Common Mistakes in Off-roading

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g'day guys probably though four-wheeling Australia hey we all make mistakes while we're off-roading so this video is all about the common mistakes that mainly beginners do but we also make when we're out off-roading so check it out and let's get into it the number one thing for white students and from a lot of other people as well is that we see people that don't air down now if you don't air down things happen and we'll get to that but it's not something you learn in school unless you do a full Drive training course but then you've been to four Drive school right so for those who don't know when it comes to tires we lower them to increase the footprint not the whip of the footprint but the length of the footprint this helps you keep flotation on sand which means you don't get bogged as often it also preserves a track and it also prevents the tire damage because when you're driving over sticks like this and rocks like that the tie will deform around it rather than try and and keep its shape because there's so much air in it and then it'll force possibly a sharp rock or a stick straight through it and then you have a puncture in terms of tire pressure I've done an entire video discussing each tire pressure you should use on each different terrain but to quickly cover it with what I use 40 psi on highway 18 on sand maybe even lower than that and on gravel roads I'll go down to 25 or maybe thirty it just all depends on the situation but an entire video adjusts on that so if you ever mate or yourself you want to know about that there's a link down below possibly the biggest one of all well actually I'll pick us the biggest one of all driving too hard and not just the you know beginners also the experienced people so for example your mace holding your iPhone or whatever phone you got and he's filming you're driving up a gnarly hill and you're just giving it hashtag send it hashtag send it to the workshop because if you're giving you too much throttle at the wrong time wheels come down hit the ground boom that goes your CV or possibly something else like you drive anything in Java on really drive shaft whatever but it's not just that it's also what we're standing on right now track damage if we drive too hard and it's not necessary to drive hard then we are going to damage the track so if you have lockers and other things that can assist you in getting through something use those methods rather than just unlocked just giving it all you got because all you're doing is you're possibly going to damage your vehicle and you're going to damage the track but wait there's more a classic one is the old river crossing so I've got the bonnet or hood open so I can help explain exactly what can happen to your vehicle if you drive too hard into a deep water puddle or a river crossing it's not necessarily what happens on the front you want to go and slow so you can create a bow wave now I need to deep dive into a specific water across the video one to come but what can happen is when you go too hard into a deep puddle Dewald hole or a river crossing you can force the water underneath the vehicle up through here and it can force itself into places where you don't want water they go in the first place or commonly the water then comes back this way and then hits the fan blade and pushing the fan blades into your radiator or possibly doing that or some vehicle is it's more prone than other vehicles but what I have seen happen before is a fan blade snapping off because rpms are higher going too hard and then one fan base snaps off and your engine is vibrating a lot mad that fan blade believe it or not being plastic and it's quite a lot it actually balances the whole engine it's very it's a balance thing one blade missing you'll be surprised how much your engine will show you think there's something else going on but fact if you go and through that water to heart you could just be your fan blade has snapped off and down here here's a chassis and the chassis on your vehicle and a diff sony vehicle that's what you don't want touching the sand so if when you're driving too hard on flats soft sand beach and you start sinking stop don't smash that follow because all you're going to do is dig your way to China hard rock hard ground you don't be driving too hard there over in fact if you have lockers or class that was driving too hard if you got your lockers on permanently and you're driving around turning on hard rock like solid ground where you don't need lockers for traction you're binding everything up and something's gonna go bang so don't drive too hard on solid surfaces especially rock because it's like driving on pavement the one that worries me the most people not being prepared this is mainly a beginner thing because if you have been into four-wheeling for a while you would've got stuck at some stage this is what some would call an overkill extensive recovery kit and yes this is overkill because if you're just getting into four-wheeling you don't need all this stuff I mean I have two winches that's overkill for a start even having a winch is overkill for a beginner for a start because you need to know how to use it if you don't know how to use your recovery gear you're going to learn that before you actually go and get it and then you know if you need it so in here all you really need is a snatch strap rear recovery point front recovery points not your tie-down points the recovery points and you're pretty well set to go but without that you're kind of up crap Creek shovel and a spide now I've done a video on 10 things you must have