Top 10 Nature Themed Games

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey everybody and good afternoon and well met and hearty and hail i'm tom batson i don't know how that got away i love it give me my intro back yeah right right yo folks i'm tom i'm z garcia hi uh hey mike deletio here oh we did that this morning hater of nature hater of all things nature okay so i want to talk about this briefly about mike's hatred of nature um so nature theme games we've been talking about this lately like oh all these new games are nature themed yes um that is exactly how you use that that is basically what i don't see that uncanny right i felt like i was looking in a mirror a doppelganger but what is a nature themed game so obviously we take that technology okay right and historical and all that stuff so i was thinking more along the lines of like about nature which really so nature made you think nature okay that's a bold choice i really think when it comes to nature themed games yeah we all know what we're talking about and i don't have to describe it and i also don't have to like squeeze things into it like well this game is about you know a cat chasing a mouse and they're both nature it's like some other things that have been said before i know it when i see it yes right nature what other things no we're not going there trees for example yeah so this was interesting asked me and i you know hopefully doesn't mind you know peeking behind the curtain a little bit but you said um that's me peeking behind the curtain said are you considering flora and fauna uh so after i consulted my dictionary i said yes i am considered just for i would have called this top ten four theme games i don't know that word um yes yeah okay there's a lot of chloroform going on so that makes sense there are two things that i excluded from my list okay one i don't think it's controversial and the other i think might be the one i don't think is controversial is well for me and if you guys are well it's still wrong but i i accept it i excluded non-real world nature by that i mean if let's say there was a game about red wall okay the mice fighting against the rats okay i don't consider that to be nature that's like fantasy i agree i agree i did the same thing that's how we're all talking about the same game ever dealt with that okay okay if everyone's out then i didn't agree because maybe it's in there somewhere i don't know that's but that's that's exactly that's right my men okay my second one and this one's a personal one yeah i just don't agree that i cut out i cut out zoos mike didn't he put them in there [Music] that zoo games aren't actually nature yeah and then it's more nurture right maybe what what i guess the way i approached it as far as like putting them in ranking i didn't rank them as far as like the games i like the best so it's one way you could approach it i i how did you do the bottom five the bottom five sorry folks it's been a really long been a long way so kind of slack i don't care about anything right now i just ranked this as my the the games that i felt most evoked this feeling this theme right and so to me yeah right to me what nature games are about as much as the artwork and the components is they kind of evoke this feeling of oh serenity and maybe appreciation of beauty things along those lines that's what i was thinking i like it yeah the way i rank this is if you said hey i feel like playing a nature themed game yeah not the question is not i want to play the best game you've got with that theme right i want to play the the one that most gives me that feeling i'm putting theme first here make it a good game also yes so it doesn't necessarily mean the number one is my favorite game from these 10. correct i'm just it it nails that that that setting yeah that's the floor that's perfect maybe the fauna a little bit oh my goodness i put mine in order of how much i like them i do yeah well some people uh you know default to old classics right there's a couple of ways to do the dice game on your list just missed it it just missed out on number 11. you're 11. got it actually i do have my 11 ready this time because i suspect it might be on one of your lists maybe there i'm i'm i'm calling one two what's my 11 i don't know three i'm calling three to four crossovers no if there's more than that i don't know z let's find out let's let's jump into this okay and um yeah i i did my top 10 zoo games another time okay there you go go ahead i'm always say go ahead okay now you can go sorry uh so my uh nature nature yeah that's there's nothing natural about that my number 10 is a game that clearly i feel has a natural a theme of nature and it is most carried through by the art and components but it's more of an abstract game and that's why it's 10 as opposed to two three or one my number 10 is bossk which is a a game that clearly if you look at the the the artwork there and the cover is leaning into you know the natural beauty of mostly trees and leaves this is one that has an interesting kind of a feel to it where you're placing it's a two kind of a two-stage game where you're placing trees out on the board and those trees are going to drop leaves and you're going to be dropping out those leaves in such a way that you're trying to do area control and so one of the things i noticed when i was doing this list is that a lot of games that have a nature theme are pretty mean are pretty mean right yes um and this is one of those games that can really have a bit of meanness to it because it's area control you can cover up other players leaves and nature is cruel sometimes nature is a cruel mistress and a lot of cruel games yes and so you know boss while it is a beautiful game and i think it it's a nice theme i certainly teaches you a new word you probably never used right i never heard the word boss but isn't that like a clumping of trees bounty hunter in star wars it is but it's spelled differently you're right um two s's right yes um wow wow and um i'm just making up for you monster thank you i'm impressed he knows you know he pretends not to know but he does now right you're a nerd but have you ever have you used it yet ever have you ever said look at that i actually have i said do you want to play boss thanks that's the only time can you use this word of definition what is the meaning of boss it's they stole it from spanish a clump of trees did they yeah in spanish uh forest is bosque so it's like almost the same it's our word now back out that's right cultural appropriation i apologize um so anyway my number 10 is bosc a very pretty game but pretty abstract my number 10 is a trick taking game called plums or p my fault oh that's wait wait which of the 200 versions of plums are you talking about is this one that they made like 30 different variants pairs yeah you're thinking of pairs i might also a nature game plums are better than pears anyway oh absolutely don't even argue uh have you had pear wine no how about plum wine yes that's true plums are delicious um so in this game this is a trick taking game sort of a recipe fulfillment set collection game in which you play cards it's a trick taking game the carter there's no suits they're just numbered one through 30 or whatever so you can play any card you want to and whoever wins then collects a card from that um you're trying to some cards you'll use for the sort of the the recipe at the top like say three pairs and the other ones you'll keep for the fruits and trying to make groups of that there's a few other things it's actually sort of historically steeped in a few different things one of them being nature the other one be math this is one this is the only game i can think of that has these cards that are pi pi cards and you can play one of those to add 3.14 to the value of your card well technically yes it's point one four one five many other digits keep going i don't know three point one four one five nine keep going that's as far as i've got anyway it doesn't matter don't you ever don't you ever come to my house tell me about i'm surrounded by nerds thank you i'm so proud of both of them thank you plums delectable and you know the artist is for this game i don't know i yeah that's great art i want to eat a piece of fruit after seeing that the fig was a particularly good i really like the way they they they show the the cross section this is i would not have considered this as a nature themed game but i i'm down it is very much a math game as well yeah but i just wasn't thinking food that's the part i guess that gets me but it's definitely nature i just hadn't i was about sort of exploring the natural world thematically you know what i mean right so it's not just about eating the fruit yeah it's like that cross section of studying the thing like okay this seems like a nature vibe it's