Top 10 Filler Board Games (Less Than 30 Minutes)

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quick little disclaimer though this is 18th of july 2022 it is the worst heat wave the uk has ever seen it is hot out there it is even hotter in here we're talking 30 plus degrees which i know doesn't sound like much to you in the states but we don't get air conditioning like you do so it is ha ha ha so if i die from heat exhaustion before this video is done you'll know why [Music] hi everybody i'm luke hector from the broken media if you like what you see please remember you can thumb up the video you can subscribe to the channel you can even check out the patreon to lend a helping hand review copies or better still you can just engage in the comments by letting me know your thoughts about the game or the channel in question we'll get on with the show in just a minute but first a quick word from the sponsor as a fellow gamer you'll understand this is unacceptable the solution head down to my new sponsor kinder stocks many of the hot new releases as well as some old hidden gems free delivery on orders over 30 pound further discounts on bulk purchases and even 5 of your spending refunded back to you as points to be used for further discounts down the line if you use the referral link in the description below and sign up for a new account you'll get five percent discount on your first order over 60 pounds so let's make gaps in your collection a thing of the past get down to kiander and start saving today thank you for listening and enjoy the rest of the video get done with it so on today's show we're talking about filler games now by fillers i'm talking 30 minutes max and that's 30 minutes including a teach so we're talking short lightning fast games doesn't matter how small or big they are they gotta be quick games lately everything's all got to be a giant box with a ton of rules free hours tons of complexity to get anywhere near noticed it all these days why what's wrong with a nice small game you know a nice tiny little box you know just nice and light that you can stick in your bag you know to go traveling in that what is wrong with them i mean i've just come from manacon a local convention and trust me i enjoyed my plays of arcanova and endless winter and stuff like that there more on that in another podcast but still you know it was nice to be able to play a filler every now and again to cleanse the palette or just to enjoy something nice and light for 20 30 minutes and i played a couple of other ones there i'd never played before these yeah they're a dime a dozen and that's kind of half the point of this list to try and narrow it down to ten it was quite tricky but i just enjoy a nice light little game they're charming they're they're almost zen like they're relaxing in some cases not all of them are relaxing for sure but i just like the idea that for every box of say perseverance that you owned you could have a ton of little filler games just nestled in that kind of space and you would be you'd be set for a ton if it was your game collection honestly filler games just don't get enough rap these days and we're not seeing that many of them produced anymore there's a couple of publishers who pretty much make their name during filler games and yeah you'll be hearing about one of them on this list spoiler alert but yeah i want more i want more of these games i want more nice light little games where somebody can go you know what you clearly don't have four hours spare to play a game how about 30 minutes it's not a lot to ask is it what am i psychic so for number 10 we have got the most aptly named one i would say but it pretty much tells you exactly what it is and that is point salad point salad from aeg is a cool little filler gabe where you are literally playing a point salad with salad for points like i said the clue is in the title it basically is a case where you have these cards laid out and you are collecting them and they're different vegetables peppers onions cabbage and things like that but what you also are doing is potentially drawing the reverse of the card which is a scoring condition free tomatoes is eight points uh every pepper is where free points but every carrot's worth mine is two uh whoever has the most onions at the end gets seven points you know that kind of thing so on your turn you are essentially deciding if you want to take a vegetable or a point salad card the reverse of the card is the point scoring condition and the other side is the vegetable but the question is if you take too many vegetables without any way to score for them you're not going to score many points but if you take too many scoring cards you won't be able to make good use of all of them and of course everybody else has got their own cards with their own scoring conditions it's really quick really simple but just a cool concept the idea that every game you're aiming for a slightly different path to victory depending on what cards flip out the one thing that does knock this one down a bit though is the player count play this with a maximum of four players if you can play it with two or three even better five or six players will still get it done in 30 minutes but it's very chaotic it's like all over the shop with those cards you might as well just go off and make a cup of tea by the time it gets around to your turret the tea won't even be finished yet but still you're gonna have like oh