Top 10 Board Games of 2022... So Far

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there's already been a lot of really good games this year it's only halfway through the year so many let's talk about them [Music] what's up everybody i'm mike i'm nick we are the brothers murph and indeed it is time to talk about our favorite games that we have played from 2022 so far that have come out so far indeed right uh there's gonna be more games gen con hasn't happened yet essen hasn't happened there's gonna be so many more games by the end of the year so it's good to take a look now and it was good what the year has been like and it's already been a really good year again we made a list of like over 20 games that we had to whittle down to 10. and we are limiting it to games um that one we've obviously played but also that both of us have played because there's a couple games that you've played a couple games that i've played but the other one has those we're including mostly things that are out now there is an exception to that that will be out by the end of the year but for the most part we want things that are available now or about to come out indeed uh and instead focusing on stuff that's later a little bit later so get right into it make sure to like this video subscribe if you haven't and let's get into number 10. number of 10 is a game all about being ooh so cutesy creature comforts it is creature comfort future number it's kind of like a it gets compared to everyday a lot because it's got like a similar theme and similar kind of things that you're doing but it's all about gaining comfort literally all your points are comfort you are trying to take it's cute i'm like the coziest little home you can before winter hits and you're a bunch of animals that are just going around collecting resources and things but you're like making soup and making bread to go with that soup they pair together you're making blankets and stuff and toys and uh what board games and stuff like that it's all about making life as cozy as possible and i can't help but love that yeah it's cool it's it's uh it's again it's it's much lighter than everedah but it's a kind of a dice placement nice kind of resource game where you have workers you're putting them out and then you have like your family die which are nice in your color but it's also kind of like community dice that you'll also get to use but you have to put out your workers and the work replacement spots that you're putting them like this one will be like you can only put evens here so you require certain numbers you're basically putting them out there and then kind of hoping that you end up rolling what you need to activate those spots and there is some dice mitigation as well right and it's just it just works really well it's super cute super comfy and again if you like if you want people to play everedell or something like everything this is a great kind of intro into that game because it's got a similar theme but it's much lighter because evernote can get it's too heavy for new people and if someone's really good at everyday they can like crush pretty hard yeah yeah yeah but creepy comfort is great yeah we really enjoy it so far the theming is just one that like i'll always be intrigued by because the art's always really great yes really colorful and pretty and just uh yeah kids table board game always making really good stuff yeah they always do yeah so creature comforts is one that we've enjoyed so far this year and looking forward to playing more there's gonna be another game set in the maple valley called maple valley i am very intrigued by that as well yeah but that's creature comforts number ten stopping at number nine number nine is by that praise be praise be to phil go hard and get some praise in the comments phil walker hardy we love philip hardy so much praise be this is a game called planted this is a new game of by buffalo games and fill our heart they've been kind of doing a lot of these like intro to mechanic type games yeah they had summer camp which is kind of a very much an intro and a deck building that's really really good plant is an intro into drafting hard drafting that's right indeed yeah it's really really fun yeah so this one you are basically drafting out cards that are going to have resources for your plants water food water sunshine uh you can get some green thumbs which you can turn into wilds um and you're drafting out these cards and the other things you might be drafting are tools or decorations decorations are going to give you end game scoring a little bit of set collection tools will give you tools so then now if you get a water you get maybe two water spray bottles things like that yeah so at the end of the house you're feeding house plants at the end of the round you'll have a massive some amount of resources from these cards and you will then go to feed your plants those uh foods and things yeah one might be like two water and a sunshine is what this like particular fern needs or yeah if you meet that need that plant grows you get to cover up the lowest spot on there with a growth token which will have points at the end of the game so you're trying to get like the right resources to grow as many plants as you can you want to grow them multiple times because the more you grow them the more points they're worth yeah some can grow more than others and things like that so it's just a really adorable very really cozy theme the kind of house plant thing is really in right now and i'm all for it because i think