Top 10 Scary Grimm Fairy Tale Origins

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hello most amazing fam my name is Abby and today I'm bringing you the top 10 scary Grimm fairytale origins since I'm summing up some fairy tales this could get a bit long so I'm just gonna jump right into it we're going right in starting off at number 10 Rumplestiltskin so you probably heard this one growing up or at least the name tossed around basically a king finds out a girl can spin straw into gold even though she can't look her up into a room and says do it spin some strana gold for me or you die and so a creature decides to help her in return for gifts and she eventually promises this creature man her firstborn kid and so the King marries her being like you can spin straw into gold while then they have a baby and the creature ranting says you can keep your baby if you can guess my name in three days this creature of course is Rumpelstiltskin which is a lovely name but the now Queen now overhears him saying his name so she guesses right and he is so mad he tears himself in half specifically he plunged his right foot so deep into earth that his whole leg went inand then in rage he pulled at his legs so hard with both hands that he tore himself in two yeah so fairy tales whew ripped in half onto number nine Rapunzel in this tale of Rapunzel and the Brothers Grimm version Rapunzel is not the princess she's actually the first born of a woman that had a craving for the lettuce type that is called Rapunzel and this woman told her husband that if she didn't eat some of this she would die which is relatable so her husband stole that lattice called Rapunzel enough time that The Enchantress that grew the lettuce said oh boy you shouldn't do that or I'll take your firstborn child so he looked at the lettuce looked at the Enchantress and said deal and the couple gave the baby to be Enchantress later on because who just want some lettuce obviously anyways fast-forward through Rapunzel up in the tower letting her hair down for Gothel all that one day a prince comes along and hears Rapunzel singing and he calls up to her to let her hair down and they start hanging out tinder could never so even with all that Cathal does find out cuts off Rapunzel's hair and then leaves her in the desert then she waits in the tower for the prince and says boy Rapunzel's gone you'll never see her again and then the prince is so beside himself in agony that he throws himself out the tower he survived the 20-story fall but he landed in bushes where thorns pierced into his eyes and he was blinded he roamed around blind for years to come until he stumbled upon the familiar voice of Rapunzel her tears healed his eyes and they went back to his kingdom with their twins and they lived happily ever after so in three words this story is kid tapping blindness and lettuce onto number eight fumbling so this is stumbling not some ballina and this one a couple has a child that is so tiny and it never grows bigger but they love their son tumbling anyways wholesome beginnings I love it but then some people find out and they say they will buy some bling since they think they will make a lot of money parading him around so the dad is like no I don't want this I love my son but tumbling is a bit of a trickster and says take the money dad I'll find my way back tumbling does find his way back but only after running away from the people who bought him being eaten by a cow cut out of the cow than eaten by a wolf and then tricking the wolf to eat at his parents house and then his parents kill the wolf and cut him out of the wolf and then he's like I made it back what an entrance it is a happily ever after but gruesome I feel like big cut into so many animals in these you'll see there's more bringing us next to number seven Hansel and Gretel haunts all and Gretel if you will German names you can tell origins the Grimm brothers Brothers Grimm so this one starts right into it the family is so poor they don't have enough to eat so the stepmother and the family turns to the father and says let's leave them out into the forest give them each a piece of bread and leave them and she keeps bugging him until he relents and says I'll do it but I won't be happy about it so they do their plan but Hansel left a trail of light rocks so they could find the way back to the house so the parents go through the same argument and do the same plan later but this time Hansel didn't have time to gather rocks so he left little trails of bread instead but bread didn't really stay put pigeons and other birds kind of took it and we're like lunch so they didn't have their way back so then Hansel and Gretel or two or three days wandering in the forest and come upon boom the witch in the beautiful house made of candy and goodies and I feel like we all know this part the which starts out nice uses Gretel to help her cook the meals and then trying to fatten Hansel up to eat up but then she gets impatient lights an oven is like Gretel you should crawl it and see if it's you know warm yet and Gretel's like I know what you're trying to do I don't know how to get into the oven so then the witch peeks their head in Gretel shoves them in the oven boom locks it up burns the witch alive because this this is how fairytales go apparently and yet they listen to the witch scream until their screams wring out and the witch is dead they take the riches from the witch's house go home and their dad is just there and the stepmothers dead with no explanation in three words this one is deceit dough which and did let's move on to number six Cinderella this Cinderella is pretty similar in both versions but it's just a bit more grim in the Grimm version you know first of all the stepsisters in the Grimm version are not outwardly ugly in this one they're beautiful just horrible people the stepmother and stepsisters make Cinderella's life miserable until her fairy godmother steps in and in this version her fairy godmother is a magical tree with little birds then much the same happens with Cinderella going to the ball making the Prince swoon and living a shoe that is so small because she's such tiny little feet then because the stepsisters wanted to marry and royalty so bad they did what they could to get into the shoe one cut off a toe and one cut off a heel just like oh I really won't want this I'm just gonna cut parts of my feet off I don't know the Prince notices when blood is rushing out of the shoe and is like I don't think you're the person I don't recognize your face or your feet one apparently is more important than the other oh and also at the very end of the story the stepsisters try to weasel their way back into Cinderella's good graces and get their eyes pecked out by pigeons so this one in three words labor feet and karma putting on number five Frog Prince which you may think about Princess and the Frog similar so in