Top 10 Games We'll NEVER Get Rid Of

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all right last time we were here we talked about all the Regrets We had of games that we got rid of and shouldn't have yeah this time we're talking about games that we are never going to get rid of so that won't be a problem [Music] what's up everybody I'm Mike I'm Nick we are the brothers Murphy and yes it's time to talk about all these games that for for different reasons very different we're going to stay in our life forever I would think so I think these are one of strange Roberts yes and these are these are games that I think we can comfortably say we will never get rid of again unless something weird happens we each have our own list um because we were kind of talking about it and I was like a certain thing on Mike that I'm like I don't really necessarily agree with that and so we decided to make our own list but this is gonna be the top 10 games that we are never ever gonna get rid of unless we do and then they might regret it if you want to watch the most regrettable games watch the card up here because the point is subscribe thumb it up and then here's number 10. [Music] so my number 10 is my number 10 because it's the obvious answer it's a feast for Odin now the reason it's number 10 is not because I dislike the game it's like it's my favorite game of all time yes it should be a given that until that my opinion rapidly changes on it I'm Gonna Keep the game so that's why it's number 10 this is a worker placement game of course uh all about living in Viking culture and you are uh going around doing Viking stuff to collect ultimately the ultimate price that you then put into a board uh and you're trying to fill up your board you can explore Islands you're trying to fill those up you're trying to get sheds you're trying to fill those up you're trying to basically we're hoarders yeah we are I mean that's what it is you're stuffing everything that you know and love into tight compact spaces for what for points that's what it is so Feast for Odin is a game that I love I love the wealth of options that you have for Action spots I love there's so many Rockets to explore it never gets old because you can always explore a new strategy so if he's broken for me is an easy 10 because I'm like it's my favorite game it would be weird to be like I'm over it get out of here yes we have the expansion and you know it's expensive game I don't want to be a little weird yeah if you hear crying or fussing about that's my baby who's right right there the reality of doing top tens as a parent is that sometimes your baby uh has a big camera she doesn't agree with my uh my number 10 is a game called stop thief now don't click off the video because this one is a little vain but the main reasons honestly is because I honestly really like the game and I think it's a great game to play with people but we are also in this game restoration games who sponsor the brother for a long time uh surprised us they made a second edition of this game and they actually put us in the game and it's like that's the only game we're ever we're in we're not yeah we know any other games yeah and it's one of those things where it's like that's a really cool thing I said there's probably a vain reason would be cool like if baby Logan someday maybe has kids and I'm a great uncle and I could be like I'm in this game you know and he thinks he lives he lives in a word game I think he's really it's a cool thing so I think it's like even if I stop playing board games I think I'd keep this one as a Memento because like and I think it's a cool thing sure maybe it's a little bit of a vain reason but I think it's cool and also I also really really really really think it's super duper fun so this is a game where you are we're playing cooperatively you're getting sound Clues you're trying to track down these various villains who are out stealing stuff and you have to find them through audio Clues only it's a really cool really unique feeling game it's super super fun I really like it especially cooperatively and we're also in it which is really cool Southwest number 10. let's get number nine foreign [Music] 1893. this one is here for a couple different reasons one it isn't a relatively small-ish package that is a theme you'll see sometimes on this list if it's small not all of them some of them are big but nonetheless it's like this is that that's one thing but this is a game about the World's Fair and it's kind of an area control game where you have different parts of the world fair like like agriculture manufacturing different things like that and you're essentially putting out your supporters and you're trying to essentially win these cards um from this and I guess it represents you being you know the having the most Innovations the most influence all that kind of stuff and this is just I don't know that Mike and I love the theme World's Fair it's one of my favorite themes in all games maybe even my favorite theme I love World's Fair as a theme and this is a game we played like relatively early on with our friend Marty and we've just I've always just been very enamored with this game I think it's really cool all the different cards yeah it's got a great look all the different cards are inventions and things that were actually at the World's Fair so you can like there's so much information in the game and it's just I don't know there's just one of those games where like when I was going through my list I was like I just don't think I'm ever gonna get rid of this game I it's small it goes over well with a lot of different people it's an area control game that doesn't feel like particularly mean or like super in your face it's got a cool theme and I'm like you know what I just I don't think I'm ever gonna get rid of it I you know what man yeah it's been imbued with too many good vibes at this point to I yeah like it's it's it's got an important place it's kind of a weird choice but it's just like I just I don't think I'll ever get rid of it it's not yeah it's it's not the necessarily like splashiest like headliner mark key title but it's a super solid game that we really love and came into our life in an important time yeah I co-signed everything you said yeah that's a fantastic pick that's what number I respect that my number nine is uh rashes of the Ganges the dice Charmers this is where I'm like really I just yeah man listen it's a rolling right version of rajas of the gun which we love talking about that it comes in a package yay big it's a small box it's a lot smaller than Rogers you can put this in Rochester which is probably something we should consider it is a a rolling right implementation of rajes of the Ganges which is one of our favorite games yes uh and it's my favorite rolling