Rogue’s Guide to D&D Magic Items

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you got there 10 Dungeon Master's guide picking up magic items for my next character Oh what are you playing playing a rope Oh what are you did you go with elven County well I guess with Nagas Ted gets back we'll discuss a rose guide to Dee Dee magic items welcome to Newark II for nerds by nerds I'm Naraku Steve and as usual hanging out with this nerd there are kiss Ted you won't need a crystal ball to get your next nerd our key fix if you hit that subscribe button and you won't miss a single video if you assume that before jump into our picks for magic items and a little bit of a discussion about rogues of magic items in general let's take a moment to thank our sponsor they had a Kickstarter going on right now ruin Smith is pointing out stibbles codex of companions so this like it's a great looking book I'm very excited for it it's got over 70 stat blocks for low CR monsters that are going to be perfect for new familiars and animal companions for your character classes but that's not that's not all you also are going to get access to a loyalty system so that if you strengthen your bond between you and your companion there are gonna be perks and things to make your companions better but they're still not done there's gonna be new feats there's gonna be new spells but wait there's more there's also going to be a series of high quality miniatures linked for this this is something that I'm super excited before my kids are gonna you know kind of go goo goo and Gaga all over it so very excited to see this link down the description below so Ted what is a rogue look for in a magic item well rope is one of those classes that can be played in a variety of different ways but you know at its core a rogue is someone who is typically going to be stealthy is still heavy and deals out a lot of damage but there are you know a little bit squishier so anything that's going to enhance any of those things I think is what a rogue would be looking for yeah I totally agree with that I've always looked at the rogue and a from third edition on as your expert class you know no matter what it is I mean they tend to be stealthy but they don't actually have to be but they're always experts and whatever they decide to be like their area of expertise not just the ability but just in general and you know how you build your character and then they've always had this weird kind of clunky combat ability for sneak attacks slapped on top of it but yeah so anything that enhances those abilities is going to make you more effective as a rogue so I guess you know that's what we're gonna look at when it comes to magic items and I was like one of the things that came to mind when we when we decided to do this video someone on Facebook I believe have requested us to do a video of this nature so that got me thinking of famous rows and like one popped into mind immediately and you know intrinsically they were linked to a magic item and that's going back to the Hobbit Bilbo Baggins when he finds the One Ring which is essentially a ring of invisibility plus a little bit right so obviously you know invisibility is a super great thing for a rogue to be able to have regardless of what type of rogue you're winding up playing if you want to play the investigator type okay you can be able to observe a location undetected while you're invisible if you're trying to do shady and nefarious things being invisible is going to be super helpful and so for that reason the ring of invisibility I actually made it onto our list and basically it's you spend in action once you've attuned to this item and you can just turn invisible if you do anything to violate the invisibility spell you become visible again and to use another action to go back to being invisible so so it's basically unlimited invisibility but you know along the same lines if you want to do some of those things that do kind of go against the invisibility spell you can also use the cloak of invisibility which that has a set duration you know that it keeps track of but you can use it you know essentially as rounds of Greater invisibility yeah pretty much you know making attacks and casting spells does not ruin your invisibility when you have it all you just have to you know keep track of the amount of time you've used it a works it basically tracks in one minute increments up to two hours that's 120 minutes you know if you're purely talking about combat type stuff the cloak of invisibility is far spirits of the ring but the ring overall has more versatility because you can use it all day every day doesn't matter so we talked about you know the rogue being stealthy or on average again you don't have to be and though there are certainly ways to be the best at being stealthy and that's going to start off with the cloak of LM kinda yeah cloak of elven kind and wires attunement but you put the hood up and it activates it you now have advantage on stealth checks you're a rogue if this is you know what your expertise co you're already really good at it but it's not just that people have disadvantage to perceive you so this is some ways this is almost better than invisibility it is so hard to see you and god forbid someone throws a pass without trace on yeah thank you you might as well be invisible but you know there's no magic involved for most of it at this point so it's just based off of your skill so you know it's not like someone could just cast detect invisibility and find you no because you're not invisible you're just really good to hiding so advantage with expertise and they have disadvantage like they would have to be someone who has observant and has expertise themselves to really have a chance to have a chance so it's really crazy but that's not our only item of aankhon we also have boots that do not require a tune and that's just on a confer advantage again we're already you know taking expertise getting advantage you know with expertise and Kent is super awesome it's not off from them disadvantage and you're also not having to use your attunement slots you could save it for one of these other items so next up this item is a ton of fun and this is going more for the characters that are more deceptive than stealthy and that's a ring a mine shilling basically it makes your mind impervious it to being read they can't detect thoughts on you they can only communicate you with you telepathically if you will allow it you can make the ring go invisible on your finger if you choose this item does require it to emit and there's also a very funny caveat to this item so if you die your your mind gets put into the ring so you could take and give