Top 10 Most Over Powered Trinkets in WoW's History (World of Warcraft)

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now where the Warcraft players love their gear and trinkets are one of their favorite pieces of equipment so in this list will be going over ten of the most overpowered trinkets in the game's history in a number 10 we have the death bringers we'll this trinket dropped from Death Bringer sour Fang and ICC 25-man and what this drink it did was it had a random chance to transform you into one of the many races of northrend and when it did so it would give you a very nice proc of one of five stats depending on your spec and most of these smacks were physical damage related so this trinket was only used for physical damaging classes as the proc had a chance to give you extra strength attack power crypt agility and armor penetration and almost everybody wanted that last status proc because armor penetration was so good in Wrath of the Lich King that most specs wanted as much of it as I could possibly get and trinkets that had the availability of giving you extra armor pet and were very powerful and this trinket had a chance to give you a crap ton of it there's a reason they remove armor pen at the end of Wrath of the Lich King now this trinket is kind of famous for being overpowered even though it's kind of the weakest one on the list because what it did was give you a really good damage proc for 30 seconds it was basically just a strong trinket but not an overpowered one you see this trinket was very popular because it also had the unique distinction of transforming your character which was very rare thing for a proc to do and in fact it's still super rare to this day it's not very often that a trinket or defect will randomly change the appearance of your character in combat so I'm pretty sure that's why this trinket is considered so broken in the eyes of history and why it was such a sought-after trinket there were reports that players were able to one-shot people in PvP thanks to this trinket but as someone who personally did PvP and Link wrath of the lich king when this trinket came out I can tell you that I could 2-shot low geared people as well without the trinket PvP was just kind of broken back then basically trinkets that had armor pen were just really sought-after and his trinket was really cool and also strong so everybody wanted it and if you look online for some of the strongest trinkets in was history I can guarantee you that people will bring up death bringers will in droves even though for my hunter back then there was a trinket I could buy off a vendor with valor points that technically sim tire I doubt it was actually the strongest ringer for every spec but it was definitely an incredibly popular trinket in at number nine we have the dragon spine trophy this trinket was very simple it just had a chance on hit to grant you some haste rating for 10 seconds on a 20-second internal cooldown now the Burning Crusade is when haste was introduced to the game as a stat before then you would get attack speed increases that specifically only worked on a handful of things then there wasn't a standard haste rating yet so when they added it to the game there were a couple of bumps in the roads of getting the values correct and the dragon spine trophy kind of gave a whole bunch of haste a little bit too easily has the amount of hasted gave per proc was equivalent to a blood lust like effect ie around 30% haste and since it was also an incredibly short internal cooldown the trinket had about a 25 percent uptime at all times which meant this trinket was the best and slot for a lot of classes all the way until the end of the expansion even though the trinket was dropped from a boss introduced in the very first raid tear gruel the Dragon Slayer in fact some people used it all the way until Wrath of the Lich King came out which was definitely the sign of a very strong trinket if it was able to last for all the tiers of raiding in an expansion and what kind of contributed to this trinkets infamous status was the fact that it had an incredibly low drop chance ion himself mentioned that he ran gruel's lair for 14 months straight before he saw the trinket drop a single time for anyone in his rating and that wasn't a super uncommon story sure the trinket was super good and could last you the entire expansion but didn't really mean anything even never dropped you know over the years gear has gotten easier and easier to obtain so you don't really hear stories about people farming a raid for 14 months to get one piece of equipment like this anymore and this item is probably why we have the current gear system we have today to an extent and at number eight we have Rammstein lightning bolts this is a trinket from vanilla well which dropped from Ramstein the Gorger 'extra home that simply had an effect to do AoE nature damage to everyone within 30 yards of you it also did a lot of nature damage and even scaled with stats and other methods after vanilla Wow over the years basically every time they change to the game there's a good chance it messed up Ram Stein's lightning bolts and made it broken again has it just constantly breaks and scales weird although we won't be really talking about that very much in the section and more of its vanilla wild days when this trinket had a 30-yard range on AoE this is one of the largest ranges of an AoE in the game outside of the original druid Starfall ability generally abilities don't have 30-yard radiuses so this thing had a gigantic circle in which it could damage everything which meant you could easily pull rogues out of stealth if they were somewhere within 30 yards of you which was only five yards less than the standard a single target ranged ability maximum range like many things in vanilla wow this trinkets effect was probably an oversight so it was nerfed in a patch to decrease its radius to