BEST PRIMARY 2024: My top 10 Primary Weapons in Warframe

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all right let's see what Warframe Community has been cooking recently I haven't watched Warframe YouTube in a while so hi uh so before I start the video I just like to say that uh I know I haven't been uploading that much just because I've I've been on vacation and I'm going to try not to crash which is actually really hard uh please don't crash okay wait how many I didn't crash that's good all right so the reason why this works is because of this you know how this works you've seen like a milon meleon fluence videos already but the reason why this works in Mirage is because for some reason Hollow mirrors counts as a melee I don't get why it just does every time you proc electricity with the explosive Reger mod lerain mod it will deal electricity per energy drop which does proc melee influence and the reason why they get full stripped 70 M and then 35 M what I mean is because amalgam arano metal auger reduces the armor when you're holding dagg and when you have directed dagger on and melee influence wait wait this is [ __ ] genius hello what n that's insane damn it will full strip if I don't use hollow of mirrors so I'm just going to use this it won't do anything cuz Hollow of mirrors in itself doesn't count as a Mele so now if I got an electricity proc it will full strip everything just like oh my go yo that's that's crazy good job dude all right let's see what nightmare Fram has been doing cuz I've like watching this guy it's the new year and you want start off with a bang in this video must have weapons 2024 I'm going to give you a list of powerful and useful weapons that you want yeah yeah get the introduction because that's the thing that confuses them the most incarn weapons are evolving weapons Ah hell no how many weapons in this list are are incarn what are the guns one that you want to have the torid torid okay first incarn Lon great uh gun three thing this one that one and this one bur that's the Prisma Ang bring what that I swear if zy if the if pis mom is not on the list and zyo isn't I'm going to that one and this one this is this light this is okay at least it's not an incar weapon but what D 21 what have you done you don't even have to be good at aiming you can shoot the floor and still hit enemies wow for the Warframe Community Hunter Munitions with oh wow he's even roasting the community great dual tox okay good incarnate pick at least oor okay non incarnate weapon that is good but wait we have one two three four five six incarn out of eight guns hello this Aral the BBA n n hell what what is that pronunciation and it's a simple H okay seven and Paris eight course fantas fantasma pre of course everybody loves this gun for no reason whatsoever is really good if you want to because you know and it primes enemies for you the weapon is innate radiation it primes enemies great I was talking about guns it doesn't do anything he literally killed two enemies dude nightmare frame just leave it to me bro all right now that I roasted the ever living [ __ ] out of nightmare frame and prais my boy right here I am going to give you my top 10 picks for the best Primary Weapons to do in 2024 of course I will give you a secondary and melee list but for now let's start with the primaries before I begin an honorable mention to these guns over here one thing I do need to mention before I start this list is that I'm going to rank the weapons depending on their overall usefulness and how useful they would be on any kind of mission that you want to play Not Just level cup disruption if we did a top 10 just for level cup disruption the turet would be in all 10 places coming in at number 10 we have the Kua tonor so the tonor is a very very underrated weapon it is the hardest hitting explosive weapon in the entire game and it gets a lot of points for that reason very good ammo efficiency very good uh mechanics in terms of one shot then reload one shot and reload and if you know how to play it the fire rate is really good and just building it full damage with Hunter Munitions deals an absurd amount of damage and can one shot even level 1,000 with ease without any kind of damage buff this weapon is criminally underrated and should get more love than it already does and in general if you ever do a Fisher Mission this is where the weapon can truly sign as the fire rate of it is really good if you don't have to actually reload and with infinite ammo it can do this at number nine we have the incarn round Prime yes Inc carons will be a part of this list for sure cuz Inc carons are useful they are the meta they are the meta for reason and I 100% agree that most of them are op there is however some of them that are too op and these are on this list so starting with a strong out of the four that I've picked spoiler this one is really really strong and really really good in combinations with other guns and warframes in general General I think it is the easiest one to get head shots but sometimes it deals too much damage so not all the pets count and you have to shoot the other enemies around 10 or 15 times but when you get to high level with this gun it has really nice AOE especially if you don't aim the AO becomes bigger because it's like you had heavy caliber on it except you don't so in general it is just so so nice it feels really nice to play and the biggest benefit because this is with every incarnum is the fact that you never really run out of ammo because when you use the incarnum you have a different ammo pool and you can still regenerate the ammo from the enemies you kill so no ammo issues whatsoever really strong damage in both firing modes as well and in general feels really nice play and pickable in pretty much every single mission on number eight we have the TRNA so used to be one of the most OP guns in the game for sure before the incarn adopters and for a good good reason this gun has only one downside and that is the fact that it has crazy recoil and kind of low fire rate okay it has two downsides right but I don't think the recoil is that big of a downside I think the fire rate is a big downside because you either need to mod for its fire with f acceleration or you need to add Arcane acceleration which both kind of suck and the