Top 10 Disturbing Fallout Vault-Tec Experiments

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fallout is a great game series based on a nuclear war breaking out changing the face of the world but fret not as the government had planned ahead and created many safe bolts across the land to keep people away from those nasty atomic bombs these vaults were designed to open in an adequate amount of time and with the tools provided repopulate the barren land sadly when signing up for these places what many didn't know is that they were set up for some six social experiments and monitored in a master vault some were rather innocent evolved that never opened just to see how people cope with indefinite enclosure or one where individuals had drastic ethnicities and beliefs from one another to monitor how they cope living together however for every few interesting ones like that there are many carry a darker motive so here's my top 10 disturbing vault experiments volt 92s experiment was to find talented musicians and exposed them to subliminal suggestion by the means of white noise this white noise contains subconscious messages that was hoped to create soldiers that could be controlled through form of hypnosis the hypnosis was to create super soldiers that would be completely obedient and more ferocious than any normal human although the vault overseer was fully aware of the experiments intentions professor malleus the lead researcher was not although the experiment showed great promise to begin with the most promising subjects soon began to display uncontrollable aggression this same subjects taught three people up in his rage before the vault security team was able to stop him with 23 gunshots as you could imagine professor Marius was extremely confused by the sudden outburst however it is found out that the overseer had placed subliminal messages to measure out how much he would obey how much damage he could do and what it took to finally take him down he even logged down how much he was impressed that it took 20 plus bullets that finally stopped him exclaiming a whole army like that would be unstoppable things went sour when a number of subjects got overrun with extreme feelings of rage one of the test subjects Zoey Hammerstein went mad due to the white noise with her diary logs degenerating as time went on until a final sentence became barely comprehend the ball all attempts to stop this rage ended up being futile and eventually over half the vod's population became violently unstoppable and began slaughtering the rest of the residents the experiment vault 95 started out with great intentions the vault members selected all had drug addictions prior to entering the vault for five years the vault was essentially a Rehabilitation Institute the rehabilitation was a success managing to seemingly cure all members of their addictions as you can tell with all of these vault experiments by now there's always a twist and this one is no difference after five years a voltec agent unearthed a pre placed hidden supply of kim's to test the reactions of the community the drugs psycho Mentats and jet can be found littered throughout the complex the introduction of these drugs tore apart the family in which the population of the vault had created with part of the community immediately giving in to their urges at the sight of these Kem's it is then assumed to the inhabitants of the vault either overdosed or fled as multiple bodies can be found in and around the stash it also appears that the vaulteq agent did not survive the violence as his body and upgraded 10 millimeter pistol can be found close to his terminal an interesting note to add jet wasn't created until after the great war making it impossible for it to be involved 95 for the residents that use while some may argue that jet was brought in by the gunners a vault-tec regional haze coup terminal entry confirms the jet was supplied by voltec and its presence in vault man survived remains an inconsistent mystery with fallout cannon vault 75 is located underneath the maiden middle school this vault was presented to the public as a safe place for children in the school to take cover in the event of a nuclear war when the war began in 2077 the children were there designated families and teachers entered in time while all of the children were escorted to the atrium the adults were separated and killed by volt security the purpose of this vault was to enhance the gene pool of its selective residents to create stronger and more intelligent subjects the surviving children were tested mentally and physically as part of the experiment the children were raised learning about the horrors of up too bland a nickname for the wasteland and were told that they would be strong enough to venture out into the wastes and help the suffering people upon graduation if they were intelligent and physically well built they were either harvested for their good genes when they turned 18 all those with good intelligence and obedience were recruited to the vault science team after graduation the others who had deemed insufficient to the vault standards were killed upon reaching the age of 18 prior to graduation however details found in various terminals suggest that even those who were graduated were killed after harvesting the mission of vault 75 above all was the refinement of Human Genetics in 2078 the original inhabitants of vault 87 were taken to airtight chambers and exposed to a concentration form of the forced evolutionary virus or FEV evidence suggests that the overseer and his security guards were not aware of the forced evolutionary virus true nature but was simply following orders from vault-tec when the first vault dwellers were turned into super mutants they in turn forcibly mutated the others until the remaining population will either mutated or killed the vaults 87 super mutants are obsessed with the preservation of their brand-new species since they are all sterile they kidnap humans from all over the capital wasteland and bring them to the vault to be mutated they had been doing this for nearly 200 years until their source of FEV started to run out because of the shortage