it's like well that's just our nurturing things as you nurture them they nurture you so it's a very appealing theme which i think is great for aiming at non-gamers because you have this great theme the the quality of the bits and stuff in this game are insane it's like a 20 game it's like a target exclusive it's not gonna be available everywhere but it's insanely good quality and it's a really solid game and they take the time and care to teach you like this is what card drafting is because not everyone has played the other phil walker harding games sushi go right so they got to get into that mechanism somehow this does it so well it's just good it's just it's really really good praise be always be praise being frisbee to phil um it's just an another featheriness cap of making very accessible games that make board gamers this is a game that people pick up because it's cute and it's a really fun little game and so it's like that's what phil does yeah we love it we love it that's planted number nine skinner number eight number eight is a game that i had never even heard of until we were going to play it we played this over on sovereignty you could play it there this is planet unknown planet i don't know anything about this game but this is this has got mikey all the stuff we like nick do we like uh play placing tiles yes we do apologize do we like bump in tracks but everything in the whole world do you like to place tiles so you can bump those tracks i do like to do that this is a game where you are doing polyamino title shapes which you quite enjoy to fill a planet as much as you can kind of patchwork style you want to fill in that planet you're terraforming it as you go also put like biomass down civilization hubs and something like that as you put simulation hubs down and stuff whatever kind of tile you place down you are going to move up there's usually two tracks uh showing on a tile you're gonna move up those two traps as you move those tracks you're gonna get all sorts of stuff you might get uh bonus bumps up other tracks you might get civilization cards which give you all sorts of powers and stuff there's a whole technology side that gives you ways to break all the base rules of the game uh all sorts of stuff you can work together some crazy combos you really can yeah that are so satisfying and then it's like one of the more like you can add variety yeah there's a whole bunch of different planets you can play on and everyone can be playing on a different planet there's not like a you don't have to be on the same thing all the corporations you're kind of going up with you're like tech track you can all have a different corporation they all give you different special powers you can do tons of variety some of the planets are like wild they're like all sorts of and it's just so cool and the way you get the tiles is actually really cool too because they're on kind of a lazy susan in the middle of the board and so there's a stack of tiles on your side on your little depot and when it's your turn the active turn you can turn it or you can kind of keep it where it is but then on every turn everyone grabs the tile in place because it's all simultaneous there's nothing i can do to affect mike but it's cool because you can choose where who's essentially going to get this grab from what stack when you're the active player and it's just really really fun we play it over on sovereignty which works really well yeah and i cannot we don't have this game physically but i really really want to get it because i absolutely adored it i thought it was so good it's really fun it just says a lot of the things that specifically we really enjoy yeah that's planet unknown number eight let's get number seven [Music] number seven is a big old game from restoration games and that is return to dark tower dark tower existed before and then it's returned via restoration games that's their whole business model is taking games from afar bringing them back and now the tower is bigger and badder and it's app assisted uh using a a smart device that you bluetooth connect to the tower uh and it causes all sorts of crazy stuff to happen yeah it's a really cool game yeah it's a big co-op game where you're going on a quest uh and you have to fight monsters and things along the way you're trying to get to kind of these different points to advance the story because you're given a story uh and then that will eventually lead you to kind of go to the tower where your big adversary is like waiting and they come out like what's going on you got to fight that the big the big bad to win yeah yeah and you're dealing with skulls and stuff because you're dropping stuff into the tower which is a cube tower it's a cube tower yeah it's a big electronic cube tower so every turn you have to drop skulls into the cube time the goals are corruption if you get too much corruption in a various part of the world that's how one of the ways you can lose the game and so you're dropping cubes in there but again it's a cube tire so you don't know where it's going to come out and there are doors on the tower so it might get stuck behind a door and you're like oh nothing came out well i guess it's just in there now but multiple times throughout the game the inside of the tower is mechanical and the different floors will actually rotate independently so the tower goes the tower will move and it starts just turning on the inside and what might happen is where there's like a kind of a little cachet of skulls in there that might turn to an open door and