when you go four-wheeling all highly suggest you check that one out it's quite a popular one as well because it gives you a lot of detail of what you need now I'm not being prepared also includes not having your first-aid kit not having a snakebite kit if you go into an area where there's a lot of snakes and also knowing how to use them first-aid course doesn't cost and uh you know could save your life you can use that anyway it's not just offroad you use a first aid course basic tools you don't need all the tools that I have in here but you do need some form of a jack - Jackie vehicle up and you need a couple of spare things and a couple of cable tires you know just your general screwdrivers and spanners just a small tool kit so you can get yourself out of the Doody we cover a recovery gear week of recovery points account tools but there's also water sufficient water now food isn't such a big thing it takes about 30 days before you can get scurvy zand you can get permanent damage from not eating food it's not gonna be pleasant but you can survive water however you can't go without water for more than three days you're pretty much cactus but last but not least know how to use your four wheel drive I have manual locking hubs that which means I have to lock the outside I've got to lock the inside as well for this to become a full Drive the reason why I'm bringing up such such a simple fat is that it's not a simple fact if you're not a four-wheel drive and he just getting into it how would you even notice unless you read your user manual not everyone does that I've done a video just on how to know you're for Drive so that's down below is all going extensively into this have you ever heard the term buy ones cry once that's usually said with quality gear that you spend a lot more money on now there is such a thing as good cheap gear but it all depends on what it is you're actually buying so it's hard to clarify and I need to do a whole topic on this and there will be one coming up all I'll say is be careful when you buy full drive gear for your vehicle so if you're a beginner and you don't know much about for driving do a lot of research and trust no one next one is lack of respect for the bush and it's not just about rubbish if we all carry bags with us and we see a couple of things lying around camp or our lunch bottle wherever we may be you know you holding your iPhone and filming you might drop a hill you see a can of coke or a can of wild turkey that's been left behind by someone else just pick it up make you feel better and everyone else you use as a tracker will appreciate the bush much more as well because I'll find out if if there's a lot of rubbish lying around the young people generally males will find that that's the norm we just throw our crap around the bush also ladies when you do go to you know to the bush to do a number one just bring your paper back and put it in the bin don't just leave it out in the bush alright ladies and gents here are some do's and don'ts for those who are new to fall driving and for wheeling and getting out in the bush and if you have some mates who are just getting into it this is some important information for them and the purpose of this is to keep the freedom that we have out here now freedom when you get off road doesn't mean that you can just do whatever the hell you want you can make your own tracks you can you can do anything that you like it's not really down to that freedom means you get to get off the bitumen and you get to explore the beautiful country we have and check out all the tracks we got now some places is tolerated to you know go a bit hard and go out rather hills and all that kind of stuff but most places you've got to treat the bush with respect because there are many different road users and as soon as we start seeing tracks getting cut up they are will get graded or the place will get shut so here are a number of things that you shouldn't be doing number one when you hit the dirt put it in full Drive I am really sick of hearing people going oh I can do that track into or Drive you know I'm sure you can but use for Drive because then you're not going to cut up the track for everyone else number two putting it in two or drive and doing donuts on the beach for what purpose you're on public land on private land you'd do whatever you like and definitely don't post them on social media because what you are essentially doing is you post that video up you're just creating a mentality that people can just do whatever the hell they want in the bush and this also flows into the rubbish issue we have so that is probably one of the most important things you need to consider when you go four-wheel driving next one is not having the correct vehicle for the task and all-wheel drive a WD is not a four-wheel drive 4wd the difference is the a and the fall there is a massive critical difference on those two so to explain that in depth I'm going to make a video later but all I'm saying here is a four-wheel drive generally has a locked differential in the middle where the transfer case is and then it'll lock 50 percent drive the front 50 cent drive to the rear whereas an all-wheel drive will just send drive to wherever it wants to they're not made for offroad they're made for gravel roads really good on gravel roads but they're not good for the beach they're not good for most for wheeling most 4x4 een they're not good for that that is something that needs to be brought up and address because we find many vehicles out there they get stuck now of course if you're a really good driver you can probably get away with it so I'm not denying that but we've pulled