Top 10 Convicts Who Saved A Guard's Life

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How’s it going Youtube, I am Landon Dowlatsingh and welcome back to another most amazing top 10 video. If you guys havn’t already you should go follow me on Instagram and LandonProductions we are going to be doing huge giveaways again very soon, and we will be announcing a fan meet up for you guys very soon as well so go follow me so you can know whats going on. Ok so we all know that convicts are usually in prison because they commit horrible crimes. But sometimes these convicts have remorse and are able to change their lives around and do the right things. Well this is the top 10 convicts who saved a guards life. Starting off at number 10, there was an attack on an officer at Payne County Jail. An officer was called upon by an inmate to use the bathroom because their was none inside of his stall. So the officer said ok he opened the door and than this happened. Is this real life right now this inmate just comes out swinging. The convict was brutally beating up the officer but the officer was able to call for backup. Little did the officer know that the backup would be another prisoner watch.The officer and the convict was able to take down the crazy man. I think its safe to say that he will never get another pee break again. I hope he has a strong bladder. Moving into number 9 we have an inmate who helped a guard fend off a convict who was strangling him to death. Take a look at this video look at the top right of your screen you can see the officer being attacks. I know its hard to see but this convict was going crazy and when the officer was attacked other inmates quickly came to the rescue and helped saved this officers life. This must have been a very scary situation because their seems to be around 40-50 inmates to just a few officers. This attack took place at Falkenburg county jail which is located in Tampa Florida. The person who attacked the officer was only 22 yrs old. He seems so troubled and something tells me he wont be getting out of prison for a while. Another inmate who saved a life is at number 8. Inmates in Georgia was out on yard duty outside the prison fences but they were being closely watched by an officer. Well that officer fell to the ground from over heating and instead of the convicts simply running away and re-joining society they quickly just got help to try and save the officers life.I guess not everyone in jail are monsters. The inmates found his phone in his pocket and they quickly called 9-1-1. Number 7, Texas inmates breakout of their cell to save a guards life. Ok wait lets stop the video right here for a second. How scary is that first off all that it seemed pretty easy for these inmates to break out of there little holding sell. Well an officer passed out and the inmates decided to break out of jail to help this officer who seemed to be just sitting there lifeless. The inmates were able to radio for help and when helped came they just all simply went back into their jail cell. I think it’s safe to say that these inmates just saved a life and should be rewarded for it in some way. But I guess not all the time in life you are awarded for good deeds. Number 6, we have another group of inmates who were on work duty when an officer was having a heart attack. And again instead of easily escaping prison they saved the officer. This officer fell to the ground and was grasping for air. An inmate was able to clear his pipe, and they pulled a gum out of his mouth and they started CPR. The inmate who saved the officers lifes seems to be a good guy. Now at number 5, Let me take you guys over to a county jail in Tampa Florida where prisoners out number officers 60 to 1. So its hard to really keep track of every single person and see what they are doing. Well take a look at this video where this prisoner attacks an officer out of no where. This prisoner was strangling this officer to death and than this happens. Right now it looks like a riot is about to happen. There were many inmates running towards this officer. Well these in mates actually came to save the officers life. They were able to save the officers life. This just shows you how dangerous it could working at a place like this. Alright number 4. Ok what you just saw was an inmate attacking this police officer. The inmate was able to get a strong hold on this officer from behind and it looks like the officer isn’t able to protect himself. Than all of a sudden the door they were next to opens up and another inmate comes in. If I was that officer I would be super scared my life would flash before me because its about to be 2 on 1. Well the officer was right it was 2 on 1 but that inmate was on the officers side. Both of them together was able to take down this attacker. After he was taken down another inmate comes in and calms the man down the officer was able to get away. The officer than gets handcuffs and was able to put it on the man. Number 3. We have Antonio Brown who was supposed to be sentenced up to five years behind bars but he found himself saving a female guards life and because of it his sentence was reduced to a get out of jail free card. Antonio was released from prison because of his good deed. Antonio noticed an officer was attacked and he went after the attacker saving the officers life. This raises the question to did Antonio Brown deserve to be released from prison? So this was the same judge that sentenced him before 18 months to 5 yrs in prison but because of the heroics from Antonio the judge gave him a second chance at life so lets just hope he doesn’t mess it up. At number 2 we have a teenager who saved a cops lifes. This right here is 17 yr old Jamal Rutledge who was sitting in handcuffs a Ft. Lauderdale police station after being booked for criminal mischief and burglary charges. Well his arrested officer was sitting in the same room as him when he collapsed on the floor. The teen took notice of this and he quickly started yelling for help and he started to kick the door to try and get the attention of other officers to try and save his life. Well it worked officers heard him and came running in. A defibrillator was used to jump start the officers heart. Without this teenager sitting right there that officer would have died. When the officer was better, the convict and him actually took a picture together along with the other officers who came in and saved his life. Finally at number 1 I have a crazy one. Back in 2012 at Lee Correctional Institution in South Carolina 120 inmates gathered up their prison made weapons and started a riot. They took an officer as hostage. This was a tense standoff and a very scary situation for that officer to be in. At any moment his life could be taken. From the outside there was nothing anyone could do if a Swat team entered the jail it was likely that the officer’s life would have been taken. But amazing enough there were inmates inside the prison who called the authorities on the outside using their contraband cell phone and told them where they were hiding the officer which was in a closet all tied up. And they told them where the convicts were so the Swat team actually decided with that information they were able to safely go inside the prison and save the officers life while restoring the prison back to normal without the riots. Well it worked the officers live was saved and for that cell phone I bet you no one really looked into it to see who owned the phone or where it is. Well there you guys have it.
Channel: MostAmazingTop10
Views: 7,778,310
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Keywords: top 10, most amazing top 10, Top10, top 10 list, lists10, top10, top, Top 10, Lists, Convicts Who Saved A Guard's Life, convicts, guards saved by inmates, prison inmates, prison guards, prison guard, riots, prison, jail, prison riots, police officers, police officer
Id: W3yvFt3abtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 51sec (471 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2017
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