wait you've got a completely different display to what you saw before definitely played this with a max of four players two or three especially and honestly point salad is a really cool game with just a clever design i like the fact that some people go on like it's called point salad oh hardy ha but honestly i thought that time was pretty clever actually it's not pretentious or anything it's just literally telling you what it does points out it's a cool one now bearing in mind my box is a little bit on the big side i heard you can get it in a smaller box now definitely aim for that one i wish i had that one to be honest do you think maybe he's compensating for something so vomit number nine we're taking a look at a really tiny little box really tiny brought to my attention i think by avira when i was doing my top 10 tiny games and it's a really cool little like elentry and it only cost me about like what six seven pound to buy it i think i got off amazon like it was a german copy but it's language independent and that's ohanami ohanami is this clever little card game where you're essentially building columns of cards in four different suits you've got these sculpture cards you've got these like was it blossom trees cherry blossom trees and then a couple of others like lakes and some uh like bushes and trees and stuff but what you're doing is essentially drafting these cards and they're numbered anywhere from like something like one to 101 you know they're like all all the whole range of numbers but what you do is you draft them and you can place them into one of three columns in front of you but you can't go in between the numbers you have to go highest point or lowest point so the bigger the gap you leave between the next number the more spaces you're effectively wasting but this is the clever bit the idea is that they score at different times the blue cards don't score as much i think it's like three points a card but there's a lot of them and they score in all three scoring phases the green cards score a little bit more but they score in the second and third phase only and then you've got the rocks and the cherry blossom trees the rocks are their own separate theme but the cherry blossom trees are all about like the more you get the more exponential the points is but they only score at the end and believe me it's surprising how tight the scores can be with this little gem it really is a hidden gem i think that's pretty much the best way to describe it cool little card game simple drafting although one little tip a little house rule the rules will stipulate that the first person to decide which card they're doing i think like flips it first or does something weird forget all that rubbish it's absolute stupidity that rule just basically have that everybody drafts the card and then simultaneously flips it over so much simpler ignore what the rule book says it's it makes no difference and i'm not even sure i know anybody who does play by that rule anymore it's garbage but other than that little tiny little tweak you gotta make this is a really solid little feather nice and quick easily like 20 minute game if that and it actually has pretty nice artwork and just gives a nice little pleasant zen feeling as well as you're looking at cherry blossom trees and nice pretty lakes and that it's like i say it's a little gem and you can get it dirt cheap oh hanami for my number nine i'm literally having to towel myself down between takes i kid you not for my number eight we are talking about one of the oldest fillers i think was in my collection when i first started getting into board gaming and it is so small yet so chock for the laps yeah a lot of it is just guessing and bluffing but honestly i don't have games of this go poorly it always generates a like you know laughter and banter around the table and that is cockroach poker or kakadakin poker whichever way you want to pronounce it you know the german or the english version but this one is just so simple you've got a hand of cards they are based on different vermin and you simply pick a card hand it to somebody and go this is a stinkbug and the idea is is that you are trying to not be a winner you're trying to not be the loser first person to get four of the same vermin in front of them loses the game and if you mess up a claim you get the card so what you're essentially doing is either telling the truth or lying about the card it's like i've got a bat here but i'm going to say it's a stink bug and that person who you gave it to has free choices they either call you out and say you're a liar they can agree with you and say you're telling the truth or they can look at it and then pass it to another player make their own claim about the cart and as it passes around the table you obviously run out of options but then there's so many different claims or maybe the same claim for the card everybody is just sort of out to get everybody else with their bluffing super simple but it's just so good because it's basically playing poker like repeatedly every 10 seconds or so as you finish one card you move on to the next and you start building up a kind of like a meta with players where you can tell that somebody's been lying all the time or somebody's really desperate to like really hone in on this person and it's especially great when somebody gets three or even two frankly of the same vermin in front of them because it's basically a giant target that