of the green stuff there are now super mutant bands searching all over the wasteland for a new source of the virus vault 112 was one of the last to be constructed the construction started in November 26 th and finished in June 20 74 it was intended for only 85 occupants suspended in a virtual reality world for the indefinite duration of the vault experiment the vault was built a house and tend to the needs of its overseer dr. Braun creator of the Garden of Eden Creation Kit within it Braun installed a virtual reality simulator and cryogenic system initially containing several simulated utopias the last of which being their tranquillity Lane simulation the system should have permitted a select few to live a perfect life virtually if not practically forever what vault 112 documents didn't know was that once they entered the virtual reality pods bran would exercise complete control over the simulation they had no means of leaving on their own they became his playthings completely at his mercy dr. Braun after becoming bored of various simulated worlds would proceed to virtually kill each of them each time after killing them he would wipe their memory and resurrect them within program infinitely torturing them for an indefinite period of time as part of the volt experiment psychoactive drugs were released into vault 106's air infiltration system ten days after the door was sealed by 2277 the vaults interior was mostly destroyed and filled with insane survivors the psychoactive drugs are still being pumped through the vaults air filtration systems as evidenced by the player's visions suddenly shaded blue at the same time that the hallucinations appear information in the vaults computer terminals reveal that the overseer knew that the inhabitants of this fault would be fat of a drug testing and instructed his security personnel to tell those in the vault that everything was fine at the very end of the vault is a cave-like area where skeletons and other items are located including a mini-nuke suggesting some of the vault dwellers may have been trying to blow their way out vault 108 experiments was the study conflict for leadership and power within the vault so is the setting the first overseer had a rare form of cancer that was expected to kill him within 40 months of the experiments inception with no other position of authority being assigned giving the overseer discretion although the vault was scheduled to be shut for 38 years the main power supply was planned to malfunction after 20 where the backup power supply intentionally insufficient to meet the vaults needs there was also three times the normal armory stuck supplied as well as no entertaining records within the confines of the vault there is a hollow disk that the player can find in the cloning lab yes that's right there is a cloning lab which gives a little hint as the what they did in there that and there are two clones both of which are called Gary the hollow disk reveals that every time they cloned a guy called Gary the clone became hostile towards anyone that wasn't a clone with each subsequent clone becoming even more violent after the fifty-third clone had the same symptoms the staff wondered what to do with all the Gary's duplicates Gary 54 even injured a doctor during an examination one of the entries in the Halle disk states that they will be destroying some of the clones to make room for many more tests it's not clear what happened next however it is clear that only the Gary clones survived this vault was constructed in a small cave but it's not known when the construction of vault 77 began the purpose of vault 77 in the vault experiments was to be populated by only one man and a crate full of puppets labeled P 13x US government issued puppet ration as a study of the human condition in near complete isolation with a crate of puppets modeled after living beings as sole company the vault door was designed to close automatically when the only vault 77 dweller entered and only to reopen months later the vault 77 dweller later known as the puppet man entered the vault on the 23rd of October 2077 when the Great War began at the 1 hour mark he was pounding on the door and shouting to anyone who might be listening that they'd forgotten all of the vault dwellers by March 23rd 20 78 he had been reduced the sitting in front of the vault door and sobbing unfair weary forth 20 79 he discovered and began to inspect the crate of Puppets by February 23rd he had begun to act out simple scenes with the puppets and by March 30th 2079 he created full roles and histories for them the dog puppet being named Reverend hound and serving as both a sheriff and part-time Reverend and a grandmother puppet in which he named grandma he celebrated the birth of the king with Grandma on this day but before going to bed a vault boy puppet that he'd missed earlier began to talk to him probably a side effect of his isolation and descent into insanity which the other puppets did not one morning in 2079 the king was found dead his head torn off in an act of regicide when the puppet man confronted the most likely suspect the vault boy puppet told him that they had in fact done it together and must flee before reverend hound came for them the puppet man accompanied by the vault boy poppet open the vault door which was no longer Lots only to find a giant radscorpion holding up a car in each claw face with this he decided to sleep on it before proceeding by December twenty seventy nine the puppet man had managed to leave old seventy-seven along with a vault boy puppet and a giant ant which he takes as a mount in the wasteland old 77 was thereafter abandoned vault 22 had an experiment that didn't totally have it in for the vault dwellers from the get-go I mean things did go bad for them but not in the way you'd expect in relation to some of these entries basically this vault was filled with scientists dedicated with one goal in mind to keep the entire population the vault alive using plants grown within its confines upon entering the vault the scientists brought three live specimens for testing the common mantis a plant similar to the Venus flytrap and the bee Mordecai a fungus