BTD 6 BUT the bloons are on OUR side!

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the century-long battle between the balloons and the monkeys has been waging forever well actually just a century because that's what i just said but now it's time to turn their own people against them the balloons have been non-stop they've been coming wave after wave and honestly it seems like at wave 80 for some reason they just turn away and that's when they retreat it's probably a war tactic but either way today we're gonna be sending balloons back not with the necromancer not with the prince of darkness but the actual regular balloons so if you guys are excited to hit that like button subscribe to our notifications and ryan why don't you put it down and show us what's up dude oh buddy all right you ready bada bing bada boom okay so the balloon spawner the balloon spawner is cracked okay look at it look at it spawn balloons and just attack things okay first send me your money send me your money all of it all right first things first we gotta go bottom path because bottom path helps you spawn multiple balloons so now you see how we're spawning like three we're spawning regrow balloons camo balloons and normally what's going on so when the regrowths grow flat they can't do any damage until they reflate and regenerate and then they start but they're technically so you see how the other balloons get popped regens cannot be popped so they always go and then they just they regenerate dude extra damage to debuff balloons also games camo detection so now we can hit camo balloons gotcha really strong really really really strong we're going to want to go ahead i don't have enough for benjamin i'm going to i don't have benjamin so i'm going to send you money so you can put down benjamin we do however need to get some money okay because holy cow this thing is expensive sure seems like it bro are we gonna be able to win with only the balloon spawner we'll have to oh yeah i believe we can and we also need to save up money to get the balloon spawner paragon as well there's a paragon for this thing there's there's a paragon and it spawns spawns the blues yeah yeah how great no no not just any balloon areas it spawns the elite blueness oh my gosh my guy that's actually like that's legit insanity dude it's really strong it's real i lit i had this and i put it against the lich and it just absolutely destroyed it you did it against the lich boss yeah it was and this thing just absolutely annihilated dude that's actually amazing okay well we definitely want to make sure we can get the middle path as quickly as possible for the balloon spawner because it gives us an ability called the rainbow rush and allows us to like rush rainbow balloons and we need that to be able to take out moab class balloons okay so we need that before round four yeah that's that's the plan so right now i think we want to just be siphoning you like as much money as possible so we can get this banana farm up and running mainly so you don't have to worry about like moving over and trying to get the uh no i'm actually doing it the proper way man i know it's it's more annoying but i'm actually not getting marketplace right off the bat instead i'm actually just getting greater production you know what i i respect that okay much better in the long run this always cracks me up just because like it's so confusing because you just see like all these balloons going in different direction and they're just like randomly popped you don't know which one's on your way right [Music] you should send me the money that you have just because like some of the balloons are getting by thank you i appreciate it i want to be i was just about to get upgraded i know i know i know i resp i respect it though but i don't i need to get i need to get both of those and because that's going to help out so much you have no idea there we go thank you all right you can have 300 back how about that just like that just for you but like look at this now the balloons actually are gonna have a much much harder time actually getting by now you're right you're right dude you're right i'd say i'd say only about like 25 are getting by right now so that's not bad because 75 can still subscribe to the tuber channel did you guys know that 75 of the people watching are not subscribed to the tuber channel well if you are that 75 you could help us out immensely by just hitting that subscribe button one second for you life-changing for us anyways i say with the i'm just gonna ignore what you said anyways but i say with the balloon spawner if the balloon spawner the balloons get to the end on our side we gain lives dude that would be amazing bro wait is that actually how it works no it's not no that's no that's not how it works that would be pretty cool if it was though i would like that there we go we just gotta keep putting more of these down we just gotta get some more balloons i got you so what happens if we put a village down like would that help or does do anything probably not the village will help the village really if we it well if we put the village down and it didn't and we didn't go bottom path it would allow them to hit camos and i'm pretty sure if we do like top path village it'll allow them to attack faster oh oh oh oh oh oh oh that's okay that's okay that's okay we're fine we're losing a couple lives though you sure i could get another one down no it's okay well they're not even gonna break through the top i just need to get this banana research facility already my guy like that's all i care about yeah i think that's what we should really just like if we focus entirely on that we're gonna be in a good spot you have nine thousand dollars i guess we can get it i guess i could get a bank though because i mean benjamin gives a boost to banks it's not worth it with cross path it's not worth it don't kid yourself you're just you're just trying to take the easy way out of saving the 20 dollars of course i'm trying to take the easy way out i know i i i'm not blaming you i respect it i would be doing the same thing but i have to be the voice of reason now you're right you're right oh all right you have to send me a little bit more money i need to put