rights yeah I didn't know that I didn't know that was your favorite I love it I think it's so fun because it feels like rashes of the Ganges it does that really well and that you're making little paths through these kind of provinces and stuff you're trying to get to these kind of ends of the path which give you bonuses and stuff you're trying to cross your wealth and your Fame and the rolling right version gives you the opportunity to just chain together crazy combinations of bonuses and things that are immensely satisfying things that we really really like so I'm like okay it gives me a similar feeling to rise of the ganji's in a much smaller footprint uh the Combos and stuff are something that it doesn't that Rochester laganji's doesn't quite have so it does something that's kind of it's used different yeah the Ganges comes a small footprint and really what this was to say is like if I was trying to Pare down stuff we're going to probably Pare down from different categories so maybe it's like we don't need so many rolling rights yes we're going to Pare down this is the one that's going to stay you know what I mean of that category is I'm like I just can't picture get rid of it you know that's totally fair yeah this is where I was kind of like I don't know if I agree with that but like especially because my stuff in the garage's box which I'm probably gonna do it's Mike's list so that works all right that's our number nine so let's get to number eight [Music] number eight comes in another small box it's one that's Cooperative that I feel like is a good way to teach a whole kind of sector of gaming I'm gonna choose the crew mission deep sea or the crew uh quest for planet nine uh but Mission deep sea is the better version and this is a Cooperative trick taking game yeah so trick taking is something that I think is a really I mean gosh it's such a classic card mechanic for card games there's so many trick taking games that just use a standard deck of cards you got hearts and Spades of course um and there's so many games that use trick taking and trick taking is really interesting because you have to learn how each one individually functions but you're essentially learning a whole new way to communicate you're learning a whole language and and there's this whole kind of culture around how people interact in the language that what you're saying what the cards what you're not saying when you say things yeah yeah yeah and that can be tough to dive into it can be kind of daunting and stuff especially if you're playing something competitive so I like that this game is cooperative because in between rounds after we play stuff if I have a newer trick taking player I can we can talk about like oh this is what I was trying to say with this I can help like access you know give people access to that language it's not that I'm some master at trick taking but like what I've learned I would love to impart um and it's just super fun it's immensely satisfying it's a fantastic challenge that has all these missions in Mission deep sea the way the cards work and the way the missions get assigned is just really kind of variable so the crew is something I think you can play infinitely yeah I like that's cooperative and it comes in a box this big it's 15 I'm like I'm just gonna keep that because I can put it in my back pocket like you know it's it's just again kind of we're thinking about in categories I'll keep District taking game over all others probably it's not my favorite shooting game but honestly if I had to pick one to keep I would probably pick this one yeah so that's why it's on my list I'm like you know what it's just kind of ticks off a lot of boxes it's not gonna take up so much shelf space that I ever be like if I get rid of this game everything opens up on my shelves I have room for 10 more games so it's like it's sticking around that's fair that's the crew mission deep sea my number eight is a game called baseball highlights 2045 this is a game about baseball and but baseball obviously in the future where cyborgs and robots play and Cyborg's like really good pitchers and robots are like really good they're incoming true man and yeah it was 24 they're supposed to have robotic umpires yeah I know they're already there I'm I'm bummed about that I like the human element of baseball but we that's a whole different concept Mike and I like baseball if you haven't noticed uh we're big Giants fans love love baseball and this is one of those games where we kind of like World's Fair 1893 when I was looking at it I was like I don't think this is gonna leave our collection and I honestly couldn't necessarily tell you why I just don't think it'll ever leave it's just one of those games where even if we don't play it for five years I think it would just continue to stay around yeah because this is a game where you're really simulating baseball where it's a two-player game and you're putting out a card and that card is going to be some kind of baseball thing it's going to have some kind of offensive capability like you're gonna hit a home run you're gonna hit a triple and it's going to have some kind of defense capability and then Mike then has to play a card to essentially counter that card and then threaten his own offense and so every card you're doing is both playing you playing offense and defense and you're just working off each other and it's very very tactical and you kind of know what cards they have because you can draft better players in free agency and so I know my car has that card but I'm like when is he going to play it should I play this card to try to bait him to play that card and then yeah there's so many like it's very very fun and but it's I think it's just because we love baseball this game has such a interesting theme around baseball and I think it just works really really well it's got a bunch of like little mini expansions there's like tons of variability in the game and this is just one of those games where I was looking I was like I I'm not gonna get rid of this game I don't think I'll ever get rid of this game barring something horrible happening it's also like you know it's going on the list I can't really tell you why it's just on there and so that's whenever baseball highlights 2045. I'm glad you're keeping it so that means that is number eight everybody let's hop into number seven [Music] this game when this game is here just for the memories and that is high society now I'm not saying Just For The Memories like I don't want to ever play it again I still want to play it all the time it's always creating memories that's the thing about it that's the thing is like this game just for us creates Memories the first time we played this game this is a little small little Runner kanitzia auctioning game it came out like 95 