Top 10 Most Annoying Mounts to Farm in World of Warcraft

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warning this video is very annoying that is if you want to farm some of the mounts I'm about to talk about as of this video we'll go over 10 of the most annoying mounts to possibly farm in WoW and at number 10 we have the ultimate karate battle tank this is a mount obtained from archeology tole veer archeology fragments specifically you see you get this mount randomly when you complete tol veer archaeology fragments so all you have to do is just farm a whole bunch of archaeology for tol veer archaeology fragments and you'll get this mount eventually but here's a little catch you don't get to specifically farm tove your fragments those dig sites just pop up randomly on the map sometimes when you're doing archaeology and Kalimdor so most of the time there won't even be dig sites and oldham which is the only zone that will drop your tol veer artifacts so what you can do is just complete all of the dig sites so that they'll eventually reroll to a new zone and then eventually they'll show up and hold them and then once you do get your artifacts you just randomly complete whatever is your current research project which is assigned to you randomly each time be complete a research project until eventually you'll roll on the one that allows you to create the ultimate qiraji battle tank which can take quite a while there are ways to speed this up however if you don't want to randomly farm for tol veer fragments which I wouldn't recommend because it takes forever you can just simply do archaeology and Miss depend area or above zones in order to get things called restored artifacts but you can turn to a vendor which will allow you to buy a box full of a couple of toll viewer fragments so that you can complete your toll of your research projects without having to go out and randomly find dig sites in Oldham now how you get restored artifacts is by completing research projects and new zones so miss warlords of draenor Legion and BFA in which case sometimes you'll randomly get an item that you can convert into a restore artifact so overall it's actually faster just farm out restored artifacts than it is trying to farm toll bear fragments directly but both of these are very time consuming and makes it so you have to do a lot of archaeology and there are some reports from people who actually managed to obtain this mount that it takes about 125 complete before the mount project shows up although it could show up in one of your first 10 completions - its random so it could take you forever or it could be a very simple and fast process but it is one of the most annoying mounts to farm because it requires you to do a lot of archaeology which is why only 8% of the player base actually owns this mount as a comparison 10% of players own the brine deep bottom feeder mount which requires you to do a crap-ton of fishing in one specific pool in the broken Isles dollar and people are more willing to fish than they are to do archaeology which should tell you something about how annoying archaeology is especially since people have been able to obtain the ultimate qiraji battle tank for a lot longer than they could the bottom feeder mount and at number 9 we have the ash hide machine beast this mount is obtained in the timeless Isle from a vendor for 500 bloody coins and it's obtaining these coins that makes this mount so hard to farm out as there's two ways to gain bloody coins one of them is to use the item sensor of the eternal agony which lowers your health by 90% when you use it and then it allows you to kill horde and alliance players no matter your faction just as long as on the timeless Isle and each kill of an enemy player will award you one coin so ideally you just use this item and then kill 500 players of the timeless Isle and you have your mount which was probably possible back in mists of pandaria when timeless Isle was current content but it's much more difficult in every expansion afterwards where there's rarely people on the timeless Isle well outside of mists of pandaria time walking week since the time walking vendor is located on the timeless Isle although even then you have to be in the war mode in order to kill enemy players even if you have the availability of killable factions and the other way to obtain bloody coins which is a much easier way is with the item the fire watchers oath this item will allow you to obtain two bloody coins and PvP activities outside of the timeless Isle although it used to be at a much lower drop rate of only having a 10% chance per kill to get one coin as you do have to get the killing blow in order to obtain a bloody coin so having to farm battlegrounds and get killing blows where only one in ten would actually give you a bloody coin took a very long time or at least around 5000 killing blows you'll probably passively obtain it as long as you just remember to keep the item up over the course of a couple of months or at least that was the case until Legion when Blizzard hotfix the item to give it a hundred percent chance to give you bloody coins on kills but you still need to land the killing blow and the item itself has a ten minute cooldown so if you die early before it comes up you won't actually have it 100% of time while you're in battlegrounds I have heard reports of people just getting two groups together of opposite factions in the timeless Isle and just taking turns killing each other in order to get bloody coins faster I don't know if this actually works or not but it sounds like something that would probably work either way only about 7% of players actually own this mount and it's slightly more obtained to obtain than doing archaeology I actually had to learn how to do archaeology in order to write that segment on the number 10 spot because I wasn't sure how the restored artifact system even worked despite the fact that I've been playing the game for over 10 years I will also mention there is a little bit of a more sketchy way to obtain bloody coins faster which involves repeatedly killing a friend's trial character over and over it while they respawn instantly at a spirit healer but I'm not sure that