12 Most Incredible Finds Scientists Can't Explain

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Clearly it’s Earthworm Jim

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/crawdad1757 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 05 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
at some stage over the passing of the centuries we've lost a lot of ancient knowledge some people think there must have been lost civilizations who once walked the face of the earth and all that remains of them now are their artifacts which we are unable to understand or explain others feel that we simply aren't as spiritually wise or architectural II clever as we used to be and so we no longer understand the purpose behind what our ancestors did or how they did it either way the planet is covered in stunning mysteries and here's a whole collection of them for you to gaze upon in wonder since 2015 British researchers have been appealing for the help of the public to assist them with a transcription of an ancient code edged into the blade of a sword so far nobody's been able to solve the riddle the sword was found back in 1825 in a river close to Lincoln in England and dates back to the 13th century down the blade is an inscription that's 13 letters long but makes no sense to anybody who's seen it because of the cross hilt construction of the sword it's likely that it belonged to a Christian soldier and based on the style it might have been made in Germany the lettering style however looks more like Viking than anything from medieval Germany whatever the inscription says it's clearly an important message the letters are inlaid with gold wire adding to the puzzle the sword bears more than a passing resemblance to those seen in a 14th century illustration of the French invasion of Normandy is it French Viking or German and what does it say pyramid-like structures can be found in various places on earth the most famous set is of course in Egypt but there are also lesser-known pyramids to be found in Romania and we have no idea what they're doing there these grassy formations might even look like natural hills at first glance but they're not they were put here deliberately around 3,000 years ago the so-called pyramids of Sona which are in the brasov district were extensively examined with modern technology at the start of the current century we didn't get many answers from the research we've been able to prove that they are geometrically precise though they're arranged along two even lines with four pyramids on each side perhaps connected symbolically to some smaller pyramids a little further away the largest of them is 30 feet high and might have been a burial chamber but that's a little more than a guess perhaps they served some primitive astrological purpose instead there is an official scientific explanation for the clerk's Dorp spheres it's just that many people don't believe it scientists say that they are nothing more than concretions layers of sedimentary rock pushed and rolled together over millions of years the fact that they've ended up looking like ancient cricket balls is according to the experts just a big coincidence while we know that rock and volcanic ash can fuse together to make spherical objects you rarely see them so perfectly formed almost all of the clerk's TWRP spheres which come from the mines of South Africa are perfectly round there have even been claims that metal has been found inside some of the spheres which would confirm that they can't have been created by sedimentation because the best preserved examples appear to have been polished and cut precisely it's easy to see why so many people have a hard time believing the official version of events in the modern age we are just beginning to understand the potential of exoskeletons for soldiers by which we mean combat outfits that humans can wear which would increase their physical strength and protect them from harm is it possible that someone else had this idea thousands of years ago but the exoskeletons weren't made for humans we asked the question because of these bizarre sculptures of knights that can be found in the Medici chapels of Florence in Italy many of the sculptures appear to show tentacle and serpent like creatures emerging from human armor one in particular is particularly clear what is this worm like being poking out of the top of a suit of armor and why is it there elsewhere we can see suckers and scales where human limbs should be further animal-like features appear in reliefs in and around the sculptures some of which are wearing helmets is this a strange kind of ancient heraldry that we've forgotten the meaning of or should we take these sculptures literally what lived inside these medieval exoskeletons we've already mentioned the pyramids of Egypt but here's an Egyptian pyramid you probably haven't heard much about before even though it's older than all the rest it's the Pyramid of doser and it's the oldest large stone monument in the world we believe it was built more than four-and-a-half thousand years ago and was made to entombed the remains of the great Pharaoh dozer the 200 foot tall pyramid is made of over 11 million square feet of clay and stone and the design work is generally credited to the legendary egyptian polymath Imhotep nobody had ever built anything like this before and had it not been built the Egyptians would probably never have gone on to build the Great Pyramid of Giza once upon a time it was surrounded by a larger walled complex containing temples into courtyard secrecy was clearly important to mo tab there are no less than 13 fake doors to the pyramids interior located around the Pearl we may never know what truly lays inside the Egyptian government doesn't allow anybody to enter in Sri Lanka you'll find the Ranma su o Yanna Park which contains ancient and mysterious royal gardens the design looks a little otherworldly to modern eyes but was once apparently typical of pre-christian culture and design in the area the forty acre site was once supplied with water by the nearby artificial reservoir of Tessa wee WA which it released into the neighboring rice fields it was functional as well as beautiful the Garden State back roughly 2,300 years having been built to honor King Tessa with the ornate pavilions joining them 1,200 years later what truly baffles scientists about the site is a carving called Sawalha chakra which is complex and indecipherable conspiracy theorists like to claim that it was an interface that allowed humans to contact beings from another world scientists are understandably reluctant to endorse that view and feel that