Top 10 Nursery Rhyme Dark Origins

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children often sing the cute Nursery Rhymes they learn but nowadays the true meaning behind them gets lost here's my top ten dark Nursery Rhymes and what they really mean number ten Humpty Dumpty Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall and Humpty Dumpty had a great fall all the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put Humpty together again nowhere in the rhyme did they say Humpty Dumpty was an egg I would love to leave it like that but digging deeper it actually is believed that Humpty Dumpty was a large cannon used in the English Civil War it was placed high on a wall but when that wall was damaged Humpty fell and none of the king's horses and none of the king's men could pull him back up to be used the game because of how large and heavy he was number nine three blind mice three blind mice three blind mice see how they run see how they run they all ran after the farmer's wife who cut up their tails with a carving knife did you ever see such a thing in your life as three blind mice the three blind mice were actually three noblemen in the 1500s back when there was a queen known as Bloody Mary Bloody Mary was strictly Catholic and would do everything in her power to execute and punish anyone who did not convert to Catholicism these mice were plotting against the Queen and thus were punished but they were not dismembered nor even blinded as the Rhine goes but they were burnt at the stake for their crimes against the crown number eight Mary Mary quite contrary Mary Mary quite contrary how does your garden grow with silver bells and cockleshells and Pretty Maids all in a row again Queen Bloody Mary Tudor known for killing and punishing Protestants in this rhyme her garden refers to her ever growing graveyards of Protestant martyrs the silver bells and cockleshells our instruments of torture she would have used upon them before they would actually be killed silver bells were thumbscrews used to crush the victims thumbs between a hard surface screwing it down tighter and tighter until it was nothing the cockle shells were attached to the genitalia the maids in this frame doesn't refer to actual maids but the guillotine which was nicknamed the maiden and shortened to the maid did you know the original guillotine didn't actually work as quickly as the movies make it out and that it could take up to 11 strikes before the head would actually separate from the body number seven Pizza Pizza pumpkin eater Peter Peter pumpkin eater had a wife and couldn't keep her he put her in a pumpkin shell and there he kept her very well when you first hear this you simply think that he just hides his wife in a pumpkin shell but looking into the words more carefully Peter's wife was a loose woman he couldn't keep her so he killed her and placed her into a pumpkin shell and there he kept her never to run off again number six rain rain go away rain rain go away come again another day little Johnny wants to play rain rain go to Spain never show your face again today's version has the ending going come again another day but the reason the original has go to Spain never show your face again is because the stormy weather helped the English defeat the Spanish Armada the English were doomed to fail with their smaller army but during that storm only 10,000 men of their whole Spanish Armada made it back to Spain number five ring around the Rosie this is a very simple Nursery Rhyme ring-around-the-rosy a pocketful of posies ashes ashes we all fall down the black death brought clear symptoms a rosy red rash in the shape of a ring and when you caught it you reaped of death so one would put herbes flowers posies in your pockets to keep the smell away and when it finally caught you ashes you were cremated the best they could during that time we all fall down no one survived it was a guaranteed death sentence number four baa baa black sheep baa baa black sheep have you any wool yes sir yes sir three bags full one for the master one for the Dame and one for the little boy who lives down the lane the line and one for the little boy who lives down the lane originally ended as and none for the little boy who cries down the lane now this one is cute and one may think that everything is well but actually it's about the rising taxes in the 13th century and how it was being split 1/3 went to the crown another to the church and then the rest for the farmer but for the shepherd boy he got nothing and as for the black sheep back then black sheeps were bad luck and useless because their wall could not be dyed number three Jack and Jill Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after up got Jack and home did trot as fast as he could caper he went to bed and bound his head with vinegar and brown paper this one has some speculation it has been connected with the beheadings of King Louis the sixteenth of France who lost his crown Jack and once after Jill his Queen Mary Antoinette came tumbling soon after him though they're ending was changed to please the children and keep such a horrible fate from them number two ladybird ladybird fly away home ladybird ladybird fly away home your house is on fire and your children are gone all except for one called Ann for she has crept under the frying pan Lady Bird also known as ladybugs is a Catholic in the 16th century England when it was a Protestant country Catholics were forced to attend Protestant masses and were not allowed to practice their own faith or they were charged hefty fines they would have to meet in secret often outdoors in fields this is also where the lady birds were often found the fire refers to the priests who were burned at the stakes for not giving up their faith and number one goosey goosey gander goosey goosey gander with a dost thou wander upstairs and downstairs and here in the lady's chamber there I met an old man who would say his prayers i took him by the leg and threw him down the stairs this refers to the time when Catholic priests would have to stay in hiding when families would harbor them they would be taking a huge risk in doing so if they were caught reciting their prayers in anything but English which was the Protestant way they were persecuted as in Catholicism prayers are recited in Latin so there you have it most nursery rhymes that date far back if not all of them seem to carry a dark part of history with them and if there are any more that I missed that you would like to add let me know in the comments anyway thanks for watching and good bye you
Channel: Creeps Plays
Views: 3,822,999
Rating: 4.8376842 out of 5
Keywords: Nursery Rhyme (Literature Subject), Top, top 10, creepsmcpasta, top ten, watchmojo, scary, creepy, dark origins, dark, horror, jack and jill, three blind mice, ring around the rosie, bloody mary
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Sun May 18 2014
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