appears on their head going kill me now because everybody starts throwing bats at that person because like they've got three bats there's only eight or nine in the game and suddenly there's about another 15 bats that have just turned up because everybody's trying to pass them about it's like i say it's dumb bluffing fun a lot of the times you can argue it's just guesswork there are some people i know who absolutely hate this game with the passion and i can totally see why but for me if i get a chance to pull this out with five or six players i'm like i need laughter in 15 minutes if that cockroach poker it is my number seven you would actually believe would be higher on this list but amount of times i've defended it to the hill saying that this game is not dead this doesn't replace this game this game is basically this mixed with this but this one is better yeah of course i'm talking about splendor [Music] get a job what's wrong with splendor splendor is a really cool filler length game four players i can have this game tall done and dusted in 30 minutes i mean with an ap player maybe it will take over 30 minutes but seriously most of the time i get this done in 30 minutes with four players less so with two and it's just super simple the bare bones engine builder game oh here's some cards get some gems buy the cards cards get you more gems use that to buy better cards and then eventually get to 15 points get a few nobles if you can for even more points super simple looks great granted the box is way too big it stores air but other than that it's still really good it's probably i think my mum's favorite game my dad enjoys it as well i can play it with my parents no problem granted i win 90 of the time i play it with them but still we can enjoy it and they get it they they may not necessarily understand some of the tactical nuances with it but you know they can still play it and have a good time loads of other games have tried to be like the next splendor i mean i honestly think century spice road is inferior to splendor the whole park's craze it's on at the moment it's splendor with dikaido is this although you have to assume that the two of them suddenly made the game 60 minutes longer this is done and dusted in 30 minutes you can't argue with that don't give me splendor in 60 to 90 minutes give me splendor in 30 minutes you know nice and fast i wish it was more portable by far and the expansion as much as the orient part of it is good is overpriced and mostly unnecessary but just basic splendor it's solid granted i've probably played it to death by now but i still have to give it perhaps that it is a solid filler that i enjoy playing and will take home every time i go to visit the family nice and simple nice and you know nice and pretty just bare bones engine building in 30 minutes what would you want okay now remember what i said about a really aptly named game with point salad well here's one of the dumbest names on this list yes this one almost shot itself in the foot with the name and it did and that is abyss colon conspiracy or is it no it's a conspiracy an abyss universe cool whip cool whip whatever like i said it's a dumb name but it is a cool filler game this is not a sequel or an expansion to abyss it pretty much is its own abstracted card game with the abyss artwork which does mean it's one of the most beautiful games on this list it looks gorgeous on the table with the square cards and that gorgeous artwork of all those like you know various fish-like creatures from the abyss universe game you know that this game the one yeah right down there the one i love to bits but this one is a cool little pyramid building game where you're essentially collecting the different lords of the different colors you build your pyramid you're trying to get sets of colors together each lord has its own little ability and point value and you score in a few different ways but the crux of the game resolves around what was in the bigger abyss version which is the idea of the how much choice do you want to give yourself versus how much twist you want to give your opponents you draw up to three cards from the deck and you pick one lord to put in your display but the ones you don't choose go face up for other people to pick which means that they get to decide well i could draw cards from the deck or i could pick all the blues that are there or all the yellows or that particular card that's perfect for what i need and you have to assume that the fact that you got greedy and looked at too many cards is why the opponents have a lot of choice get some keys and you can unlock locations that give you different scoring abilities or even some special abilities throughout the game nice and simple comes in a cute little tin if only the cards fit in it properly when it was sleeved seriously could you have not designed that a little bit better i award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul cater for sleeves with your card games people seriously but really cool little game not difficult to teach you know the the cold card system of i'll draw this choose one put it in your display there you go i've just taught you the turn sequence in about two seconds it's more a case of how the lords work and what you're aiming for because you score for pearls you score for sets you score for the individual lords the highest of each color and you score for the locations you've got four different ways that you can