it may be an early attempt at a world map even that would be strange though the idea of designing a world map would be almost unthinkable back then as impressive as the building of the first stone Egyptian pyramid was it may not have been the first colossal pyramid built by human hands in fact it might not even have been close if recent research is to be believed there are pyramids in the north of Russia which are twice as old there are several hills sitting on the Kola Peninsula which have long been the subject of myth and speculation the Lapps who are the local indigenous population have passed down legends about the mystical properties of the hills for generations intrigue about the hills intensified after scientist Valery demin visited the site in 1997 but suddenly passed away before he could report his findings finally a series of x-rays and other tests were performed at the site in late 2014 by yuri curtin oov who conclusively proved that they were built by humans they contained cavities and appear to have been made in three phases with each step increasing their height what's within the cavities is unknown but the layout of the mounds may be significant they correspond to the position of celestial bodies as they would have appeared at the time these pyramids were built 9,000 years ago it's not just the pyramids that appear to have replicas in other places Stonehenge in England isn't as unique as we once thought it was either we now know that a similar stone circle was built in Stonehenge and it's finally been revealed after a long drought allowed it to emerge from below the water where it's been for over 5,000 years there are 144 stone blocks involved in the construction of this circle many of which are more than 6 feet tall and may once have been much taller before the water began to weather them it's likely that the ancient Celts created the stone circle when they lived in this part of Iberia and it was probably used for Sun worship we stress the word probably though we have no way of knowing for sure although the engravings on the side of the stones have been almost completely worn away in most cases some of them have survived well in us for us to see that they represent serpents which only adds to the mystery if anybody recognizes this next object please get in touch with archaeologists in Samson County North Carolina immediately this ancient stone face has totally perplexed experts ever since a farmer found it while plowing his field Tom Gibbons felt his plow hit something in the earth and when he investigated he discovered that he'd struck a large badly weathered face of stone that measures 2 feet in length and is 1 and a half feet wide local archaeologists have found it very difficult to accurately date the carving as it's made of sandstone and so weathers very quickly and could therefore be anything from 100 to 1,000 years old and possibly even older what they have been able to confirm is that they've never seen anything like it in terms of design it's not consistent with the style of any other historical find in the area is this the only known artifact of a long-forgotten race could it be the elaborate work of a prankster give us your thoughts in the comments the art of bridge building had to begin somewhere and to be the best of our knowledge that somewhere was in the land now known as Iraq that's where you'll find what's left of ger su an ancient Sumerian city that was founded more than 5,000 years ago archaeologists have been excavating gur su for years and in the process have uncovered thousands of tablets containing written records of the history of the area the tablets pale in comparison to the discovery of gur su bridge though still clearly visible today gur su bridge was made out of baked brick is approximately 4,000 years old and is the oldest known bridge ever found the structure was first noticed during the 1920s but was interpreted as a dam or a temple until someone realized an ancient waterway once ran below it and therefore deduced it's real purpose sadly because the importance of the bridge has only been acknowledged quite recently it's fallen into a state of disrepair experts from the British Museum are now active at the site attempting to repair and preserve it the pre-ind ov re civilization that once lived in Peru is something of an enigma to modern researchers we've never thought of them as being particularly advanced they lived on the land approximately 1,500 years ago but as far as we know they had no written language we don't even have any evidence that suggested they ever discovered the wheel they did however leave strange stone blocks like this all over their former territory and we don't know what they were used for all of them have a circular hole poured through them as if they'd been drilled but the idea of the vari having drilling technology is almost inconceivable the blocks don't intersect or interlock with each other so they can't have been used in the construction of walls or homes it's like they're pieces of an enormous jigsaw puzzle but as we don't have sight of the picture we have no idea how they're supposed to fit the schist discs sometimes known as the sebou disk has been considered an unexplained Egyptian artifact ever since it was unearthed in North Saqqara in 1936 the oddly shaped try lobed disk has been called everything from a candlestick holder to the driving wheel of an interstellar spacecraft as it's 5000 years old some people think it might prove that the Egyptians invented the wheel a very long time before we currently believe they did the disk is 2 feet in diameter and barely one inch thick it's also made from a very delicate form of rock which would crack and shatter from one wrong move during the construction phase someone took great care in making it but why we've never found anything else in Egypt that looks even vaguely like it we love it to be a piece of alien technology but it could just as easily be an old oil lamp you can go and check it out at the Cairo Museum if you want to try solving the mystery yourself subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications and you will be the first to know when a new video comes out thank you for watching and see you soon
Channel: Amazing Stock
Views: 1,782,432
Rating: 4.6587496 out of 5
Keywords: Incredible things, scientists cant explain, mysterious things, mystery, unexplained, incredible finds, ancient artifacts, ancients discoveries, archaeology mystery, archaeology discoveries, top 12, 12 most, most amazing
Id: R3hpmD9dMHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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