also a garbage pick it's my number 10. there also is a flower and a butterfly on the covers done that's good enough you got you're good i got floor i got fauna baby let's roll i'm just gonna talk about um fauna my first one my number 10 is the biggest longest game on my list arc nova that no that's a zoo dominant species and um this is a good pig okay so you could have put either but yeah i'm not gonna put either uh this is the newer one this is the one i think this one's a little bit more streamlined than the other so you're picking one of four different species and you are propagating that species and trying to evolve so that you can survive in different things and get special abilities and it man that board looks terrible and that's better than the other i'm looking at this board like i'm trying to sell this game gmt is not helping me at all here if you put if you have the meeple source pieces that help a little bit i don't think they made them for this game yet not yet they made them for the original diamond species yeah it's a great cover i like that cover and the card artwork is good too yeah but they they just they believe as many players who played as believed that that very stark board helps see where everything is yeah it's a solid game it is a long game it is a mean game because you are fighting each other but it is all about you know moving these species around the different terrains there are erupting vents that are happening in the ocean and there's like cool things that happen like it's it's it's clearly nature yeah dominant species marine you could have put dominant species here too but i just put one and the marine is the newer of the two yeah okay cool interesting [Music] so my number nine already breaks your rule apparently of of gotta be real world okay first of all did he not agree with this rule well i guess what i like oh yeah yeah when you said fantastical world i guess i was thinking more like i don't know sci-fi-ish or something i don't know i was in a different wavelength okay i can't wait to hear these pictures no these are these are legitimate doesn't even exist all right is it ever now it is not everdell it is it is uh it's a game that i feel like lives in a similar uh feel which is creature comforts and i think that this one it does a very very good job because it's not just about these cute critters but the whole idea of it about them baking it is not about that it's about a raccoon no you know we used to have a raccoon on the back porch of the dice tower remember that we used to have cats on the back porch now they're in my hair we're all dressing cute clothing with axes so the idea behind creature comforts is that they are preparing for winter okay right and that's all dude they're trying to make their they're trying to make their den cozy and comfortable so that they can hibernate over winter with board games with board games i think that's a great cute theme with adorable art and i feel like it does evoke the kind of things you're looking for in a nature themed game right it definitely has that vibe that calm kind of cozy hunkering down for the winter going through the seasons collecting your resources i just felt like it did a good job of kind of evoking the theme that it is presenting and it is one that clearly is in the nature natural world fair enough if you wanted to keep it in you know i didn't you constrain myself in such a way uh and i feel like that's always a good job i'm just too strict right i i i choose to be a little bit like freaking minded right i don't like to use the word fascist i'll leave that for other people to say oh okay but i like to be a guy right this is a good pick this game we just came off dice tower east uh 2022 in case you're watching this ten years in the future and this was one of the most played games it was definitely in the top 30 or whatever i don't remember i think we could have put this on the hot games table it was out often enough i wasn't expecting it right i haven't played it yet but it looks really cute i'm surprised you didn't pick like the the one that was two before this the ocean one um oh wreck raiders this feels more naturey than rec raiders does i agree it could have been on the list but this i think evokes the what we're talking about today more than i think you're right that you it's a there is a certain i i i mind like headspace and emotional comfort that comes with these kinds of things this list i went much more kind of intuitive gut than analytical you know because i was like how does this game make me feel when i'm playing it that kind of psychology yeah that's kind of what i was going for myself let's do that top 10 games that make me feel something yeah anything please god i want to feel something all right what is my number nine number nine i don't know why are you asking us it's village green guys you should have known this hello has trees in it and stuff trees oh and stuff too yeah okay so it's great that's that's yeah yeah yeah yeah look at the tagline on that prince teddy grudges yeah this one is a card drafting kind of game in which you are lining up a three by three grid and then you're also drafting scoring conditions that go around the outside of that the main twist here certainly not on unseen twist but an interesting one is that every card in that grid is going to matter for two things yeah sometimes they will be at odds with one another right if i'm scoring a line across that one specific kinds of trees well there's a card maybe above the center row going down that doesn't want trees i now need to contend with which one i want to satisfy yeah or switch one out or change the car that goes there it's just something else and and it's pretty puzzly it's a very small game i wouldn't call it a microphone we need to stick this on the catch of palooza because i've not played this oh this is good i like that that's a neat little game it's gone under the radar and very much so it's a pretty fact i think i put it in my under the radar series whatever that garbage was called yeah that was awesome unsung gems that's the one yes uh yeah this is a nice one tom i'll be happy to teach this game to you nay thrilled all right before i talk about my number nine here i like to apologize about the the cover because it's creepy oh great is it that weird crawling baby over europe no that's a creepy cover too um that's a top 10 list we'll do in the future um and this one does not necessarily evoke based on art okay but i and this is never mind i don't want to spoil anything anyhow it's called inhabit the earth so this game here which is zooming on that cover what is who all of those animals whoever painted these animals it's fine except the eyes right everything they've all eaten something very odd what is wrong they all look fine except the eyes on every one of them it's looking at you there's something or they're looking out into the ocean also like the elephants see something coming right that's a very red eye they do let's just put it on okay so ignore the cover okay so ignore the cover this is this is actually from richard breese who's done mostly the key games this is actually one of like two that's not a key game yeah i like this game it's about getting your species in fact it's a little bit similar to dominant species but you have multiple species that you are inhabiting the the the earth i so want to give this a new name right now that i'm not going to do oh please don't anyhow i think there's a lot of cool strategy in this game and i think this game has not taken off at all because of the way it looks because i can't defend this at all but i like the game i like the idea of spreading the different continents and yeah and different some creatures work better on some continents than others that makes sense right better than hotter things but you you got to kick it faster no you just can't do it right i'm sorry i have a title in my head too when we cut it go [Music] i thought mine was good but yours is much better yours is much bigger the same check out our patreon that doesn't exist and we'll tell you what it was all right okay yes that's not even that funny no okay my number eight uh comes from a publisher that i believe i could have picked well i won't get ahead of myself my number eight is floriferous uh pennsylvania sure i would have been shocked had none of pennsylvania um this is a publisher i think that this isn't the only type of game they do but i don't know that anybody does it more consistently well um everything from the artwork to the themes to believe it or not even the components and the packaging i feel like really reinforces this feeling of just pleasantness um it is just every time i get these games out it's a pleasure you know what i mean it really is it's they're so pretty on the table uh everything fits very nicely