play this game for points and it's just a really solid and very underrated filler right my number five is the biggest game on this list by far and by big i mean big bucks because honestly it's bigger than most actual big bucks games it really is a big box and yet it's only a 30-minute filler why does that work well there's a lovely drafting game called seven wonders not talking about seven wonders i mean granted you could get seven wonders done in under 30 minutes although chances are it's gonna take a bit longer bear in mind you gotta teach the whole game and you've gotta set it all up seven wonders architects though the spin-off that came out last year is actually a really solid game and super quick and super simple the turns are literally draw a card play it down and resolve its effect well that's it nice and simple but the rules are easy to teach you've just got five or six different color types of cards and they take about a second to explain egypt at one market that's exaggerated but they take a few seconds you know here's the resources gold's a wild green get the symbols get this progress token military flip your you know flip these horn cards over and as soon as they all flip we have a little battle it's like it is really dirt simple but the great thing with this is that the setup is also really quick because all you do is you reach into the back you pull out this cool little tray has all your bits in it has your card deck you just go card deck bits into the wonder move the trade to the site and you're almost ready to start playing it super fast but it's still a fun little game i mean it's not going to be as in-depth for anything like seven wonders or someone to do but it's just something that can play up to seven players in 30 minutes nice and fast if you were now if you encounter analysis paralysis in this game you have my permission to boot them at the game because frankly how can you analysis paralysis in this game you have to choose between three cards two of which are face up it shouldn't be that difficult what is it like in your funny little brains it must be so boring but it's super fast the turns before you know it the tone's already got background to you and it's like oh i better pick a card uh i'll choose this one okay all right cool it's a military that's what i wanted i better take it i'll take this green one it's super super fast and yet for a game that looks like it should take 90 minutes for the size of the box it is a 30 minute filler at the end of the day i had i had skeptical thoughts going into it i got to admit i looked at this and i thought oh come on it's just going to be a spin-off or something not particularly interesting but boy was i surprised this is still in my collection and it's still going strong seven wonders architects my number four i talk about a lot on this show i keep saying how it's one of my favorite games one of the ones that you've got to get played it should be the number one on board game geek and honestly an evergreen from 2004 that's still selling like hot cakes today and still going yeah that saw the game should be number one not gloomhaven deal with it but seriously to get the right who hang another minute no not ticker to ride and i'm talking specifically about the small box ticket to rides these ones new york london amsterdam and new san francisco you only need to get one out of the four don't get greedy they're pretty much the same game except a slightly different map well kind of like the map packs really but these are great i was skeptical at first i thought how on earth are you going to condense ticket to ride that's already a short game down to like 15 minutes they're not joking this is literally a 15 minute filler whichever map you pick if you know the rules to ticket a ride you know 95 of the game before you've even opened the box it is that simple you just got to learn the minor scoring tweak and how many ticket cards do you draw that's about it everything else from collecting the cards and the locomotives or in this case buses or trams or or taxi cabs depending which one you pick but yeah it's it's literally ticket to ride in 15 minutes that simple there's not a lot else to say except now this is much more portable i mean it's not quite micro size but it's certainly more travel friendly but the idea that i can get the feeling of ticket to ride albeit not quite as entertaining as a big box version of ticket to ride but in a small box and do it in 15 20 minutes even with four players that's pretty impressive pick your poison london's my favorite and it's not because i'm in the uk i just think the map and the scoring condition on it i think is the best out of the three so far will san francisco beat it i don't know maybe i'll give it a try i mean let's face it they're dirt cheap they're easy to get hold of and they really do do the trick if you're a tick of the ride fan and you don't have one of these in your collection you're doing yourself a disservice because it does the job in fact use it as a teaching tool don't even teach someone the big ticket to rides teach them a small box version because you don't have to commit them for 60 minutes you can commit them for 15. if they like the small box ticket to ride and say that was quite cute can we play a bigger one hello it's like you know you can do that it works as a teaching tool it works for gamers non-gamers whatever this i'm so glad that i finally decided to get one of