then they just pour out and whenever every time you drop it in there every time it turns you just do not know what's going to happen yeah and it's so exciting every single time it happens every time the tower does anything you're just like oh god oh god oh god it lights up and there's like runes that will illuminate and they will make you your life harder one of your actions will be harder to do so cool it's so cool and like it it's the coolest like that tower it sounds like the coolest like single thing to me in a board game because if all steps it knows when you drop a skull in and everything has a little sensor the engineering that went into this and we we obviously are sponsored by restoration games so we've heard about this project for many years as it was going it's like this is quite a feat engineering was insane yeah but it works really good yeah that's really really fun yeah we're stoked and returned to dark tower it's a big old epic uh game that you can play competitively as well but that is uh dark tower at number seven boom uh let's go ahead and hop into number six [Music] number six is a game that i i i was interested in but it when we first got it it did catch vice president how good it was and that's a long shot the dice game absolutely which is a roll right version of long shot um in this game uh uh chris handy the gentleman who made it contacted us to play and we're like yeah totally and it seemed cool but man we played it like this is just so much fun you're just running a horse race it's a rolling right game where you are betting on the outcome of a horse race and the board will have eight little horses and you're rolling a die to advance the horses some amount of uh kind of camel uppy where it's like depending on what you're rolling yeah and you don't have a ton of ways to influence the race you can a little bit but you're kind of watching this race play out and then based on how the race is going you're going to make money that's on horses and certain horses have better odds than others to win uh so their payouts are less but if you get the long shot horse you get that eight and they manage to win you're going to get a big old pace so you're trying to track what horse is winning there's little ways you can mod and make horses more likely to move yeah so you can do some of those things but you're kind of collecting jerseys and helmets for your horses or a bit of sex collection there you can uh go to the concession you're doing like rows and columns to get bonuses and stuff you buy one of the horses and then if that horse comes in for a second or third you'll get a payout because of that so there's always like little things you can do but basically it comes down to what number got rolled you're gonna do something with that number do something with that seven yeah so if the seven was rolled you have to bet on horse seven or something yeah exactly so there's always fun little things but it's a quick little game that really gets exciting because you realize you have so much control over the horse race it becomes like you get all like come on four we can do this we can do this you know uh it's really really fun really it accommodates a ton of players it's like two to eight it plays really well at two plays really well eight i mean it's one of it as well and it's like yeah you can't it's right so i said technically one to eight it comes like a little box it's one of those games where i'm like man this is just gonna get brought everywhere because it's just so much fun it's just so incredibly fun goes down smooth that is long shot the dice game good really really fun we are going to be hanging onto it for a good long while i reckon indeed that's why it's our number six so far from 2022. let's get number five [Music] number five actually there's gonna be a playthrough of this coming out on monday we're dropping this video on friday that is burn cycle oh yeah burn cycle is really really fun this is a big chip theory game co-op yeah big co-op chip theory game it's a heist game actually it looks kind of like it wouldn't be because there's like big mechs and robots and stuff but it's actually a heist game where in this world the the humans made a.i and then the humans ended up kind of like killing all themselves off basically and then um the ai kind of just like rebuilt the planet and then brought the humans back and then the humans like took over again and made all these crazy big corporations and now you're playing as the robots kind of trying to overthrow them so you're sneaking around the corporations and that's the each corporation has a bunch of different missions and every game you're doing one of those missions but it's a stealth game it's not like a big coming in guns blazing kind of no you are you are not gonna be very well equipped to just like do you're like janitors you're like you know you're robots you're kind of like the help staff do a job over here yeah yeah so you're instead trying to like really manipulate and move around and you can get equipment and mods that might help you then do battle or something or help you get it you're like accessing terminals yeah you're getting cool stacking into the mainframe and whatnot so it does like a lot of cool things that i'm like you know what if this was just a run around and and blast people almost no interest yeah uh i think i'd i'd be interested but i'd like well we have zombie side we have games that are like that so like i don't know if i need it but this goes a different direction like this is actually really