10 More Fairy Tale Dark Origins

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[Music] over two years ago I made a top ten about fairy tale dark origins for fun because it was something that interested me after that it took off pushing need to create more top tens that I found interesting and hopefully others did too it now sits at over 3.5 million views and is by far my most viewed video across all my channels and I'm going back to those roots here are ten more fairy tale dark origins Aladdin we all know him as a lovable street rat however in the original version of the tale Aladdin is far from lovable rather he is an impetus lazy and stupid boy who refuses to make anything of himself to the point that at the beginning of the story his father literally dies of disappointment then when Aladdin finds his genies and achieves some measure of success he believes himself worthy of the Sultan's daughter unfortunately the princess is already betrothed to another but this is no way for Aladdin no he chooses to kidnap the princess on the night of a wedding forces her to spend the night with him and sends her fiance off to be tortured by Ladin's chin thereby preventing the princess from consummating her marriage he does this long enough that her fiance believes the marriage is cursed and abandons her at which point Aladdin steals her for himself Aladdin eventually marries the princess and out builds the Sultan's palace to prove his right to rule the throne until the evil sorcerer decides to have his revenge on Aladdin steals the genies lamp then teleports Aladdin's palace princess and all into the desert Aladdin despairs and nearly commits suicide by jumping into a river before remembering he has a tiny Shin in a ring on his finger using the shin he finds his palace reaches the princess and forces her to first seduce the sorcerer and then to murder him our hero everybody in some versions of the Frog Prince the Prince doesn't return to form after the princess kisses him or he spends a few nights on a pillow no instead the princess has the causing physical harm in one she throws him as hard as she possibly can against the wall in another she burns into a crisp and in another she literally chops his head off and that's what breaks the spell nothing like being decapitated by your future wife the story of Rumplestiltskin is fairly well known a man brags about his daughters ability to weave claiming she's so good that she can turn straw to gold a king hears about this and forces her to prove her abilities on a penalty of death and then in comes to save her on the third night he asks her something in return and she has nothing to offer him worry not my dear he says just give me your firstborn child the girl agrees the room is turned to gold and the King marries her of course not long after getting married she has a son and the incomes that take the child she begs for a second chance and tells her that he will only give the child back if she discovers his name lo and behold the girl does discover his name and when he comes back to collect the child she tells him that it's Rumplestiltskin infuriated the little imp stamps his foot so hard he lodges it into the ground and in his fury commit suicide by grabbing his left leg ripping himself in half yeah Undine is a story about a beautiful maiden who lives by the seaside and the knight who falls in love with her sounds like your standard fairy tale right there's just one problem the maiden doesn't have a soul people today might know Undine as a character from the popular video game undertale but back in the early 1800s Undine was one of the creepiest German fairy tales around the story of Undine starts off with a fisherman his wife and their young daughter one day the daughter slipped from the mother's grasp and drowns in the lake the fisherman and his wife mourn until later that day when Undine arrives at their cottage blonde hair dripping with water the fisherman decides the razor as his own and takes the silent well-behaved child to be baptized only for her to start screaming as soon as the ceremony is over the ceremony causes Undine to grow well full and wild but despite this the family grows together happily one day a knight comes to the little cottage in the forest and falls in love with Undine despite the fact that her lack of soul renders her terribly selfish and incapable of empathy upon a priest's visit to the cottage Undine marries the knight he promises to love her forever and on her wedding day Undine is granted a soul by God Undine and a knight returned to the city only to discover there was another lady close to her night before this journey a woman named Burt Alda despite Battelle does love for the night she and Undine become good friends at first but soon Battelle de learns the truth about Undine that she's a water spirit given a soul by love and grows cold to her and as betal de grows colder her she convinces the night to grow suspicious of his wife as well Undine despairs as overtime she watches the love leave her Knights eyes and her night leave aside for patellas finally the day comes that Battelle de Undine and her Knights are all travelling by the waterside but Alda's necklace given to her by the knight is stolen by mischievious water spirit she and the knights are incensed and blame Undine who dips her hand into the water and pulls out a different necklace one much fairer than before but her husband sees this necklace is yet more proof of her strangeness and finally shouts you are a witch go and trouble us no more Ondine bursts into tears as she disappears beneath the surface of the river never again to return the land it does not take long for the knight to forget Undine and instead marry betal de and on that night a ghostly figure emerges from their castle well and comes upon the night he looks upon the figure who looks remarkably similar to Undine I have come for you and you must die she says the him and so he does for he had broken his promise to her and he had to pay the price a beautiful young woman suddenly comes to the attention of a creepy old murderer a love story for the ages right Bluebeard is the tale of an ugly old man with well a blue beard in fact he is so ugly that none of the girls in the village want to marry him a husband with a blue beard perish the thought plus there's the troubling facts that Bluebeard has married before but all of his previous wives have gone mysteriously missing determined to get his bride Bluebeard throws her family friends a lavish party see despite being ugly Bluebeard is incredibly rich that wealth was all our lady needed to rethink the matter after all his beard wasn't that blue in a short time they were married then one day Bluebeard must go out of town on a business trip he gives his wife the keys to all the doors in the house but orders her never to go to the cellar promising the most terrible of punishments would await her if she did then he left of course she couldn't resist the siren song of what lay beyond the cellar door so leaving her self-preservation behind she crept down the cellar and opened the door to a pitch-black room at first she couldn't see anything but been slowly her eyes adjusted there in