ten yards down from the original 30 and they also decreased its damage to while they were at it and this trinket was used over the years because like I said a bit earlier sometimes new patches would break the trinket and allow it to scale with spell power or your character's level or I've heard and currently scales with versatility so no one really knows if it's supposed to scale with any of these things but sometimes it will randomly and at number 7 we have the unstable Arcana crystal this trinket was simply a stat stick and did nothing else and its stats were so good that this trinket introduced at the beginning of the expansion as a drop from a world boss was still best in slot for a lot of classes all the way until the end of the expansion assuming you've got a Titan forged version of it because you see in Legion they tried this new thing with gear where it rings and necklaces would no longer have main stats on them and instead would have a whole bunch of secondary stats that way more classes could actually use them and to give them a little bit more diversity from the rest of the year and this new philosophy of gear stats transferred over to trinkets to an extent which is where this abomination of the unstable Arcana crystal came from all it had were secondary stats on it and it had a ton of them much more than an item of its item level should have had almost two times the amount of stats actually the stats on the one crystal were equivalent to wearing two rings of the same item level and it was such an inflated oversight that Blizzard themselves talked about the unstable Arcana cross and how they didn't want to make mistakes like that trinket again in the future they never did nerf the trinket in the expansion though they just kind of left it alone because people like to being able to have a trinket for the entire expansion it reminded them of old times when they could get things like the Dragons fine trophy and beset until the next expansion solely unstable our chrono crystal is probably the best snap stick in the game's history and easily makes on this list with most overpowered trinkets despite the fact that it doesn't have any kind of special effects or ways to take advantage of it like pretty much all the other trinkets on this list we'll have and at number 6 we have the prophecy of fear trinket which dropped from hellfire citadel in the warlords of draenor expansion now what this trinket did was when you did damage to an enemy you had a chance to proc a debuff on the target which would then pulse for AoE damage every time you hit that target so arcane mages could take advantage of this with abilities that hit a bunch of times in a small amount of time like arcane missles in order to get an insane amount of damage from this trinket and in fact there were some videos of whole groups of arcane mages going into hellfire citadel while it was current content and killing bosses in less than twenty seconds thanks to this trinket and what they would do to break this trinket was take advantage of the fact that it didn't have an internal cooldown on when it could do damage so mages would use as one town they had that only existed in warlords of Draenor called prismatic crystal this talent allowed them to summon a crystal which they could attack and whenever you attack this crystal it would increase the damage you dealt to it by a fixed amount and then it would also deal the damage it took to everything around the crystal and an AoE so the best way to use this crystal was to set it down at a group of mobs and then just focus target the crystal while it pulsed a whole bunch of AoE damage as it replicated all of the damage you did and add an increased value at that so all of the mages would pop the crystal start burst on the crystal until the trinket proct early and then just load into with arcane missles which would cause the prophecy of fear trinket to proc each time I got hit with an arcane missile which would damage the boss and the crystal which would then replicate the damage again and damage the boss a second time so since arcane mages could double dip on the trinkets with AoE explosions with the combination of their normal hybrid a legendary ring and they're unstable magic crock would give them occasional extra double AoE damage a full rate eehm of arcane mages all using the crystal at once and all getting up on the trinket at the beginning of the battle could definitely take down a normal mode boss in less than 30 seconds although this was kind of gimmicky and it was the end of the expansion so Blizzard didn't really touch it for our Kaede mages especially since then the same raid tier trinkets dropped off the final boss which essentially acted as additional tier set bonuses our c'mon would drop a trinket which would morph to fit your spec to give you a spec specific buff or ability very similar to modern-day azurite traits actually and some of those trinket effects were very strong so prophecy of fear just kind of fit in with those broken trinkets and was probably able to fly under the radar because of it and at number 5 we have the vial of Shadows this was a trinket that dropped from the Dragon soul raid in Cataclysm and had a pretty straightforward effect where every time you attacked you had a chance to trigger a big chunk of extra damage and that was it but this extra chunk of damage just hit really hard and this was also the rate here in which a rogue specifically got a legendary weapon so rogues with the legendary daggers equipped and with this trinket could sometimes take out half of a person's health in PvP with one proc although before they nerfed the trinket pretty much everyone agree that the trinket itself was way more scary than the legendary daggers as pretty much every opener for rogues could drop someone to 20% health instantly because the way modern trinkets work which was also around in Cataclysm is if they have a random