What Happens When You GLITCH into The Void in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl

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what happens when you glitch into the void in pokemon diamond and pearl every Pokemon game has its fair share of glitches emerald has the cloning glitch red and blue have well a lot but when pokemon diamond and pearl came out over ten years ago they had something very different a diamond and pearl have something called the void glitch which allows you to access the area of total darkness surrounding maps in the earliest Japanese release at Pokemon Diamond and Pearl people discover that if you surf on the door in the room for Aron of the Elite Four you'll actually go right through the door and enter the black area called the void how somebody discovered this I honestly have no idea fun facts this is actually one of the few Pokemon game glitches acknowledged by Nintendo and was patched out in later Japanese and all international releases of the game but if you did happen to do this glitch and got stuck in the void Nintendo actually had you covered they offered a service where he could send in your glitched copy of Diamond and Pearl and they would actually get your character out of the void they started this back in 2006 and interestingly enough they supported it all the way up to February 2018 that's quality service there but anyway this glitch was huge for a few reasons first off you're surfing through a door but second once you got into the void you'd actually be able to explore it exploring the void can be quite dangerous if you save in here you could easily get stuck and ruin your save file and I've also heard stories of people entering the void and getting their game corrupted however if you enter the void with the plan you could actually find some very cool areas like I mentioned before when Diamond and Pearl came out for the rest of the world the surfing glitch was patched does this mean it's the end of the void no way diamond and pearl have another huge glitch called tweaking basically if you ride your bike quickly in specific spots you can make the game load Maps incorrectly and get some crazy results the reason this works is because all maps in diamond and pearl are broken up into chunks of 32 by 32 tiles the game can only load four chunks at a time each chunk has an area called a load line which basically tells the game what part of the map to load and what part of the map to unload when you cross over it you might not realize it but whenever you're walking through the sinnoh region you're crossing over plenty of these load lines which allow the game to appear seamlessly by riding your bike quickly through these load lines the game can get confused and incorrectly load the chunks which can cause the games do a lot of weird things for example your game can freeze the author reset it it can load a black void or sometimes it can even do something like this loading up the wrong area and essentially letting you walk around in a visible void the easiest and probably the most commonly used tweak is what's called the slow bike tweak in jubilife city to do this tweak you're obviously going to need the bike in jubilife city you're gonna want to go to this exact spot right here make sure you're using the slower of the two bike settings and then simply go to the right one two three four five go down one step up one step and then go left one two three four five this is what it will look like if you do it correctly if you do this right and you go to the northwest part of jubilife city you'll see the game got confused and instead of rendering the rest of jubilife city and actually put part of Route 203 there instead now this is actually really cool to walk around in because the game loaded incorrectly you could walk through the signs you can run in the grass all day and you'll never find the wild Pokemon and you can even do a cool little trick by surfing on the water opening up your menu and clicking any icon that changes the screen then closing it out the graphics will be refreshed but you'll still be surfing on land be careful if you do this though because if you start messing around the Refresh the graphics you could find yourself in the middle of a bunch of trees and stuff unless you have a Pokemon with fly or teleport now this is cool and all but what does it have to do with the void well by doing this slow bike tweak in jubilife city you can actually access the void here after successfully doing this tweak if you go to this specific spot on the screen refresh the graphics you'll find yourself in the middle of the poke edge building take a step down and you'll enter the building and well ahh look at yourself you're inside of the void this is where the fun begins like I mentioned before if you're in the void and you know where you're going you could get a lot of cool stuff to happen using this void glitch and tweaking you could actually get Darkrai Shaymin and the god of all Pokemon Arceus and diamond and pearl without hacking many years ago when these glitches were first being discovered it would take you over an hour to be able to get dark rye and Shaymin in the void and Arceus forget that that was not gonna happen but over the years due to hard work and research by people like retire we can now get dark rye and Shaymin in the void in about five minutes each and Arceus is now obtainable as well don't believe me let me show you how it's done to do this you'll need a copy of Pokemon Diamond der pearl platinum will not work with this you'll also need to have done the things on the screen pause if you need to first we're gonna start off by doing the slow bike tweak in jubilife city we're gonna do this so we could enter the void and if you're gonna follow along and try to do this with me I definitely recommend watching through the full video first so you know everything that you have to do and also take note that doing this is very dangerous even if you do it correctly I'd recommend if you're going to do this do this on a save file that you don't care about losing because