i know it sounds stupid but it all kind of just no no no it evokes this feeling that i'm that i keep trying to describe and i'm not doing very well so i haven't played this one yeah how similar is it to herbaceous herbaceous plus oh it's it's the next step from herbaceous it's it's got a similar amount of rules but just enough more and um some similar feelings with with kind of you know placement and things along those lines actually set collection this has also a nice element of turn order being an aspect of the game that's important because not only are you drafting cards that are going to be sets you're also drafting the scoring conditions and so you can't do both on your turn you're either going to be drafting a flower or you're going to be drafting a scoring condition for those flowers and just that little twist that little extra thing is enough to to put it a little bit above in complexity over um herbaceous i could teach herbaceous to anybody gamer non-gamer grandparents chill child this one i would probably be a little bit more discerning about but it's still not very it's still very light and beautiful and i feel like does the nature thing very well i think it's a little bit more complex and from that small bumping complexity gains a tremendous amount i agree i think it's like way better than debates and i like herbaceous sure yeah yeah all right cool all right my number eight is all about bugs and then yeah filthy critters any specific bugs lots of bugs you got ants and you got uh roaches in there and uh maybe some sort of uh cockroach poker is it no it's hive oh okay hive oh interesting is uh about buggy bugs and you are trying to surround a queen b or opponent's queen b um this one really does not follow that rule of like feels uh relaxing and you know i mean a lot of mine do i do like that feeling when i play a a nature sort of theme but i think in this one largely the fact that these are animals that have real world representations does help with the rules at least on some of these okay uh like the grasshopper leaping thing that that works for me that makes sense it makes it just a little bit easier to teach as opposed to like in chess the a mounted horse it always has to turn after they run one or two as they always haven't you've seen a horizontal nature so i think this is i mean it's a purely abstract game with then this nature theme on top i have a hard time thinking of what you could do to remove it and still have it work except go meaningless go fully abstract and meaningless you know and i like that i think in this one that works i think it was a good choice to make this about bugs and have them behave somewhat like they would in nature um this one fills out a very different area of my list as some of the other ones and i don't think anybody's gonna sit there and play this and go i feel like i'm outside you can play this outside though you can play this outside you can play this anywhere right it's fully plastic completely waterproof mosquito piece that no matter what you do keeps coming back and you try to move it and it's gone like oh i guess you can hear it behind your ear all right so my number eight hive my number eight i feel confident in saying is the newest game not just on my list but any of our lists because we haven't even reviewed this game yet but we did play it all three of us i think i don't know you didn't play it i didn't play it i know you were not here and that is planted yeah i thought this might show up on a list i i wondered if you both put on your list or not you haven't played it i just realized so maybe z but we'll see no hard pass okay well you lie a lot so planted look at that cover phil walker i'm on the list with that cover alone um but i found this to be not only a fun game with amazing this is still boggles my mind the price point of this game 20 or even 30 bucks right that's what it is it's 30. that wasn't safe for 20. but even 30. that's pretty good i want it for 20. it has deluxe pieces but you get all these different plants and you need they require sunlight and stuff and they did a good job at being thematic and net like cactus doesn't need water right you know things i was going to ask z since you haven't played floriferous you were making that comparison would this be like the floriferous to sushi goes herbaceous like is it that difference in complexity because i haven't played this one yet same designer same idea of of of drafting there's more of a difference ah kinda but i think there might be more of a difference uh between this who should go on this well no no you know what yes mike yeah we'll go with the other there are a lot of questions you were asking but all right the difference in complexity because this looks like it's like just a step up from sushi go same designer same idea of drafting and floriferous and and herbaceous not much i think herbaceous is a little lower in complexity than all of those other ones involved that's true making that gap a little bigger but this one is sold at currently target yeah i'm there this is one of those games that if someone randomly walked up and bought it i feel confident they have a good chance of figuring out the game and i like that i think they also would like the game it's not a complicated game to teach and play but as someone who plays a lot of heavier games yeah i also thought it was good it was fun yeah yeah and the pieces don't hurt the whole thing has just a good feel to it yeah it made me want to start a garden and then my wife pointed out that we kill pretty much every plant we come across you're not agreeing i mean her you're a green shirt you're not a plant murderer a murderer i said it i want to play this one i'm looking forward to it you can't darn it [Music] that's better than yours no no no no no combine the two that's true i guess so oh yeah that's better okay my number seven is a game that um hasn't gotten a whole lot of love and honestly i like the game don't love it but i do think that it evokes nature very very well and that is mariposas um a game about butterflies and the migration of butterflies i consider this um and so you know a lot of people and maybe other people on this list or maybe even myself we'll do another nature theme game of the same designer but to me this is a better message you could use that too this is a better no those are dead flowers you're giving other people murderer that's nature that's nature i believe just personally that this does a better job of evoking a nature theme than wingspan does just to put it out there that's why this is on my list because i thought that while the game play is relatively simple i really felt like it did a really good job of giving you this idea of the fluttering butterflies kind of going you know north and then coming back south again and i thought that the mechanics with what you know that they want to do just made sense now obviously connecting to particular cities i mean that's you know gamery but other than that i felt like yeah this really has this neat idea of you know migration of butterflies and it worked right and it helped you learn the game and it helped you kind of remember the game and uh really kind of gave me that same feeling that i'm looking for in the games that i put on this list so my number seven mariposas i th this this it actually didn't even make my shirtless it made my shorter it made my longer list okay i just eliminated it because i thought i just don't like it as much as the other day it's true i think it's a good game i worry about its long-term replayability correct 100 but it's a solid game also really off the radar but i definitely thought it was one of the first well-researched game in such a specific game i'm actually sad because you know i had in the dice hybrid i have a butterfly section of like five games this isn't in it oh no it is and i looked at it and none of the butterfly games made my list this one didn't this was the closest but like butterfly has nothing to do with butterflies so you're moving around up i didn't feel like that one counted and then the other ones weren't strong enough like dusting the wings and right um that's a abstract and so is uh and i would never put an abstract game oh my god my number seven is a crossover oh with the uh hopefully forgiving tom vassell this is planted oh there you go forgiving what did you do because he just said that hive is a garbage pick and i'm a garbage person anyway my number seven planted wonderful game uh that we just played recently i had a wonderful time with you as well thank you it wasn't the players it was the game i enjoyed it it really was uh yeah you were you you said it everything already that i wanted to say i think the game looks very good i i wish the card quality that buffalo was putting out i i do wish they would step that up and