Animals You’ll (Strangely) Never See In Captivity

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zoos and aquariums these days have gone to great lengths to help some of the most exotic animals in the world but is that really enough for every animal out there here 20 animals you won't see on your next visit to the zoo or aquarium number 20 injury the humble entry a species of lemur is a fascinating specimen with a face that looks like it hurt an offensive joke the animal is the largest living lemur native to Madagascar but unfortunately its numbers have declined rapidly in the wild due to hunting and deforestation population estimates are inaccurate though an estimated guess is anywhere from 1,000 to 10,000 individuals still in the wild the critically endangered critter has had no success in captivity either only one injury specimen lived in captivity and only for a year and we have not been able to successfully breed them there either the injuries unsuccessful attempts in captivity are mostly because of a complex diet of leaves eaten at different times that no one has figured out and their extreme sensitivity to any environmental changes number 19 blue whale there's a stack of reasons why you won't find a blue whale in captivity the obvious one being it's unethical the blue whale has an average lifespan on par with humans and B in the size of the Titanic businesses would need steady revenue per decade to supply its daily boatload of krill blue whales are also prone to travelling vast distances that an aquarium prison cell could not recreate and even if that was possible we still don't fully understand the animals biology or needs to sustain its captivity SeaWorld famous for its Orca shows has received widespread criticism over the years for its mistreatment of captive killer whales yet blue whales are three times longer than orcas just imagine what a monumental task it would be to create a tank large enough number 18 pink fairy armadillo this small creature looks a lot like a Pokemon with its flexible dorsal shell small eyes and silky white fur the conservation status of the pink fairy armadillo is uncertain as they're rarely seen the population has been in decline due to predators such as dogs and cats and farming activities researchers found that the armadillo is highly subject to stress which has made conservation efforts such as we're moving it from its natural habitat extremely difficult in fact there have only ever been three reports of successful captivity that lasted for about 30 months many died during the transportation process or only survived a few days in captivity number 17 fish in 2013 this extremely rare deep-sea creature was voted the ugliest animal in the world however it only looks like a blob out of water the blob fish really is a blob with no muscles and the inability to hunt scientists are perplexed as to how it eats was some speculating it just sucks in whatever drifts by the blob fish is currently endangered and close to extinction while a possible key factors because it's commonly caught in bottom trawling nets it's also hard to imagine any of them wanting to mate with each other no blob fish has ever been caught alive and even if it was it would need a tank with extremely high water pressure to keep it alive you would have greater luck preserving a dead one immersed in alcohol number 16 Dumbo octopus this unusual specimen got its name because of hypnotically flapping its ear like bends to propel themselves similar to Disney's infamous Dumbo very little is known about the species since they're hard to find with specimens only recently being studied as far back as 1990 the octopus has rarely been seen alive outside of its natural habitat the deep sea creatures environmental conditions are difficult to replicate especially since they're accustomed to living at depths below 3000 meters or deeper number 15 pig but worm the pig but worm also known as the flying buttocks is an inlet worm the size of a hazelnut and looks like a pig's bud this species of marine worm is often found floating one kilometer below the ocean's surface scientists have never been able to identify any sexual organs with studying the worm they're unsure if its larva or an adult since we're unsure how they breathe the chances of seeing them in an aquarium is not likely unfortunately number 14 bank to thank to looks something like from a horror movie with their disproportionately large fang-like teeth yet are completely harmless to humans the fish cannot close their mouth completely and scientists are unable to study the bank to behavior or mating preferences as they live in such extreme environments the faint tooth has only managed to survive in captivity for a few months as the high pressure needed for the deep-sea creature is difficult to replicate and so it's not possible to see any of these alive number 13 to wrath weevil this unique insect gets its name for its enormous Lea long neck often used to fight for the opportunity to mate with the female the species native to Madagascar was only discovered in 2008 with no known predators the giraffe weevil isn't considered threatened or endangered the reason we won't see one however is because they have a specialized diet that's hard recreate the giraffe weevil spends his entire life on a tree known as the giraffe beetle tree feeding on the leaves of the tree and nothing else number 12 sella this animal was discovered in north central Vietnam back in 1992 the first large mammal new to science in over 50 years the actual size of the population is a mystery the animal is so rare to find in the wild in fact trained scientists have never observed Salus in the wild so there's inadequate data with little information about the dietary requirements and environmental habitat of the salah' there's no chance of seeing one in captivity number 11 Javan rhino the juban Rhino has had nothing but bad luck the most threatened of the five Rhino species their numbers have been dwindling for years the Javan rhino once lived all over northeast India and Southeast Asia however due to heavy poaching deforestation and other factors there are only 58 to 68 individuals left the last time this rhino was exhibited in a zoo was over a century ago unable to survive in captivity due to stress such an endangered species would be at high risk if moved to a zoo and the only way there study these days is through fecal samples and camera traps number 10 northern sportive lemur this species of lemur is declining dramatically in population because of habitat loss from deforestation and illegal hunting the critically endangered creature is also preyed on by the Malaga Sea tree boa which hunts the lemurs while they sleep in tree holes with so many threats their estimated population is thought to be around a few hundred individuals captain breeding could greatly benefit in increasing numbers