down i need to put down another one thank you all right i'm gonna do oh i need a little bit more money i need a little bit more money you know i was like three-fourths of the way to getting it and now i'm less than half again yeah i understand but now i have but now look now we're spawning ceramic balloons and the ceramic balloons just yeah yeah okay they're here i really just want to get this banana research facility i know i know you want to get the banana research facility okay i know you're just halfway we're almost halfway again wow that's crazy dude yeah how's your day been going my day has been going great i got a friend coming in to come visit so i woke up early got all my videos filmed then i cleaned my house because it was really dirty and then i played pokemon so that's how my day went that is a really nice day like so far how was that how was your day going not bad um i woke up in a cold sweat took a shower and uh i'm now i'm here i'm probably gonna go get a burrito after this so so you woke up in a cold sweat and then you got in the showers you could have hot sweat yeah pretty much yeah yeah okay and then yeah i'm probably gonna get some tacos or burrito after this treat myself you want to taco about it not with that attitude no because that's just the way the banana peels ryan that's just the way the banana peels we are so close you're like there you go you have almost 19 000. we're so close we're so close before around 40. like we we need like ten thousand i got it i got it i got it i got it i got it we're good okay okay yeah we need this it's not just like stiffen me your money back yep yep yeah here we go hopefully we get enough dude we'll have enough rounds we only have three rounds faster yeah i only need i only need six thousand dollars we will definitely have it okay you don't have to send me money down aggressively all right i got it i got i got i got more money i'm not good period you can start putting down more banana farms now or because they're bananas you're right because now i have i have the rainbow rush ability which is going to be crucial for taking out this pesky balloon my friend absolutely crucial okay beautiful so you okay so you're good now yeah you have it we're all we don't worry we're good we're good for around 40. because now i can just push this button and we'll rush them with rainbow balloons okay we can take a deep breath ladies and gentlemen come on jamie dude sometimes oxygen is just the best drink yeah here we go rainbow rush boom gold my rainbow balloons oh that's here oh wow okay yeah no that's actually overpowered so we didn't even need to worry did you send a moab yourself or was that the no no okay that was the wrong 40 milliwatt you gotcha all right i'm almost ready to send them myself though you can send moabs yourself like other i thought it just like oh yeah because it goes ddt's and then all that right right yeah well so the middle path is is the ddt rush so that upgrades we don't need that yet oh no it doesn't work for the mod no we yeah we have that turned up because otherwise it just goes absolutely bonkers that would be bad that's okay i'm actually i'm getting closer to being able to uh oh oh are we okay here yeah we're okay there we go that was really close that was a really close okay i am there you go ryan here you go oh thank you thank you now we can start sending moabs out of look yes oh wow that move kind of got wrecked oh wait no it's like disappearing and oh no those are new moabs yeah it's really strong yeah bowmob's really strong i need another 17 000 and then i'll be able to start sending bfbs at them right here you go bro here's literally 17 000 right there perfect all right now we can now we're like look at that we could just set b oh we got the guaranteed dub we got a guaranteed i mean literally yeah so if we send a bfb and then we fight a bfb who would win would it would it be a tie like a perfect time uh i think i think the enemy bfb i don't know i actually have no idea exactly how it works but we also we also send fortified moabs as well okay and what's really and what's really cool about it is that it actually pushes balloons back so like it pushes moabs and bfb's back and like shoves oh that's because it's like going up against them so it works out really really well okay i got you i got you right and then if i get as soon as i get can get 162 000 then we can start sending balloon areas boss boss balloons okay so all yeah all i'm gonna literally do i guess yeah so i don't need to get banana central i'll probably just yeah no no you need to get banana central wait really because we only need uh we're getting a paragon dude it's 300 000. i'm gonna need to get things down too huh okay so yeah yeah we will get banana central that means i'm actually just gonna get a couple more banks down probably i mean this pair of guns only three hundred thousand dollars so it's not like a million dollars that's true but how much does it cost to even upgrade these things because i've got a t5 all mine as well are they expensive uh yeah they're kind of little oh oh oh oh oh oh i'm shutting down oh oh i need them oh here's money you want to use money there you go that no it's fine all i needed was to give him that um yeah yeah i just needed to put a village down so that way this guy can hit camo you had me scared homie i i just wanted to keep you entertained you know oh no these reinforced mobs are ours i was like dude we better yeah no these are our reinforced moabs it's nice having them on our side isn't it i know right now literally like i was shutting down thinking that they were against us and i was like no dude that can't be the way the banana peels not like this ryan oh yeah you're making big money i don't even think you need to like upgrade anything fine i know i just wanted to do it for the satisfaction of it if you want to do it for the satisfaction it only makes like how much more like less than 100 more each time it's not even that yeah it's like way less all right okay it's like 80 dollars more so here here why don't you go ahead and do all your stuff first and then and then there we go ready boom baby it is yeah yeah that's huge that's huge did you do it not not i know i know i only