Top 10 Magic Items For Fighters in D&D 5e! | Nerd Immersion

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what's going on folks Ted From Nerd immersion here it is Tuesday it's time for another top 10 video as promised this week we are heading into the realm of the Marshall classes and we're talking about top 10 magic items for Fighters so if you want to see what the specifics and things are for this stay tuned before we dive into the specifics I just want to do a quick plug for a Kickstarter that I'm personally involved with and that is Masters minions and tactics this is the updated version of uh jetpack 7's Old Masters and minions book this is basically going to be 70 plus Pages more than the original has obviously 24 days left to go the we've smashed through the funding and we're working on stretch goals at the moment for the cheapest amount here for twenty dollars you can get yourself just the PDF of this but there's a whole bunch of really awesome ones and some actually really good well-packed deals if you want to get basically jetpack 7's entire catalog of books in print which is pretty awesome you'll scroll down you'll recognize a handful of different people involved in this you can get off options like this where you get a leather backed version of it a special edition then again as we were to scroll down you'll see right here we're actually coming up close to the an additional Master being added to the stretch or to the book itself and and here it is right here I'm going to be involved and there's a unique opportunity where you and I can actually work together to build what's going to go into this book I'm working on a subclass I'm also going to possibly be working on some Masters and or minions or both maybe even some magic items and you guys are the reason that I'm in the positions to do these things I would love to have the opportunity to co-design these as it were Source some ideas from you folks take that do what I need to do on my end and then basically as a community add a cool new monster to a printed book that we can all go pick up so anyway links in the description to go check that out uh and moving on from there uh the specifics are pretty much what you'd come to expect at this point we're not going to be doing any legendary magic items for this video we're not going to be doing any consumables of any kind whether something you know what you think of as a consumable like a scroll or a potion but also things like the chime of opening right that have a limited number of uses uh and then eventually are gone we're also not going to choose anything here that is specific to a certain subclass right we're not going to be doing something like oh if you pick the Eldritch Knight fighter this is great because it gives you more magic no we're not going to do anything like that it's going to try to be General fighter subclass agnostic oh and we're also ignoring things like uh the tomes and manuals that increase your ability scores as those are useful for basically everybody I will tell you that this one was a little tricky up front because you know as a fighter right you there's not a whole lot you could do so we have to kind of think outside of the box but ultimately just know a lot of it's going to come down based to a weapon preference and choice and hopefully if you work with your DM if there's a really cool weapon type or weapon or thing that I mentioned on this list and you're like oh man that's awesome but I wish it was a flail then maybe your DM will allow you to just make that alteration so let's Dive In number 10. the watchful Helm this very rare Attunement magic item comes to us from candle keep Mysteries one of the more useful things that came out of said book and is a plus one to your AC which is awesome also makes you aware of your surroundings while you're asleep and gives you advantage on perception checks that rely on site so this gives you the opportunity to basically have almost the benefits of Trance uh not 100 but you are considered to be asleep but fully aware of your surroundings you get that advantage on perception checks that rely on site which is useful perception being one of the best if not the best skill in the game at least as things stand currently just also as a reminder that a advantage on a check means that you have a plus five bonus to the passive version of That So in theory your passive perception relying on site has a plus five to it and then also as a bonus action you can cast c invisibility once per day basically once until the next Dawn listen you're a fighter your job more often than not is to hit things tank through stuff and then also be able to hit it and if it's invisible it's a lot harder to hit so this just takes away one of the few limiting factors oh one thing I didn't mention at the start and I should have is remember that we also at the start of this new updated series for 2022 we made a list of magic items that are beneficial for all classes that list should also be considered that plus whatever we're augmenting here specifically for Fighters number nine the life well tattoo this comes to us from Tasha's cauldron of everything it is a very rare Attunement magic item and again kind of In theme with what we just talked about right the watchful Helm allows you to hit things that are invisible because your job is to hit stuff well you can't hit stuff if you're unconscious so the lifewell tattoo goes a little above and beyond there first of all it gives you resistance to necrotic damage which is something you just always have necrotic damage can be pretty nasty especially when you get to higher levels a lot of the really high damaging spells for example finger of death comes to mind is necrotic damage so this will give you resistance to that but the reason we kind of put it on here is the when you would be reduced to zero hit points you drop to one hit point instead once you use this property it can't be used until the next Dawn so this basically giving you the benefit of the current half orc the you know Relentless Fury or less endurance I think is what it's called where you go to zero you go to one instead this basically gives you that and you don't have to play a half for so actually between the watchful Helm and this