modern versions of this tale the spell on the Frog Prince is broken by a kiss from the princess or even by spending three days on the princess's pillow but did you know the real origins in the original the princess becomes so frustrated and disgusted that she throws the Frog against a wall and then he's revealed to be a prince so first just like rudely throwing this frog and then a prince this is supposed to be a fairy tale great metaphor obviously you don't eat a frog and then get a prince that doesn't make sense Rondon number four little Snow White aka Snow White in the Seven Dwarves so a queen had Snow White and died while she was born then the king took another wife who was really vain and that Queen spoken to Meera that told her that she was the fairest of them all and so this happened until snow white grew up and Mara said Snow White was more beautiful so then the new queen hated her and this is supposed to be her stepmom Krim brothers got a thing get stepmoms I feel so anyways this Queen told the Huntsman to take Snow White into the forest and cut out her heart and bring it back so he was going to and then he was like I can't cut out the heart of a wild boar instead and brought that to the Queen the Queen thinking it was Snow White's heart got cook to cook it for her and then ate it just like yeah what no anyways Snow White meets up with the dwarves yadda yadda yadda becomes their housemaid for safety food at a place to stay but then Queen finds out dresses up as a witch tries to kill snow white three times one with a really tight corset one with a poisoned comb and then finally poisoned Apple so yes Snow White was as good as dead the dwarves put her in a glass coffin and then on a mountain with at least one dwarf watching out for her just kind of unique but oh go with it but then a king's son found her and asked if he could buy her in the coffin from the dorms just buying a dead body not suspicious at all they said no no no no but then the prince asked if he could have her as a gift just like he would treasure her and they said yes so not for the money but for just the niceness anyways while carrying the glass coffin some of his guards I assume the poison apple dislodged from her throat when the coffin fell and then she was back to life and then her and the Prince Wed romance at its finest I know at the wedding the Evil Queen had to dance in iron shoes that were molten hot until she dropped dead arms number three the donkey so you've heard of donkey from Shrek but have you heard of the donkey this one's a rollercoaster so strap in I will stick to the main points a king and queen had a kid but it came out as a donkey the Queen was not having it but the king decided they should raise this donkey as they would a child so this noble donkey grows up well-mannered and even mastered the lute it's kind of wild but I like it and it gets Wilder so the donkey travels to another Kingdom the friends the King marries the princess and is found out by the servant that is spying on the donkey on behalf of the King that the entire time it's been a man in a donkey suit yep entire time a man dressing up as a donkey that means since first this man has been dressing up as a donkey taking all the ridicule that comes with it and making an ass out of himself literally the King burns the donkey skin seat and says live your truth man so in the end donkey man gets his wife's Kingdom when her father dies his own Kingdom and just has everything he wants and he's no longer in a donkey skin suit please tell me what you think the moral of this story is down below number two's mouths the bird in the sausage so a mouse a bird in a sausage are all living together as a cohesive household unit bird gets the wood for the fire Mouse gets the water lights the fire and sets the table and then the sausage cooks for them to all eat well when the sausage cooks they even dip themselves into the pot to add a little bit of seasoning then day they try to switch it up but the sausage gets eaten by a dog while it tries to get the wood for the fire the mouse goes into the pot to try to season it just like sausage but it dies and then the bird falls into the well while trying to get water I think this story is trying to say stick to what you're good at that doesn't seem like the best moral of a story leave that one to you again lastly let's move on to number one little red cap which is a variation of little red riding-hood possibly there is another variation by Perrault Codel uppity chaperon Rouge which is a different tale but today we were talking about the Grimm story so let's go into this one anyways in this one it is not a Red Riding Hood but it is a velvet red cap which I say all the more fashion so little red runs into the wolf wall on her way to give her ill grandmother cake and wine that's what heals me as well the wolf gets directions to her grandmother's house from little red and then points out some flowers to distract her as she's distracted she runs over to Grandma's eats her and then red comes and he is in full granny costume until she comes close and then he eats her as well after that he's so full that he falls asleep and snores just really loud I would too anyways he snores so loud that a huntsman hears him and get this the Huntsman realizes the wolf probably ate grandmother so he cuts open his stomach with scissors until both Little Red Riding Hood and the grandmother come out then now fill his open stomach with stones and at this point he's still somehow sleeping I'm a pretty heavy sleeper too so I kind of get it anyways he tried to get up what was so heavy he fell dead so then the Huntsman skinned the wolf for the fur the grandma ate cake and drank wine and felt better and everyone just kind of happily ever after and learnt their lesson to not stray from the main road but anyways that was top ten scary Grimm fairytale origins I've been your host Abbey and until next time have a good one I don't want this one to go along you've roamed around blind for years until you stumbled upon the Rapunzel ah now I see yeah it is you ah don't keep that oh this is just me rambling you don't eat a frog okay please tell me what you think the moral of this story is down below I need to know [Music]
Channel: MostAmazingTop10
Views: 89,531
Rating: 4.9043527 out of 5
Keywords: 10, top 10, most amazing top 10, top 10 list, mostamazingtop10, most amazing top ten, top ten, most amazing, top, 10s, ten, grimm fairy tales, brothers grimm stories, scary grimm fairy tales, scary grimm fairy tale origins, grimm fairy tales hansel and gretel, grimm fairy tales snow white, grimm fairy tale classics, something scary grimm, grimm brothers scary fairy tales, something scary brothers grimm, grimm brothers, grimm brothers cinderella, grimm brothers snow white
Id: e3SoSyDWs38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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