there's been a couple different versions of different art but it's an older game and it's just a bidding game you're just there's some kind of fancy thing out there it's High Society like perfume or like a dressage or going to Haberdashery or something like that and essentially you're bidding out cards you get one turn around and you basically have to outdo the person or what do you want to pay for that thing and then you get the card you get the points on that card Boom at the end of the game though Whoever has the most points win ex wins except for the person who spent the most money is automatically out so you have to have the most points without spending the most money just very simple very very good but we played this game first time at Dice Tower East at like 11 30 at night with Crystal Dax and Z Garcia it was dicer West even before his Dyson or west oh is it oh so now very good friends but we didn't really know them very well back then we played it and we were just all tired so we were just kind of like loopy and just playing and being like talking in like just horrible French accents and stuff and we're just dying laughing it's still to this day it's one of my favorite gaming memories and then we've introduced our brother and sister to it and they like they love the game every time we play it we get super Goofy and silly and this is just one of those games where I have so many memories with so many different people playing it that it's just it's just never gonna leave it's also this big which helps again put in your pocket but it's one of those games that's like so easy to teach you can bring out with so many different people and it just creates good times and for that reason I'm like I'm just never gonna get rid of it like it's just it's it's a good time in a box that's a good pick man my number seven is a game that you just talked about having a big Resurgence in our life this is Marvel legendary so that's interesting it's a deck building game why is it interesting thoughts on my list I know that's why we did different lists because I I honestly I would have thought this would have been on my list but not yours is why I the thing is man is it is really enjoyable we have been playing a little bit more recently and honestly it's kind of an investment at this point there's a lot of money on it we made a custom box I'm like I don't even know how we would get rid of it like it comes in a heavy a very heavy 30 pounds yeah it's like I don't know what to do with it anymore so you know but with that said it's like we also do enjoy we talked about recently maybe we should get caught up on the expansions and stuff because it is fun to have so many characters in the box so many yeah I know so many uh characters of play you can create these really fun combinations and it's a really fun kind of pure deck building game where the whole point is you get some stuff you get to buy better cars you get those cards you get to use that to fight baddies and then maybe get some money to buy better cards and on and on and on and so like to us like we were ever super into Dominion but we got into legendary because the theming was there so yeah it's kind of like I'm like not that I feel burdened with it I'm like I don't like I'm again no this 30 pound wooden box to a kid in the Boys and Girls Club be like God speed you're gonna be a board gamer like it's just not going to happen so legendary I feel like especially with your uh enthusiasm the Resurgence again I'm like and we've played so much of this throughout the year so again memories is upper attached to it and that's the thing you're not wrong it's just because we have so much of it's kind of like why get rid of it at this point we could play it forever obviously we have a lot of variability for the rest of our days so it's like yeah why not right that's kind of where I'm at with it legendary Marvel legendary great deck building game with your favorite superheroes yes that's number seven skit number six [Music] so my number six is a game that that we both really like but you really really like but this is one uh if nothing else is like I don't know if we'd find it again it's the prodigals club yeah I don't think it's a brand yeah the problems Club is a game from cge which is a follow-up to last will where you are trying to be just the worst person yeah you are trying to lose all of your friends you are trying to blow all of your cash and you're trying actively to lose an election yeah uh and that's a weird thing it's it's a weird thing so you have all these ways to go out there's this worker placement you get these cards to play and stuff that kind of boost your actions and things and you're and you're trying to just go around uh and be an embarrassment it's a general embarrassment General embarrassment uh because I guess it gives you pleasure in the game you have nothing to do you're like yeah whatever I'll just do this I guess this is meaningless you know uh and so you just want to be a boob out there and uh this is one that we had heard about we played last one we'd heard about but we couldn't ever find prodigal scrap and then we found it of all places in Chicago Illinois where way far afield and we went to this place called The Dice Dojo which was awesome and for being a small shop had tons of games they have this and they had progress Club were like we should snag him we should grab it anytime I've ever seen it in the wild yes that's true ever at a store yeah and so we're like we should snag it and I haven't seen it like be more available since and so if nothing else like it's a game we really love it's super unique we do we don't have any other game that is remotely like what you're doing theme-wise in that game it's interesting game play and yeah I just don't know if we'd find it again if we got rid of this so I'm not going to do that this would have been on my list if it wasn't on yours probably yeah it's again we did our top hundred last a couple years ago it was my number two game and honestly I still think it's gonna be my top ten I don't know if you're number two again but like it's one of my favorite games I love this game I think it's okay and we had a good memory when we got we're in Chicago having so much fun so again imbued with Good Vibes yeah number six is a game for me that kind of has a bunch of different reasons and this is gonna be the networks the networks is a game for multiple reasons one I love the theme it's about putting on a team you're running a TV network and the theme of like TV movies theater music for some reason are themes that do not get used in board games and I do not know what to expect there's so many different things you can do so many different mechanisms you can use in that I don't know why it's not used but it just isn't and so um I love the theme