other weapons do not need that so you can just build them full damage and have some utility somewhere else if you need to but unlike those weapons the TRNA needs fire it and if it needs fire it and if you mod fire it then you kind of lose a ton of damage but speaking of damage you have a gigantic mug of 200 bullets that every bullet hits like a truck and then when you kill five enemies you unleash the secondary fire that deals an absurd amount of damage and I have a special place on my heart for this weapon because it was the first weapon that I did the damage cap with using whsp three obviously which made it easier but it's still the first one so for that reason alone you can trust me when I say this weapon is nuts if you haven't tried it go try it at number seven we have the bore this is singlehandedly the most underrated weapon in the entire game people started picking this weapon up because of the augment that got introduced two night waves ago or something like that but I don't even need the augment like I don't use the augment genuinely because I lose damage on the primary fire if I do and the primary fire is so hecking strong yes it needs fire but you have so much damage that fire doesn't even hurt this weapon like it is just so much damage from this look at this look at the damage numbers that I'm dealing look how fast I'm killing this acolyte it's everything about it is just so strong I think the only kind of downside that I could give this weapon is that you need to go a build that you need to stack so the first kill will take you a bit more time but after that it just becomes such a Powerhouse red crits insane damage the secondary fire has not a 3.4 M range for sure even though it says so it has way more AOE than that and generally or genuinely I think this is up there as one of these strongest DPS weapons in the entire game seriously I don't know why nobody plays this gun it is completely op at number six we have one of the favorites which is the lron prime or Lon Prime I don't know how to pronounce it but regardless this weapon is one of the craziest crit weapons in the game I must say the primary fire is not that insane it is pretty underwhelming but the secondary fire is where it's at so imagine a bit weaker version of the traa secondary fire but make it shoots multiple of those and you have the lon in Caron so the amount of damage this can deal especially with the right setup with something like a MAG or a GU or I don't know it's just there is so many possibilities and combinations with this gun and the only kind of big downside it has is the fact that you need quite a lot of shots to charge the incarn if only that wasn't the case this could have been way higher but I swear there is just so much potential here because you can armor strip with this gun you can do a lot of damage with this gun you can kill level cup with this gun you don't even need the primer if you have this gun cuz it can Prime on its own it is really really useful in terms of everything it does everything well but there are other guns that do everything too well and we will get to those at number five we got another incarnum this time it is the torid torid is one of the most OP incarn and in my opinion I don't really like it as much as the other ones but you got to give credit where credit is do the amount of AOE and damage this gun can deal is absolutely absur it has some crazy stats and with above 100% crit and Status chance and and generally it can go level cup it can do almost everything you need because on the primary fire it will help you prime your enemies and then on the actual Inc Caron you will still prime your enemies but you will also kill them extremely fast and you have AOE as well on top of that I mean there is not much more things that you would want from a gun but at the same time it lacks one thing and that is the fact that the incar ammunition gets depleted so quickly and unfortunately it kind of holds it back compared to other entries in this list if this in Caron had 400 ammo instad of 200 it could possibly be number two or even number one depending on how useful it would be with a 400 ammo for now it's on number five at number four we have the Kua now before you scream at me for putting Oris above toret hear me out people so let's say you want to do an exterminate Mission really fast in still path what are you going to pick I'm going to pick my kuis with Mirage and energized Munitions let's say I want to do arbitrations what am I going to pick I'm going to pick the Kua AIS with Mirage or siren or vault whatever the hell I want to buff it what if I want to do a long survival missions and I want to have fun with an AOE weapon well I'm going to go my guda with Kua Oris and I'm going to let everyone bleed to death while having roar or whatever on her and see the do bres from heat and bleed go nuts and I can go level cut there is just so many useful things you can go you can do with a Kua Oris the Kua Oris is just the goat of AOE weapons it has by far the biggest AOE in the game it has one of the most broken mods for a specific only gun in the entire game and overall it is just way way too useful and I will easily say that this is my favorite AOE weapon in the game but at the same time I swear a lot of people will probably feel the same and how can you deny it it's just too useful at its job and the best part about it is when you finally get your hands on that sweet Prime Sur footed you just feel like a god you just run all over the map shoot the ground leaving Flames everywhere and the Flames just kill and annihilate everything just picture it how can you deny that this gun is the absolute best AOE in the game at number three we have the best incarn in the game and that is the B I mean I just cannot compare the bur to the other incarn it is just so incredibly broken out of like who gave this gun 600 ammo honestly who who gave the person in counton 600 ammo you have a heat only like heat in8 uh fully automatic gun that is no recoil insane damage insane crit insane status can prime for itself has great Gan SEO has insane normal fire before you even get to the incar charges the incar really fast because it's burst I there is no downside to this there is no downside to this the only kind of downside that you can get is the fact that the