interesting really scratches a different niche yeah i'm curious to see where this is gonna end up at the end of the year list for me because i really really like burn cycle i think it's absolutely outstanding as a chip theory game i do think it's the most accessible of all the chip theory games it's the one that requires the least amount of like kind of investment as a like i i'm a i play too many bones yeah exactly right totally and it's just it's super fun i love looking at it it's chip theory so the production value is like outstanding it's really really really cool yeah i'm just i really like birds like i'm very excited to play more of it yeah same yeah and there's a ton of content in that box so we have a lot to explore that's our number five burn cycle super super cool let's get a number four [Music] number four actually is also going to have a play through coming out this week we're doing a big gen con preview this week which is why yes this is sky minds mines is a re-theme of a game embossed by by alexander fister um and we've always wanted to play mombasa but didn't like the theme and so they re-themed it now we're super pumped and it's cool it's about mining the moon and stuff yeah so you're mine the moon and basically there's four corporations that are up there and doing all the mining and you're investing in those companies you're trying to make sure that the company you've invested that you have the most shares in yeah uh really has a big you know share of the moon it's kind of an 18xx there's these different companies you don't own them but it's just like you are investing in them yeah and the more the more kind of present a company is on the moon the more valuable their shares are and if i've invested and i have five shares i stand to make more money and money is the is the currency of the realm indeed now that you're hoping to get it yeah yeah it's just it's very cool because you can you can invest in any of the companies there's four tracks bumping tracks we love it bump and traffic and yeah you can move up any of those and then you also have these cars these cars will have like different materials on them and then a couple different kinds of scientists um and you can get bigger and better cards like that but the cool thing is is you start the game with like three action slots you play three cards and you'll activate those cards but then on top of your board there's essentially three different discard piles there's this card pile for each action slot and when you bring all your when your turn is done and you um put all your cards up you have to put one card in each pile and then watch you you take one of the piles and then you put one card in each pile so that's kind of like the deck building in this game is you're putting these cards up but you're constantly having to split them up so you might have a really awesome hand with like a ton of energy and do something big and crazy but then you have to split those cards up so you can't read all those humongous turns all the time and it just works really really well yeah i think it adds a lot of like really interesting choices of like when do you play your cards and what kind of sequence where do you put what piles you put in really matters ultimately it's kind of like an action selection game that like once we got into it i was like you know what this is not so crazy as i thought it was uh and we really dig the idea of just minding the moon and getting helium three yeah and it's got a bunch of different modules and so i'm super excited to try the different modules that's got a solo mode which is gonna be cool yeah so i we really like skylines a lot again there'll be a playthrough for that coming out this week uh yeah it's really really cool i've always wanted to play this one and so uh we finally get to and it's great it's super rad super round so check it out that sky mine's at number four let's get into number three [Music] number three is all about decorating a house nick we live together in this house we need it to be a certain way but the certain way we need it to be is not necessarily a certain way that the other needs it to be that's right we got to figure out in decorum okay so decorum this is a really simple game where you have a little house that has spots for decorations you have like wall hangings curios and and lamps and what you're gonna do is you're either gonna add something to the house you're gonna remove something from the house you're gonna swap an item for a different color item or you can paint a room that is literally the four things you can do in this game and we each have certain ways that we've been told in secret we need the house to be for example i need to have more green items downstairs than upstairs and i can't have any blue walls in the entire house and we don't know we don't talk about these things very passive aggressive faux pas and so we have to play things and then all we can do is give our opinion so if i put in a lamp i can say hey what do you think about that i hate that lamp i hate that i hate that lamp and i have to figure out like why i think the lamp is great and so you can get really into the role-playing of this where you get all in like i think my taste is fine thank you i'm a modern gal i enjoy modern fineries yeah and you're like all antiques i'm like why are you into some retro stuff this sucks it does and the game does help me get a little bit of the role playing the role playing is not super heavy but it's just little things like that instead of saying like no just be like