of this game and then this is one of those games that feels so dang unique in the game you are getting shows you're then putting like stars on those shows on ads on those shows which is how you get your money and your fine viewers you're trying to get viewers viewers are your um points in the game and then at the end of the round all your shows age because you're going through different seasons so they age to the next season which might be really good because they're like oh the show gets really good in season two and season three or it might be like wow the show jumps off a cliff in thieves the three and so you're constantly having to like manage your shows and switch them in and out to make sure you're getting the most viewers and every single part of this game every single action every single thing you're doing feels like you're running a TV network it feels like you're like oh yeah this is my action stuff and it just works on so many different levels it has such a cool theme it's got this really weird art style that works really well in my opinion all the shows are like parodies and puns you know like cringe instead of Fringe you know just like certain silly little things and it just works so well and I love so many aspects of this game that it's had to be on the list that's my number six Boom the Network's great pick yeah it's it's one of the more thematically and mechanically integrated yes I think so uh we're gonna go into number five want to take care of that Baboo [Music] foreign five is a game called Suburbia this is one of the first games one of the first modern board games I ever played I played with our cousin and this is the first game that I played that didn't have a board we played a couple of modern board games we played like Katan zombie side pandemic but all of them had a board and this is the first one I ever played that didn't have a board because Suburbia is a game where you're building out a suburb building out a city you're doing it with hexagon tiles and you kind of have like your little area where you can slot the tiles in and you're just building it out this is the first tile placement game we must have played yeah I think so yeah at this point and it was just like it blew my mind and to this day it's still one of my favorite games it's still probably my top 20 of all time I really love Suburbia and this is a game where again you're building out a city and just I was so blown away when we first played it because everything in the game just made sense because again you're building out a city so it's like if you have a fast food restaurant on the tile you want to put that next to a residential district because who's going to eat that probably families are you going right there yeah if you have a high school you want to put that next to residential district if you have a freeway tile you want to put that next like the Commerce station because who's using freeway people who are commuting to work and I'm remember playing it being like this just everything in this game makes sense every tile in terms like what bonuses you get for putting it where makes sense based off of whatever the title is and to this day I still think it is one of the best tile Lane games I absolutely adore it's the only game we ever got like a collector's edition of yep because we love it not that much it wasn't yeah so to this day I still absolutely adore it I don't think I'll ever get rid of it because I just think in terms of that of like thematically making sense just a really good tile placement game it's still just one of the best and one of my favorites and I really love Suburbia and that's what's number five boom great pick my number five is uh Shakespeare and this game is on the list a because I like the action selection kind of work replacement spots are really cool and this did a couple things for me one it was about the the theming of it yeah Shakespearean putting on a play and stuff which is something that I am very personally uh have history with but both doing plays and specifically Shakespearean plays so to see like the characters that are from these plays come to life in these cards and they're they're your actors and stuff was something I was like I didn't know that games could have like themes like that yeah that was a very New Concept I was like whoa this is like it feel feels Taylor Made for me yeah it really does and then the art in it is so amazing we've talked we've waxed poetic about the art in this game for so many years because I'm like it still holds up I'm like it's one of the best the character depicts and stuff I'm like the art in it is so good it's there's not many things that are above it yeah and that was also a first where I was like I didn't know a game could look like this because we played katana's zombie side and and uh pandemic and all those things like you mentioned I know those are bad looking games but this was another level of production we have your little theater and you're building out your sets and the characters and stuff looks so vibrant and cool and interesting um and so this was like one that really opened up my mind as well as like what a game could be and it's had some staying power and it's about a theme that I'm still very attracted to theater and stuff like that so uh Shakespeare's won that I I would hang on to it if nothing else just to be able to show like theater nerds in the future because I think it's so cool obviously with the backstage expansion which we talked about many times it gives a whole better yeah a whole nother life to the game um yeah I was just like that was the first thing I was like dang this is super cool yeah yeah totally uh if we can say that board games are cool uh I thought that was very cool that's my number five is Shakespeare all right let's get number four [Music] number four is purely to appease sponsor daddy JK we also really like the game it's the unmatched uh world uh similar to Marvel uh legendary at this point we have this great collection of unmatched stuff all these awesome characters and in this game you're choosing a character and they're gonna fight some other character you're trying to beat the hell out of each other yeah and be the one that comes out on top yeah and they have a mix of characters from IPS like Marvel and Jurassic Park and then the ones that we really gravitate toward uh are like the characters of myth and legends and stuff so it really is and Sinbad and Medusa all these people Little Red Riding Hood there's so many cool characters and of course the main thing we always talk about is the art is insane in this game they've had several artists that have come through a network regularly regularly on the game all amazing they all seem to fit in this greater Universe while all being themselves and they're having their