proc chance they usually proc pretty early as soon as combat starts that way they start their internal cooldowns ASAP and burst is everything in PvP and vial of shadows was contributing a little bit too much to that burst which was only made more apparent once rogue started getting their legendary daggers as well so Blizzard nerfed the trinket where they cut the amount of the damage each prog did by 66% and to compensate they made it so it would proc approximately three times as often so in PvE the trinket was doing about the same amount of damage overall and this nerf was 100% put into place to stop bursts in PvP by cutting the damage of each proc to one third of its previous value and the family filled the need to cut the damage proc by over 50% should tell you a little something about how hard it was hitting at the time although part of the reason this trinket wasn't as a big of a deal was because it had a very low drop chance so not very many people actually obtained the trinket before it even got a nerf but it was still strong enough for the few people who did get it that it definitely deserves a spot on this list at the number five spot and at number four we have the drought of souls a trinka that dropped from gold on in the night Holt this trinket had a very unique effect as it was a melee trinket which went used would route your character in place and randomly attack nearby targets every quarter of a second for three seconds so it was basically like a channeled ability for melee classes which just did a whole bunch of damage and the damage this trinket did would scale with your percentage base buffs and can also crypt so what some melee classes like fury warriors would do is just activate all of their extra damage buffs that gave them percentage based increases like their enrage which give them 30% extra damage their artifact ability which gave them an additional 15% their avatar which gave them 20% frothing berserker which gave another 15% and then their battle shout which gave them a hundred percent crit they could deal about seven million damage in the burst window those buffs provided which was equivalent to about two times the HP of the average player so if you were to use this trinket in PvP to try to burst down someone and they were stunned or rooted in play so they couldn't get away from you you could easily deal enough damage during the 3 second windows of this trinket to kill them two times over and since the trinket did so much damage Blizzard put in a whole bunch of nerves throughout the expansion in order to rein it in first they nerfed the damage of this trinket to specific classes and specs like warriors for example did 40% less damage with this trinket than other classes they also put the trinket on the global cooldown so you could no longer macro together with all of those buffs I talked about and even after those nerves the trinket was still best in slot for the classes that could use it this trinket was Blizzard trying out a new idea with a trinket effect and it being way too strong for certain classes so they put in all kinds of emergency nerfs so it wasn't doing more damage in the classes themselves which kind of reminds me of some of the corruption effects now in BFA and at number 3 we have the pocket-sized computation device with the cyclotron ik blast equip this trinket is given out to players requested Mecca gone and BFA and is a unique trinket that allows you to choose what it does based on the gems you put into it and for this part of the list will specifically be talking about the cyclotron ik blast Jim you see this thing gave you a channeled ability which shot a laser at the target which just did a whole bunch of damage over the course of like three seconds and when this first came out you could use this channeled ability at the same time as all your other spells and attacks in this form the trinket was so overpowered that Blizzard had to emergency nerf the item so that it acted like a real channel so how it works now is you spend one and a half seconds to cast a trinket and then he spent two seconds channeling the trinket into the target and it just does a whole bunch of damage real quickly and this damage was so good that it saw play all throughout the raid tier was introduced in and was even used in the world first kills of a genre despite the fact that it was a much lower item level than all the other trinkets from the same raid a raid which had some really top tier trinkets in it I might add so if the nerfed version this trinket was still good enough to be used over much higher item level trinkets that should tell you a little something about how absolutely broke in the first version of it was when it was off the global cooldown and could be used alongside all your other abilities this one seems almost like an oversight with how much damage it did but a lot of the other trinkets which do direct damage are also off the global cooldown as well and not a lot of those trinkets have channeled abilities on them so I can kind of see where the oversight came from but for a short while this trinket was one of the most overpowered trinkets in the game and it's still pretty good even at the end of BFA and saw some use in the final rate here as well and at number two we have the UH nearing vision of Latian this trinket is a big part of why we no longer have snapshot dots in the game as of what it would do is on your spell attacks you had a chance to gain a buff for four seconds which increase your chance to crit by 100 percent now a four-second 100% crit buff doesn't sound that overpowered since it's such a short window and would only cause a couple of your abilities as a crit before it went away and you'd have to wait about a minute for it to proc again but it missed the Pandaria when this trinket was around there was this thing in the game still called snapshotting where if you apply two dot to a target the