Top 10 Primary Weapons In Warframe 2024 (Incarnon Ed)

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with such a wide variety of weapons to choose and pick from it can be a bit difficult to know what's worth investing in and what's [Music] not hey guys welcome back as always my name is laser and today we're going to be updating the top 10 Primary Weapons in Warframe all of the weapons that you see on the list have been fully built and tested and I have extensive and detailed build guides on all of them all you got to do is check the link in the description for each and every weapon that said all of them stand out from the crowd in one way or another as in Warframe things are often more complicated than XYZ is better than a b or c at number 10 a living legend at this point the best idolon hunter the rubic call Prime Once Upon a Time you needed cookie cutter setups to get the most out of your hunt but nowadays just a couple of volts will do the job just fine and yes it's true you can kill idolon with a wet paper bag if you throw it hard enough but when it comes to reliability of use and efficiency there's nothing better than the rubico prime 100% the way to go but perhaps that mastery rank is a bit too high for you in that case look towards the normal version as the two use the exact same build a new camer occupies the number nine spot we're talking about an absolute single Target Powerhouse the incaran bolor UN relased the boltor incaran Genesis adapter was not received quite well as players were looking forward to another area of effect weapon but while the incard and Bolter may not have AOE capabilities it does shred in single Target performance and still vexes players to this day on which version to incar should I go for the prime should I go for the Telos which is better in all actuality there is very little between the two and I'd argue it comes down to personal preference or whichever you have handy but if you have both of them then go for the Prime on the other hand perhaps this is not disco enough for you in that case I'd recommend you look towards the fenmore as an alternative while it may not be getting the same attention as it once did the fenmore remains to this this state an absolute Beast of a weapon and overlooking it would be a mistake next up you thought it was dead don't be silly the Kua brma is alive and well still blowing up targets to Kingdom Come while the ammo and area of effect nerves have heavily affected this one's number one spot weapon the quab Brama is still fully capable of annihilating scores upon scores of enemies with its impressive explosions we can't spam as much as we used to but with ammo case and a bit of restraint and the quab Brama Bears it explosive Thief once again and still is quite the impressive area of effect weapon in 2023 occupying the number seven spot we have an old school weapon given a new lease on life we're talking about the incarn Paris the Genesis adapter launch for this one propell the Paris to New Heights whereas before nobody really cared about this traditional style bow now it can stand toe to- Toe with any plasmar style of weapon as its projectile can melt enemies with ease it's counterpart the inar and Dread is capable of similar levels of performance and while the edge goes to the Paris I would simply use whatever is Handy and forget about the small differences as an alternative to these two I would look into the cinta while it doesn't offer incarn level of performance it does have one thing that the incarn do not and that's a headshot multiplier you are paying for it however as players will have to master the Warframe perfect shot mechanic first introduced with another awesome bow hun house nataruk what are we just talking about plasmor it's time my friends for my absolute favorite weapon of all time the tenant ARA plasm more now granted I am very biased towards this one but let's get one thing very clear the performance level is good on this even great but from a DPS perspective is not going to be topping any charts or any meters the primary reason the plasm more still makes it this high up the list is basically its MOS and popularity the weapon is an absolute joy to use and the Warframe Community agrees judging by that low Riven disposition you point you shoot and you absolutely win it has never been more true than in the case of the tenant plasm more no fancy charge bars no prere no aiming required only glorious thake projectiles devastating corridors upon corridors of enemies in Rapid fashion what more can you ask for coming into round out the top five we have yet another awesome shotgun we're talking about the mighty stto I wonder what was going through the developer mind when they were like you know what let's just strap a glaive on top of a shotgun but you know what it worked this is an absolutely incredible weapon it can easily Prime its targets through the use of the secondary fire mod locks on bounces between them and then you're ready to absolutely annihilate them in a storm of pellets now granted the whole two-step killing process for high level targets may not be everybody's cup of tea but if you enjoy this kind of gameplay style you should also look at the Bono which is the SOS competitor essentially the two kind of play in the same matter but they do have their unique flare missing out the top three by just a hair it's another old school type of weapon brought back into