel: Isaac Green
Views: 283,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lisTBZ12gao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 41sec (2681 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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