them in my collection and it really has done well i usually sometimes take it to the parents when i'm sort of passing by you know i can't take half of my games along with me and they've even bought it themselves and i've recommended it to others and people choose which map they like it's a really cool idea and it works and these are one that are certainly gonna milk this cash cow forever aren't they [Laughter] my number three is a recent game that i actually reviewed yeah and this one i had no idea what it was when i first found it it's like what's this game looks cool small box pretty ah poly almond knows hey haven't we seen about a million of these right now but fine i'll take a look at it but i've never heard of it it's probably gonna be pretty lackluster but maybe it's cute we shall see how dare you boy was i so wrong alice's garden is one of the best fillers you can get especially if you're into polyamino games four players and you'll still be done in 30 minutes i guarantee you it is so simple it's done that alice in wonderland theme to death yes but it works here it evokes like really nice artwork and for what 17 18 pound that you can buy this for it has some of the best production quality i've seen in the game of that price you've got embroidered green bags several of the lights five or six of them you've got all the different tetris polyamino pieces all with little square artwork on them yeah they're not particularly thick they don't need to be for this and you've got your own player boards that explain all the scoring conditions for each thing so chess pieces go on the path for more points get the roses and the bunch get the mushrooms into columns the trees into rows that sort of thing you can grab little bonus tiles and i love the core mechanic where the players choose a bag for a particular shape it's like i could do with a square right now so i'm going to choose a square bag lay out a bunch of tiles i'll pick this one do you pick this one you pick this one you pick this one and then there's one left and then the next player goes i fancy uh the t shapes now so i'm going to take this back lay them all out now you've got a bunch of t shapes and the square from the previous turn it wasn't taken and then people choose one next one next one next one and so forth and the game end trigger is when somebody can't legally place a tile so you're looking at the other players thinking well i can screw you over by taking this back so i know you're not really looking for that shape are you but i know a minute you can't legally place one that means the game's going to win now i need the or two i want to get more points i'd better choose a different shape then it's just a really cool easy system it's even called solo mode if you're that way inclined but honestly i'm probably gonna waffle on too much about it check out my review trust me this is the epitome of the definition of underrated hidden gem i was skeptical going in and i really should have been more open-minded about it in the first place because believe me it surprised me a great deal my number two is one of the most recent games i've actually acquired it took me a while to decide i don't want a copy of it or not but i thought you know what i like the predecessor of this not like are other games and then i thought let's check out z garcia's review and it's like whoa he really likes it i was appeared on a couple of top tens you know what i'm gonna give this one a look i kind of like sunset over water i think it's a really nice little pleasant game herbaceous is a cool little game you know very very simple very very light i keep it for like the newest of gamers floriferous on the other hand really has wowed me it's a solid filler now this one is cusping on the 30 minute mark but you are kind of talking about 30 minutes here including the teach because the teach doesn't take that long but four players you're oh you're getting close to that 30 minute mark but you shouldn't take any longer than that it will certainly take less with less players but this is a an upgrade the next step to herbaceous and it kicks it to the curb like hands down not to say it replaces herbaceous they are different mechanics but this one is the one i will pull out all the time basically you have columns and cards with all these different flowers on and if some of them have got little stones which is another scoring condition some are face up some are faced down but at the bottom of the columns there are scoring cards for the various flowers you know different days each year points for daisies point for lilies points for red points for yellow points for sane bugs points for different flowers etcetera there's a few other special cards thrown in the mix as well but the idea is is that you go through these columns front back front again over three rounds and the idea is that in turn order from top to bottom players have a pawn they choose a card they take it and the pawn goes where that space was and everybody does the same thing the last one is scrapped and now you have a new column to choose cards from except the turn order is now top to bottom in the order the pawns now stand so if you want to get a scoring card you're going to go last if you're willing to take a face down card you can go first a lot of the time but you got to consider not only what cards you need now but what card you need further down the line because you think i really need to get that scoring