artistic style of course like Oliver Barrett and stuff who kind of kicked it all off the Art's always amazing so every time a new set comes out out like I just want to see what the art is and it's like that game on top of being something we really enjoy playing is a straight up art collection at this point yeah and I want to keep it I want to keep collecting it so I can just go through all the art and show yeah people like look at all this stuff I think that's something that'll be really cool it's a really fun card driven dueling game yeah it's a great game on on top of that but I probably wouldn't get rid of either way every time I'm so excited by how they thematically make a character make sense with the card play and then what's that art gonna be yes because it's always it to me at this point like I'm like oh that's a cool character I don't care show me the art I want to see the art so bad the art is such a this game is brilliant in its own right but the art is such a yeah it's so good yeah right I think it's it's like you're collecting it for the art that's probably enjoy it also happen to love the game it's like yeah it really is yeah it's as simple as that a matched it's just it's awesome it's a game I enjoy and like it's hard to find better art in any game and now I have this this ongoing collection of of great artists yeah that's the thing is like you're you're going up against like one game or you can have like there's a lot of different match sets they all have incredible Arts like you're going to have that type of Juggernaut yeah yeah so I'm like I'm gonna keep collecting that that's unmatched all right my number four uh is a game I've had for a long time uh and it's just because it is just easy and chills the perfect like evening game and that is lanterns lanterns is a game I don't think I'll ever get rid of it's a relatively small game it's pretty darn easy so you can teach I don't know if I'd consider it like a Gateway game but it's like maybe Gateway plus you can talk to a lot of new people it's very very pretty it's got like best silver art it's a cool you're just putting out lanterns um you're putting out these lanterns tiles trying to match colors of lanterns together when you do you're also you're gonna get cards and then you turn those cards to make uh dedications to the emperor which is going to give you points and it's just it's just a cool game that's just relaxed it's just it's just chill it's just relaxed you just kind of hang out you know you're hanging out with some friends just playing game chatting it's just one of those perfect kind of like evening games to play with your partner or play with just some friends it just works and it's great it's an interesting concept of a game too because you're putting out these tiles but whenever you put out a tile there's four different sides of tile it's a square tile and basically whatever Lantern is pointing to you whenever a towel is placed you get a color of that Lantern so if Mike puts out a tile and the white lanterns are facing me I'll grab a White Lantern card so you also have to think about like you don't want to give people the cards they need to make the sets to turn them in to dedicate to the emperor and so there's definitely thought involved and there's definitely some like okay I'm gonna put this this way to make sure to not give you that thing so there's thought there's meaningful choices but it's just so chill so relaxed it always goes over well and it's just again it's one of those games where I'm just like it's not the biggest splashy game on here it's not like this thing I don't have like all these like all these memories and did I it's just like one of those solid games that won't leave the collection and that's that's what Lance yeah 100 it's like this is just a solid game that's not going anywhere I don't think ever and it's like the only reason why I'd get rid of it is like if we wore it out it was pretty worn out but it's like then I'd probably just re-buy it but lanterns is my number four it's just solid absolutely solid I love it ain't nothing wrong with solid yeah I love that that's number four everybody let's hop into number three [Music] Mike kind of mentioned this earlier is something that changed what you thought a game could be my number three is dungeon pets dungeon pets is one of those games that we'll play once a year maybe even less but this is a big thematic worker placement Euro game um and that it really changed my thought process on like what a board game could be mine too yeah I remember what distinctly remember watching Rado run through this game and give his uh opinion on it he like loves The Game and his wife particularly really loves the game and it's just like this is the game that made me fall in love with thematic Euro games which to this day I would still say is by far my favorite type of game as a thematic worker placement game is by far my favorite kind there are no other types of games there are none there's no other types of games but unless this is a game where you are it's kind of a sequel to the game dungeon Lords um and you basically are these little imps and you're running a pet shop and you're trying to raise these monster pets for Dungeon Lords who are coming through town and the dungeons Awards want all different stuff someone pets are super angry some are like Farmers they want a pet that poops a lot some like there's like an old granny dungeon Lord who wants to he just she just wants to take care she wants a sickly pet that she has to take care of it's just very very cute and the reason why it changed my thought process because this is a heavier game yeah you know it's a heavier game it's it's a big game there's a lot going on lots of decisions a lot to manage it's hard to manage everything because you have to take care of these pets and raise them in specific ways for these dungeon Lords but it's a game that does not take itself seriously and I had just never seen a game I had seen bigger heavier games there's other games I was interested in but I'd never seen a game that's like you can be a big game you can be a heavy game but not be not have a serious theme because this theme is straight up goofy literally poop is a big part of the game and you have to manage it resource effect it's literally a resource you have to either get rid of or keep it depending on what what dungeon Lord is out and it's like it's so silly and so fun am I talking about problems clubs kind of a similar thing where it's like it's a big heavy game with a silly theme and showing that you could do that and this really changed my whole perspective on like I didn't know you could do that I didn't know you could have a light theme on a heavy game and it's something I wish would happen more to be completely honest but yeah this one