item if you were able to have both let's say you basically can have some of the benefits of being an elf and an orc or you know an elf and a half orc and basically be any other race that you choose I also do question the Rarity of this item very rare does seem very uh pretty high for a once a day ability although very beneficial and a resistance so I don't know what do you think should this be adjusted do you think this is more of a rare item or do you think we should add something extra to it to justify its uh it's it's Rarity level I don't know let me know your thoughts number eight the dragon wing bow this rare bow Attunement magic item comes to us from fizzband's treasury of dragons now again if you are an archery or bow based fighter this may move up in the list for you but the reason this is here is it's not a bad thing for anybody who has access to a bow to have one on their person to be able to use it if they are in a situation where they need to do a ranged attack or something that may be outside of the normal distance of like a throne Javelin or what have you so uh one it has the cool thematics of being Dragon based but when you hit with an attack roll using this magic bow the target takes an extra D6 damage of the same type of the breath weapon associated with the bow right so acid cold fire Force lightning necrotic poison psychic radiant or thunder right and you can see it's right here it just has all the these are the standard things for the different bows that it could be so it doesn't specify crossbow or something like short bow or Longbow so whichever works and what's also really cool is it produces its own ammunition right so automatically creating one piece of magic ammunition when you pull back the string the ammo created by the bow vanishes the instant after it hits or misses the target so potentially if you're in a situation where I don't know I guess you're doing forensics and people are looking to find the murder weapon if the arrow will disappear but also because it's tied to not only the chromatic metallic dragons it also includes the gem dragons you have the opportunity to use some really unique damage types like force a necrotic psychic radiant damage on this bow which is pretty cool uh I do feel like it's to me it feels like this could probably have not been an Attunement magic item and I think it would have been okay but either way pretty solid number seven the mantle of spell resistance this rare Magic item comes to us from the basic rules uh it is Attunement and this was also a runner-up for being an item that could be useful for every class but it gives you advantage on saving throws against spells while you wear this cloak I don't particularly love the mantle of spell resistance personally but I do recognize that advantage on saving throws against spells is pretty great there are some races that have the ability to get advantage on saving throws of a specific type for example gnomes I think it's intelligence wisdom and Charisma saving throws some other ones may be able to get Advantage as well uh I know I think there's a couple other just I can't think of what they are off the top of my head but I think you know I I mean I'm someone who plays a paladin a lot and I prefer oath of the Ancients and they have an aura that just gives you resistance to damage from spells I think that this would be a really cool like if there's an a better version that you wanted to make of the mantle of spell resistance that was advantage on saving throws against bells and resistance to saving throws or and resistance to damage from spells I think that may be a mess might be an ad duration wizard ability but either way uh again the ability for you to get in there and do what you need to do as a fighter is critical to you being a fighter so if you get held up with something like a hold person or mind controlled or something like that that's not going to be good for anybody in the party so giving yourself advantage on those saving throws will only benefit you in the long run number six the sapphire buckler this very rare Attunement magic item comes to us from fizzband's treasury of dragons again and this again consider this if you are a fighter that uses a shield uh if you are a fighter that uses two-handed weapons I guess you could just Swap this out with the animated Shield instead providing you a shield bonus with allowing your hands to be free to fire a bow or wield a great sword or what have you but while uh while wielding The Shield you have resistance to psychic and thunder damage those are two not super common damage types but it's something that you know it's always nice to have extra damage resistance is built in plus it's made out of uh sapphire dragon scale so it has that cool thematics to it and then when you take damage from a creature that is within five feet of you you can use your reaction to deal 2D 2d6 Thunder damage to that creature but typically as a fighter there may be some examples that you know that have it pretty consistently but for the most part your reaction is probably going to be reserved for activating a held action or an opportunity attack this gives you a once per turn means of possibly being able to deal retributive damage to a creature it's not limited it's just whenever you take a damn whenever you take damage from a creature within five feet and you happen to still have your reaction you can choose to deal the 2D 2d6 rather Thunder damage and that damage is there's no saving throw it's just flat damage on top of the always-on resistance to two damage types and then it has a much more Niche version ability here the uh as an action you can use the shield to help you locate aberrations until the end of your next turn if any aberrations are within one mile of you the shield emits a low humming tone for a moment and you know the direction of all aberrations within that range uh this is not usable again until the next dawn again that is a function of sapphire dragons so that's why that is a here on this Shield because it may seem out of place for people who don't know but Sapphire dragons being sort of uh not down with aberrations and wanting to strike them down that kind of makes sense but yeah I think this is pretty solid and don't forget that