however their specialized diet of leaves have made attempts futile any known attempts of captivity failed on average within one week of capture number nine bill fish's bill fish is a collective term to categorize fish with a long bony spear shaped bill or snout the swordfish has the longest Bill about one-third of its body length bill fish are high-strung and highly sensitive animals even the touch of a net or hand is enough to cause a fish to die from stress though the fish are commonly hunted for food none have ever been able to survive more than a few days in captivity programs have been implemented to catch and release bill fish for study but even the process of catching them leaves them too traumatized to recover number eight swallows these birds are highly adapted to aerial feeding the only time they're not in the air is when they're mating or sleeping just like humans swallows are amazing acrobats during flight swooping circle and skimming along still waters to catch prey the main reason why we don't see these magnificent specimens in the zoo is because they become highly stressed in any type of confinement and they have to eat every 10 to 15 minutes number 7 Kakaako the Kakaako shares a lot of similarities with the extinct dodo a small flightless bird often hunted by either humans or other predators the critically endangered species population started declining after the arrival of humans to New Zealand in the 19th century and the predatory animals they brought with them in 1990 there were only 50 birds left but this has improved to 150 for individuals thankfully surprisingly the Kakaako is the world's heaviest parent and only flightless species because they can't really escape predators the birds now live in semi captivity on two separate islands free of predators conservation efforts for the species are highly important so the chances of seeing them in a zoo are not possible as this would affect recovery of their population number six giant and colossal squid deep sea animals such as a giant and colossal squid are unable to stay in captivity for a number of reasons aside from the large space required to swim around squids tend to Geoff for a sudden burst of acceleration which poses a problem if they hit the glass squids also have delicate skin that--as braids very easily not nearly as sturdy as fish scales theoretically they would need a huge cylindrical tank that's not trade spirits so they don't hit a wall which kind of defeats the purpose of seeing one in an aquarium the tank would also have to be highly pressurized because they live in the deep sea adding to the complications finally they're very rare which is why we've never been able to secure a giant or colossal squid alive in captivity number five mountain gorillas if you've ever seen the award-winning movie gorillas in the mist then you're probably accustomed to the plight of mountain gorillas in the 60s and 70s attempts were made to capture live gorillas to create a captive population many of the gorillas did not survive however with the reason why still remaining unclear one theory is perhaps specific dietary needs or too much stress leading to death many gorillas currently held captive in zoos are actually lowland gorillas which are able to flourish in captivity this subspecies of gorillas are different to mountain gorillas because they're usually seen in trees prefer a flatter habitat and are smaller in size now gorillas tend to be more grey than brown and their faces are covered in more hair there's currently no mountain gorillas held in captivity but there are tore up in Rwanda Uganda and the DRC who allow a small number of tourists to visit their natural habitat number four Narwhal narwhals are like unicorns of the sea with a huge protruding tusk coming out of its head a group of nor walls are called a blessing which is the opposite if held in captivity attempts to capturing narwhals have resulted in the animals dying within several months in fact all Narwhal sever kept in captivity have died two plausible reasons are that their long sensitive tusk poses an obstacle and that an aquarium would not be enough space causing distress in the animals number three or fish the oarfish is the longest bony fish in the deep ocean but regardless of its size we don't know a great deal about them only one baby or fish was caught alive and taken into captivity destined with a huge price tag in the marine aquarium industry the oarfish died roughly ten hours later when it was being acclimated on rare occasions Heather caught the fish is usually dead before being transported to somewhere else number 2 platypus the platypus is one of the weirdest animals in existence a semi aquatic mammal that lays eggs and has a poisonous spur on its hind foot endemic to only Australia it's one of the few species of venomous mammals in the world now the platypus is definitely something you would want to see in the zoo but why can't you unfortunately there are no platypuses in captivity outside of Australia three attempts were made to bring the animals to the Bronx Zoo in the US with none living longer than 18 months the species are difficult to breed in captivity however there have been some successes platypuses are vulnerable to the effects of pollution and don't acclimate well in unfamiliar territory which could be the reasons why they're only based in Australia number one great white shark although it would be an amazing spectacle in the aquarium the great white shark just can't flourish in a tank the longest surviving great white shark in captivity lasted a mere 16 days despite many different institutions trying to help the great white shark is known for swimming hundreds of kilometres over the span of a few days the lack of freedom and exercise in a tank affects their contentment and mood the great white shark is just not accustomed to hanging around one area for long they also refuse to be fed by humans which caused them to die from starvation great white sharks are apex predators they need the thrill of the hunt and can't survive on already dead fish which of these would you want to see if given the opportunity let me know in the comments below thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: BE AMAZED
Views: 1,381,047
Rating: 4.6346278 out of 5
Keywords: beamazed, be amazed, top 10, Animal, animals, Viral, Creatures, great white shark, javan rhino, Scary, Creepy, blue whale, Deep sea animals, rhino species, Dumbo octopus, great lengths, rare deep-sea creature, pink fairy armadillo, exotic animals, ugliest animal, weirdest animals, giraffe weevil, ear-like fins, Kakapo shares, Pigbutt worm, extinct dodo, habit loss, unique insect, deep ocean, captivity, world, reasons, Fangtooth, humans, never see, rare, rarest
Id: t5MkOw1gqQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2018
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