just it really changed my whole perspective on like what a game could be this game is still one of my favorite games so I absolutely adore it I love the theme I love the look just every single part of it it's so thematic everything you're doing makes sense within the theme and I was just like I didn't didn't know that games because you play Katan you're like I don't feel like I'm building the longest road it's just like it's just like whatever it's like this one I was like wow like I'm doing this like I'm raising this bet and I'm gonna I'm gonna sell it to this person right here it's just it's incredible dungeon pets is one of my favorite games I absolutely love it mad respect man and I fully agree uh my number three is not a game per se although it facilitates those games we have over the years collected cribbage boards oh I see what you mean um we so this is sort of Cribbage is the game but the cribbage boards specifically because I mean I think this main decks of cards may come and go but the boards will stay well that's the thing is like cribbage you need a board it's like hearts you just see a deck cards like with a cowboy yeah the board essential for the game so we have uh we've talked about this many times we have uh uh cribbage boards from our grandfather who made uh cribbage boards and lots of woodworking things uh when he was around so we have some of those those are obviously treasured you've bought me cribbage boards um we've been gifted cribbage boards like micro cribbage boards and this cool box scriptures from from followers of ours they are all special they all have meaning to them and like a cribbage board is something that like can can absolutely to me be like an heirloom type thing I want you know if you have a cribs board I want to pass on cribbage boards to Future Generations in my life it's so cool to have received some yeah from future generations and current generations and stuff in our lives so I'm in a position like we have I don't know six eight of them we don't need that many we need one but I'm not going to get rid of any of them because they're all cool and they're all different they all have a story to them uh and it's very important so that is one that I I just I couldn't ever see partying the thing is a single cribbage board if you for some reason stop playing board games completely forever you would still have equipment I still have a cribbage board absolutely yeah I would also have a garage for it yeah so there's literally one in my car yeah yeah and and like just yeah they're they're they're a meaningful thing to pass around I feel like and and especially from an older generation and so I'm excited to be able to carry that on yeah and I just uh we learned from our grandparents yeah and I love each of them for their individual quirks and things to them so uh yeah that's my number three it's just kind of like cribbage cribbage boards it's purely Nostalgia yeah um that's a great game but it's uh it's a great yeah yeah but like but the you know the boards of yeah again they're kind of heirloom pieces and stuff so that's my number three is cribbage slash cribbage specifically never getting rid of yeah you're right if I had to ditch everything else if the fire was happening I would grab my cribbage boys and get out and I wouldn't I would not let any of the rest of this I would not take any of it with me yeah I would take the creature Sports yeah it's true all right all right that's number three it's good number two [Music] my number two indeed is Justin Bieber's backstage pass I took in the thumbnail and he thought oh that's cheeky no this is literally my number two game that I'll never get rid of Wow Let's talk about that this game weirdly enough it is not a good game let's get that clear this is a Justin Bieber trivia game where you are answering Justin Bieber questions and or doing like Justin says like tell us about your favorite color stuff it's horrible but we've had a lot of fun with it because it's fun to play if you don't know any Justin Bieber trivia because it turns into this Marathon can you survive it's a really fun to play it's really fun to play because we just find ways to cheat until we get through it we've started to treat like a legacy game because if you win you get a quote from Justin Bieber and that's that's amazing and then we trash that yeah um but this serves a vital this game right here represents a turning point in our lives yeah the fact that we are making this video for you right now dear reader is because we made a video about this game once upon a time so we started off in our in our early career board gaming before we knew it was a career in board gaming it's true doing thrift store reviews for The Dice Tower we go to thrift stores find horrible games like this and then talk about them and this was like the third or fourth one we ever did I think it was the third yeah and uh up until that point they were fairly sober little reviews because they had to be quick breakfast and we're just taking it serious and stuff and then this one came along and we didn't even do anything like wacky with it but we started getting a little bit more colorful with our descriptions and a little bit more coming out of our shell and becoming who we just normally are uh by trashing this game and so we started keeping it and then people started saying like why is that on your shelf and the people have continued to say why is that on your shelf it's staring me in the eyes with Justin Bieber's cold dead eyes hold like 15 year old and uh it's really hurting my soul and so that made us laugh and so we've kept it but now is this has become a uh a physical embodiment when our life's changed forever because once we started doing reviews like this then the next video for the dice hour was a little bit wackier and then the next one was a little bit wackier still and then we were able to fully as merge as the people that we are and got the ball rolling so this game was a turning point this will stay in my life forever because without it we may very well not be here doing this and I'm so grateful to have this career and this job that we do and have the people here watching this and it's all thanks to the beeps and if I ever meet Justin Bieber I am going to tell him that he's going to be like what are you talking about I'm like you made this game he's like I didn't make that game I didn't know it existed but I did the agent signed up my number team and I collected uh money that's just your Backstage Passport game yes yeah that's my number two uh okay my number two is viticulture which is my favorite game of all time same game same game basically same game my my number two is viticulture I I toyed around putting it kind of later kind of like you do with fees for Odin but it's like the reason why viticulture