something Blizzard really wants you to do and I'd rather not advise you to do things that would get your account banned I'm also not sure if that method even still works so on to the next spot on this list and at number 8 we have the phosphorescent stone Drake this is a mount that drops from a rare mob and deepholm named Ian axe which has a hundred percent drop rate and will drop for everyone in your party so what some people will do is post on their discord server that they found this rare Bob in order to invite four other people so that everyone can obtain the stone Drake and even with this gracious way of obtaining the mount only about 4% of players have it because you see finding this rare mob is the hard part the mob has a two to eight hour respawn timer and deepholm spawns in multiple locations and shares a respawn timer with a random rare bat now a respawn timer of about five hours on average means you have to spend a day camping this thing out if you want a chance to obtain it which is an incredibly long time to fly around the zone looking for one rare but if that's all it took then they would have a much higher collection rate since allow players on a whole are perfectly fine with camping something out for long periods of time in order to get something cool like amount what makes it sound difficult to obtain is the fact that it shares that respawn timer with a bat because of the baton responds then you have to wait another two hours after killing it before the stone Drake has a chance to spawn again as it has that minimum to our respawn timer so what some people will do in Farmer this mound is just take two hours break after they kill the bat because there's no way the Drake can spawn any earlier than that it's really this shared respawn timer with another mob and the fact that it has a long spawn timer makes it so you could camp out this mount all day and never actually find it or someone else will randomly come across it and take it without you knowing and then you won't know how long you have to wait for another respawn timer this mount is awarded to people who have lots of free time on their hands or can afford to fly around the game for eight hours of the time looking for one dragon to kill for amount which is why it's an annoying amount of farm and at number seven we have the Voigt Allen of the Dark Star this mount has obtained simply by clicking on an edge of reality portal which will port you into your own little instant that will allow you to click on an egg which gives you a mount 100% of the time and this one is hard to obtain in the same way that the phosphorescent stone Drake is as long as you can find the portal you'll get the mount but finding the portal is the hard part you see these portals spawn once every 13 to 48 hours which is a much longer spawn timer than the two to eight hours from the previous bottomless list and the portals can spawn at almost random locations across Draenor from the world Lords of Draenor world map and I say almost random locations because they're technically is set locations for all the portals it's just there's a lot of them and they're spread all throughout Draenor and when a portal spawns it only lasts for five minutes and if no one clicks the portal in five minutes it will despawn and then respawn somewhere else at random in about another hour and it will keep doing this until someone clicks on it in which case it will enter it's 13 to 14 hour cooldown the thing is though there's no real way to track if someone else has already clicked on one of these so someone could have clicked in the portal yesterday and you could be looking all around Draenor for it to not be able to respond until the next day as people can just randomly find these portals while questing through the zones and since finding one of these portals is so difficult the void talent has only been collected by 3.4 percent of the player base which is an incredibly low number and only slightly lower than the previous BOTS of this list and at number six we have the reigns of the great riding camel in order to get this mount all you to do is kill an NPC called dormice the camel hoarder who has a 100% chance to drop it and just like the previous two spots finding this NPC is the difficult part you see the only way to find this NPC is to be teleported to his location by finding a camel figuring and the camel figurine is at one of fifty spawn locations around Oldham and the figurine will spawn in one of those 50 locations once every 4 hours or so so it has a two to eight hour respawn timer and once you find the camel figurine there is only a 5% chance that it will actually be the correct one the other 95% of the time the figurine will just turn into a trash item and then you start the two to eight hour respawn timer again and just like with the edge of reality portals you won't actually know someone else has clicked on the camel figure eight in the past two to eight hours so you could spend all day looking for one only for someone else to have clicked on it randomly earlier on and this is the nerfed version of this farm it used to have a four to 12 hour respawn timer so here's some tips to farming this mount thanks to some of the people are in the WoW head comments you can only obtain the camel figure greens in the Cataclysm version of the zone so make sure you swap that over if you have the VFA version unlocked on your character then just fly around to all of its 50 spawn locations and then swap over to war mode as that counts as a separate server and then check again and then you can use trial characters on different servers to do the same method until you basically get bored of looking because even doing this and potentially looking on 50 different servers per day there is no guarantee that you'll actually get it after checking 100 times because of that darn little 95 percent chance that it will turn into trash which is why this little mound only has a three point 4% collection rate which is the same as the Voight Allen despite the fact that the Voight Allen Mount came out two expansions later and at number five we have the chewed on reins of the terrified pack mule this mount is randomly obtained from world mobs that have hex thrall