relevance by the DUI Paradox update this is the being in caran Str in its normal form the weapon is a heavy-hitting single Target Monster peppering its targets with tons of pellets but if the situation gets a bit crowded then tenno can switch to incarn form and leverage 40 rapid moving projectiles that detonate upon contact with only a 20% drop off these explosions hit like a bloody truck and can make quick work of a pack of enemies even going for head shot is advantageous as the weapon retains its headshot multiplier holding the number three spot it's the best beam weapon in the game the incarn toret in its normal form the toret will be lobing infested grenades that leave behind the noxious Cloud charging the Incarnate bar has never been easier because this weapon does not require head shot all you got to do is make contact between set grenade and an enemy while the noxious Cloud does not count it has never been easier to charge an incarnate weapon in incarnate form the toret goes fullon nuclear beam weapon with a massive 40 M default range not only that the beam also changed to additional targets losing damage as it chains very similarly to how the aax functions the Simplicity Effectiveness in both fire modes current R disposition e of use and tons of damage makes the incarn and toret one of the most powerful weapons in the game and it's a must in any tenos Arsenal but if you prefer a more shotgun approach then you should also have a look at the incaran boore one of the more recent additions to the incaran lineup now the boore does not have the performance of the toret but it functions in the same vein we have reached the number two position and this weapon is just Insanity that's right we're talking about in incaran Bratton the Bratton was one of those weapons that not a lot of tenno cared about so to see it rise from the overcrowded pool of bokre weapons and become one of the best weapons in the game is hugely satisfying in its normal form it's your basic hit scan assault rifle but as soon as you go in Caron form this weapon turns a 180 200 glorious hit scan explosive bullets that can make quick work of enemies at any level provided you have the right build of of course it's not alone in its awesomeness though the Incarnate buron keeps it company as the two function very similarly and offer similar performance the buron has the advantage of a massive 600 bullet charge but the drop off is set to 100% instead of 20% and the damage is lower while I personally prefer the Braton you will not be disappointed by either of these top tier weapons we have reached the end which weapon holds the Top Gun spot of course it's going to be the incredible incaran latron you know tenno used to make fun of this weapon they used to call it the latrine or the latrine Prime things have changed however and the Incarnate Genesis adapter for the latron was the one that spearheaded the Incarnate meta Revolution and I had full confidence in it when I called it the new meta I was only dreading Nerf it's clear to see that incarnate weapons currently Dominate and have pushed aside Kua and tenant weapons but none had such a huge impact as the release of the latron Genesis adapter taking the weapon from I never heard of it to S tier performance an incarn form the weapon launches Bounty balls of explosive dep that detonate on contact this makes trick shots possible and it's especially fun to use in tight corridors after a bounce or two there is nothing left to tell the tail that the AOE meta is alive and well there is one weapon that takes issue the latron and directly challenges it we're talking about the Incarnate miter as an alternative this one also features bouncy explosive balls of death but they also have an automatic lock on feature making even easier to land the lock on feature is very similar to the SOS alt fire charging the incar MIT however is a bit more difficult because of its base functionality if I were you though I would get both because you can and they are simply that good and that's pretty much going to do it but before I go one last thing as long as you understand how to properly mod your guns and how damage scaling and vulnerability Works in Warframe you can make most weapons into full-blown Monsters And while there's only 10 spots on my list there are a few Honorable Men mens like the ignis rafe the Kazar incarn and S fantasma Prime and so on there are plenty more outstanding weapons than we have time for today so if your favorite weapon is not on the list it doesn't mean it's a bad weapon it just means it didn't make my list as always my name as laser thank you guys so much for watching subscribe and enable notifications for more and I'll catch you guys in the next one [Music] bye [Music]
Channel: LeyzarGamingViews
Views: 145,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warframe, Top, 10, Primary, Primaries, Weapon, Best, 2024, Top 10, Incarnon, Top 10 Best, Warframe Best, Best Parimary, Best Incarnon, Best Primary Weapons 2024, Warframe top 10 2024, Best Incarnon Weapons, Top 5, Best in the Game, Best in Warframe, Primary Weapons, Steel Path, Steel Path Weapons, Steel Path Build, Gameplay, Guide, Which, How, Build, Warframe Gameplay, Warframe Guide, Warframe Build, Top 10 Primary Weapons 2024, LeyzarGamingViews, LeyzarGaming, Leyzar
Id: 6Dthnnf9ogg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2023
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