Top 10 Fairy Tale Dark Origins

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[Music] throughout the years many fairy tales that we told today have changed drastically since their first tellings for what not many people know is how dark the original tales were here are 10 of the most disturbing dark origins of today's fairy tales number 10 The Little Mermaid in the original tale the prince falls in love with another princess instead of the Little Mermaid and she turns the seafoam but the reason for this is because he doesn't realize that the Little Mermaid is the woman who saved him from his shipwreck she gives up a voice to get human legs in orders to have him fall in love and marry her but when he announces and finally meets his bride-to-be he thinks she's the one who saves him from his near death moment and is completely in love with her this breaks that mermaids heart in attempts to save their sister the mermaids sisters cut off all their hair and gave it to the sea witch in return for a magic knife The Little Mermaid needed to kill the prince and have his blood dripped onto her feet so she could grow back her tail that night and swing back into the ocean she did not however and thus turned to see phone number nine Cinderella in the original story of Cinderella her two stepsisters are desperate to be the princes bride but the glass slipper that Cinderella leaves at the ball is made only to fit Cinderella's foot so when the Prince arrives at the house the eldest stepsisters big toe will not fit and her mother hands her a knife to cut off the big toe telling her that when she is Queen there will be no need to go anywhere on foot when the prince takes her away he realizes there's blood gushing from her foot and returns and it's the second sister's turn and she can get her toes in but not a heel so the mother once again gives her a knife and tells her to cut it saying the same as before he's tricked once more only to return the sister again finally Cinderella's brought out from the kitchen and is fitted with her golden shoe and is taken away number eight Snow White Looking Glass Looking Glass on the wall who in the land is the fairest of all in the classic Snow White the Evil Queen is essentially Snow White stepmother and she doesn't want to kill snow white until the looking-glass tells of that she's no longer the fairest in all the land so after the Huntsman fails the kill Snow White and the looking-glass tells her that snow is hiding out with Seven Dwarfs the Evil Queen tricked Snow into nearly killing herself three times the first was by lacing her bodice to tightly the second was by combing her hair with a poison brush and finally the third one is with the poisoned Apple each time dwarfs have to find a to savor from her near death except for the last one that is when Prince Charming comes out of the woods and asks to take a beautiful casket made out of glass and wood because he had fallen in love with her dead body not even joking on that one no true love kiss but his people drop the casket dislodging the piece of Apple stuck in Snow White's throat and she comes back to life to marry the prince in the end the Evil Queen goes to the marriage and is forced to wear iron shoes that were placed in the fire and dance until she dies number 7 Rapunzel in one rendition of the classic tale of the long-haired girl she's not a princess a child of two people who longed and longed to have a child but could not these people live next door to an enchantress and this enchantress his garden was this rampion which is a type of vegetable that Rapunzel gets her name from her father steals the root from the Enchantress's garden for his wife because she so desperately wanted it The Enchantress was angry to find this out and in the end told him that she would take their first child as payment for the vegetable up the tower is where Rapunzel lifts when her prince found her and would visit her frequently they fell in love but Rapunzel didn't know how to get down so they made a plan to make a silk rope Rapunzel let it slip that the Prince weighed less than the Enchantress so she caught up Rapunzel's his long braids and sent her away to the desert when the Prince came up with a ladder he found The Enchantress and before she could do anything to him he jumped from the tower he managed to survive but was blinded because he landed in thorns he wondered into the same desert where Rapunzel was and found that she had twins when Rapunzel cried into his eyes he was able to see once more and they were able to travel back to his kingdom with the two kids number 6 Sleeping Beauty in the older tale of Sleeping Beauty the princess is said to have a finger pricked by a spindle and died in a 15th birthday all because Maleficent didn't get an invite to the party but what you might not have known was that the prince didn't just kiss her awake instead he fell so helplessly in love with a comatose body that he then decided to have his way with her asleep or not and that in turn caused her to become pregnant with again twins they must have loved the idea of twins back then this of course is whilst she's still asleep and it's not until one of the babies while looking for a breast for milk sucks on a finger