which was a fungus designed to kill most common pests another thing with bee modicon of fungus was that it was designed by big MT a privately owned pre-war defense contractor and Research Center this thing was made in some laboratory then shipped into the confines of a vault I don't know to what extent it was experimented on prior to this but it proved to be toxic and a mutagenic to humans turning them into spore carriers a green creature with big green pointy plantings growing from their back while the 118 volt Weller's managed to evacuate and make their way to Zion Canyon most of them had been infected by the mutagen which killed most of them off after 11 months in Zion the remaining 34 elected J Hendricks to be the overseer his first order was the move out of Zion and is unknown what happened to them since as with the vault it got massively overrun with plant life being covered with green everywhere many prospectors and mercenaries have attempted to locate the data the scientists left behind but so far nobody has returned alive the vault is open but warning signs left outside the vault by people lucky enough to survive their initial encounter with the vaults inhabitants warned that the plants kill and that one should not venture inside volte Levin's tail is one of almost Shakespearean quality like with many of the other vaults here lied a very twisted social experiment one of noble sacrifice basically every year in order to save the population of the vault one person had to be tributes and sacrificed their life by entering the sacrificial chamber in this experiment if they did not supply a sacrifice it would result in the extermination of the entire population of the vault for its disobedience you can imagine how out of hand things soon got for the dwellers of this vault the residence set of a system where they would elect an overseer to rein in power for a year before being sacrificed at the end of their term the fact that it was the overseas duty to be sacrificed was not influenced by the test itself rather a system fabricated by the vault population one of the main contributing factors of why this was lies with the original residence discovery that the overseer was the only person with knowledge of the yearly sacrifice prior to entering the vault the rest of the dwellers did not the dweller soon lost all trust in the overseer and its title and soon birth the election system that followed for years from this system grew an almost political power in the form of blocks that would back the voting of certain members that they decided should be the next sacrifice the most powerful voting bloc being the Justice block prior to the very last vote to ever happen Roy Gottlieb leader of the Justice block at the time use this power to attain sexual favors with Katherine stone if she was not to comply he would use his power to vote to have Katherine's husband Nathan stone as overseer thus cementing his fate in the vault it is hinted that nathan may have made enemies with the justice bloc due to an unusual winning streak during their poker games to protect her husband she complied only to have the justice bloc nominate him anyway this was not over at least for Katherine she ended up stalking and killing the lower members of the Justice Block when she was captured she confessed to her crimes she also confessed to her reasoning as it was not purely a hateful revenge rather it would solidify her candidacy as overseer for her first act as overseer labeled overseer order 7:45 she dissolved the election process in favour for a computer system that would use a random number generator to select the next overseer as you could tell the Justice block was fuming at this idea not only did they fear that one of the blocks members would be selected for sacrifice but that by the time one of them did come to power their political influence will be lost over the people of the vault the block staged an armed coup to force Katherine to reverse the order resulting in nearly all of the population being wiped out this left only five people surviving the final five people had nothing left to live for everyone else was dead there is an audio log the player can find in Fallout New Vegas of one of the final survivors exclaiming that they're not going to sacrifice anyone anymore and that they would accept death in place of not having to sacrifice anyone when the time to sacrifice someone was up the following message was played congratulations citizens of vault 11 you have made the decision to not sacrifice one of your own you can walk with your head held high knowing that your commitment to human life is a shining example to us all and to make that feeling of pride even sweeter I have some exciting news despite what you are led to believe the population of vault 11 is not going to be exterminated for its disobedience instead the mechanism to open the main vault or has now been enabled and you can come and go at your leisure but not so fast be sure to check with your overseer to find out if it's safe to leave here at voltec your safety is our number one priority this would have been the most touching and sentimental message for the entire population of the vaults had the preceding events not ensued anyway I hope you enjoyed this week's list he is very fun to make and if you did leave a like and if you want to see more video game trivia top 10s click here for either my top 10 Silent Hill facts you may not know or top 10 Resident Evil facts you may not know and if you have a suggestion for another list leaving in the comments I'm open for suggestions now anyway thanks for watching bye
Channel: Creeps Plays
Views: 1,612,540
Rating: 4.8670154 out of 5
Keywords: Fallout (Video Game Series), Action Role-playing Game (Video Game Genre), vault-tec, Fallout 3 (Video Game), Fallout: New Vegas (Video Game), did you know, game trivia and facts, top 10 disturbing fallout vaults, Nuclear, Destruction, Atomic, Fallout (Video Game), Scary, top 10, top list, trivia
Id: X6hmWTVu98I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 45sec (1425 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2015
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