this one is a bit problematic with the car drafting yeah i thought in the previous game they did with phil walker harding also the summer camp it was more noticeable because it's a deck building game right lots of shuffling lots of taking new carts and shuffling them in but everything else production wise man beautiful bits this game looks like a deluxe upgraded edition out of the box now don't crack this open and then say to yourself oh this is an ankh and wipe it up i mean you know deluxe for the 30 you're paying for it twenty if you're a cheapskate um but i really do enjoy so mad about that twenty dollars right i wanna add twenty most twenty bogo at twenty don't worry if it's entire you just gotta wait a year that's right that's true or our week or just ask kenny my number seven planted well guess what my number seven is also a crossover although sadly not with you we already had a crossover don't try to i understand that you are gross i out now with mike which of your games is it you chose bosk that's correct bossk um i don't think you've played this one yet i haven't this is on your catch a palooza list okay this one i i mean it's pretty i mean it really is as you put those leaves out yeah and i also like that it is it's essentially one game but it's split in the two abstract it's no no no no because the no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no the the leaves fall according to the wind right the wind moves and you can you can adjust the wind right like normal and look at those trees nothing abstract about those look at those numbers in the trees no that looks really pretty i uh i don't know why this one just i just kind of missed it i i think it just fell through the cracks for me but it does look good i do like that cover i like everything about the with what's happening here i do wonder if the game's going to be a little abstracted for me if i'm going to enjoy it or just feel like i'm not really getting that feeling well i'll say this is a spoiler on my short list a game that did not make it i considered was photosynthesis me too and originally these games were compared a lot for whatever reason they're both trees they're not really that similar although i can see the same people would like both okay and photosynthesis did not make my list this time because i want to punch the other players now the player yeah and photosynthesis and the expansion that didn't help i still like photosynthesis don't get me wrong but boss i felt does the theme better even though they're both abstract i agree actually mosque doesn't photosynthesis i think it's weird we found this weird we didn't find it someone found a way to like a way to exploit the game right it always irritates me a bit and it's not thematic everyone at the table it's like i'm gonna be an absolute nutter jerk and you're gonna just take it oh wow and that's why we don't play with you anymore correct okay i mean i thought it was a great strategy i'm surprised to hear you guys see it that way no no i also you know what no sun for you no sun for you i think shade i throw it about can sometimes feel like it overstays it's welcome this i feel like it's real snappy it's basically two two kind of rounds two distinct halves there is the first half you put out all the trace the trees and then the second half and the trees leave their leaves they leave and leaf right and then where are they and then where the leaves end up is an area control thing yeah that very much sounds like um fjords kinda um if yours has tile placement yeah and then area control from there right i see what you're coming from it feels a little different but it's a similar idea yeah okay all right my number seven basque [Music] [Music] it was him it was definitely my number six is a game that i will be very surprised if it's not a three-way crossover i'm just going to put that out there um i'm crossing off my list change it up baby my number six i'm actually surprised that i that it didn't end up higher on my list but i again i was kind of sticking with the ones that i felt like just evoke this feeling that i'm trying to to describe and this is parks um you know a gorgeous game uh about uh actually i didn't put on my list really okay interesting um about visiting the the national parks across the united states and it utilizes the gorgeous artwork of the 59 parks collective which is a collection of artists that had come had paintings commissioned to represent all of the parks and the national parks in the united states from that this very very welcoming game but you know there's a fair amount of of you know resource management and it's kind of what is it what type of game is it tom you're trying to make this happen ratchet it's a ratchet game right and nothing evokes nature like a ratchet i always found um it's a game that that not only does the art and and the componentry help with that but i just feel like it it just it's pleasant right it's a pleasant game there are some things you can do to affect the other players but it's not necessarily mean you're taking a journey you're taking a walk you're taking pictures you're picking things over trails by the way i did pick this over trails yes i feel like this does a better job of evoking a natural theme than trails which while more condensed and more compact is more abstract i like this game it is hard to beat it and production wise and and yeah this is a very very nice game i feel like it does a great job of evoking nature yeah so there's my number six parks that's a wonderful pick mike thank you my number six is cascadia that's a wonderful pick and cascadia is about uh a game in which you're going to be drafting land masses and animals and creating basically i haven't heard of this one your own uh under the radar your own under the radar landscape in which trees will show up they'll drop leaves animals will defecate in the forest what they do you're talking about bears yeah they do that do you know where they do it in the boars don't ask me rhetorical things what it's called scat okay stop anyway i don't really have to go on about this put this in the time capsule roy i don't have to go on here because you probably played it if you're watching this it's extremely popular right now a lot of people have played it and it's at this point because again i kind of tried to rank mine based on that thing i was telling you about with plums being a track game there's a nature a little bit of a nature thing hive is fully abstract with that a little bit of that nature thing to help you teach and kind of figure it out cascadia for me is about the breaking point where it still feels largely abstracted right you know there's like the the scoring cards are just pattern things except you know i guess the fish are in the water i mean like the the bare minimum thematic connection to say yeah this feels like a nature theme to me or it's relaxing or it's fun or it's a ghoul i gotta figure out what i want to do i feel like from this point on there is that little bit of a break and it either it's either more thematic or that feeling of relaxation kicks up yeah i will say this was on my short list the only reason it didn't was like you're saying it was it's a little abstract you know but it's a great pick i mean it's a very nature forward game well z went from a very popular number six let me go to one that's that does not get as much love um although it's it's maybe the prettiest game on my whole list and that is canopy canopy is oh my word this is one of the prettiest games out there um this is a game in which you are just set collecting really you're basically that's gorgeous yeah look at those you get to build your i haven't trees it yet wait weren't you the one who told me about this game or was that you i might have it with z i i've looked at it but i haven't actually sat down and played it yet yeah you're growing trees you're collecting animals you're avoiding fires and disease on the animals you are collecting different plants at different types it's a drafting game for two people works really well with two players i think you play with more maybe i think those are variants it's really a two-player it's really a two-player game but man that picture looks less good than it does on the table and that picture looks good it is such a great game it's fun to collect the stuff it's fun to collect the animals i just really like this one what's the name of the drafting style this utilizes there's a particular drafting style of winston i think it's a winston draft yeah multiple piles right you know what's called tom i don't remember but yeah what mike's saying is you give a card you look at it you want to keep that card no then you add another card to that pile so you're making it better for your opponent to take that and that's something magic the gathering yeah format