many all drives out in the past deep down onto the beach you know it's when you stop that's when you're in trouble you can't stop in these vehicles this is mainly soundwave I should pull this people out now don't get me wrong it's not to say you can't go touring and full driving in a normal Drive you're just restricted to gravel roads pretty much and stuff where it's not too many divots holes bumps water crossings all that kind of stuff if you want to get proper for driving you need a 4x4 four-wheel drive vehicle a stock vehicle on stock tires is not going to fare well on Australian bush tracks definitely not your tires will get slashed on specific tracks for example the holland track which is actually a pretty mild track you will slash your ties guarantee it if you got highway tires on there welcome to four-wheeling studios more about this in a different video so let's not get sidetracked here a common mistake people expecting too much from their vehicle will have the wrong vehicle for a wrong application for example as the zookie Jimi sucks at towing okay and so does a short wheelbase Jeep and so does the short wheelbase anything really they're not meant for towing they are terrible a towing but they are absolutely awesome at tight little nimble tracks getting around and going over pretty hardcore obstacles in with mild modifications then we take the flip side then you have the big American pickup trucks you have the Silverado you have the f250 and you have the RAM these vehicles are superb tires they can tow so much capacity huge but they are not built for tight little tracks they're not built for the four wheeling that we know in Australia however if you do spend a lot of coin on them you could modify them to the point where I couldn't manage it but they're never going to be as good as the mid-range so when I say mid-range I'm talking missing patrol I'm talking Toyota Landcruiser Land Rover defenders anything Land Rover pretty much your dual cab Utes you got all these other vehicles those vehicles in the middle that we all consider the basis of four-wheel drive in Australia those are the vehicles you should be looking at if you're looking at getting into four-wheeling unless of course you're a car enthusiast you're a car nut you want to make this vehicle be able to do that I totally get that but for everyone else out there if you're looking at getting into four-wheeling make sure you get the correct vehicle before you start before you get into it you don't want a short wheelbase Jeep and take your whole family out and tell van you want a mid-range vehicle to a big vehicle to tow the van to take yourself out and do some touring but if you're a weekend warrior just want to have you know fun play around then you don't want a big vehicle you probably don't even want a big dual cab you want something smaller nimble so consider before you buy anything and also consider before you modify your vehicle to be able to do what it's not supposed to do because you possibly could have sold that vehicle and bought another vehicle that's already built for that purpose and you want to save money this is a classic one trying the same thing over and over yet expecting a different result so what do you actually need to do is stop with it on get out and perhaps actually look at the track and then suss out what you need to do because one do you have to go that way - is it worth it three what's actually stopping you four can you let more air out of your tires that's a classic one especially with sand dunes I'll see people just keep trying to Jun over and over and over getting really frustrated because the rest of the convoy made it up and people have been suggesting lowering their tires but I don't do it and then when they finally do loader tires they get up and iran does a big cheer just do it straight away then you won't be that last guy but there's also simple ones you could do what you're doing slower or you could do it faster but can you do it faster these are the things you need to check out just really get out and really assess the actual situation of what you're about to do and prepare yourself as well accept the fact that sometimes you may just need assistance or your vehicle can't do what another vehicle could do so don't try to same thing over and over because you're just going to end up getting frustrated possibly breaking something and looking like a fool righto so which were the most classic mistakes that you commonly see out there and which is the worst mistake that you see people doing and which do you make it's fine to make mistakes we don't know how to fall dry we don't learn our stuff in high school or primary school whatever it is it's not somebody brought up with it something you've got to learn as you go speaking of learning if you want to know more there are video links down below deep diving into how to figure out your full drive and tire pressures all that stuff check it out see you guys
Channel: Ronny Dahl
Views: 287,953
Rating: 4.9371419 out of 5
Keywords: Off-road, tracks, 4wheeling, adventure, 4x4-off-road, Common Mistakes in Off-roading, off road, 4 wheeling, off road trucks, off road recovery, off road fails, 4x4 off road, off-road vehicles, 4 wheeling fails, how to 4x4 in sand, how to 4x4 off road, how to 4x4 in mud, how to 4x4 on the beach, bogged in sand, 4 wheeling wa, off road mistakes, getting bogged in sand, how to drive in mud 4x4, car bogged in sand, 4x4 off road australia, overlanding mistakes
Id: 6wnsIF3TD8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 16sec (976 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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