Top 10 Scary Time Capsules From The Past

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Welcome back everyone, this video has been my favourite one to work on for a while now. Time capsules are fascinating, people fill them up with items from their time and then bury them underground for tens, hundreds or even thousands of years. There are always time capsules being discovered and opened by people today. Most of the are fun, educational and nostalgic - sometime though, people unearth dark secrets of the past that people would rather forget. Once they reach the surface though, the secrets are out. Here are 10 of the best that I could find, my name is Danny Burke and this is the Top 10 Scary Time Capsules From The Past. Starting off at number 10 now we have The Mental Hospital[a]. In 2015, a construction crew in Indiana discovered a time capsule from 1958 that was put there by the staff of a former mental hospital. It contained their message to the future - to us - and it was in the form of a video. The experts were excited to hear what the message said but were disappointed to find most of the audio was missing. There was only a little bit left at the end where an unknown man said -When the psychiatrists of the future open this time capsule, only they will be able to tell how well weve solved our treatment problems- … the audio cuts out and when it returns, the men are discussing electroshock therapy - a common practice in the 50s used to treat mental disorders which has fallen out of favour and been heavily criticised over the years. The hospital eventually closed down in 1992. Historians have had a hard time figuring out who the men are in the video and what the missing audio parts were - especially when it came to electroshock therapy. Next up at number 9 we have Abandon[b]. This one came from Imgur where a user shared a strange box they find in their Grandmothers house while helping her clear up. It was a safe - but the Grandmother didnt know the combination. They took a hammer and chisel to it and when they opened it up, they quickly realized it was a time capsule. The grandmother believed it must have been put together by her own grandmother many years ago - that made it at least 4 generations old … inside they discovered a note that read -Abandon all regret ye who enter here- … thats a famous line from Dantes Divine Comedy. They figured it may be an onimous warning but they continued to look through the contents. They found a bag with Chinese calligraphy on which read -double happiness- … inside they found a pen, a plastic box, a suede pouch and an oil lamp. They also found pictures of the grandmothers own grandparents! They were glad they didnt heed the creepy warning on the note … Moving on to number 8 we have J.M Barrie[c]. Thats the name written on a trunk that was discovered in 2010 by two women who were clearing out an abandoned building in LA. J.M Barrie was a nurse for Scotland and she had the same initials as James M Barrie - the author of Peter Pan and also Scottish. When they opened the trunk up - they were horrified to find the bodies of two babies from the 1930s. They were wrapped in sheets and hidden in two doctors bags along with some old newspapers and other belongings. Investigators found no connection between the two individuals though, even though a copy of Peter Pan was found with the babies and also membership papers for the Peter Pan Woodland Club Resort. Coroners reported no signs of trauma on the babies and could find no evidence they had been aborted. One of them had clearly reached full term while the smaller one may have been born prematurely. Despite there being no concrete link between Peter Pan and the babies, some people have speculated that there is one and that it has something to do with Never Never Land, where children never grow up. Do you think theres something darker to this story than meets the eye? Moving on to number 7 now we have The Boy[d]. In 2016, a demolition crew in Albuquerque New Mexico discovered a time capsule from 1968 near a former elementary school. It appeared to have been made by a boy at the time who wanted it to be found at some point in the future. The workers were prepared for a cute message, but the letter they found inside proved to be quite a bit creepier. It read -I am dead. I go to Montgomery School. That is the olden school name. I was born in 1900. You auto now I dead. My favourite subject is spooking the police. I play the guitar. In case you don't know what it is, it is a board with strings on them. I am 10 years old. See you later savages- … that was it. That was the whole letter. It was signed by a boy called Greg Lee Youngman. Efforts to find Greg today have been unsuccessful. Some people insist that this is because there really was some sort of guitar playing ghost from a century ago living in that house who left the letter - others say it was just a kid with a large imagination - either way, the letter is just creepy by itself. Moving on to number 6 now we have Mother[e]. This is a horrifying story from 2016. A woman in North Carolina thought she had struck a bargain when she bought a freezer from her neighbor for 30 dollars. When she opened it at home though - she was horrified to find human remains in the freezer. The neighbour had put her own mother inside the freezer and simply told the buyer she had been using it as a -time capsule- … in an interview, the buyer said -She sold me her frozen mother for $30. How do you do something like that?- … I think an even better question would be why. She said she hadnt seen her neighbours mother in months but didnt suspect any fowl play. When the police went to investigate on that day, they found the daughter had already left town - telling the buyer that she was going to West Virginia to visit her mother in a nursing home, even though she knew full well where her mother really was … Coming in at number 5 we have Hiroshima[f]. In January 1968, two Japanese companies agreed to create a join time capsule project in celebration of Japan World Exposition 1970. It was intended to be buried for 5000 years. The upper capsule was opened in 2000 and is intended to be opened after 100 years thereafter. It was intended to give the people of the future an insight into the world of 1970 and the everyday life of Japanese people. It contained artifacts recorded through art, literature and music. It also contained some more unusual items including a slinky toy, some glass eyeballs and the black fingernail of a Hiroshima atomic bomb