awakens the princess dislodging the piece of flax fiber that she had pricked a finger on number five Little Red Riding Hood in the very oldest version of Little Red Riding Hood there was no Huntsman to save a day he was only added in later to make a happy ending that being said there are still more gritty details to the story like how the wolf actually died sixth grandmother wears the skin and makes little red eat part of her own grandmother but another version is that he just eats her and a grandmother and this is where the Huntsman comes in and saves them then Guardi was created and that the wolf didn't need to chew either woman number four Hansel and Gretel the story that we all know is pretty gruesome enough about two kids lost in the woods who final witch's house then the witch tries to eat them and in turn they shove her into a stove and run away well in the French original The Lost Children their parents didn't actually want them because they were greedy and have to decide to lose their own children in the forest they found a red house and a woman there lets them both in but tells them they need to be quiet arouse her husband will eat them it ends up that her husband is the devil and found the children he builds a sawhorse to bleed the children on but they pretended not to know how to get on it so when the devil's wife got in it the boy slits her throat and took the devil's money and ran they crossed the river which the devil couldn't do and went back home to take care of their parents despite them leaving them in the woods to die number three three little pigs in this well-known classic the three little pigs build their houses out of various materials straw stick and break we all know that it ends up with the brick house that stands up to the big bad Wolf's I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow the house down line and in a classic story we know he opts for going down the chimney and burns his butt and runs out of the doors and is never to be seen again but in the original story the final Pig decides that's not gonna be enough instead when the wolf decides to come down the chimney he has a pot of boiling water waiting for him and once the wolf is inside of it he shuts the lid and cooks the wolf once dead they all eat him number two the Pied Piper in the original tale of the Pied Piper there was a village overrun with rats a man arrives dressed in the clothes of a pied and offers to rid the town of a vermin the villagers agreed to pay a vast sum of money if the Pied Piper can do so and he does he plays music on his pipe which draws out all the rats and when he returns for the payment the villagers won't cough up so the Pied Piper decides to rid the town of children as well in most modern variants the Pied Piper draws the children to a cave where the townsfolk finally agreed to pay up then he sends it back in the original however the Pied Piper leads the children to a river where they all drown except for a lame boy who couldn't keep up number one Beauty and the Beast the original tale is titled little broomstick in the original story Belle has two older spoiled sisters and a father whom is a merchant on one of his trips he asks his daughters what they would like from his trip the older siblings asked for a necklace and earrings while Bell simply asked for nothing but as a father insists she asks for three roses on a single stem on his journey the father finds the first two gifts easily but ends up in a large garden finds the roses upon taking them he runs into the hideous beasts he begs for the beasts the letting go for he was only getting the roses for his daughter the Beast lets the father's go on the condition that he allows the merchant father to give up his daughter as his wife in a few months time time comes and Belle ends up being taken to the castle as the beasts companion they don't really talk much but they do sleep together first it is only side by side then slowly he leaves her a kiss until she can no longer sleep without him by her side when she sees that he looks as if he's dead in the courtyard and she weeps over his lifeless body he returns to his normal self his father had a sorceress transform him into a hideous beast when he would not marry someone he did not love and the only way to break the curse was the half Swan loved him as an ugly beast the story however does not end here for Belle wants to bring her sisters and father to come live with her after she marries the Beast turn Prince but the sisters being completely jealous of her drown her in a bathtub and in another plot twist the same sorceress brings Belle back to life and tells her the only way to punish the sisters properly is to turn them into stone columns and if a man can ever fall in love with them then they will return back to normal
Channel: Creeps Plays
Views: 4,883,203
Rating: 4.8764081 out of 5
Keywords: fairy tales, Fairy Tale (Literary Genre), disney, top 10, creepsmcpasta, tats top videos, the little mermaid, snow white, Cinderella (Fairy Tale), Sleeping Beauty (Fairy Tale), Little Red Riding Hood (Fairy Tale), death, truth behind
Id: 2mTpu-BfAGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 13 2014
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