the cellar full of congealed blood lay the rotting and massacred bodies of Bluebeard's previous wives she was so shocked she dropped the key which became covered in blood but the key was enchanted and she couldn't rub the blood off when Bluebeard finally came home and discovers her treachery he lifts her by the hair and draws his sword ready to slit a throat just like every woman who came before her before getting run clean through by the ladies previously unmentioned brothers in this lesser-known Brothers Grimm tale the three army surgeons three army surgeons love to boast about how they're the best surgeons in the world everywhere they go one night an innkeeper dares them to prove it they bet him that they can cut off parts of their own body and reattach them the next morning and the innkeeper agrees the first surgeon cuts off his hands the second surgeon scrapes out his eyes and the third surgeon tears out his own heart having done this all three robbers secret magic selves and their bodies that will enable their organs to be reattached with no trouble the next morning the heart eyes and hands are given to the servant-girl for safekeeping unfortunately the servant girl has a lover while what she was meant to keep watch over the organs a lover visited and distracted her in this time the local in cats stole away the organs and devoured them horrified the servant girl tries to find a way to fix the mistake she made she takes the heart of a pig she butchered earlier in the day cuts the hands of a thief's corpse and tears out the cat's eyes and passes them off as the surgeons originals the next morning the three surgeons reattached their various organs the innkeeper is incredibly impressed and the three surgeons go on their way but the surgeon with the pig's heart couldn't follow his friends for every time they looked the other way he was off rooting in the dirt as a pig would the surgeon with the cat's eyes quickly found that he could not truly see and had to be led around by his friends the last surgeon stopped to the bar for a rest and found his hands acting of their own accord and stealing things out of people's pockets enraged they go back to the inn only to discover their organs are long and forever gone in return for this horror they threatened to burn the damned place down but no matter what they can't do anything to return to the way they were originally and are forced to be at the mercy of their new organs for the rest of their lives the beautiful pure-hearted boy named diamond is whisked away by a spirit called the north wind flying high over the housetops crossing mountains and oceans experiencing the world at the back of the north wind is a victorian fairy tale that seems full of whimsy and delight right up until the north wind starts killing people you see although the north wind presents itself as a beautiful goddess the north wind is actually the incarnation of death and each night that the north wind whisks Dimond away on those wonderful adventures he's grown closer to his own death losing weight becoming feverish and falling into comas blissfully unaware of what is causing this by the end of the story Diamond and the north wind greets each other as friends and he says goodbye for the last time to his family on the back of the north wind and experiencing all kinds of magical adventures his life slips away from him and worst of all he couldn't be happier about it [Music] once upon a time a princess is betrothed to a prince from far away in the tale of the goose-girl the princess and a chambermaid set off to make the journey to a prince his castle the mother gives her a talking horse and the protective spell three droplets of blood on a handkerchief before she leaves during the journey the chambermaid refuses to serve the princess a circumstance that causes the drops of a mother's blood to cry out in sorrow with a princess but one day she accidentally drops the napkin and with her only protection gun the princess is made vulnerable the chambermaid threatens to kill her and forces the princess to exchange clothes for her upon reaching the palace the chambermaid is mistaken for the princess and the princess is given a job as a goose girl with her newfound power the chambermaid has the talking horse's head chopped off for fear the horse will give her away in sorrow the princess asks the person who does the deed to keep the head and mount it in a gateway nearby so she might speak to so her beloved horses decapitated head weeps to her every day she passes by the goose boy whom she works with eventually gets weirded out by this and tells the king he no longer wishes to work with her hearing the tale the king goes to listen to the horse's head himself and then chases the girl down and demands an explanation she is too honorable to tell him so he directs her to an iron stove and asks her to pour her heart out unto it which she does crying to a stove upon hearing the tale the King returns her to his son as a princess but that's not where the story ends he further tricks the chambermaid by asking her if a servant had tricked his masters by doing something similar what should the punishment be the chambermaid cheerfully replies she should be stripped stark naked and put in a barrel studded with sharp nails and dragged through the streets by two horses until she is dead and so she was in Chu Ren hos novelization of Mulan story Mulan returns home from the war after nearly losing her life only to discover that the father she left protect is dead and her mother has already remarried on top of this the Kahn has requested to have Mulan brought to him but not to honor her like in the Disney version no he wants her for his concubine with her future stolen from her by a foreign ruler and everything she fought to protect somehow destroyed Mulan commits suicide her final words are I am a girl I have been through war and done enough I now want to be with my father [Music] in the original version of Pinocchio our adorable puppet kills the talking cricket by hurling a hammer at it blames the cricket for being murdered burns his own feet off on a stovetop while being lazy leads townspeople to assume that Geppetto has abused him and lands Geppetto in jail and finally almost mercifully is hand in fact this is where the original story of Pinocchio was meant to end however the editor who initially published it asked the author for a better ending leading to the invention of the Blue Fairy personally I like the original ending the best I hope you enjoyed this week's list and if you did leave a like and if you want to see more similar lists click here to see the first top 10 I made on fairy tale dark origins or here for another classic list on the top 10 Nursery Rhyme dark origins and if you want to see more in the future subscribe you
Channel: Creeps Plays
Views: 566,462
Rating: 4.9247971 out of 5
Keywords: Top 10 More Fairy Tale Dark Origins, Aladdin, At the back of the north wind, bluebeard, mulan, pinocchio, rumpelstiltskin, the frog prince, the goose girl, the three army surgeons, undine, listicle, top 10
Id: KAmqgnuJKaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 30 2016
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