card later and i think you're probably gonna nick it so i need to go first in round three but that means i need to take that card is that all right do i really want that one and it's not rocket science but it's amazing how these little tactical elements have thrown in did i mention it looks beautiful like they'd go wee you're good looking oh it is really good looking i mean i think it's beth sobel again i mean seriously does this girl ever sleep it's serious her artwork is so divine when i see it on cards and here all the flowers are just there in all their glory it looks beautiful on the table super simple well produced in a small box it caters for sleeved cards although i think i have to take out the insert for the c card but still it all fits in there and this really surprised me i heard good things about it and i thought you know what i'm expecting to like it i didn't expect it to be one of my favorite fillers i want to pull out though it's just something i always throw in the game back in fact i took it to manacon took it to manicon we needed something to kill 30 minutes after we'd already played a reasonably mid-weight game i showed ferroferous and people got it they enjoyed it you know the points were tight at the end and it was just another surefire hit and before you know it you packed it away and you can get on with the next game in fact i would happily play this twice in a row i think it's just that fun a filler game seriously if you're looking at pencil first games their games are really you know they're really doing it for me in terms of being cool interesting fillers i mean sunset over water is a good game herbaceous is a good game a furiferous is a great game i'd quite like to try some other other stuff uh that skulk hollow one i've heard good things about i don't often get two players to the table which is why i've never really tried it but i'd like to try it now and if pencil first say they're gonna put out another filler game i'm interested you have my curiosity but now you have my attention now it was really hard to pick between this and floriferous and it's like oh you know what to pick from my number one recommended filler and it's like can i do shorter than peripherals is it one that i just think is like not only short and easy to teach but also really good fun and really innovative as well and that kind of was the pushing point i thought come on what's this one that's different and yeah i'm into trick taking games a lot at the moment and you can't deny for what can be played in anything from two minutes to 10 minutes if you want to just do a single scenario or just play it repeatedly for as many scenarios as you can fit in the time the crew is fantastic it's a great design the idea of like having the limited communication with trick taking at first i thought oh this is gonna suck because i hate the game i hate the mind and i thought here we go again except now we're doing it with trick taking how on earth is this supposed to work well i better shut up the next time i think that because the crew is great i have the space version i've sold it now so i could get the deepsea version which is better i mean they're pretty much the same game except i think the the scenario rules are better in deep sea so if you want my recommendation get that one the newest one but yeah even if you just get the other one second hand it's still a fantastic game the idea that the players have to win certain cards in the suits at different times or whatever the scenario prepares and there's like 50 different scenarios i'm sure there's probably some more fan-made ones out there but the idea that you have to handle cards and somebody will play like the six pink and you gotta think why did they play that do they think that i have the five pink that i need to win in which so do they why did they play that they know i can't win it perhaps they don't perhaps i should use my limited token to let them know that five is my highest pink can i play a different card now and then you play a card and then the other players got to get inside your heads it's cooperative play cooperative chick-taking with limited communication the weirdest concept ever and yet it works sublime it's definitely a game you want to pick up if you're a trick taking fan even if you're a co-op fan give this one a try granted it does take people maybe a couple of games to get used to the whole concept of getting in people's heads and the tactical nuances of why somebody would play a card or give me this piece of information it's not something you're going to pick up instantly but let's face it the game is over and done in about five minutes per scenario maybe 10 minutes max for a longer more involved one so take the time i mean in the space of 30 minutes you could play at least five games of this and teach the game before you need to worry about that sort of thing it really is a brilliant for the game not for everybody there are some people who can't stand it and i can kind of understand why you know if you're not a trick-taking fan you don't like the limited communication thing perhaps it's not for you but i'm definitely riding this tick um this ticket to right train i was about to say no i'm definitely riding this trick taking train right now cool try saying that fast when you're hot or drunk but it's just such a cool filler really enjoy it it was definitely this all floriferous because i must admit furiferous is really singing