Top 10 Monty Python's Flying Circus Moments

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and now for something completely different circus welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 Monty Python TV moments for this list we're only including the best sketches from Monty Python's TV career so grab your dead parrot bust out the spam and let's get the funny walk started I think that's in very bad taste number 10 upper class twit of the year well it certainly looks as though we're in for a splendid afternoon sport in this the one hundred and twenty seventh of a class twit of the year show this sketch is centered around an obstacle course designed for the upper crust of British society oh no they didn't realize him as a person start got a model son saw that and the judge is explaining it to them now I think not a joke enjoy about the idea also together because the contenders are for the most part completely witless the race involves such classic Olympic events as kicking the beggar walking a straight line and reversing into the old lady wake up the course concludes with a tricky obstacle during which the upper-class twits must shoot themselves in the head nigel is third English and most exciting of the gospel here I've ever seen Nigel's Club himself in a boldface number 9 cheese shop ah hungry in a nutshell so I thought myself a little fermented curl the trick so I curtailed my wall polling activities salad force and infiltrated your place of events to negotiate vending of some cheesy comestibles own device and cheese it's the eternal debate cheddar or Swiss brie or Edom Wilson Westerner held a sham pine come on that off we do have some coming back you do excellent well struggle no further because this shop offers none of them Oh what the cat seated cleverly disguised as a purveyor of cheese Michael Palin's character comes up with increasingly convoluted reasons for his stores obvious lack of stock Oh as john cleese runs through a frankly impressive list of cheeses slipped our lecture white Stilton the situation grows grim when it becomes obvious he won't be getting what he came for tell me something do you have any cheese at all yes sir now I'm gonna ask you that question once more and if you say no I'm gonna shoot you through the head now do you have any cheese at all no the senseless waste of human life Hey yes number 8 argument clinic I'd like to have an argument please have you been here before no this is my first time seemingly an exercise in futility Michael Palin walks into a clinic whose sole purpose is to provide unpleasant social experiences is this the icon for an argument I've told you once hey hon isn't home well just now no you didn't yes I did didn't you I you did not I'm sorry is this a 5-minute argument of the full hatha the character pays good money to engage in a squabble but the situation doesn't go his way oh this is an argument yes it is no it isn't it's just contradiction no it isn't yes it is it is not do obviously they didn't have a youtube comment section in those days if you're arguing honest tooth pain not necessarily it could be ugly in my spare time how about enough of this there you have oh shut up right carry on sergeant major ah number 7 self defense against fresh fruit flu IRA eating too much fresh fruit what's more terrifying than an armed mugger when you all walk in overnight some other Seidel maniac comes after you well up country lone embrace don't come in this sketch john cleese shows us how to successfully throw off a possible fruit attack armed with nothing but our wits some ingenuity and a secret technique come on come on come on sadly lunatics armed with fresh fruit might be ready for that old trick so it's important to improvise with what you got when you're being stalked by a team or with raspberries he's to release the Gaia number six candid photography also known as nudge nudge if your wife are a gawah hi no no mate mad at me that's nice that's nuts not I mean sign of autonomy Terry Jones is just trying to enjoy his drink in a bar when another patron accosts him and Eric Idle only has one thing on his mind your wife interested in photographs hey Ella me photographs he asked him knowingly a brief line of questioning ensues where it becomes obvious what idle wants to talk about are you insinuating something oh ha ha ha ha oh oh yes this classic sketch brings us a line we still know and use today and also spoofs the prudish mindset of the time oh we look you know you you slept with a lady yes what's it like time please my number 5 the Ministry of Silly Walks money I'm sorry to have kept you waiting but I'm my wolf has become rather sitio recently and so it takes there are no words to define this classic sketch but here are some anyway the Python troops end up their very own British government in usual fashion when Michael Palin attempts to subsidize a new silly walk he's perfecting crazy man I see will city wall yes suddenly yes unfortunately it's just not silly enough it's not particularly sit is it as proven by John Cleese's own impressively flexible stride mr. beauty the very real ministry to see those defense social security health housing education city walls they're all last year the government spent less on the Ministry of National Defense the sketch pokes fun at the seemingly impractical nature of the government at the time you wandered off you a research fellowship on the end of French city walk lamashtu teal hey number four the funniest joke in the world in a few moments he will have written the funniest joke in the world and as a consequence he will die laughing very much a product of post-world War two British society the Pythons go back to their roots in this vignette about a joke so funny it literally kills it was obvious that this joke was lethal no one could read it and live there are precautions to be followed when going near this joke I shall enter the house and attempt to remove the joke in fact it's so deadly it was soon translated to German and used on the Battlefront a stock gate unser Meyer fortunately the Germans weren't able to synthesize their own deadly gang nine slick the heaven is Alvin baaga meets vitamin we let you know Oh Lorna bunnies are Bali honey I'll be with you in a minute oh hi sign number three homicidal barber the lumberjack song this is Audrey short bangs ides it's not own a razor cut reason reason reason reason comes out to inverter enter a man who never wanted to be a barber anyway we dreamed of nothing but experiencing the great outdoors leaping from tree to tree as they float down the mighty rivers of British Columbia all he wanted was to sing and frolic in the forests and name all the trees he could mighty Scots pine the small of freshman Michael Palin is a man's man a virile lumberjack who wait a second I put on women's clothing and hang around in bars unfortunately Palin's dream isn't shared by the rest of the cast adultery is aware ill suspenders and a broad happy Nagar leave just like number two spam doesn't this happen to everyone a cross-dressing Graham Chapman sits down in a restaurant and orders breakfast only to discover there's just one thing on the menu bacon spam and sausage without the spam it's a post-war Lampoon of the country's overstock of spam and also a delightful sing along with some memorable lyrics spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam sparrows don't say it too often though or else Vikings before we name our pick for the upper class twit of the year here are a few honorable mentions gotta go polka with the soft fear of a new kind of violence which is terrorizing the city yes gangs of old ladies young men bingo hey dirty 50 so many you're smelly and obscene and disgusting no I hate it I need it I hate it ooh nasty grubby dirty mangy beautiful what number one dead parrot sketch it's Morris it's pointed it's not pain and it's passed on this patter is no more how many different ways can you say dead it's inspired and gone to meet its makeup this is a late pennant this sketch is an exercise in synonyms as John Cleese attempts to return a slightly defective parrot oh yes the Norwegian blue what's wrong with it I'll tell you what's wrong with you it's did ever the appeasing shop owner Michael Palin tries to assuage his customers assertion that the bird is well dead if it's fist you know wake it up hello Polly my god nice come fish for you when you wake up buddy better hey move hey maybe one of their most popular sketches of all time dead parrot is a timeless struggle between customer and seller about faulty merchandise well I'll bet replace it then if you want to get anything done in this country you got the contingent or blue in the mouth sorry guv all right out a parrot do you agree with our list this is getting too silly what every part of a silly silly silly right get on with it get on with it what's your favorite Monty Python sketch my hovercraft is full of eels for more hilarious top tens published daily be sure to subscribe to well that's all for now and so until next week you
Views: 1,856,013
Rating: 4.7051325 out of 5
Keywords: monty python, flying circus, comedy, sketch, tv, john cleese, michael palin, dead parrot, spam, homicidal barber, lumberjack song, funniest joke, silly walks, nudge nudge, self defense, fresh fruit, argument clinic, cheese shop, upper class twit, top 10, best, funniest, greatest
Id: 2ChPAqPdDdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Thu May 15 2014
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