this item out as you know for the DM and you could you could have either side of the coin let's put a super-awesome paladin in there who every time the rogue does something shady uh-uh-uh you really shouldn't be doing that you know talk to them constantly try to encourage them to be a better person or you could go completely opposite and you could put someone you know super evil into here and whatever they're doing you know good stuff it's like come on really again we're IQ monitor you greater and greater acts of evil and the way that building works if you die with the ring on your soul can pass on to the afterlife or it goes into the ring your choice and you know for whatever reason the ring can already be inhabited like Ted said and it could offer up some really great role-playing opportunities but even if it's not inhabited the ring could then be absorbed by one of the players later on in the game and maybe it's a way for them to kind of live on a little bit and role plays through the ring Wow while they're waiting to baby try and get their body back or something there's there's so many role-playing things that you could do with this it it just sparks the imagination and in me and makes me want to have this whole is a major quest item and you know maybe you've got one that's more powerful and does other things and maybe the villain of the campaign is in here and you let him out and caused all this chaos and yeah fun so next up we're looking at mithril armor the this is medium armor which Rogues are going to be able to wear and there is no disadvantage on stealth checks it does not require a tune what more needs to be said it's a win when and you know it's there's another way of doing it you can get the same benefits with the feet but this in this way we don't have to spend that resource on using it we can just use the items so it's much better in my opinion next up we have the how to disguise it's a great great utility it is a requires attunement and it's going to allow you to cast the skies self basically out well I love this item for low level games this is one of my favorite items to be able to have if you're playing the more interactive rogue you know this is a way for you to go and socialize with people outside of your normal form you know if you want to break in somewhere you know you can do so inside of a disguise and oh no I saw Fred you know breaking into your house well Fred was with me how is that possible well you're off scot-free because it wasn't you doing it it was somebody else there's just so many different ways that you can use this I've played it in a game where I've just kept copying other players in the in the adventuring party having a blast there's no end of fun with this get caught picking pockets tuck into a crowd change how you look you can hide in plain sight very easily so next up is the weapon of warning and this is a really great item specifically if you want to you know be an assassin because the core ability of this is this is going to give you advantage on initiative checks and the assassin really really wants to go first but the caveat is is while you have this you're adventuring party the people with you and yourself can't be surprised so if you're a scout you know you can go out there and be looking around and oh hey there's a thing over there you're not gonna lose that that initiative round of something getting you really really good for that point as well yeah it's actually excellent for the rogue that does not want to be caught off guard so next up we have gloves of thievery I mean you know Rogue is essentially a thief it's right in the name and what it does it gives you a flat +5 bonus to either your sleight of hand checks or your open lock checks does not require it to emit what rogue and the right bond wouldn't want to just have their hands on these or these on their hands I should say yeah there's nothing to be said you know further about that it's just awesome so next up we're looking at ring of evasion ringing evasion gives you charges you spend a charge and you automatically pass dexterity save that you just found that is really sweet when you are a character that already has evasion I think we're going to find this one on the month list as well but a rogue has evasion you know if you fail you're saving throw you take half damage if you make it you take none so if you decide you really want to pass the saving throw and you broke orally you can just choose the pass by expelling a charge so it's a great item to have like as a backup the only downside is it is an attunement all right so our final item on this list is for you know the rogue that doesn't want it to be found and that is going to be the amulet of proof against detection and location if you are a rogue and you're using magical means to disguise or hide yourself this is going to be essential and it's going to be key because it protects you from divination magic and makes it makes it so people are going to be able to use magic to figure out where you are where and what you're using to hide or disguise yourself so obviously this is a powerful item it's going to require a tournament as a a you know an item that's going to be given out or gotten at a higher level but the the things that are going to find you with magic you really don't want them to find you so it's it's super helpful so if you've got one of these while you're sneaking into the villains lair to find his you know his secret weakness super helpful one of the most powerful abilities in the game for detection is true sight and it would even shut that down that's pretty nice you want to have another video of us talking about rogues you can check out this video over here it's a roast guide defeats for 580 if you want more magic items for your 5e D&D game we've been known to make them over on our patreon we create new products for 5th edition dungeon dragons every month and there's always new magic items we do weekly live chats monthly giveaways and more so until next time stay nerdy [Music]
Channel: Nerdarchy
Views: 17,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rogues guide, rogues den, 5e rogue guide, d&d magic items for rogues, d&d rogue guide, dnd rogue guide, 5e, 5e character creation, 5e d&d, 5e dnd, 5e rogue, 5th edition d&d, character creation, d&d magic explained, d&d magic items, d&d magic lore, d&d magic weapons 5e, d&d rogue, d&d rogue arcane trickster, d&d rogue assassin, d&d rogue character sheet, d&d rogue multiclass, d&d rogue stories, d&d rogue subclasses, dnd, dnd rogue, dungeons & dragons, dungeons and dragons
Id: zl3oNGLgaeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 24 2020
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