got the first upgrade for the balloon areas boom no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no moabs are like trying to poke in there they're like come on yeah look at this look at him go look at him go all right there's that there's noobs nightmare and then i need one more and i can go ahead and oh whoopsies okay there we go boom got it all right you can start getting all your upgrades all right i ended up doing it for the satisfaction ryan i did it i i i knew you weren't like i knew i knew there was i wasn't going to give you the approval because i knew you would do it anyway as a matter of fact for for for the just to fill in the gaps i have to put this one down i understand no i i understand cool now i could get all my balloon spawners down and if you guys are enjoying this video and you are excited to see this paragon of course you know we're gonna have to go all the way to the bad hit that like button subscribe turn on notifications seriously we appreciate all of your guys support lately you guys are awesome and uh at the time of recording this video we are so so close to 100 000 subscribers and that is absolutely unreal so thank you guys for all the support and i can't i can't fit a balloon spawner in that top little triangle dude yeah are you serious right now i'll never forget no bro no way look it doesn't even get close to fitting don't even try that i like how you put the village down what was the point in the village so that we didn't lose no dude you're you're a punk do you remember that time where you go hey we're losing and the camels are getting by so i had to put it down with camera detection so we didn't lose yeah that's why i don't know which time i did oh okay okay yeah that makes sense how are you doing yeah you got some money yeah let's get the let's get the t5s on all these oh you know i'm going for it dude you know it all right so i got uh top path bottom path and i got to go middle path here middle pad there boy all right yeah baby let's go that means all right dude let's do it let's do it so you're gonna paragon it yeah okay i actually think we'll have enough right now yeah we do you ready okay go ahead all right we're paragoning it three two one let's go boop and now we win dude oh they're just going in the blue narration areas dude it's doing a buck bang right now bro yeah yeah it's literally just it it doesn't care this thing this thing just eats everything in its path like this is actually literally everything it just eats it dude and will we just keep sending a new one every single time like endlessly yeah wow endlessly yeah this no this thing is unlike actually unbeatable just look at that boa abs just doesn't care dude it eats through everything we have a level 63 paragon that's crazy i didn't think we were going to get above like a 49 or 50. no 68. it's real it's really really strong oops look at it look at it just go so i we're eating we're destroying these balloons so quickly let's skip ahead to round 80 for the zoe mg okay i'm down we are almost at round 80 and something that i've realized ryan is that i'm hearing a lot of hero sounds for no reason i don't i don't know why it's just something that's just like i i don't they explained it to me and then i was like oh yeah that makes sense at the time but i have the memory of a goldfish even though the the hero sound is clean cuts cuts like a tomato so like there it is oh i guess that one didn't make any sense but there's one where they're like clean cuts cuts like a tomato you know so i guess it kind of makes sense because it's glunarius and he's like chopping them up right so yeah sure i mean yeah yeah i guess yeah for sure yeah we're about to face off against this omg let's go ahead and see how we're about to finish all right here we go i'm [Music] fares against blue narius lunaris is gonna be looking down like nah kid not today but we'll see how quickly lunarians can handle it dude it's like the cookie monster except it's the balloon monster dude the balloon monster bro the blue monster okay so uh wait those are the ddt's wait what those are the ddt's that was the ddt rush bro can anything stop lunarians like what even could stop boon areas i have no idea not nothing not much i don't think anything stops the lunarius and like it spawns lunarius like so fast that you would need literally like i don't even know if like round 200 could be like this this paragon like it's just so i'm saying even one blueness like could like i guess another blunarious right maybe maybe like maybe but like look at this thing this thing just eats it just eats the balloons they get pushed back they're like whoa whoa give us our space man like just got to a million just got to him yeah it's disgusting i can't wait to see it up and going see it go up against the ba it's gonna be absolutely destroyed oh here we go here we go let's go oh oh it had to spawn another one it actually had to spawn another blue nary in order to stop it bro i feel like it it spawned it like behind the bad though it didn't even spawn it in front i feel like it would spawn it in front it would have completely wiped it out that went all the way through it i think the b80 had enough health where it actually was able to take enough damage and go through the balloon areas and then just need to face another one i i think it's good for that either way that was insane thank you guys so much for watching if you guys did enjoy you know what to do with that like button subscribe turn on notifications thank you you youtubers for all the support as always like i said your youtubers we're tuber and this has been a balloon cd6 video we'll see you next time bye
Channel: Tewbre
Views: 810,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tewtiy, favremysabre, sabre, gaming, games, game, showcase, challenge, modded, mods, mod, gameplay, vanilla, playthrough, comedy, video, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, no cursing, no swearing, video games, let's play, lets play, cursed mods, bloons, bloons tower defence, bloons tower defence 6, btd 6, btd 6 but the bloons are on our side, modded bloons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 10 2021
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