no i hate that that's terrible and it's just it just it just gets giggly and super fun but it's tough because you're looking at you're like how there is a way always to make them all work yes there is an answer to the puzzle that you've been getting there is one there's a way to be perfect for everybody but it's so it feels so impossible a couple times throughout the game you will be able to share a little bit of information which is great but it is so difficult and one thing they're going to be doing is coming out with an at least they're planning on coming off an app because there is kind of like a little campaign to this game where there's a bunch of different little scenarios but then the app eventually will just like essentially randomly generate them for you and then it's like and the app will make sure that it's possible and then so it's infinitely playable but it's just so much fun it's just so good yeah it's really good great there's a lot with a little like it's a simple concept and stuff gives you a little bit of story throughout the campaign the campaign's kind of designed as like a two-player thing but then there's three and four player like missions or scenarios as well so there's a lot of content in that box and it's such an easy game to get going again i explain the whole game to you right now just there and it's so easy to get into and it's just really fun you get right to the fun in this one yeah and that's something that's really exciting so that is decorum number three what's happening number two [Music] so number two we're gonna keep it into co-op deduction this is paint the roses we both like co-op deduction a lot paint the roses is a co-op deduction game where you are in the alice in wonderland universe and you are gardeners taking care of the queen of hearts and garden she is very very mean she didn't like anybody and so basically every single person will draw a wim card there are easy medium of hard whims and the whims will tell you essentially the queen has told you specifically what she wants her garden so it might be like what she wants next to each other yeah what she wants next so i want purple roses next to yellow roses but mike might be like he wants spade like um spades with a suit but a bush is shaped like spades the suit next to purple flowers but we don't know that so basically on your turn you're going to take a tile from the greenhouse and that is going to have some kind of bush which is going to be a suit of card and then some kind of flower on it and you're going to place it somewhere in the garden and then everyone will put cubes on that tile that was just placed to say whether or not that made a match for their whim right and so if i put if i needed purple next to yellow if i put a purple tile next to two yellows i would put two cubes on there and then everyone goes okay that'd be two matches for nick and then at the end of that turn you always have to guess at least one whim you have to make a guess and if you are correct then your little gardener gets to move further around the edge of the board just build that morning at the end of every turn the queen is also going to go around the edge of the board and chase you down if you are wrong she moves twice as fast she has an axe in her she has an accident her only plan is to chop your heads up yes uh and she will continually speed up throughout the game get faster and faster so you have to make at least one guess then it really comes down to a lot of like okay we know two people's things well guess one save the next one for the next turn you can get really strategically well that's how you go about the game the game is so easy to explain like we basically explained the whole thing right there and it's this is a game you can play with i honestly think you can make this a gateway game because one is co-ops you're all working together yeah and it's so simple but the the the strategy in terms of the thinking is so deep because it's always like okay so we think mike is this but like if it's he's this why didn't he take this tile over here a lot of cool stuff and then why do you place it here instead of over here and so there's so much to think about in terms of like it's so much is like what you didn't do as opposed to what you did do and it just works so well information can be information indeed and it's just gorgeous and the art's beautiful the tiles are beautiful i really think this is a chance to be like an evergreen i think it's great i really like paint the roses a lot yeah it's really fantastic it's just like hit and it's so hard yeah i've showed it to a lot of people so far and everyone's always good it is a legitimate challenge and then there's a bunch of modules you can play if you want to make it harder i can't imagine trying to make it hard it's so good at the game that i need to make it harder to do it and you incorporate lots of other characters from the alice in wonderland universe which is really cool it's a fantastic production it's gorgeous gorgeous highly enough about how it looks and then how it plays that's right let's paint the rose is our number two favorite game so far in 2022 let's get into number one [Music] mike what's the best game of the year uh right now oh my gosh it is wayfarers of the south tigris now this is not yet but shem and garfield games are really good about getting their games out quickly let's be honest when they do kickstarter's their games yeah so they exercise and this game was as well so they expect to have them out by the end of the year obviously