of drafting i forget is that winston yep there you go well yeah it's very very fun so canopy yeah it is not only two-player but it's better a two-player i think someone's asking in the chat yeah [Music] and that's why i burned them to the ground look they were asking for it trees are nothing but problems you know they're they're they're they're so they're gone trees act so superior okay my number five is uh another one of the real world games it is um very very realistic uh evernote my number five is everdell um yeah you knew it would show up on one of these lists didn't you still mind-boggled that i said red wall you were like i was completely different uh about an actual red water i was thinking of a red wall yes um so yes not real world nature but i think look i mean this is a game that again just is so pleasant it really is very interesting it really is i'm not going to complain about it i just got them from my list and i get it i i you know i wasn't thinking along those lines but but yeah i i this was one of the first games that came to mind when we discussed this list um you know when kind of figuring out where it was going to land i was a little surprised i thought it might be higher but the reason why it's not is that while it does evoke uh the feeling of nature this is a little more mechanics forward than some of the other games are and so you can get lost in the mechanisms sometimes more you know i'm not necessarily thinking of oh i'm going here to get this wood because it's in the river you know what i'm getting at it's like this is a resource the theme comes through in the beauty chat nature yes or no just say yes or no yes means it is nature no means it's not okay i'm just curious to see what people sure i i very clearly feel like this is nature but i can understand if people didn't um but again i think it's mostly because it can sometimes the mechanics get in front you know what i mean it's like oh i need this card i'm not thinking about you know i'm a forest creature as much components are what bring me there the art is what brings me there and it is a pleasant game to play as well and it has a lot of those you know um endorphin hits and then that sometimes you look for those in these types of games i definitely can see that's a guess and i i kept asking myself the question you know i'm like well nature themed games yes kind of but i ended up falling on it's a fantasy theme it is yeah which has a sort of natural trappings but i so so i didn't put it on mine fair fair okay but i totally get it i mean this would if i had just honestly felt slightly different about it at the moment i would have i agree i took them off because i could put other games on we all were kind of like how are we going to approach this but we didn't talk i'm glad we didn't we didn't talk about it too much all right so here's the the current vote ranks are 20 yes three no two maybes okay although one of those yeses is a yes and no so i marked it on both and one person did said yes for the love of mike which i think is a no fair enough all right all right mike we battle the people's wisdom your choice has been approved thank you thank you folks top that no i refuse um some of us can make our list without the support of people [Laughter] my number five is a crossover with mike delecio no it's mariposa's oh really cool i'm surprised i didn't think you might think that's what i do i do like this game yeah yeah and i think like you said it is very it's just the specificity in this game is kind of what does it you know yeah it's not that generalized i feel like being like looking at lush tropical paintings so i'm going to play some nature themed game that maybe it's just a trick taking game with pretty cards at chill trees this one is clearly well researched it's about one specific thing yes the migration of these monarch butterflies and their lifespan and their sort of you know life cycle i should say and it does that really well and yes you therefore miss some of the lush imagery and sort of the you know putting you in that place feel like you're you're surrounded by nature because it's very mechanical there's a lot going on in the game it attempts to replicate a lot of that it's almost a it's weirdly sort of a simulation in some ways but some mechanisms that don't really simulate anything but like it seems like the the pursuit was simulating this event you know and approximating this event that happens year after year and i think it does that very well the game is engaging it's a thinking game it's it's got plenty going on and it could have been a different theme wouldn't have been a problem really the fact that it is this i think is commendable and really interesting see it's interesting because i was getting ready to say this doesn't feel like a game that could have been any theme to me it really does feel like this was a game where it was this is the this is what i'm evoking this is what i want this game to be about this feels like a theme first game to me oh i know i agree with you i agree with that but because um i think it's because the camera lens has been pulled back so far maybe so you start to lose that mm-hmm you know then it could be about uh cars i suppose you know what i mean you lose some things like the butterfly sort of one dies and the next generation comes out you know but that could be a tesla man you know oh butterflies all right the tesla yesterday my number five mariposas my number five is 70 of the world's surface and that is oceans is it 70 it's something like that something like that yeah oceans here which was the sequel and not so subtle re-done version of evolution because it is evolution in many ways it's evolution 2.0 like this theme better i love the ocean i like that the tokens here are fish even though all those different fish same thing and but but as the game goes by your fish the species you are is going to change and you'll have a lot of basic attributes and there's 10 copies of each of those attributes in a deck you're building your fish but there's another deck that you want to get into that has unique attributes that if you have that you're the only person to have it right and i really like that i love the art in this game it's very colorful it reminds me actually very similar to art from another game that will show up later on my list i like this particular palette of colors and games and i don't often see it um because usual in the palette's this vibrant the main color is green here the main color is blue which is just for me it's a nice change of pace but i like oceans i like fish a lot i like if i love going to aquariums i like watching big imax movies about fish i i just like that yeah it's just it's like a different world that i never get to see yeah i don't i don't scoop because there's nowhere around here you can um yeah i mean because wouldn't you say that like deep water stuff is almost like as close to an alien world as we have on our playground they actually open most of these documentaries like that like it's like being on another award they almost always say yeah it kind of is it is yeah but that's neat to me i like that and i like playing games about it i wish there was more honestly it feels like you have a lot of freedom to do stuff mm-hmm i would have put another game in here um that's just as pretty as oceans which is um aquasphere right uh a feldenkrais aquasphere what's the one where you have the the the little aquarium you don't mean aqua garden dude because i i'm wishing i you as soon as you said this i'm like oh because aqua garden falls into my zoo category oh that's that's a surprise that's why aqua garden didn't make the list that's why mike didn't put it on [Laughter] oceans all right my number four is an absolutely gorgeous game that has recently been reissued in a deluxe version which is even more beautiful although the regular version is plenty gorgeous and this is petrichor this is a game i almost wrote mike will say petra yeah yeah this is a game about you know clouds and rain and watering crops and the and the board is made up of tiles of different kind of crops you are controlling these uh clouds that are going to be moving about this is the original version um that are going to be moving about uh these tiles and you've got trash raindrops no this is still beautiful raindrops of your color and this is another game that can be it's very interactive it can even be mean depending upon which tiles you choose and things an area control type of a game and you can interact and move other people's clouds and move their raindrops but it does evoke this theme and and much of it is is carried with the art and the components but i also do feel like they do a good job the cards you play are whether uh you know you're playing frost cards or you're playing sun cards or your wind