it is still a shield so at base level it is providing you with a plus two AC so this is plus two AC resistance to do damage types a situationally useful ability to find aberrations and a constant reaction way to deal retributive damage if you are struck first number five the Eldritch claw tattoo this uncommon magic uh or two magic item comes to us from Tasha's cauldron of everything again uh and the base level it's gonna make your own armed strikes magical and they're also going to deal a plus one to attack and damage again potentially you may not be not to say that you couldn't be an unarmed strike based fighter which again with the certain fighting styles you could choose to have that be your primary means of damage uh which in my mind the way I would consider using this this is more of the lesser of the two abilities but it does still mean your fists are magic you know or whatever part of your body you're using for your unarmed strike and they do benefit from that plus one bonus to attack and damage but the real reason that I have it here is the as a bonus action empower the tattoo for a minute for the duration any weapon you wield and your unarmed strikes if you wanted to go that route as well can reach a Target up to 15 feet away so you can just turn your Mall your great sword your hand your you know your battle ax which does not have reach to now have 15 feet of reach and if that wasn't enough it also does an extra D6 Force damage on a hit uh and then again it can't be used again until the next Dawn so it the the only downside is a once per kind of long rest situation but to take whatever situation you're in and now extend your reach with your weapons out to 15 feet and then deal an extra D6 damage on top of that and again the constant benefit of the magical unarmed strikes very useful again um this is probably it's obviously geared more towards unarmed strikes and or melee based Fighters but either way I think it's a pretty useful magic item and it's interesting that this is an uncommon magic item whereas the life wall tattoo was very rare and I feel like they're not they're 100 on the same level power wise but if you look at the two I think something may be a little bit off number four the butcher's bib from Explorer's guide to Wild Mount is making a return here as well this rare Attunement magic item is beneficial for you if you are a wielder of slashing weapons so once per turn when you roll damage for a melee attack with a weapon you can re-roll that weapon's damage dice if you do so you must take the second total that is regardless of the type of weapon that you're doing when you make a melee attack so it could be uh with a weapon so any kind of weapon you possibly get the kind of some of the basically I guess think it's the benefit essentially of savage attacker for the most part but you are limited to only taking the secondary role so consider if you roll very poorly on your damage rolls then it may be a no-brainer to activate this ability but the main reason that I have it here is your weapon attacks that deal slashing damage a score a critical hit on a 19 or a 20. this gives you the benefit of some of the improved critical options that the champion fighter typically has without having to be a champion fighter it just limits you to only using slashing damage weapons again I still feel like there should be additional versions of this apron essentially one for bludgeoning damage and then one also for piercing damage and some of you have suggested great options in the comments for ways you could go about adding that in uh and I think that you know it may be worth it even if you may have this propensity to use bludgeoning damage based weapons on your character it might be worth switching to slashing if a butcher's bib comes into your possession number three Museum armor is the best armor in the game in my opinion it is a rare Magic item but is not Attunement it comes to us from Guild Master's guide to Ravnica it provides us all of the benefits of adamantine armor in that a critical hit while wearing said armor comes a normal hit but it also has the benefits that when you are subjected to a magical effect that causes you to make a strength or Constitution saving throw to take half damage if you succeed you take no damage so it gives you pseudo uh evasion benefits but for strength and Constitution saving throw uh magical effects so it doesn't necessarily it could be a spell it could be some other magical effect and it turns critical hits into normal hits for you I think it's absolutely one of the best armor types out there and did I mention the fact that you get all of that without having it be Attunement so this is definitely up there I feel like any class that can wear medium or heavy armor that's not hide uh should definitely invest in museum armor if your DM decides to consider Museum a material that exists in your world number two a dragon's wrath weapon this is a variable Attunement magic item that was introduced to us in fizzband's treasury of dragon there is a bunch of Fizz bands items on this list but they did give us a bunch of awesome stuff to add in so it just kind of makes sense now this does require that your DM is going to consider using horde magic items if you remember how these work I'll give you a quick primer essentially a dragon these items exist and they have four different stages we'll obviously only cover the first three because the fourth stage is considered a legendary magic item but they basically need to be steeped in a dragon's horde for a period of time and then they essentially absorb some of the power of the Dragon there are different options for like if you kill a dragon and then put it in the horde then it can get it I did a whole video on these you can go and check that out if you want to see more about how these work but a dragon's wrath weapon is a really awesome weapon that can be of any kind so this could be your two-handed weapon that you use because you're you know a great sword great ax fighter it could be your single-handed weapon it could be your bow right it's any any item any weapon of your choice and if you get the basic level the slumbering level which is essentially you have this item the lowest level it can always be is