you know shipping and stuff uh pending but yeah uh wave versus south tigress is the beginning of a new trilogy champions also did the you know the north sea trilogy the west kingdom trilogy of the west kingdom trilogy games were all amazing absolutely all bona fide hits they just keep building on each design and so sam shem phillips and and uh sam uh have done it again with wayfarers of the south tigress it's so incredible so is this time you set in baghdad basically we are tasked with kind of a challenge to we're trying to figure out the circumference of the earth so we're like charting this so we're exploring right we're charting the night sky as we walk over land and sail over water to to kind of learn more about this earth that we are on yeah uh and and all of those things serve to give you different types of cards that do different things so the night sky all the space cards are going to give you end game scoring of some form or another the land cards are going to give you uh worker placement spots to use your dice some resources some like resources the vistas will give you bonuses so if you get a certain type of tag like if you get a harbor for example anytime you get a harbor you get a provision yeah if you're out in open water you can then put a villager in that open water which will give you a bonus whenever you rest like a whole bunch of different things and that's where we get really excited about this game is like there is so many potential combinations of cards that you can put together to make these synergists these synergies and so that everything that you do is super efficient and gives you all sorts of goodies and stuff like that and to me what gets so exciting is like i don't think i would ever find the bottom of the of the possibilities yeah and that's really really exciting it's always something to do like if i combo this card with that what happens here that's really fun and the game the game looks overwhelming when you're playing it and it's it's one of the bigger ones we always ask like where is it in the thing we always say like it's it's not i don't think it's quite as heaviest but it's pretty close yeah it's pretty close just because of the number of options yeah but it's so cool and there's like dice placement in it and worker placement there's both and it's just it's just outstanding it's got the miko art so it's absolutely gorgeous i love the setting i love the theme it's just rad i'm so excited for the rest of this series again the garfield game's just been crushing it and this one i mean this one want to play it some more we played it we played it a number of times at this point but like it might be my favorite of all the garfield games which is really saying a lot i like it so much i feel like when all is said and done to this point if we're just calculating like what has come out so far i see this one being the most infinitely replayable because there's so many combinations of those cards and you know he's gonna expand it oh i i i just don't even know what that would be but i'm excited i'm here for it already yeah i'm here wait for us to south tigress is really really exciting we really like it if you like garfield games and stuff you like what they what sham and sam did with the west kingdom trilogy i think you're going to enjoy yourself here as well it's off this trilogy's off to a really good start and this wasn't even the first one they designed so that's just kind of exciting like well do say and this one's all focusing on dice yes stuff with dice basically different ways to use dice i'm like they're just like out here challenging themselves like i'm bored let me think of like a weird challenge for myself to do like we'll make a trilogy about dicems like standing clap ovation and how dare you be so great that is our list everybody indeed ten games and like at the top there are so many more that we didn't even include they're so this is gonna i dare say at the end of the year be a tough one apparently it's gonna be a tough one and we haven't hit gen con we haven't s and that's why we're doing this now because we know that this list is probably gonna change in a couple weeks it's it's gonna be it's gonna be a good year it already really has been uh yeah it's been awesome thank you so much for being here um you'll see the the our patrons are scrolling by right now patrons we always give a big shout out to our patrons at the end of every top 10 because they make it so we can afford rent on this place basically is honestly super helpful it's humongous so if you want to check out patreon check out the link description below we do like um q a stuff there we're starting to do some reviews over there all that kind of stuff so make sure to check that out um and put down in the comments below what's your favorite game of the year so far could be a new to you game or just a new new game let us know just wanna open a little discussion down below it's been a very good year so far yeah it's been really great what you've played let us know uh things you're looking forward to that haven't come out yet let us know those as well so that we know to keep an eye out for them indeed until next time i'm mike i'm nick we're the brothers murph we'll catch y'all in the next top ten bye everybody
Channel: The Brothers Murph
Views: 16,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cjzh_oa-X2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 23sec (1583 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 22 2022
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