there's a lot that can go wrong here now once you're in the void open up the step counter on the polka you're gonna want to track every single movement that we make in the void to make sure you're doing it correctly now the first thing that we're gonna be doing is setting up what's called the wrong warp basically this is just gonna save us a lot of time in the future now go down one step south next go seventeen steps west then go fourteen steps north [Music] now you're to run 415 steps to the west and I sound like a GPS saying all these once you get about a hundred steps in and you see the mystery zone header in the corner of the screen you can now use your bike which I recommend doing these this a lot faster than just running after you've done the four hundred fifteen steps you have to save your game then go ahead and reset it after the reset you're gonna want to run three hundred and eighty steps East I know this sounds redundant because we just ran West so why are we running back in the opposite direction but by doing all this we're messing around with the game's RAM so it actually puts us in a different location now open up your bag go use the Explorer kit item and then once you see the text box just press B and now we're going 480 steps north and remember be very careful with the amount of steps that you take you don't want to go over any of the amounts once you start getting close to the number slow down so you don't go over it next 260 steps East and if you did everything right you'll be hearing the cheery Pokemon Center music so now save your game and reset now we're gonna go two hundred and fourteen steps west after that go 479 steps south once you're done with all those steps you're gonna do something different do a graphic reload by opening up anything in the menu that takes up the whole screen like the bag or the Pokemon menus and now the void is gonna look like a Pokemon Center which is a lot better in my opinion anyway from here go south as fast as you can until you hit the wall then refresh the graphics again now go two steps south and three steps west then talk to the lady directly below you and save the game once you save the game you can go ahead and reset it and also look at this cool little thing you're walking through a wall over here looks so strange but now congratulations we completed the wrong warp setup from here we can either go get Darkrai or shame in and it's only gonna take about three minutes after this for me I like Darkrai better so we're going after Darkrai now once you reload the game the Pokemon Center is going to be gone but don't worry we're gonna get something a lot better soon first go 36 steps east then go 260 steps south after that go 70 steps to the west next go 60 steps south again then we're going 27 steps to the west next we're going 32 steps east finally we're going 32 steps north once you get to the end of these steps save your game and reset now once we reset the game this last part is going to be very interesting your step counter is not gonna work here anymore so you're gonna have to be very careful with counting the steps first go one step to the north then go two steps east then you want to run north until you hear a thud noise after you get to that point go five steps south from there we want to go to the POE catch and switch to the Bari map or the wandering Pokemon tracker either work fine now you're just gonna run east until your marker is above the Iron Islands icon once your marker is above iron Island keep walking one step east at a time you want to keep doing this until your marker moves over one more column once you know that you're in the right spot walk eleven steps to the east save and reset and my friends let's take a look and see where we are the game says New Moon islands if you know anything about New Moon islands that is the place where you could catch the one and only legendary Pokemon Darkrai [Music] oh my gosh this feels so satisfying after all of these years finally getting to encounter a Darkrai in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl fun facts this event was never released for diamond and pearl platinum they did eventually release it but diamond a pearl for some odd reason they never gave out the item to allow you to access New Moon Island so with this glitch this is the only way you could get Darkrai semi legitimately in diamondden pearl interestingly enough I heard that you can actually transfer this Darkrai over to the newer Pokemon games but only if you level it up to at least level 50 before transferring it and also make it forget the move pursuits transferring works with pokemon diamond although I heard people have some trouble transferring Darkrai from Pokemon per hole and my friends you now know all about the void glitch in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl and what happens when you go inside of it I want to give a huge shout out to the YouTuber retire because they made a lot of this information publicly known and also made the steps for how to get Darkrai if you want to know how to get Shaymin or Arceus through the tweaking glitch as well I'll be linking retires guides for those in the description below thanks for watching and I'll see you guys next time
Channel: PokeTips
Views: 1,930,757
Rating: 4.9037318 out of 5
Keywords: pokemon glitch, pokemon void glitch, pokemon diamond and pearl glitch, tweaking glitch, how to get darkrai, darkrai glitch, shaymin glitch, arceus glitch, pokemon cheats, pokemon hack, pokemon diamond and pearl, surf glitch, tweaking void glitch, pokemon glitches, weird pokemon glitches, gen 4 glitches, void glitch darkrai, diamond and pearl, voidglitch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2019
Reddit Comments

I remember when I had my DS run all night to walk 60k steps in a direction to get to those mythicals. Has science gone to far by reducing the amount of time needed to reach them?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Pur1tas 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2019 🗫︎ replies
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