Soft Lock Picking: Level 100 Mewtwo Cannot Escape

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[Music] hello Internet users and welcome back to another video today I'm once again going to be exploiting something in an old video game to make myself look smarter than I actually am so normally when I talk about softlocks in Pokemon the main focus is usually on a very weak or gimmicky Pokemon that is unable to do anything in battle so that made me consider something I wanted to flip that idea around and see if we can come up with a trap that involves being stuck with an extremely powerful Pokemon instead it's one thing to ruin your save file with a Magikarp but to do the same with a level 100 Mewtwo sounds like a whole other achievement and for this video we're going to be doing just that in pokemon sapphire version now in order to set this up you first have to begin a new game and play normally up to a certain point if this particular trap is going to be done in mossdeep city so as soon as you get there you're good to go if you're familiar with some of my other videos you'll remember that I usually say to avoid picking up some optional items like the fishing rods because they can sometimes be used as a means of escape however this time this isn't going to matter you'll see why in a bit so here are the steps to follow number one get them you two so obviously if we're going to be trapping ourselves with a Mewtwo we're first going to need to actually have one in this case let's just say that during our characters journey through Hoenn he decided to stop and trade with his pal from the firered and leafgreen universe getting himself a level 100 Mewtwo since this trap is about being stuck with something extremely powerful there is no better Pokemon to choose for this than Mewtwo especially since it's unable to learn fly or surf the two moves that would let you out of any situation fairly easily by the way it's worth noting that the reason I'm playing sapphire instead of emerald is because emerald actually prevents trading for non ho index Pokemon until after you finish the game as another side note while I was getting some footage for this video I found a shiny Hariyama on another game so I'm also just sending that over so I can show everyone I found it number 2 get rid of all your items and money to make sure you have no lifelines later on you'll need to get rid of absolutely everything this trap is centered around the idea that you'll be stuck with only one Pokemon so naturally the next step is to make sure you can't get more by spending all of your money and then tossing every single item you can we're making sure that the player can never afford another poker ball for the rest of their life you don't forget because the island of mossdeep is where you'll be trapped you will also have to collect and toss all of the items here too this includes not only the items that are visible on the map but the gifts given to you by the city's NPCs for example this guy outside of Stephens house gives you a king's Rock and this man inside the Space Center gives you a Sunstone there aren't any invisible items on the island you can find some in the remix with the item finder but not in the originals and if you didn't already also go ahead and get rid of the potion that's inside of the PC from the start of the game at this point the only other item you can obtain and mossdeep is the super rod there is no way to lock yourself out of accessing this so this is why any trappin involves mossdeep city has to take fishing rods into account during setup now with all the items taken care of for the next step we need to get rid of another way to obtain money number 3 defeat all of the gym trainers and mossdeep the only place that you can battle other trainers is at the gym this is another thing we can take advantage of when setting up a softlock as trainers that are inside of gyms cannot be rematched once beaten so by defeating everyone here you'll be unable to earn any prize money later on however as a part of this setup for now you can leave the gym leaders Tate and Liza alone we'll come back to them in a bit number 4 have a Pokemon with teleport this next part is going to be similar to what was done in the electrode video in order to get around some of Gen threes measures to prevent soft locking we'll need a pokemon that knows teleport the easiest way to do this is to go and catch an Abra in the cave at dewford number 5 enter the mossdeep Pokemon Center there isn't much to this one you just need to enter an exit the building doing so will mark ma steeps Pokemon Center is the last one you visited it's important to remember that from this point on you should avoid entering any other ones in the game number 6 put on hm users in the daycare like I've talked about in previous videos Gen 3 tries to make sure you can always access hm Pokemon if you try to release your last Pokemon that knows a certain hm move the Pokemon will instantly return with a message stating that it was worried about you however there is a very simple workaround to this we may not be able to release these important Pokemon but they can be placed entirely out of reach by putting them inside of the daycare just make sure that all of the important hm moves are shared between two Pokemon after you've done so all you need to do now is have one of your Pokemon use teleport which will take you all the way back to the last Pokemon Center you use which in this case was at moss deep city and now for the last step number seven release all of your other Pokemon once you're at the island you'll now have to delete your remaining Pokemon leaving you with just a Mewtwo the game allows you to release all but one Pokemon but in order to trade with another game you need to have at least two this gets rid of yet another means of escape and because this is sapphire version that means it has access to the special Jirachi from the Pokemon Colosseum bonus disk this Jirachi can only be sent over once per save file so once it is transferred releasing it will cut off yet another lifeline the player can use and with that once you save your game you will have doomed your file for all of eternity with all of the previous steps completed it is now seemingly impossible for the player to do anything else because Mewtwo