is viticulture is man I mean there's there's a lot of different games that kind of caused us to Tumble farther into board games as our main Hobby and then eventually doing content and then making our careers all this kind of stuff but viticulture is my favorite game and it to this day it's one of those games that like I've never my life had a visceral reaction to like this where it was just like I saw it I saw like a picture of it on like BGG and I just immediately for whatever reason like I didn't know anything about the game I didn't really even know about like work replacement games for some reason I looked at and I went like that's gonna be my favorite game like I don't know there was something about it where I just immediately and I think I watched like I think I watched The Dice Tower review of it and they like loved it and that I just kept going farther and farther and again like I don't know why like I like the way it looks like I kind of like the kind of earthy greenness to it the theme is cool like we like videos like but the theme wasn't like anything like like we don't drink so it's like it's not like oh I love wine so like attachment this is like a cool thing because like we I like to drink wine and so like this is a cool game to play it's a hobby joining a hobby it's like no like I think Vineyards are cool I think they're pretty but like it was just there's something about the game where I was just had this like reaction to it where I was like I have to play this game I have to play this game I have to play this game and then we eventually just bought it and it's my favorite game and it has been more or less since the first time I played it and it's just like and then now we have viticultural world that just came out which we're really digging so now I'm just like man it's just cementing its place there yeah and it's just like it's just it's a game I'll never get rid of even if it does get the point where it isn't my number one game and I think there will be a time one day where it's not my number one game anymore but I just I can't imagine a time where I'll ever get rid of it because I have so much like a motion attached to it really just for like that reaction of seeing it and being like and then watching reviews and getting more and more investing and being like I have to get this I have to play it and then playing it and then it living up to the hype in my own head of being like Oh yeah no this is my favorite game that's right okay cool and yeah it's just it's it's amazing it's my favorite game of all time it's viticulture number two boom good pick we have one more each they're never leaving the collection though let's go to it right now [Music] foreign [Music] we don't play very often and never will play very very trash then uh probably trash probably will play like once every year and a half two years maybe this is war of the Ring yeah War of the ring is my number one and the reason why it's above viticulture which is my favorite game because it makes sense like oh your favorite game would be like you're number one right but in this one it's not and the reason is it's kind of like cribbage boards or whatever we're humongous Lord of the Rings fans our father is a humongous Lord of the Rings fan like we got Lord of the Rings stories instead of like fairy tales as kids like are lorries has been a part of our lives our dad read us Lord of the Rings when we were like babies you know it's just like like Lauren is a huge part of my life is my favorite story I read Lord of the Rings every single year love love love Lord of the Rings so this game it was like a whole journey I had heard about this Lord of the Rings game I saw a review of this game by Fraser McKenzie on the dice Towers till to this day my by far my favorite board game video of all time of any kind of board game video there'll be a link of it up here it's my favorite I love this video it's so passionate and I was just like kind of the same thing with viticulture I was like obsessed with I was like I need to find this game it was really hard to find at that point like really really hard to find and I like tracked it down I think I bought it like on eBay for like too much money and then we got it and it was like this big juggernauts Lord of the Rings in a box it's huge like three four hour game two players way too heavy all this kind of stuff but like it was the first game that I ever painted like I I painted this just not a small feat no it's got like 200 Miniatures in it it took me months and months and months and months and months of working on it every single weekend it's like it has so much tied in this game and the reason why it's number one is because I think if for whatever reason I stopped playing board games like I was like you know I'm done with board games I never want to play them again we've got other jobs we did other things I think I would St if I got rid of every other board game including like viticulture I think I would keep Lord of the Rings just because of what the Lord Rings tie for the Memento of it being a Lord of the Rings game I think it would still just sit on my shelf as this thing it's pretty cool it's kind of like a lord Rings memorabilia type thing I think it would be the thing that would never leave even if board games left me you know or I left board games or whatever it was a mutual breakup let's say I think warfing would stick around I think there's so much so many ties in with the theme and how much lorderings means to me and then the fact that it is an incredible game I mean it's a an incredible feat of a game where it is Lord of the Rings In The Box it's so incredible I painted I have so much tied into this experience in this game that even if I love board games forever I don't think this would ever leave I think it would stay there as like a Lord of the Rings kind of like memorabilia Memento thing and I think it just stay so the word I think it's my number one I don't think it's ever ever gonna go in even if we just like I don't ever play that game again it would just never go away 100 uh my number one is one that probably you could expect because it really is is the important game for both of us being here it's pandemic OG pandemic on the brink if you will yeah with that expansion but uh pandemic opened showed us the door yeah to this world showed us the store that we then cracked open and then kicked down yeah uh and then here we are yeah and um pandemic was to quickly tell the story again uh we played you were dating a gal at the time their family were board gamers um and we didn't know anything about the the expanded universe of board games and and how things had changed over the many years because we prior to this point had been all about hi-ho Cheerio and sorry and stuff yeah and then now uh we're playing