primary weapon is not an AOE to kill a lot of enemies in one room but the secondary the the encar version is so who cares just shoot around the room and everything that the thing will touch will die instantly it's just so crazy to think about like how mindblowing difference thearon makes to this it's like I don't know this is why I said to in Caron is being held back because when you compare the toet in Caron's 200 ammo to this that has 600 and stronger than the torid how can you pick the toret above this and I just think the person is a bit underrated you see everyone talking about Raton and TD nobody talks about the B and it's easily the best one so the penultimate spot on the best weapons coming into 2024 I put one that nobody quite expects and it is the Tetra so before everyone goes like whoa what the hell is this what what is the Tetra doing on a list of top 10 overall weapons listen this is first of all by far the best tenet or Kua weapon in the entire game no comparison to the other tenet or Kua weapons and I have to say the primary fire is completely op it is by far the strongest fully automatic weapon in the entire game it's not even close it's not even close you can take it into level cup disruption it will kill level Cup demol list in five to 10 bullets depending on who it is at as long as they're primed and armor stripped for a weapon that is fully automatic five bullets is insanity it is completely nuts and besides that you have the secondary fire which gives you an insane amount of AOE to understand how insane the damage of this AOE is the tenet Tetra or my tenet Tetra rather has 40,000 base damage and it's crit based the Kua Oris which was the weapon at number four has a base damage of 34,000 and it's status based so you have more base damage than the Kua AIS and you have crits on top of that it is not even comparable like you you slap Hunter Munitions on this this gun is crazy it is ridiculous I swear not a lot of people use this gun I started using this gun because of IUN I watched aun a lot before he was a bit more popular than he is now and I saw his tenet Tetra video and I'm like huh let me try it and it was busted it was absolutely insane and I was instantly sold if you haven't tried the 10 Tetra or you have tried it but you never thought about looking into it more go do yourself in favor and try this gun it is nuts so if you're a subscriber of mine or you know me for a long time then the number one spots should make no surprise Uris to you it is the stala and it couldn't have been anything else than the stala in my opinion ever so people that know me know I have an absolute Obsession about this gun I have put this gun on my soundboards it the sound that it makes plays on my head every day forever I feel like I have a complete Obsession but why there is there must be a reason right like there there's no way I'm just delusion and think this gun is so good so let me let me get you to the details so the primary fire we have a very strong primary uh fully automatic weapon that deals primarily slash damage which has decent crit okay crit multiplier not great and then pretty good status chance and you're like okay that's not anything crazy and yeah it's not but it has some really good quality of life which is underappreciated on most guns that do have it and that is punch through why why does the stala have ponchu I don't know but it does and I love it so that's out of the way but obviously the why the the reason why the this gun takes number one is the secondary fire Whoever thought about the secondary fire in in this game whoever in digital extremes please like thank you first of all but second of all what the hell were you thinking what is this so to understand for people that don't play this gun what the secondary fire of the salta is take the tenant plinks and undo the synth charge nerve that it got so that synth charge works on it but then don't make it recharge every 3 seconds it recharges immediately and you have yourself theall a secondary fire this secondary fire has 20,000 damage 200% crit chance and 11.8 crit multiplier that is on my Sala okay but to you can imagine like the damage this deals is insane actually it's still insane if you haven't watched it there is a video here that shows me hitting damage that is above damage cap damage that not even the game can tell me anymore what kind of damage that I do and I have to mathematically calculate it that's how strong the stala is and I cannot compare it to any other gun in the game I'm sorry I understand every gun in this list is good and you might have a favorite gun this is mine it will not change it's the best so then that is my list if you didn't see your gun in this list that doesn't matter you can still play your gun and enjoy it it's your gun it's your game you can play however the hell you want the thing is this is my list this is my personal opinion I have stala on number one for God sake nobody else in this entire Community would put stala as the best weapon in the entire game but me so don't just force your opinion on others this is mine if you have a specific weapon that you think that I missed and that it should have made it at least to The Honorable matchs just comment comment it below I want to see what guns you guys like I am curious there might be some people here that say the sporri is now their favorite gun because they they got a new augment some people like I used to uh do make all the comx op and yes the comx is good I have a video where I one shot level cup with a comx while it's a semi-automatic sniper rifle every gun can be good in this game and you know I just want to see people's opinion and most of all I do hope that people will try some of the guns mentioned in the in the list here that were not as popular like the bakore and of course the T but with all that being said I hope you guys do appreciate this list and do appreciate a different list than only in Caron weapons now and thank you very much for watching and I will see you on the next video that will be about the secondary
Channel: Moug
Views: 137,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FV8G42RQ4uU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 59sec (1319 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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