can't learn surfer fly there is no way for it to take you off the island and because it's your only Pokemon there's no way for you to trade with another game to obtain a different Pokemon that can because you have no money and nothing to sell that means there is no way to buy pokeballs so even though you have access to the super rod there is nothing you can do with any of the Pokemon that can be encountered with it but here is where things get really insulting to the player all of the trainers in the gym are permanently defeated and cannot be rebuttal however Tate and Liza are still there waiting for you to challenge them but because their whole gimmick is that they are the double battle Gym Leaders if they will actually refuse to battle you because you only have one Pokemon and with that this Pokemon journey has come to one of the most humiliating ends imaginable you can't leave the island are stuck with one of the most powerful Pokemon in existence and the only thing standing between you and the pocket change that could buy a pokeball is the fact that the gym leaders are hiding behind a technicality in fact I'm willing to bet that these kids are so terrified of your Mewtwo that they're just using it as an excuse to not battle you by the way at this point in the game Story Team Aqua has already gone off to awaken Kyogre so don't worry you won't have to wait around the island for that much longer it's only a matter of time before the downpour starts and you and the rest of mossdeep city drown when you really start to think about it and this might be the darkest softlock I've ever done in Pokemon before also if you're curious about trying to do this in the gen 6 remakes don't bother by that point Game Freak was well aware of all these loopholes the player could exploit so they added the Aeon flute which pretty much just lets you use fly at any time by calling law Dios or Latios they really wanted to make sure the remakes were completely idiot proof but anyways looking at this trap as it is now there doesn't seem to be any means of escape everything seems to have been taken into account and I'm sure most of you watching right now would call it a lost cause despite that though I still decided to try I tried to think about what I would do if someone had sent this scenario in to me surely there had to have been something that was overlooked and well this might surprise you but after pondering it for a while I realized that there was in fact one tiny detail I could make use of but only if I prepared in advance as stated before Mewtwo can't fly or surf so that information by itself wouldn't make you think you'd need to restrict anything else related to moves in fact all of its level up in TM moves can't offer anything useful in this situation either but there is a method to give it the one single move it needs to help you escape and firered/leafgreen and emerald versions there are NPCs that will teach special moves to your Pokemon once / save file and among these move tutors one of them can teach you Pokemon metronome so let's say that before the Mewtwo was sent to sapphire it was taken to the move tutor and firered in taunt metronome this still follows all of the rules and restrictions we laid out earlier but what does this really change well the move metronome allows the user to randomly use any move and out of the hundreds of moves that exist in the game there is one that will provide an escape payday is the only move in the entire series that allows the player to gain money from wild encounters in Gen 3 the amount of money you get is equal to five times the user's level for each time attack lands right now the only battling that can possibly be done is against wild Pokemon with the super rod so if you want to get out you'll have no choice but to throw yourself into battle after battle until metronome gives you payday then you can use that money to buy a pokeball to catch something but what exactly are the odds of this occurring well in June 3 there are a total of 350 for Pokemon moves because metronome itself is excluded from the random move ball this means that Mewtwo has a 1 in 353 chance of happening to use payday in percentage this is 0.28 percent at Mewtwo's level you'll earn 500 polka dollars when this happens in order to afford a single pokeball at the mossdeep PokeMart this will need to happen at least twice this is certainly a lot more forgiving than the requirements in the loralei softlock as the paydays don't have to happen one after another or even during the same battle so this is where our dark story takes a turn for our two heroes now broken homeless and unable to earn the seventh badge Mewtwo and trainer get a job down by the shores spending all day fishing after a lot of time and effort the two eventually reach their second payday which they then used to buy a shiny new pokeball from there all you need to do now is save and reset until the ball catches something and since the only available Pokemon are water type they will have no issues with being taught surf from there the pair has everything they need in order to leave the island of course they also make sure to brutally destroy Tate and Liza's Pokemon but the point is they are now completely free to both resume their Pokemon adventure and go save the world now obviously you can make this a true softlock by simply ensuring that the Mewtwo doesn't have metronome when sent over but the point I'm trying to make here is that if you really want to ruin a savefile you have to be extremely thorough even the most ridiculous ideas can end up undoing a trap completely but that about does it for trapping yourself in mossdeep city I'm sure that there isn't anyone out there that would ever do this to themselves by accident but it's always interesting to see how a game's mechanics can be exploited to do something that was never intended especially when we're not doing anything along the lines of clipping through walls or flat-out corrupting game data that's it for now my name is pecans Bri and thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Pikasprey Yellow
Views: 837,307
Rating: 4.9353132 out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, Video Games
Id: dJ5_nVXAjy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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