survivor. It had only been 25 years since the US dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima that led the Japans surrender - and it was still fresh in the mind of many Japanese people. Human fingernails are made of keratin which does not decompose and so it this one should still be intact in the year 6970. The time capsule creators felt that this will serve as a grizzly reminder of the horrors of war for all future generations. Moving on to number 4 we have Nazis[g]. Its never gonna be a good one when I call it that is it. In September 2016, Polish archaeologists dug up a Nazi time capsule that had been buried under a Nazi officer training centre over 80 years before. Hitler even visited it himself. Archaeologists have known about the time capsules existence for quite a while but it was only in 2016 that they were able to break through the concrete and retrieve the capsule. They found its contents well preserved. There were photos, letters, an invitation to the buildings opening, newspapers, coins and a book about the towns history. Sound normal enough for a time capsule - but there were also some additions - 2 copies of Mein Kampf and photos of Hitler. Oh. It was all going so well. Next up at the number 3 we have The Apartment[h]. In June 2010, a French woman called Solange Beaugiron died in the South of France aged 91. When the executors of her will were going through her records, they discovered that she owned an entire apartment in Paris that she had never mentioned. They noticed that she had been making regular payments for this apartment for decades. When they opened it up, there were astonished to find the apartment the apartment had been untouched for all this time, it contained countless paintings, furniture and common elements of early 20th century life. The whole apartment was a time capsule, frozen in time. It turns out that Solange had inheretied the apartment after her Grandmother died in 1939. At some point during the 2nd world war, Solange had left the apartment in Paris and fled to the south of France when the Nazis arrived. She never mentioned the apartment but continued to pay for it it over the years - while the priceless paintings gathered dust. One of them even sold for 3 million Euros. Moving on to number 2 we have Einstein[i]. In 1939, Albert Einstein wrote a letter to go with the contents of a Time Capsule that was being buried to commemorate the New York Worlds Fair. It remains 50ft underground at Flushing Meadows and is not meant to be opened again until the year 6939 - 5000 years after it was buried. Einsteins letter contained some creepily accurate predictions about the future. He talked about the great achievements that science had made in his time but said that -production and distribution of commodities is entirely unorganized so that everybody must live in fear of being eliminated from the economic cycle, in this way suffering for the want of everything. Furthermore, people living in different countries kill each other at irregular time intervals, so that also for this reason any one who thinks about the future must live in fear and terror. This is due to the fact that the intelligence and character of the masses are incomparably lower than the intelligence and character of the few who produce something valuable for the community.- … people feel that our world looks a lot like the one he described. Are people living in constant fear of violence and economic threats? Im sure the comments section will have a lot to say about that … And finally at number 1 we have Trophies[j]. A while ago, a man using his metal detector in some woods came across a time capsule. He excitedly opened it but soon found some disturbing items inside. It was filled with a teddy bear, clothes, photos, a camera and Girls Pee Wee softball medal from 2003. It looked like the belongings of a young girl. Soon, people began to speculate that this time capsule actually held the trophies of a serial killer. If true, its thought the killer wanted to hold onto mementos of the people theyd murdered - theyd chosen the forest as the secluded spot where nobody would find it, they didnt count on the man with his metal detector. The police investigated but concluded that the items were probably innocent memorabilia left as a time capsule by their owner. They tested the items for DNA and began to reference it to the list of unsolved crimes, hoping to find a match that might lead to solving a murder from the past. Alright then guys, that was a lot of information to take in there - well done for getting through it - while you digest it all lets quickly take a look at some comments. These came from my Top 10 Scary Viking Stories video. Edghe Gile said -His voice is really relaxing. Is it just me?- well, thank you very much, Im gonna take that as a compliment. Its not the first time Ive heard it and Im glad I can relax people out there with only my speaking voice - that kinda sounds like a really weak superpower - Danny Burke - the power to relax through his speaking voice. If you see me in the next Marvel movie, remember you heard it here first. Delaney Zanadin commented - great name by the way, they said -I love the Vikings! I'm actually trying to write a fictional book about them! Your Top10 Viking Urban Legends actually gave me inspiration! Thank you for posting another Vikings video! I love all your videos!- … thats so cool to hear! Im very gad any of my videos can inspire any of you guys to be creative. That means so much to me to here. Let me know when youve finished writing your story, Id love to read it! And any of you, let me know if any of our videos have ever inspires you to do something creative. Now its time to thank you as always for watching guys, my name is Danny Burke and Ill see you all in the next one!
Channel: MostAmazingTop10
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Keywords: top 10, most amazing top 10, top 10 list, mostamazingtop10, most amazing top ten, top ten, most amazing, top 10 scary, most amazing top 10 scary, top 10 scary time capsules, time capsule, time capsules from the past, scary time capsules, scary time capsules from the past, top 10 scary time capsules from the past, time capsules that are scary, time capsules being opened, scary time capsule, time capsule car, time capsule found, time capsule opened, time capsule movie
Id: n3F2urCXbCo
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Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 21 2018
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