slumbering which means it's not steeped in any dragon horde it's the basic level whenever you roll a natural 20 on an attack roll with this weapon each creature of your choice within five feet of the initial target takes five damage uh of the type dealt by the dragon's breath weapon so if this is a red dragon's wrath Weapon It's fire damage but what's nice is I actually really like this ability when you hit a 20 on your target creatures of your choice within five feet of said Target uh take five damage which is also nice because it allows you to sculpt it around your allies and that's just a nice kind of mini AOE for the nice benefit of rolling a natural 20. if you happen to do whatever is required to steep this to upgrade it to the next level of stirring which jumps it up to a rare level you get everything we just talked about the natural 20 AOE but is now also a plus one weapon and whenever you hit a base creature with it it does an extra D6 so if we continue with our red dragon's wrath weapon if we roll a natural 20 we have that little burst of AOE on the creature we hit we also have a plus one to attack and damage to this weapon all the time and anybody we hit with the base weapon attack to takes an extra D6 in this instance of fire damage if it was a red dragon based one and if we happen to seep it even further to the weakened level or sorry the awakened the awakened level my mistake uh it becomes very rare it gets everything we just talked about plus one to attack and damage rolls becomes a plus two to attack at damage rolls the extra D6 fire damage or damage of the breath weapon type we were talking about goes up from 1d6 up to 2d6 and you get a breath weapon as an action you can at least unleash a 30-foot cone of destructive energy from said weapon again it's not it's technically a breath Weapon It's a blast from the weapon itself but each creature in that area so this does not distinguish friend for info must make a dexterity saving throw take eight D6 damage of the weapon dealt by the damage typed out by the dragon's breath weapon on a failure takes half as much on a success and then this is usable once until the next Dawn so essentially this gives you basically Fireball but in a 60 or sorry in a 30 foot cone with a pretty high uh you know DC dicks uh Dick's team wow DC 16 dexterity saving throw so depending on what your ability scores are this could be possibly even better than Casters in your party at the time that you were able to be able to get this uh this weapon so I mean this basically makes it a plus two weapon which is awesome in and of itself a plus two weapon that can deal two to six extra damage on a hit if you crit it can do AOE damage and it gives you a 30-foot cone AOE of an elemental damage type then again it also has the potential to grow Beyond this to the legendary level which basically just UPS everything I just talked about by a factor so uh yeah this is awesome it could be like I said it could be for your ranged fighter who uses a bow or something it could be for your sword and board fighter with a you know sword and shield or it could be for your two-handed strong man wielding a ball number one the belt of giant strength you really can't go wrong with these you've got the re they have a couple of different levels here the rare level which is the lowest level here gives you the belt of Hill giant strength which sets your strength score permanently to a 21. I should say that this is an Attunement magic item comes to us from the base rules uh and yeah you can get the belt of Hill giant strength to give you a flat strength of 21 as a rare Magic item Frost giant or Stone Giant to set your strength score to a 23 all the way up to the belt of fire giant strength with a setting your strength to a 25 uh still being very rare obviously you can see that there are some that go beyond into the legendary territory but as we stated we are focusing primarily on very rare and a lower magic items so again having your strength score be a 25 would be pretty nutty again I realize that this doesn't necessarily apply to those who want to be purely ranged but I'd say majority of the time Fighters are used usually based on strength and this is really too good of a magic item to pass up if your DM will let you have it and there's no reason that your ranged fighter couldn't mix it up into melee if the opportunity arose so anyway folks that is my top 10 magic items for Fighters updated through 2022 uh we're continuing on our way through the alphabet so that means that next up on this list is the monk so we're more in Marshall territory as we continue on through this list so if you want to see the top 10 magic items for the monk be sure to tune in next Tuesday so I wanted to again say thank you to everybody consider checking out the jetpack 7 link that's a pinned comment as well as the top of the video description uh to back Masters minions and tactics a Kickstarter that I am a part of so I would appreciate it uh but I'm also gonna say you know use your judgment right go read the kickstarter check out my video on it if you want don't back it just because I'm telling you hey I'm Ted and I'm involved in it and it would benefit me monetarily if you were to back the kickstarter which all of that is a truthful statement but I also want you to make your own decisions and see if you think it's worth your time so uh anyway thank you to my patrons over on patreon for continuing to support me and the channel and I will see you all next time [Music]
Channel: Nerd Immersion
Views: 27,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nerd Immersion, top 10 D&D, top 10 D&D 5e, top 10 magic items, top 10 D&D magic items, top 10 D&D 5e magic items, Dungeons & Dragons top 10, Dungeons & Dragons, D&D 5e top 10 magic items, DnD 5e top 10 magic items, updated top 10 magic items, D&D 5e magic items, D&D magic items, best magic items 5e, D&D magic items for fighters, D&D best magic items for fighters, fighter magic items, dnd magic items for fighters, dnd fighter guide, dnd fighter build, 5e fighter magic items
Id: S6yd-V0FLTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 57sec (1437 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 26 2022
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