to me right now but honestly yeah the crew i mean if i didn't put the crew on this top 10 i'm pretty certain the comments would have roasted me alive you know because there's got to be a lot of fans for this but yeah the crew definitely number one so there you go my top 10 30 minute fillers all done within 30 minutes no matter how many players you've got and including the teach i had to specify that as a caveat because let's face it i had a pretty big short list with a lot of other filler games and no doubt some of you are going to be thinking come on what about all those two player games i mean what about something like this fox in the forest fantastic game that you can get done in 30 minutes yeah it's two player only two player only games for the most part will be less than 30 minutes because there's only two of you playing so i had to exclude two player only games from the list usually i'm in a situation where we're about to start a games night or finish a games night or waiting for someone to do something it could be anything as little as oh somebody's got to go move their car because it's in the parking meter you know what fine you go off and do that who fancies a quick game of hanami then you know it's just nice little breaks like that where you just want a pallet cleanser a zen-like game almost you know in certain cases you want something that looks good it's dirt cheap pretty portable that you can honestly call a proper filler game a lot of people will call things that are 60 minutes of filler game that is not a feather going poo poo that is a short length game but 60 minutes is not filler material okay 30 minutes is and i know there's some people out there that would probably argue that 15 minutes is a filler game although hmm teach and play in 15 minutes or less there's not many games that will do that i can think of a few maybe though like red seven for example i suppose ticket to ride the small box series you can legitimately get that done in 15 minutes if you're really quick but that would be a very tough list for me to make i thought 30 minutes was a little bit more reasonable but what are your thoughts i want to know get them in the comments as i said there are a ton of these out there i mean the sky is the limit when it comes to filler games but most of them have already sort of come and gone and you don't tend to hear about them as much they never get anywhere near as much buzz as other games and i want that to change because i love small filler games they're cute they're charming and they get the job done without taking up my entire evening and when i i'm kind of like a a variety as a spice of life person you know the longer and so bigger a game is the more it's got to work to entertain me for that like three hour period and of course all i'm doing is playing the one game during that time it's much more interesting for me personally to say right in the three hours i played this and then this and then this and then this and then this and then this all that variety all those different games i mean in three hours i mean i can play a ticket to ride game a trick taking game a co-op game a small little card game uh i can play splendor i can play polyamino game i can play a couple of party little party games bluffing i can get so many different genres and styles down done in the same amount of time with these small little box games they don't even have to be card games just small filler games then i can with some big grandiose euro and it's not to say i'm opposed to a big euro every now and again i mean case in point i played art nova twice on the weekend okay so i do love me a big euro every now and again but i also love me some small games now and again so that's it for me luke hector on this top 10 list if you like what you see then please consider thumbing up the video check out the patreon to help me with more review copies but for the most part consider subscribing to the channel and put your thoughts in the comments about the video about the games i've mentioned do you like these 10 do you hate these 10 why let me know but of course let me know your choice fillers get them in the comments and everybody thumb up those comments so that we can get people like an awareness of all these feathers because it would take me ages to cover the amount of filler games that are out there so i need your help until next time you can check out more content on the channel including the recent top 10 games that nobody wants to play with me that i did in a few couple of weeks ago and also when i talked about alice garden i mentioned another review you can go check out that review following the link take care and remember as always regardless of how long the game is at the end of the day it's only a game bye for now
Channel: The Broken Meeple
Views: 33,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top 10 filler board games, Board Games, Dice Tower Network, Luke Hector, Broken Meeple, Gaming, Reviews, Podcast, Top 10, Games, tom vasel, boardgamegeek, playthrough, top ten, cull, preview, gamer, top 10, top 10 fillers, top 10 filler games, top ten filler games, top ten short games, top ten micro games, top ten broken meeple, top ten dice tower, top ten dice tower filler games, luke hector, broken meeple
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 21sec (2061 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 21 2022
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