and they do a nice job of kind of having some some looser than others but thematic connections you know obviously the wind cards are going to be moving the clouds or moving the rain and things along those lines so just a great job of taking what could have been a kind of a standard area controlly type game and really elevating it with a very very unique theme with enough connection between that theme and the mechanisms to make to pull it forward so that it does not feel like other area controls games that i've played i've taught this game to people that don't particularly like area control and the theme and the and the the the componentry was enough to pull them out of that and they were like yeah i don't usually like these types of games but i liked this well such an outside-the-box theme it really you know i like a strange i like the theme more than the game i think the game is fine and it's a good game but man that theme is great you're really so indeed yeah so distinct it is yeah it really really is and just on the other end of abstract you know what i mean and so that's why it's on at that point it's yeah how many games are truly that strong this one's pretty thematic number four is incredibly thematic let's hear about hey no build up hang on i'm so good okay i'll do it it's a crossover it's a crossover with who with mike okay and it's a game have mike's list i don't know what i'm called enough build-up floriferous is uh i think i would have to say one of the most thematic flower-based games i've ever seen but the bold statement in it you are going to collect flowers you will look at flowers you will smell flowers if you get the kickstarter deluxe edition it is scratch and sniff on every single one of these cars that's definitely a joke folks that would be great but if you have the scratch and sniff technology use it that's right wheel the power i don't know do you want to open that box and be like you pass out i want to thank you if you could smell all these flowers at once you'd be like yeah you just have to be just in a potpourri explosion i know it's like every time you open this up it's it's like i don't think anymore i barely see it at stores do people use it it's a thing it handles every place there's like 80 different ways to smell in a house there's still sachets what's your favorite way to scent up a space come on you know i'm a candle man you are a candle man i'm a i'm a a reed and uh oils but it's more subtle what is that what is that called you don't need the essential oils do you no no they're not really essential you put the reeds inside like dissipated no that's the burnt you don't burn it you just stick them in and it just comes out oh i have no idea it lasts a long time they're really good you mean like the glade plug-ins no okay mike how many would not know what this is what you're talking about it's a bottle okay filled with oil that's scented right and then you put something you created you put these reeds in there that will soak that off they haven't done that since like 1965. what are you talking about you can go get those bowls okay yeah buy one get one half there 1980s called they want their department store oh no don't you get enough calls oh no it's a very good read very sort of sounds my size mike my number four florida oh i also like those things where you melt the little piece of wax and uh yeah that's just uh yeah that's that's no just oh yeah you asked no i'm saying that's oh he doesn't get any garbage bro those are those are modern that's right we just discovered wax they sell those at you know modern stores my number what do you got my number four is the other non-key game from richard here we go is it another crazy cover no i actually think it's pretty cool cover although there's two different covers because z-man remade the game this game is reef encountering counter whoa okay so okay this one's kind of interesting to me because when reef encounter came out mm-hmm and there's the expansion that's reef and got us at the second kind when reef encounter came out it was looked at as a looker it was a hot no you know what that actually does look pretty good in person okay this was like the one of those euros it was like agricola like everyone was like have you played reef and kenner yeah recent counter was like that's a great approximation of what would reef encounter was like when it came out people really were dying to play this i like this game a lot it's about building a reef and then shrimpies destroying the reefs with any of your little shrimp that come around and feed off it there's some good thematic stuff behind it it is the closest game i can think of that i would compare to this is tigers and euphrates wow it is it's pretty strategic it's really mean but the idea of building up a reef and destroying it and it's it's not very you know you guys are talking about calm games this ain't com at all because it really is in your face i'm surprised this one is not currently in print or remade richard breese actually he must keep a pretty strong hand yeah on his designs you know this this i always get this one confused with poseidon's kingdom is that right now that's more that has the way of the project brothers very silly in many ways this i do get reef encounter though confused in my head because they're from around the same time with the one we played with the primordial soup i do get them confused a little bit this is a better game for sure i'm just this one really dropped off i mean for a while everybody was talking about this game it was a big deal i'm not dropping shade on your list but i am noticing that that you almost could have made this your top 10 marine theme oh i know yeah there's a lot of water i know which is cool water lover it's just cool it's not all i mean i've had reef patterns you're a water lover actually those are the only dominant stones okay seventy percent of the earth mike it's true i'm sorry if you're stuck on the land i wasn't throwing shade i was just pointing i'm a mermaid when it comes to this list my man i'm up i said what i said okay that's okay barnacle boy [Music] all right my number three remember a little while ago where i mentioned that a particular publisher did a particularly good job at nature themed games pencil first this is uh my final game from this company on this list and this is the one that i feel best evokes the nature theme from them and third best of all i'm assuming it's the one where the all the little all the little creatures fight the big creature oh you're thinking skulk hollow no no no no no no apparently that's nature the painting one sunset over water really yeah i think this game is the this just what this gets really close to being that feeling right like this is okay you know what i'm going back to that feeling thing okay serene this is all about going out into nature and trying to replicate the beauty of nature on a canvas that that cover just makes me think of sitting under creation i mean this is to me to me it's just like ah this is just such a calming you're moving around you know there's a little bit of of you know um what's the word i like a a spatial element where you have to play cards to kind of move in a particular way but really again this idea is everywhere you go you're going to be landing on some gorgeous uh you know panorama that the idea is that you are an artist you're a painter and you are trying to commission these paintings for people that want the beauty of nature in their homes and so you go to a waterfall or you go to a lake or you go to a mountain and you are visiting that area then sitting down in that space and replicating on a canvas i just love that idea it's a neat it's it's basically the same idea as going and taking photographs right but this is a little bit more you're kind of adding your own creativity to it so i don't know this this to me is like just it's one of the best representations of the feeling i'm trying to evoke yeah yeah i'm getting the feeling just looking at that that's that picture is making me thoughtful yeah it just it it really is this kind of appreciate and enjoy the beauty of nature right that's what this game makes me you know feel so looking at waves for me is one of the most calming things in the world it really and the sound too of love waves and just the motion like at night when i'm tired on the cruise and i sit there and just watch the ocean or if you're sitting on the beach just watching i don't like beaches that much but i like that part it's meditative i think it really is so yeah there you go sunset over water and also a game that i think is underappreciated i know you don't like it quite as much as i do but i think this is good it's my but it is third for me from that sort of little trilogy i mean yeah okay yeah i dig it a lot there you go sunset over water