in their name from the zone of trust far in vfa now BFA handed a couple of other world drop mounts and they all have much higher collection rates in the terrified pack mule who is obtained in basically the exact same way as all the others just killing a whole bunch of specific mobs in his own now according to the people who've undergone the mob grind in order to obtain this mount the reason this one is so much harder to obtain than all the other BFA world mounts is because the mobs you have to farm are more spread out so there's no super farm spot like all the others have and the mobs take longer to spawn you see for the BFA world mount capture dune scavenger for example there is a hyper spawn location at this one little location on the map which is also sometimes a world quest you can basically just put a group of four people together and constantly kill mobs all day until you get the drop since the mobs will spawn so quickly and all the other mounds have a similar place even if it's not as great as this one particular mount except for the terrified pack mule that one requires hunting down the mobs associated to it in all of these mounts take about 5,000 kills on average before you get a drop luckily though you can just buy this mount off the auction house if someone else is selling it which is not the case for almost all the other mounts on this list but even with the availability of buying this mount off the auction house it still is by far the least collected of all of the bf8 world drop mounts clocking in at only a 1.8 percent of people owning it the mount is either rarely on the auction house cost too much for the people when it is there or is just too much of an annoying grind who actually obtained although since this is one of the newest mounts on this list that also contributes to why it has such a low collection rate now if you do plan on farming the BFA world mounts make sure you do it in groups of four because if you fill up your party with a group of five then other people in the area won't be able to tag the same mobs and at number four we have the mighty Caravan Brutus or this mount can be bought simply from a vendor with gold and is probably the easiest mount to obtain on this list however this mount makes this list at such a high spot because of how much gold it comes since the vendor doesn't allow any reputation bonuses this mount will cost you five million gold to purchase or in terms of Wow tokens based on US server prices when I made this video it can be thought to be worth over $500 now farming out five million gold is basically impossible for the average casual Wow player and definitely requires you to intentionally go out and farm goal as there's no way to passively make five million gold in expansion especially since the mount will be going away once the next expansion Shadowlands comes out and it will be moved to the black market auction house where I can guarantee you that it will go for gold camp every time it shows up as there's lots of players who have tons of gold saved up because they like to play the auction house for an expansion or two for fun who might just quit the game for BFA and then decide to come back for shadow lands and then think hey this bount has an auction house on it and is super useful how about I use all of my money to buy it once I see it and so for the average wild player farming out 5 million gold is quite the feat now there's many different ways to make 5 million gold but if you were to do pure gold farms it would take you a longer amount of time than trying to obtain pretty much all the other previous spots on this list or not this list isn't about mounts that take the longest to obtain an hour about ones that are the most annoying to obtain as I think getting the pack mule might take longer than getting this one let's take running normal sky reach as an example this is one of the quickest dungeons you can run that gives a respectable amount of gold as you can vendor everything and expect to earn about 400 goal to run and since it's short and fast and has a teleport back to the entrance after killing the final boss you can run the entire place in about 5 minutes and there's an instance lock out of 10 runs per hour so if you run normal sky reach 10 times an hour because heroic locks you to 1 per day that could net you about 4,000 gold an hour which would mean you'd have to run sky reach for 1250 hours in order to get enough gold to buy the Brutus or mount or in terms of runs you would have to do normal sky reach 12,500 times and this is a really good gold farm if you're trying to farm for just pure goal that is ie not having to deal with the auction house or sell things to other players and if one of the best peer reputable gold farms takes you 12,500 runs in order to obtain one long boy that should give you a good scope of just how annoying this mount is to farm kinda it can be fun if you find a whole bunch of creative methods to make gold as there's lots of them out there I wouldn't recommend running sky reach 12,500 times but maybe a handful of times on characters who've already exhausted their other gold making methods for the day it could be a way to push your way towards the goal so even though this mount can be bought from a vendor with no other special prerequisites other than having a craft on a gold it's only owned by one point four percent of the playerbase that number probably won't go much higher once it's removed from the vendor and Shadowlands but if you're crazy enough to actually try to farm out this mount I'd highly suggest putting on a good podcast or audiobooks that you don't go crazy from the boredom which is actually a nice segue into the sponsor of this video rake on now when it comes to earbuds whenever I'm playing video games I prefer to use wireless ones because it's really easy to accidentally pull the wires out with your chair or when you stand up to get something but I also prioritize comfort and retcon definitely delivers on that front they have the nice kind of earbuds that go into your ear with the soft tip and block out noise on the outside and to pair up real easy with my Bluetooth connector even faster than my old pair which was a pleasant surprise and