game would take a snap of your current buffs and stamps and then apply it to the dot for its full duration so if you apply to dot and then someone in your party activated bloodlust your dot would not tick 30% faster it would go based off what your previous stats were and not dynamically update like it does today however if you manage to reapply a dog with bloodlust running out with like one second your full twenty second dot would have the full effect of bloodlust for the entire duration even though bloodlust had long since fallen off of you so if you hadn't had on which notified you when this trinket proct and gave you its 100% crit chance you could then just reapply all of your dots so they would crit for the entire duration and some specs even had ways to refresh their dots without having to reapply them which meant they could keep the snapshot at ability for even longer than the intended durations and some classes like warlocks had dots that lasted for a minute straight so you could just reapply the doom dot every time you got a proc in the trinket so that the doom would create one hundred percent of the time throughout the boss fight now I probably don't need to tell you that having a dot that creates one hundred percent of the time throughout a five to ten minute boss fight is a little bit broken but to Blizzard's credit they never did nerf that trinket well they did to an extent they made it similar product forty percent less often for warlocks only but you could still keep up your dots if you played well enough they knew it was a problem and classes were getting way more dps from this one piece of equipment than from everything else but they kind of left it alone for the most part until the end of the expansion and that's because in the next expansion they removed snapshotting from dots and pretty much everything else and now every time you how about idon't or hot it will dynamically update with your stats in your short term duration buffs so you could no longer apply a dot that crits for a hundred percent of the time this is probably the only trinket on this list that didn't actually get a major nerf even though it was overpowered and that's because they released a whole bunch of other overpowered trinkets in the next rate here so just kind of fit in with the rest of them even if it was still stronger than them and at number one we have this scare of a brooch from aq forty this trinket had an effect where when you use it on the target it would give them a buff which would convert 15% of the healing you did to them into a bubble and this effect lasted for 30 seconds on a three minute cooldown now since his trinket was based on percentages not related to stats or static numbers it was a B is healing trinket all the way until the end of the Wrath of the Lich King despite the fact that it was released in vanilla well this is kind of why trinkets don't do things like this anymore and they give you an effect that has specific numbers and amounts not percentage based values that way they can be outdated by the time the next expansion comes out as this trinket was even used on the world first heroic Lich King kill about four years after this trinket was added to the game in fact the effect on this trinket was so good that they modeled a legendary weapon effect after it as healers were able to obtain a mace from old war called Valon our hammer of the ancient kings which had a chance on heal for the target to receive a buff which converted 15% of all healing you did to him into a damage shield so pretty much exactly like the scarab brooch just for half the amount of time now you know an effect is good if they give it to a legendary weapon especially since you could use both of them at the same time as a legendary weapon in trinket were both used before the trinket finally got nerfed in Cataclysm you see what they did to this trinket and a lot of other trinkets that had similar evergreen effects ie effects that are useful outside of the expansion they were introduced in was to give them a little effect that states it has a reduced effect for players above the level item it was made for so for the scarab brooch it has a reduced effect for players above level 60 which basically meant it didn't work once you get around level 80 or so which allowed them to keep the legacy text of the trinket in the game without having to completely redesign the trinket now some players love the fact that old items like this could still be useful even today but Blizzard kind of likes for you to get new gear every time any rate tier comes out and people love getting new gear more than anything so I could see some people being kind of bitter that they would never get to change one of their trinkets every time a new expansion came out if they didn't make nerfs to trinket like this lizard would just have to release more powerful versions of trinkets to force you to pick the better ones which I think would be pretty fun in its own way as well so I don't see that as a huge problem alright and that's it for the list there were a lot of really strong trinkets throughout the game's history so if you think I missed any of the other ones that should have definitely made this list and I'd love to hear about down in the comments for potential future videos on the same topic and did you know only 30.6% to people who watch these videos are actually subscribed to the channel [Music]
Channel: hirumaredx
Views: 574,760
Rating: 4.8410931 out of 5
Keywords: Battle, For, Azeroth, World Of Warcraft (Video Game), hirumaredx, history, wow, worl, vanilla, bc, burning crusade, wrath, wrath of the lich king, linch king, Video Game (Industry), World Warcraft, facts, Warcraft (Fictional Universe), how did doom work before wrath, before cata, how it use to work, funny, 8.3, 2020
Id: yRybdAFNrXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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