this so on a New Year's Eve we're all hanging out and we played I don't know two or three four games like a bunch of games back to back a pandemic yeah and they had theirs all tricked out and it was super cool yeah and they were super into like the getting into the story of it because like the world's ending and things obviously a more fun theme in the past um and yeah it's a little real their enthusiasm yeah and and how they got into it made it so attractive because we were getting sucked into it now I was all invested in the stakes of the game and oh my God how do I get over there and I got to get to London and take a cube off and I got all into it as well and even though it didn't directly immediately become turn us into board gamers yeah it's planted a seed for the future that when we started to think about board games pandemic was the first thing on the list oh I gotta get that game pandemic it was so fun we played that one time yeah and like that obviously pandemic has has done has done this for many people and not just us we're you know just one among many but uh it was just such a fun time and it I think I think the thing that was important was that showed me that like this is such a fun social thing to do to connect with people around a table like that was the coolest part about it is that we were all investing the stakes together like oh my God are we gonna make it you know and that is why we love board games it's about the people the games themselves are cool they're great but they sit there on a table don't do anything they're not in Toy Story they don't come to life they don't do anything cool you got to have people with you around the table to make awesome moments happen to make awesome memories happen and something that to wrap up this list all the games that we have hung on to are ones that have emotional we have emotional attachment and memories too yeah it always comes back to the people it always comes back to who you're with at the table and sharing space and sharing time and that is what makes us love this hobby that's what keeps us coming back that's why we're gonna collect these games that's why I want to discover the next great game it's not because then I get to hoard this information because I want to share that next great game with the people that I love you know what I mean so not to get all mushy about it but like this hobby is important for us and so many people because they think it facilitates connection between people pandemic I mean what's going to bring you together more than like coming together to save the world that's like burning down to introduce people to because it's a theme that and again now it's a little more real because of coronavirus and stuff but it's just like even before it's just like yeah it's like you're trying to save the world it's a theme that everyone can get by it's like hey you got to try and save the world it's like let's get together and save it you know it's just yeah it's just it's everything back it's a co-op game that was new too yeah that is our list everybody uh we want to know though what are some games for you that are like I don't care what happens I'm not getting rid of this game or that game put some of your favorites down below but again specifically the games that for for whatever reason are never going to leave your collection you think yeah uh and we just are so curious those are ones for us and put your reasons why in the comments we'd love to hear the why because it's interesting because some of these are it's like there's the reasons like lanterns like it's solid it's just a solid game I don't think you'll ever leave it so other things they're so much more emotional and that there's so many other ties to it it just depends on the game it depends on who you are your kind of experiences yeah so yeah let us know down in the comments below uh yeah I really appreciate you here that's scrolling by right now you're going to see that we have our patrons growing by we do always like to shout out our patrons during top tens because patrons are awesome check out our link down at school people go check out our patreon today we do like a lot of q a stuff there we start trying to do some reviews over there that kind of stuff visual reviews but yeah this was super cool is it was nice last time to talk about like the games where you regret getting rid of and then this one is the games that will never get rid of you know it's like if our collection gets cold down to date day near nothing these 20 games will probably still be sitting there and so I reckon they would yeah so yeah so that's gonna be it again let us know down in the comments below your favorite games make sure to like this video subscribe if you haven't already we would really appreciate it turn on that Bell so you get notified when we have something go live we have a couple videos a week um and yeah and that's gonna be it I think that is it indeed uh we'll see you all next one also drop a top 10 you want to see in the comments below and until next time everybody I am Mike I'm Nick we are the brothers of America we'll see in the next top 10. bye everybody bye oh my gosh you just watched that top 10 and now you're hearing us Mike I mentioned unmatched you did in my list like is there some kind of statistical place in places with tournaments if you want to see people who are super good you can go to who's our July sponsor sometimes I thought you say gelatinous sponsor I will make no guesses as to uh the gelatinousness of those people our sponsors um League this is a place where you can go a website where you can go to find resources you can find statistics of people of like verified players yes so if you want to find like people who are really good unmatched go to stat sheets of like win percentages for different characters really really cool it's very very cool and it's it's just a cool place where if you want a deep dive deeper into unmatched that's the place um they also have a Discord it's just a really cool good community of people yeah uh and you know who facilitates unmatched our season five sponsor restoration games along with Lucky Duck games of season five sponsor and Board Game Geek where you learn about all these games you connect check them all out in the comment comments below and we'll see you all next time bye
Channel: The Brothers Murph
Views: 10,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board games, board gaming, table top gaming, table top, dice, board game geek, the dice tower, board game discussions, the brothers murph, brothers murph, brothers, discussion, board game reviews, review, Top 10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 44sec (2744 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 08 2022
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