what you thinking about when this list is over will you hurry up and take your turn all right here i go my number three right is a crossover with mike yes of course okay we're the one who's nice to me parks there you go it's my number three i figured it's yes beautiful yes meditative and then relaxing and celebrates the thing we're talking about also in a very real way um but it's also a very interesting game it's it's a game that i i do enjoy it's not mean you just sort of can get in each other's way sometimes it's um simple enough that it's very approachable not as approachable as trails that one's really light and if you want something you can throw in your pocket and play with just about anybody that's what that's like better yeah you might i mean it's possible sure i don't know but yeah i like it both but i think it's possible it's a true statement it's in the realm of possibility uh parks it's possible you might like parks better how about that huh probabilities parks is a lovely game i recommend it mike recommends it i'm not so much i like the game not everything has to make my top 10. tom hates parker's on my shortlist give me a second my number three oh no that's savannah park okay oh that's that's my short list okay okay good my number three two things one we're back in the ocean last ocean game okay two remember i made this list in order of my favorites you did yeah because this is clearly the least thematic on my list in fact something might call it abstract wow this is fishes no shut up don't be a jerk amazing not even in the diced our library you should really should pull it in i really should they should be all right um well no one did just how many people you see playing nothing personal over there were you involved in that i was not okay anyhow um my number three is reef just reef oh okay i like the art i like the visual effect of building the reef it definitely is in the ocean it's definitely nature themed it is i mean because it's also super abstract but i love this game a lot i like man that picture is not doing it well you know what it does look like a bunch of kids to watch the rendering no they i know but it doesn't look much better than that in person but i like this game it's so much fun i i still don't know how azul did so well and this one didn't because i to me this game kills azul around the block i like this so much better not a chance interesting really same designer well i no no it's different design this is matsuchi you're right why did i say the same design the same company made them both sorry yeah that was a major gaffe on my part sorry man you got the relaxing it's the alternate spelling we're getting on top of it reeve is a great game i like the idea of playing the cards to get pieces and score yeah and then and they're never in the order you want to be you're trying to get them in that order anyway like i said i think it's the least thematic on my list but it is definitely nature themed it's just i put them in order how much i like them sure so coral is a living that's the end of the ocean for the most part all right the ocean is dead number three [Music] number two is a game that has a tremendous amount of buzz um here we go yeah what could it possibly be this game is so sweet my number two is honeybu very popular the kind it was it didn't hurt that they were there frank was there demoing and selling the game but this is a game that i feel like has such a wide appeal for a game that really has a pretty strong puzzle element to it but it also very much evokes this feeling of nature all the way from the you know the color palette um to the idea the honey and the and the nectar market no look i got shut up this is a good chance it's on your list yeah no i i there is that stock element but to me that's that's i don't know this this is all about building your little hives and this is all about getting the right kind of nectar whatever like and the half of the reason is on your list is because those honey pieces it's gorgeous the gooey gosh those are great yeah i'm definitely eating at least two of those right this has so much of the kind of i don't know the the table presents and the and the tactile fun that you have um that that this was another game that as soon as we came up with this list i was like yeah honey buzz will be on there and the more that i kind of went through them i'm like this is really high up this also very much gives me that pleasant buzz of nature that's one time too many no that was perfect and i'm done my number two is honey something i like to note that i went through that old period without making stupid jokes uh incorrect no there was stupidity sure no jokes you were serious you meant it i was nice apparently i'm droning on nicely done all right now do not give we do not give credence to puns in the comments mike chris yee's in the chat no oh i know i'm just saying you're not going to avoid puns when chris using the chat that was my number two honey buzz oh and garcia my number two is wingspan um about time someone mentioned this game yeah yeah i mean i don't know if you guys are gonna say it or not i'm curious but wingspan is the first one i probably thought of it's hard to it's hard to point it it's such a burden yeah it's like such a strong candidate for being on a list like this simply from the fact that it is incredibly well known popular a breakthrough hit it has in many ways popularized this style and then very least setting for games of this type sure i i you know a lot of games are pursuing these settings because wingspan has sold enough copies to stop a train and people want some of that you know they want to get a little tarred and feathered that is a that is a good theme yeah and and i would say that one of the things that people were reluctant or hesitant was because of the theme i think a lot of people thought this theme wouldn't work and man did they prove them wrong yeah yeah yeah right and there's been a lot of games with this these kinds of soothing relaxing settings very specific settings about something in nature natural i think this game has a lot going on i think it's uh it's it's sold how much it's sold and it's it's respected and beloved the way it is for a reason it's extremely well put together like elizabeth hargraves other game on my list uh mariposa very well researched has a deep bench of content in there that clearly took a lot of time to find and you know collate and put together i enjoy it i enjoy it and it does give me a little bit of that feeling of relaxation while still being an engaging game yeah it's not herbaceous herbaceous to me it's just melt into the chair and i'll do some stuff but it's really just a it's just a relaxing almost supperific sort of activity wingspan you like that one do you like that look that one up baby um look it up google it he's asleep wingspan [Laughter] that's pretty good wingspan is not that but it does give me a little bit of that feeling yeah it's a beautiful game it is i certainly considered it i i just want the mariposas route okay go okay my number two is a crossover with z garcia [Music] yeah baby yeah i guess i killed the three-way crossover you didn't put it on your list what's it like no way you brought whatever deal on there but not real-life birds i did here's the thing i think wingspan is is currently undergoing the backlash of it's too popular now it's getting closer i mean and then people like well it's not really nature thing are you kidding me every card on here talks about where that bird lives and the wingspan of the birds and what they eat and yeah there's so much there's more theme in this game than most of the other games on our website i agree and with all that i also think it's a really good engine building game it yes there's better cleaner ones out there that everyone else likes but i don't know i just it's it's weird to me sometimes it seems like there's people just lining up with bats like wingspan i'm tired of hearing about it boom boom boom this is the list it's made for it's a nature themed game and he's 100 correct that it this game is one of open the door to this whole nature explosion we have right now that's that's true that obviously people want you know and actually yeah yeah yeah i mean again it can be sometimes too much of a good thing yes but i also would rather see more games about nature than i would about trading in the mediterranean zombies what about right combining those things nature trading partners in the mediterranean in the middle ages or maybe nature what is the nature of the middle ages different than like nature now well i i don't want to hear about all the species that have been extinct okay i guess i'm so older okay whatever anyway there might be a cat that was my number two yeah i definitely considered it wingspan so there's no three-way