the everyday e25 model holds about a six hour charge with the earbuds being able to recharge in the case that holds them the case in earbuds have a compact design a variety of different colors to choose from and if you buy them from my link in the video description you get 15% off your order so that's by grade con comm slash for a red X to get a pair for yourself so you can listen to podcasts while your grind for raw gold for eight hours a day for the next six months and at number three we have the heavenly onyx cloud serpent who has a whopping 0.6% collection rate which is the lowest collection rate of all of the mounts on this but again this video isn't about the rarest mounts or the ones that take the longest to obtain just the ones that are the most annoying the way to get this mount is by simply killing the shop anger world boss in mists of pandaria and the shot of anger spawns on a pretty reasonable respawn timer and isn't that hard to find and kill on each of your characters as you can only kill and collect a loot from him once per week per character so if you have 50 characters that are all able to kill the SHA banger that's 50 attempts per week but here's the thing with the heavenly onyx Kon serpent it has such a low chance to drop that people didn't even know it was obtainable at the launch of mists of pandaria they just thought it was another mound to Blizzard added to the game files and were just never going to be made available to the players as there were a lot of cloud serpent models that weren't available at the start but people have absolutely been farming this mount ever since misstep and error came out and even then it still has a less than 1% collection rate according to some Wow head comments some players were able to get them out after only 5,000 measly kills with a couple of people reporting upwards of 8,000 or more kills and since you can only kill it one time per week per character I can assume it took them years to get those kinds of numbers and at number two we have the time loss proto Drake I'm sure most people thought of this mount when they first clicked on the video as his mount is kind of famous for being an annoying mountain farm as it's very aptly named you will waste a lot of time trying to farm this mount spawn locations now this mount is obtained in pretty much the exact same way as the phosphorescent stone drink where you have to kill a rare mob that has a hundred percent chance to drop it it has a two to eight hour respawn timer and shares a spawn timer with another dragon called Ragosa who spawns much more often now the time loss proto Drake is so famous for being difficult to obtain that you can usually talk about how difficult a new mount added to the game is in comparison to getting the time loss proto Drake it does have about a 4% collection rate which is a lot higher than some of the other mounts on this list although I should probably mention that's still an incredibly low number for amount that's been obtainable for over 10 years and I totally would have put this is the number one in this list it's basically what this list was all about it's just the number one spot is definitely the most annoying amount to farm and I'm sure most people won't disagree with me on it and at number one we have the big love rocket which is a mount that can be obtained from killing the holiday boss during the love is in the air' holiday event which is the world of warcraft equivalent to valentine's day now this mount has about a 1% chance to drop from the holiday boss which is not half bad when compared to the drop chances of things like the heavenly onyx cloud serpent but here's the thing with the big love rocket you can only attempt the boss for two weeks a year once those two weeks are over you don't have a way to try farming it again and you just have to wait a year when the big love rocket was first added to the game players and math thought it was bugged so Blizzard had to create a blue post to confirm that no it wasn't bugged it just had a very low drop chance although I do have a friend who was able to get the big love rocket for the very first time she ever tried farming for it probably not that annoying to some people who are super lucky but for like everyone else this is the pinnacle of annoying mount farms one that you can't even try for for 99 percent of the year because at least with the heavenly onyx cloud serpent you can try to obtain it all year round so the Big Love rocket is just more a fustrating grind because you can only grind it for such a short amount of time each year in addition to the fact that it has an incredibly low drop chance so with all 50 characters on your realm you can only attempt to farm this mount 700 times per year which sounds like a lot of attempts and it is that I'm sure most people don't even know there is a 50 character cap on your account let alone have enough max level characters to attempt that grind or high level characters so you're probably looking at something around 2 to 5 high level characters for the average active player which equates to about 28 to 70 tries per year which isn't really that much when it comes to farming a one crowd chants mount alright - that's the end of the video are there any more annoying mounts to farm that I might have missed if so I'd love to hear about them down in the comments for potential another video on the same topic this video was edited by the lovely flying buttress so if you enjoyed it you'd probably enjoy the videos on his channel as well as they are also highly edited in scripted videos and also did you know only thirty point one person to people who watch these videos are actually subscribed to the channel [Music] you
Channel: hirumaredx
Views: 534,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Battle, For, Azeroth, World Of Warcraft (Video Game), hirumaredx, history, wow, worl, vanilla, bc, burning crusade, wrath, wrath of the lich king, linch king, Video Game (Industry), World Warcraft, facts, Warcraft (Fictional Universe), how did doom work before wrath, before cata, how it use to work, funny, 8.3, 2020
Id: 4PhMB4u7Cgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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