crossovers no boo it's fellaini and not unless we all have the same number one my number one is felenia i'm gonna say that right now why are you ruining it it's cats and garb of the middle east if we ever do a faux nature list fellini is number one for sure all right cut it roy [Music] fantastic than us with wings that is great half the birds are gone yeah how can they snap but they don't have all right my number one is meadow let's just come right on out there this was uh the game that i felt best evokes that feeling that i've been trying to describe uh and hopefully my list of games will do a better job than i've done at trying to to come out this is not fantasy it is not this is this is real world nature and everything about it i feel like is just steeped steeped in this this environment this atmosphere of of beauty appreciation of nature gorgeous animals gorgeous art uh you know the the idea of the this the even the seasons and then and the uh kind of the different environments that they live in amazing art amazing art um it is a breezy game with plenty of decisions so i feel like this game more than many other games i can think of has a really good ratio of there are very meaningful decisions to make but it doesn't seem to bog people down in ap like other games like this do where you're drafting cards from a central board and you're kind of competing for common goals like you're trying to get particular cards next to each other for one reason or another this doesn't seem to bog that is weird you know what because your choices get smaller right and they don't get harder you're like i can take that card that card or that card i guess i'll take that card but there are so many games that do very similar things to this that lock people up this doesn't seem to lock people up every game no matter which groups newer gamers seasoned gamers mixtures of the two it just seems to flow you know it's just like everyone takes their turn there's not a tremendous amount of down time maybe a theme thing it might be just like like a little critter gets eaten by a little bird yeah a little bird gets eaten by whatever i need i got a level i need a ladybug i need a tree it's just yeah there's something about it it does not seem to lock people up like other games that are very similar in their mechanics do i think it diffuses some of that possibility with the just lush look and it's backyard aesthetic and uh it's a game that just it seems to um what's the word i'm looking for it just seems to not be pretentious it doesn't and i'm going to use a word here that i'm going to get made fun of for but because this word gets used with with different connotations i think this is a song this is a sensual game it's a game that when i'm playing it you can almost hear the sound you can almost smell that you know what i mean it just looks like a good job you know yeah that's why you need the uh the diffusers right that's why you need the diffusers around but anyway i'm going to get i'm going to get wrecked for this i think this is a sensual game where it evokes multiple senses while you're playing it i feel i have found no i got that i got that my number one meadow my number one is also metal hey there you go um blah blah [Applause] because it was not the first game i thought of which was wingspan yeah okay right and i went through the nature theme they got meadow and i after a while i was like meadow's definitely number one it's not even close he seems to do the most with it right maybe that's it you know some of the other ones are more specific like mariposa's is really specific some are easier some are way more abstract this is not necessarily the most thematic i think right but it does the most with it and encapsulates nature the most for me i think that's why i think that's where see i thought maybe this might make your topic it's not my favorite from the list no it's not either it just again seems like most i really like it i think it does the most with the theme or the setting or the trappings or whatever if you like any part of nature i feel you'll get something out of this one you know what i mean just even just the general sort of lazy sunday morning vibe of nature themed games this will give you that too it puts you there it is you know i'm not going to say what mike said that ain't right you know but it uh it enhances and utilizes your senses i think i thought he said essential for the longest i thought i thought too but then my man came back with sensual i'm like huh also the expansion otters also every piece of every art game car that lots we all picked the same number one is that how was the last time that happened it's been a long been a while i also don't think it's like an obvious number one no i think wingspan would have been the obvious honestly but yeah well you didn't put on your list i didn't but that was a very specific not be because i i'm i mean it's in my top 100. let's see what the people chose the humans saying all right so for the people mm-hmm your number um i did not consider that nine is photosynthesis sure sure i went with boss number eight is taki noko which that one i did think about for sure thought about it but it it's odd i couldn't get nature out of it yeah there is nature it's a battle between a panda and a gardener yeah bamboo growing but it's like you changing nature in many ways yeah the fact that the the bamboo is pink yellow and green doesn't help or blue or whatever color is that yeah yeah but not necessarily natural like irrigation and you yeah trapping and shaping nature in many ways sure now spirit island is interesting because i've seen it mentioned a number of times in the chat did you zoom in this is one where um that's one where i felt like skewed more to the to the straight fantasy i understand and i wouldn't argue against it because nature is certainly it's interesting it never even occurred to me you know lightning and and earth spirits and there there's definitely a nature uh element to it i just thought of that as more fantastical i guess even than something like everdell or creature cover right right i mean it's a fantasy set yeah yeah yeah but four-way crossover with meadows sure all right let's see what we got for number five aberdell okay fine mike we got it the people i agree with you number four root so why did you put root if you put ever down because root is a war game and that doesn't evoke the feeling that i want i love root it's one of my favorite games okay but i don't think of it as a nature game i think of it as a war game with an awesome theme that you know is out of the ordinary it kind of it kind of like works against you know it like subverts theme almost yeah okay right i get that all right number three parks yep number two what do you think number one is what is number one it's gonna be wingspan is it possibly wingspan oh it's wingspan yeah it's just g-span g-spam news of birds that's right all righty folks thanks so much for watching now the people's choice was voted on on our website um we'll have a new one up soon that you can vote on um and then we'll talk about that in the next top 10 list thank you everyone for watching thank you to chris for putting the list together roy running our stream here and all of you for watching this is it for live stuff this week i think right i believe so yes but that's because we're preparing for next week where it's all live all the time monday through thursday jesus we're playing lots we're playing lots of interesting games including the new clank yeah um we're gonna show off that one we're playing uh mosaic um and many many other games and then at the end of the week on thursday we're announcing the dice tower um and we have a mega announcement video with 20 currently 20 different pretty groundbreaking announcements from companies not us i don't want we're not there's no big dice tower announcement that you know of no there's not so much thanks so much for watching until next time i'm tom vassell i'm z garcia and i'm mike delecio the essential mike de lisa [Music] you
Channel: The Dice Tower
Views: 49,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board game, board, game, dice, card game, cards, catan, monopoly, tower, dice tower, vasel, review, tom vasel, vassel, settlers, gaming, GeekUsername: TomVasel, board game review, boardgame, uno, ticket to ride, apples to apples, educational games, educational, top 10, juegosdemesa, Brettspiele, ボードゲーム, brädspel, jeuxdesociété, משחקילוח, 보드게임, deskováhra, graplanszowa, bordspel, 棋盘游戏, gioco da tavolo, desková hra, gra planszowa, настольная игра, trò chơi trên bàn cờ, jogo de tabuleiro, لعبة اللوحة
Id: Y7yolbA7xQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 51sec (4791 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 14 2022
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